Exemple #1
        internal static SongSection[] Parse(Sng2014HSL.SectionSection sectionSection)
            var songSections = new SongSection[sectionSection.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < sectionSection.Count; i++)
                var songSection = new SongSection();
                songSection.Name      = sectionSection.Sections[i].Name.ToNullTerminatedAscii();
                songSection.Number    = sectionSection.Sections[i].Number;
                songSection.StartTime = sectionSection.Sections[i].StartTime;
                songSections[i]       = songSection;
Exemple #2
        internal static SongSection[] Parse(List <DLCPackage.Manifest.Section> manifestSectionList)
            var songSections = new SongSection[manifestSectionList.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < manifestSectionList.Count; i++)
                var songSection = new SongSection();
                songSection.Name      = manifestSectionList[i].Name;
                songSection.Number    = manifestSectionList[i].Number;
                songSection.StartTime = manifestSectionList[i].StartTime;
                songSections[i]       = songSection;
        public Song2014(Sng2014HSL.Sng sngData, Attributes2014 attr = null)
            Version    = "7";
            CrowdSpeed = "1";

            if (attr != null)
                // If manifest is passed, fill general song information
                Title                  = attr.SongName;
                Arrangement            = ((ArrangementName)attr.ArrangementType).ToString();
                Part                   = (short)attr.SongPartition;
                Offset                 = (float)attr.SongOffset;
                CentOffset             = Convert.ToString(attr.CentOffset);
                SongLength             = (float)attr.SongLength;
                SongNameSort           = attr.SongNameSort;
                AverageTempo           = attr.SongAverageTempo;
                Tuning                 = attr.Tuning;
                Capo                   = Convert.ToByte(attr.CapoFret);
                ArtistName             = attr.ArtistName;
                ArtistNameSort         = attr.ArtistNameSort;
                AlbumName              = attr.AlbumName;
                AlbumNameSort          = attr.AlbumNameSort;
                AlbumYear              = Convert.ToString(attr.SongYear) ?? "";
                AlbumArt               = attr.AlbumArt;
                ArrangementProperties  = attr.ArrangementProperties;
                LastConversionDateTime = attr.LastConversionDateTime;

                ToneBase = attr.Tone_Base;
                ToneA    = attr.Tone_A;
                ToneB    = attr.Tone_B;
                ToneC    = attr.Tone_C;
                ToneD    = attr.Tone_D;
                Part                   = sngData.Metadata.Part;
                SongLength             = sngData.Metadata.SongLength;
                Tuning                 = new TuningStrings(sngData.Metadata.Tuning);
                Capo                   = (byte)((sngData.Metadata.CapoFretId == 0xFF) ? 0x00 : sngData.Metadata.CapoFretId);
                LastConversionDateTime = sngData.Metadata.LastConversionDateTime.ToNullTerminatedAscii();

            Tones = SongTone2014.Parse(sngData.Tones, attr);
            if (attr == null)
                // Fix tones slots for fake tone names if manifest was not entered
                foreach (var tone in Tones)
                    if (tone.Name.EndsWith("_0"))
                        ToneBase = tone.Name;
                    if (tone.Name.EndsWith("_1"))
                        ToneA = ToneBase;
                        ToneB = tone.Name;
                    if (tone.Name.EndsWith("_2"))
                        ToneC = tone.Name;
                    if (tone.Name.EndsWith("_3"))
                        ToneD = tone.Name;

            //Sections can be obtained from manifest or sng file (manifest preferred)
            Sections = (attr != null) ? SongSection.Parse(attr.Sections) : SongSection.Parse(sngData.Sections);

            //Can be obtained from manifest or sng file (sng preferred)
            Phrases          = SongPhrase.Parse(sngData.Phrases);
            PhraseIterations = SongPhraseIteration2014.Parse(sngData.PhraseIterations);

            //Can be obtained from manifest or sng file (combined preferred)
            ChordTemplates = SongChordTemplate2014.Parse(sngData.Chords); // Only SNG have all ChordTemplates, manifest have only chord templates with name
            if (attr != null)
                SongChordTemplate2014.AddChordIds(ChordTemplates, attr.ChordTemplates); // Only manifest has chordIds

            //Only in SNG
            Ebeats    = SongEbeat.Parse(sngData.BPMs);
            StartBeat = sngData.BPMs.BPMs[0].Time;
            Events    = SongEvent.Parse(sngData.Events);
            Levels    = SongLevel2014.Parse(sngData);

            //Not used in RS2014 customs at this time. Need to check official files
            NewLinkedDiff         = SongNewLinkedDiff.Parse(sngData.NLD);
            PhraseProperties      = SongPhraseProperty.Parse(sngData.PhraseExtraInfo);
            LinkedDiffs           = new SongLinkedDiff[0];
            FretHandMuteTemplates = new SongFretHandMuteTemplate[0];
            TranscriptionTrack = TranscriptionTrack2014.GetDefault();
 internal static SongSection[] Parse(Sng2014HSL.SectionSection sectionSection)
     var songSections = new SongSection[sectionSection.Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < sectionSection.Count; i++) {
         var songSection = new SongSection();
         songSection.Name = sectionSection.Sections[i].Name.ToNullTerminatedAscii();
         songSection.Number = sectionSection.Sections[i].Number;
         songSection.StartTime = sectionSection.Sections[i].StartTime;
         songSections[i] = songSection;
     return songSections;
 internal static SongSection[] Parse(List<DLCPackage.Manifest.Section> manifestSectionList)
     var songSections = new SongSection[manifestSectionList.Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < manifestSectionList.Count; i++) {
         var songSection = new SongSection();
         songSection.Name = manifestSectionList[i].Name;
         songSection.Number = manifestSectionList[i].Number;
         songSection.StartTime = manifestSectionList[i].StartTime;
         songSections[i] = songSection;
     return songSections;