Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the notes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableData">The table data.</param>
        public void MapNotes( IQueryable<Row> tableData )
            var lookupContext = new RockContext();
            var categoryService = new CategoryService( lookupContext );
            var personService = new PersonService( lookupContext );

            var noteTypes = new NoteTypeService( lookupContext ).Queryable().AsNoTracking().ToList();
            var personalNoteType = noteTypes.FirstOrDefault( nt => nt.Guid == new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.NoteType.PERSON_TIMELINE_NOTE ) );

            var importedUsers = new UserLoginService( lookupContext ).Queryable().AsNoTracking()
                .Where( u => u.ForeignId != null )
                .ToDictionary( t => t.ForeignId, t => t.PersonId );

            var noteList = new List<Note>();

            int completed = 0;
            int totalRows = tableData.Count();
            int percentage = ( totalRows - 1 ) / 100 + 1;
            ReportProgress( 0, string.Format( "Verifying note import ({0:N0} found).", totalRows ) );
            foreach ( var row in tableData.Where( r => r != null ) )
                string text = row["Note_Text"] as string;
                int? individualId = row["Individual_ID"] as int?;
                int? householdId = row["Household_ID"] as int?;
                var noteTypeActive = row["NoteTypeActive"] as Boolean?;

                bool noteArchived = false;
                if ( row.Columns.FirstOrDefault( v => v.Name.Equals( "IsInactive" ) ) != null )
                    /* =====================================================================
                    *  the NoteArchived column *should* work, but OrcaMDF won't read it...
                    *  instead check for a manually added column: IsInactive int null
                    *       var noteActive = row["NoteArchived"] as Boolean?;
                    *       if ( noteActive == null ) throw new NullReferenceException();
                    /* ===================================================================== */
                    var rowInactiveValue = row["IsInactive"] as int?;
                    noteArchived = rowInactiveValue.Equals( 1 );

                var personKeys = GetPersonKeys( individualId, householdId );
                if ( personKeys != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( text ) && noteTypeActive == true && !noteArchived )
                    DateTime? dateCreated = row["NoteCreated"] as DateTime?;
                    string noteType = row["Note_Type_Name"] as string;

                    var note = new Note();
                    note.CreatedDateTime = dateCreated;
                    note.EntityId = personKeys.PersonId;

                    // These replace methods don't like being chained together
                    text = Regex.Replace( text, @"\t|\&nbsp;", " " );
                    text = text.Replace( "&#45;", "-" );
                    text = text.Replace( "&lt;", "<" );
                    text = text.Replace( "&gt;", ">" );
                    text = text.Replace( "&amp;", "&" );
                    text = text.Replace( "&quot;", @"""" );
                    text = text.Replace( "&#x0D", string.Empty );

                    note.Text = text.Trim();

                    int? userId = row["NoteCreatedByUserID"] as int?;
                    if ( userId != null && importedUsers.ContainsKey( userId ) )
                        var userKeys = ImportedPeople.FirstOrDefault( p => p.PersonId == (int)importedUsers[userId] );
                        if ( userKeys != null )
                            note.CreatedByPersonAliasId = userKeys.PersonAliasId;

                    int? matchingNoteTypeId = null;
                    if ( !noteType.StartsWith( "General", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) )
                        matchingNoteTypeId = noteTypes.Where( nt => nt.Name == noteType ).Select( i => (int?)i.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                        matchingNoteTypeId = personalNoteType.Id;

                    if ( matchingNoteTypeId != null )
                        note.NoteTypeId = (int)matchingNoteTypeId;
                        // create the note type
                        var newNoteType = new NoteType();
                        newNoteType.EntityTypeId = personalNoteType.EntityTypeId;
                        newNoteType.EntityTypeQualifierColumn = string.Empty;
                        newNoteType.EntityTypeQualifierValue = string.Empty;
                        newNoteType.UserSelectable = true;
                        newNoteType.IsSystem = false;
                        newNoteType.Name = noteType;
                        newNoteType.Order = 0;

                        lookupContext.NoteTypes.Add( newNoteType );
                        lookupContext.SaveChanges( DisableAuditing );

                        noteTypes.Add( newNoteType );
                        note.NoteTypeId = newNoteType.Id;

                    noteList.Add( note );

                    if ( completed % percentage < 1 )
                        int percentComplete = completed / percentage;
                        ReportProgress( percentComplete, string.Format( "{0:N0} notes imported ({1}% complete).", completed, percentComplete ) );
                    else if ( completed % ReportingNumber < 1 )
                        SaveNotes( noteList );

            if ( noteList.Any() )
                SaveNotes( noteList );

            ReportProgress( 100, string.Format( "Finished note import: {0:N0} notes imported.", completed ) );
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the individual contact notes where IndividualId isn't null and Contact Note isn't null
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableData">The table data.</param>
        private void MapIndividualContactNotes( IQueryable<Row> tableData )
            var lookupContext = new RockContext();
            var categoryService = new CategoryService( lookupContext ); // not sure this is being used.
            var personService = new PersonService( lookupContext );

            var noteTypes = new NoteTypeService( lookupContext ).Queryable().ToList();
            int noteTimelineTypeId = noteTypes.Where( nt => nt.Guid == new Guid( "7E53487C-D650-4D85-97E2-350EB8332763" ) )
                .Select( nt => nt.Id ).FirstOrDefault();

            var importedUsers = new UserLoginService( lookupContext ).Queryable()
                .Where( u => u.ForeignId != null )
                .Select( u => new { UserId = u.ForeignId, PersonId = u.PersonId } )
                .ToDictionary( t => t.UserId.AsType<int?>(), t => t.PersonId );

            var noteList = new List<Note>();

            int completed = 0;
            int totalRows = tableData.Count();
            int percentage = ( totalRows - 1 ) / 100 + 1;
            ReportProgress( 0, string.Format( "Verifying individual contact note import ({0:N0} found).", totalRows ) );
            foreach ( var row in tableData )
                string text = row["IndividualContactNote"] as string;
                string confidentialNote = row["ConfidentialNote"] as string; //Check if they want me to convert confidential notes.
                int? individualId = row["IndividualID"] as int?;
                //int? householdId = row["Household_ID"] as int?;
                int? personId = GetPersonAliasId( individualId, null );
                if ( personId != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( text ) )  //As long as individual Id is not null and Note isn't null or empty string
                    int? userId = row["UserID"] as int?;
                    if ( userId != null && importedUsers.ContainsKey( userId ) ) //As long as UserId is not null
                        DateTime? dateCreated = row["IndividualContactDatetime"] as DateTime?;
                        string noteType = row["ContactMethodName"] as string;
                        int? individualContactId = row["IndividualContactID"] as int?;

                        var note = new Note();
                        note.CreatedByPersonAliasId = (int)importedUsers[userId];
                        note.CreatedDateTime = dateCreated;
                        note.EntityId = personId;
                        note.Text = text;
                        note.ForeignId = individualContactId.ToString(); //will use this for checking existing notes.

                        if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( noteType ) )
                            int? noteTypeId = noteTypes.Where( nt => nt.Name == noteType ).Select( i => (int?)i.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                            note.NoteTypeId = noteTypeId ?? noteTimelineTypeId;          //since Contact Type in F1 is not the same as the DT in Rock, it will use the default type.
                            note.NoteTypeId = noteTimelineTypeId;

                        //noteList.Add( note );
                        //saving individually because it keeps giving me "Can't save with duplicate GUID", even though I'm not specifying the GUID.
                        var rockContext = new RockContext();
                        rockContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                            rockContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                            rockContext.Notes.Add( note );
                            rockContext.SaveChanges( DisableAudit );
                        } );


                        if ( completed % percentage < 1 )
                            int percentComplete = completed / percentage;
                            ReportProgress( percentComplete, string.Format( "{0:N0} individual contact notes imported ({1}% complete).", completed, percentComplete ) );
                        else if ( completed % ReportingNumber < 1 )

            if ( noteList.Any() )
                var rockContext = new RockContext();
                rockContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                    rockContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                    rockContext.Notes.AddRange( noteList );
                    rockContext.SaveChanges( DisableAudit );
                } );

            ReportProgress( 100, string.Format( "Finished note import: {0:N0} notes imported.", completed ) );
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the notes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableData">The table data.</param>
        private void MapNotes( IQueryable<Row> tableData )
            var lookupContext = new RockContext();
            var categoryService = new CategoryService( lookupContext );
            var personService = new PersonService( lookupContext );

            var noteTypes = new NoteTypeService( lookupContext ).Queryable().ToList();
            int noteTimelineTypeId = noteTypes.Where( nt => nt.Guid == new Guid( "7E53487C-D650-4D85-97E2-350EB8332763" ) )
                .Select( nt => nt.Id ).FirstOrDefault();

            var importedUsers = new UserLoginService( lookupContext ).Queryable()
                .Where( u => u.ForeignId != null )
                .Select( u => new { UserId = u.ForeignId, PersonId = u.PersonId } )
                .ToDictionary( t => t.UserId.AsType<int?>(), t => t.PersonId );

            var noteList = new List<Note>();

            int completed = 0;
            int totalRows = tableData.Count();
            int percentage = ( totalRows - 1 ) / 100 + 1;
            ReportProgress( 0, string.Format( "Verifying note import ({0:N0} found).", totalRows ) );
            foreach ( var row in tableData )
                string text = row["Note_Text"] as string;
                int? individualId = row["Individual_ID"] as int?;
                int? householdId = row["Household_ID"] as int?;
                int? personId = GetPersonAliasId( individualId, householdId );
                if ( personId != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( text ) )
                    int? userId = row["NoteCreatedByUserID"] as int?;
                    if ( userId != null && importedUsers.ContainsKey( userId ) )
                        DateTime? dateCreated = row["NoteCreated"] as DateTime?;
                        string noteType = row["Note_Type_Name"] as string;

                        var note = new Note();
                        note.CreatedByPersonAliasId = (int)importedUsers[userId];
                        note.CreatedDateTime = dateCreated;
                        note.EntityId = personId;
                        note.Text = text;

                        if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( noteType ) )
                            int? noteTypeId = noteTypes.Where( nt => nt.Name == noteType ).Select( i => (int?)i.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                            note.NoteTypeId = noteTypeId ?? noteTimelineTypeId;
                            note.NoteTypeId = noteTimelineTypeId;
                        /*var rockContext = new RockContext();
                        rockContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                            rockContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                            rockContext.Notes.Add( note );
                            rockContext.SaveChanges( DisableAudit );
                        } );*/

                        noteList.Add( note );

                        if ( completed % percentage < 1 )
                            int percentComplete = completed / percentage;
                            ReportProgress( percentComplete, string.Format( "{0:N0} notes imported ({1}% complete).", completed, percentComplete ) );
                        else if ( completed % ReportingNumber < 1 )
                            SaveNotes( noteList );

            if ( noteList.Any() )
                SaveNotes( noteList );

            ReportProgress( 100, string.Format( "Finished note import: {0:N0} notes imported.", completed ) );
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the users.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableData">The table data.</param>
        private void MapUsers( IQueryable<Row> tableData )
            var lookupContext = new RockContext();
            var personService = new PersonService( lookupContext );

            int rockAuthenticatedTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( "Rock.Security.Authentication.Database" ).Id;

            int secondaryEmailAttributeId = new AttributeService( lookupContext ).GetByEntityTypeId( PersonEntityTypeId )
                .Where( a => a.Key == "SecondaryEmail" ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
            var secondaryEmailAttribute = AttributeCache.Read( SecondaryEmailAttributeId );

            int staffGroupId = new GroupService( lookupContext ).GetByGuid( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.Group.GROUP_STAFF_MEMBERS ) ).Id;
            int memberGroupRoleId = new GroupTypeRoleService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( r => r.Guid.Equals( new Guid( "00F3AC1C-71B9-4EE5-A30E-4C48C8A0BF1F" ) ) )
                .Select( r => r.Id ).FirstOrDefault();

            var importedUsers = new UserLoginService( lookupContext ).Queryable()
                 .Where( u => u.ForeignId != null )
                 .Select( u => new { UserId = u.ForeignId, PersonId = u.PersonId } ).ToList()
                 .ToDictionary( t => t.UserId.AsType<int>(), t => t.PersonId );

            var newUserLogins = new List<UserLogin>();
            var newStaffMembers = new List<GroupMember>();
            var updatedPersonList = new List<Person>();

            int completed = 0;
            int totalRows = tableData.Count();
            int percentage = ( totalRows - 1 ) / 100 + 1;
            ReportProgress( 0, string.Format( "Verifying user import ({0:N0} found, {1:N0} already exist).", totalRows, importedUsers.Count() ) );

            foreach ( var row in tableData )
                int? individualId = row["LinkedIndividualID"] as int?;
                string userName = row["UserLogin"] as string;
                int? userId = row["UserID"] as int?;
                if ( userId != null && individualId != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( userName ) && !importedUsers.ContainsKey( (int)userId ) )
                    int? personId = GetPersonAliasId( individualId, null );
                    if ( personId != null )
                        DateTime? createdDate = row["UserCreatedDate"] as DateTime?;
                        string userPhone = row["UserPhone"] as string;
                        string userEmail = row["UserEmail"] as string;
                        string userTitle = row["UserTitle"] as string;
                        bool? isEnabled = row["IsUserEnabled"] as bool?;
                        bool? isStaff = row["IsStaff"] as bool?;
                        bool isActive = isEnabled ?? false;

                        var user = new UserLogin();
                        user.CreatedDateTime = createdDate;
                        user.CreatedByPersonAliasId = ImportPersonAlias.Id;
                        user.EntityTypeId = rockAuthenticatedTypeId;
                        user.IsConfirmed = isEnabled;
                        user.UserName = userName;
                        user.PersonId = personId;
                        user.ForeignId = userId.ToString();

                        if ( isStaff == true )
                            // add this user to the staff group
                            var staffMember = new GroupMember();
                            staffMember.GroupId = staffGroupId;
                            staffMember.PersonId = (int)personId;
                            staffMember.GroupRoleId = memberGroupRoleId;
                            staffMember.CreatedDateTime = createdDate;
                            staffMember.CreatedByPersonAliasId = ImportPersonAlias.Id;
                            staffMember.GroupMemberStatus = isActive ? GroupMemberStatus.Active : GroupMemberStatus.Inactive;

                            newStaffMembers.Add( staffMember );

                        // set user login email to primary email
                        if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( userEmail ) && userEmail.IsValidEmail() )
                            var person = personService.Queryable( includeDeceased: true ).FirstOrDefault( p => p.Id == personId );
                            string secondaryEmail = string.Empty;
                            userEmail = userEmail.Trim();
                            if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( person.Email ) )
                                secondaryEmail = person.Email;
                                person.Email = userEmail.Left( 75 );
                                person.IsEmailActive = isEnabled;
                                person.EmailNote = userTitle;
                                lookupContext.SaveChanges( true );
                            else if ( !person.Email.Equals( userEmail ) )
                                secondaryEmail = userEmail;

                            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( secondaryEmail ) )
                                person.Attributes = new Dictionary<string, AttributeCache>();
                                person.AttributeValues = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>();
                                AddPersonAttribute( secondaryEmailAttribute, person, secondaryEmail );

                            updatedPersonList.Add( person );

                        // other Attributes to save
                        // UserBio
                        // DepartmentName
                        // IsPastor

                        newUserLogins.Add( user );

                        if ( completed % percentage < 1 )
                            int percentComplete = completed / percentage;
                            ReportProgress( percentComplete, string.Format( "{0:N0} users imported ({1}% complete).", completed, percentComplete ) );
                        else if ( completed % ReportingNumber < 1 )
                            SaveNewUserLogins( newUserLogins, newStaffMembers, updatedPersonList );


            if ( newUserLogins.Any() )
                SaveNewUserLogins( newUserLogins, newStaffMembers, updatedPersonList );

            ReportProgress( 100, string.Format( "Finished user import: {0:N0} users imported.", completed ) );