Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the expression.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityType"></param>
        /// <param name="serviceInstance">The service instance.</param>
        /// <param name="parameterExpression">The parameter expression.</param>
        /// <param name="selection">The selection.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">Filter issue(s):  + errorMessages.AsDelimited( ;  )</exception>
        public override Expression GetExpression( Type entityType, IService serviceInstance, ParameterExpression parameterExpression, string selection )
            int dataviewId = int.MinValue;
            if ( int.TryParse( selection, out dataviewId ) )
                var dataView = new DataViewService( (RockContext)serviceInstance.Context ).Get( dataviewId );
                if ( dataView != null && dataView.DataViewFilter != null )
                    // Verify that there is not a child filter that uses this view (would result in stack-overflow error)
                    if ( !IsViewInFilter( dataView.Id, dataView.DataViewFilter ) )
                        // TODO: Should probably verify security again on the selected dataview and it's filters,
                        // as that could be a moving target.
                        var errorMessages = new List<string>();
                        Expression expression = dataView.GetExpression( serviceInstance, parameterExpression, out errorMessages );
                        if ( errorMessages.Any() )
                            throw new System.Exception( "Filter issue(s): " + errorMessages.AsDelimited( "; " ) );

                        return expression;

            return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the attendees grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindAttendeesGrid()
            var dateRange = SlidingDateRangePicker.CalculateDateRangeFromDelimitedValues( drpSlidingDateRange.DelimitedValues );
            if ( dateRange.End == null || dateRange.End > RockDateTime.Now )
                dateRange.End = RockDateTime.Now;

            var rockContext = new RockContext();

            // make a qryPersonAlias so that the generated SQL will be a "WHERE .. IN ()" instead of an OUTER JOIN (which is incredibly slow for this)
            var qryPersonAlias = new PersonAliasService( rockContext ).Queryable();

            var qryAttendance = new AttendanceService( rockContext ).Queryable();

            qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( a => a.DidAttend.HasValue && a.DidAttend.Value );
            var groupType = this.GetSelectedTemplateGroupType();
            var qryAllVisits = qryAttendance;
            if ( groupType != null )
                var childGroupTypeIds = new GroupTypeService( rockContext ).GetChildGroupTypes( groupType.Id ).Select( a => a.Id );
                qryAllVisits = qryAttendance.Where( a => childGroupTypeIds.Any( b => b == a.Group.GroupTypeId ) );

            var groupIdList = new List<int>();
            string groupIds = GetSelectedGroupIds().AsDelimited( "," );
            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( groupIds ) )
                groupIdList = groupIds.Split( ',' ).AsIntegerList();
                qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( a => a.GroupId.HasValue && groupIdList.Contains( a.GroupId.Value ) );

            //// If campuses were included, filter attendances by those that have selected campuses
            //// if 'null' is one of the campuses, treat that as a 'CampusId is Null'
            var includeNullCampus = clbCampuses.SelectedValues.Any( a => a.Equals( "null", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) );
            var campusIdList = clbCampuses.SelectedValues.AsIntegerList();

            // remove 0 from the list, just in case it is there
            campusIdList.Remove( 0 );

            if ( campusIdList.Any() )
                if ( includeNullCampus )
                    // show records that have a campusId in the campusIdsList + records that have a null campusId
                    qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( a => ( a.CampusId.HasValue && campusIdList.Contains( a.CampusId.Value ) ) || !a.CampusId.HasValue );
                    // only show records that have a campusId in the campusIdList
                    qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( a => a.CampusId.HasValue && campusIdList.Contains( a.CampusId.Value ) );
            else if ( includeNullCampus )
                // 'null' was the only campusId in the campusIds parameter, so only show records that have a null CampusId
                qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( a => !a.CampusId.HasValue );

            // have the "Missed" query be the same as the qry before the Main date range is applied since it'll have a different date range
            var qryMissed = qryAttendance;

            if ( dateRange.Start.HasValue )
                qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( a => a.StartDateTime >= dateRange.Start.Value );

            if ( dateRange.End.HasValue )
                qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( a => a.StartDateTime < dateRange.End.Value );

            // we want to get the first 2 visits at a minimum so we can show the date in the grid
            int nthVisitsTake = 2;
            int? byNthVisit = null;

            if ( radByVisit.Checked )
                // If we are filtering by nth visit, we might want to get up to first 5
                byNthVisit = ddlNthVisit.SelectedValue.AsIntegerOrNull();
                if ( byNthVisit.HasValue && byNthVisit > 2 )
                    nthVisitsTake = byNthVisit.Value;

            ChartGroupBy groupBy = hfGroupBy.Value.ConvertToEnumOrNull<ChartGroupBy>() ?? ChartGroupBy.Week;

            IQueryable<PersonWithSummary> qryByPersonWithSummary = null;

            if ( byNthVisit.HasValue && byNthVisit.Value == 0 )
                // Show members of the selected groups that did not attend at all during selected date range

                // Get all the person ids that did attend
                var attendeePersonIds = qryAttendance.Select( a => a.PersonAlias.PersonId );

                // Get all the active members of the selected groups who have no attendance within selected date range and campus
                qryByPersonWithSummary = new GroupMemberService( rockContext )
                    .Where( m =>
                        groupIdList.Contains( m.GroupId ) &&
                        !attendeePersonIds.Contains( m.PersonId ) &&
                        m.GroupMemberStatus == GroupMemberStatus.Active )
                    .Select( m => new PersonWithSummary
                        PersonId = m.PersonId,
                        FirstVisits = new DateTime[] { }.AsQueryable(),
                        LastVisit = new AttendancePersonAlias(),
                        AttendanceSummary = new DateTime[] { }.AsQueryable()
                    } );
                var qryAttendanceWithSummaryDateTime = qryAttendance.GetAttendanceWithSummaryDateTime( groupBy );
                var qryGroup = new GroupService( rockContext ).Queryable();

                var qryJoinPerson = qryAttendance.Join(
                    k1 => k1.PersonAliasId,
                    k2 => k2.Id,
                    ( a, pa ) => new
                        CampusId = a.CampusId,
                        GroupId = a.GroupId,
                        ScheduleId = a.ScheduleId,
                        StartDateTime = a.StartDateTime,
                        PersonAliasId = pa.Id,
                        PersonAliasPersonId = pa.PersonId
                    } );

                var qryJoinFinal = qryJoinPerson.Join(
                    k1 => k1.GroupId,
                    k2 => k2.Id,
                    ( a, g ) => new AttendancePersonAlias
                        CampusId = a.CampusId,
                        GroupId = a.GroupId,
                        GroupName = g.Name,
                        ScheduleId = a.ScheduleId,
                        StartDateTime = a.StartDateTime,
                        PersonAliasId = a.PersonAliasId,
                        PersonAliasPersonId = a.PersonAliasPersonId
                    } );

                var qryByPerson = qryJoinFinal.GroupBy( a => a.PersonAliasPersonId ).Select( a => new
                    PersonId = a.Key,
                    Attendances = a
                } );

                int? attendedMinCount = null;
                int? attendedMissedCount = null;
                DateRange attendedMissedDateRange = new DateRange();
                if ( radByPattern.Checked )
                    attendedMinCount = tbPatternXTimes.Text.AsIntegerOrNull();
                    if ( cbPatternAndMissed.Checked )
                        attendedMissedCount = tbPatternMissedXTimes.Text.AsIntegerOrNull();
                        attendedMissedDateRange = new DateRange( drpPatternDateRange.LowerValue, drpPatternDateRange.UpperValue );
                        if ( !attendedMissedDateRange.Start.HasValue || !attendedMissedDateRange.End.HasValue )
                            nbMissedDateRangeRequired.Visible = true;

                nbMissedDateRangeRequired.Visible = false;

                // get either the first 2 visits or the first 5 visits (using a const take of 2 or 5 vs a variable to help the SQL optimizer)
                qryByPersonWithSummary = qryByPerson.Select( a => new PersonWithSummary
                    PersonId = a.PersonId,
                    FirstVisits = qryAllVisits.Where( b => qryPersonAlias.Where( pa => pa.PersonId == a.PersonId ).Any( pa => pa.Id == b.PersonAliasId ) ).Select( s => s.StartDateTime ).OrderBy( x => x ).Take( 2 ),
                    LastVisit = a.Attendances.OrderByDescending( x => x.StartDateTime ).FirstOrDefault(),
                    AttendanceSummary = qryAttendanceWithSummaryDateTime.Where( x => qryPersonAlias.Where( pa => pa.PersonId == a.PersonId ).Any( pa => pa.Id == x.Attendance.PersonAliasId ) ).GroupBy( g => g.SummaryDateTime ).Select( s => s.Key )
                } );

                if ( nthVisitsTake > 2 )
                    qryByPersonWithSummary = qryByPerson.Select( a => new PersonWithSummary
                        PersonId = a.PersonId,
                        FirstVisits = qryAllVisits.Where( b => qryPersonAlias.Where( pa => pa.PersonId == a.PersonId ).Any( pa => pa.Id == b.PersonAliasId ) ).Select( s => s.StartDateTime ).OrderBy( x => x ).Take( 5 ),
                        LastVisit = a.Attendances.OrderByDescending( x => x.StartDateTime ).FirstOrDefault(),
                        AttendanceSummary = qryAttendanceWithSummaryDateTime.Where( x => qryPersonAlias.Where( pa => pa.PersonId == a.PersonId ).Any( pa => pa.Id == x.Attendance.PersonAliasId ) ).GroupBy( g => g.SummaryDateTime ).Select( s => s.Key )
                    } );

                if ( byNthVisit.HasValue )
                    // only return attendees where their nth visit is within the selected daterange
                    int skipCount = byNthVisit.Value - 1;
                    qryByPersonWithSummary = qryByPersonWithSummary.Where( a => a.FirstVisits.OrderBy( x => x ).Skip( skipCount ).Take( 1 ).Any( d => d >= dateRange.Start && d < dateRange.End ) );

                if ( attendedMinCount.HasValue )
                    qryByPersonWithSummary = qryByPersonWithSummary.Where( a => a.AttendanceSummary.Count() >= attendedMinCount );

                if ( attendedMissedCount.HasValue )
                    if ( attendedMissedDateRange.Start.HasValue && attendedMissedDateRange.End.HasValue )
                        var attendedMissedPossible = GetPossibleAttendancesForDateRange( attendedMissedDateRange, groupBy );
                        int attendedMissedPossibleCount = attendedMissedPossible.Count();

                        qryMissed = qryMissed.Where( a => a.StartDateTime >= attendedMissedDateRange.Start.Value && a.StartDateTime < attendedMissedDateRange.End.Value );
                        var qryMissedAttendanceByPersonAndSummary = qryMissed.GetAttendanceWithSummaryDateTime( groupBy )
                            .GroupBy( g1 => new { g1.SummaryDateTime, g1.Attendance.PersonAlias.PersonId } )
                            .GroupBy( a => a.Key.PersonId )
                            .Select( a => new
                                PersonId = a.Key,
                                AttendanceCount = a.Count()
                            } );

                        var qryMissedByPerson = qryMissedAttendanceByPersonAndSummary
                            .Where( x => ( attendedMissedPossibleCount - x.AttendanceCount ) >= attendedMissedCount );

                        // filter to only people that missed at least X weeks/months/years between specified missed date range
                        qryByPersonWithSummary = qryByPersonWithSummary.Where( a => qryMissedByPerson.Any( b => b.PersonId == a.PersonId ) );

            var personService = new PersonService( rockContext );

            // Filter by dataview
            var dataViewId = dvpDataView.SelectedValueAsInt();
            if ( dataViewId.HasValue )
                var dataView = new DataViewService( _rockContext ).Get( dataViewId.Value );
                if ( dataView != null )
                    var errorMessages = new List<string>();
                    ParameterExpression paramExpression = personService.ParameterExpression;
                    Expression whereExpression = dataView.GetExpression( personService, paramExpression, out errorMessages );

                    SortProperty sort = null;
                    var dataViewPersonIdQry = personService
                        .Where( paramExpression, whereExpression, sort )
                        .Select( p => p.Id );

                    qryByPersonWithSummary = qryByPersonWithSummary.Where( a => dataViewPersonIdQry.Contains( a.PersonId ) );

            // declare the qryResult that we'll use in case they didn't choose IncludeParents or IncludeChildren (and the Anonymous Type will also work if we do include parents or children)
            var qryPerson = personService.Queryable();

            var qryResult = qryByPersonWithSummary.Join(
                    a => a.PersonId,
                    p => p.Id,
                    ( a, p ) => new
                            ParentId = (int?)null,
                            ChildId = (int?)null,
                            Person = p,
                            Parent = (Person)null,
                            Child = (Person)null,
                        } );

            var includeParents = hfViewBy.Value.ConvertToEnumOrNull<ViewBy>().GetValueOrDefault( ViewBy.Attendees ) == ViewBy.ParentsOfAttendees;
            var includeChildren = hfViewBy.Value.ConvertToEnumOrNull<ViewBy>().GetValueOrDefault( ViewBy.Attendees ) == ViewBy.ChildrenOfAttendees;

            // if Including Parents, join with qryChildWithParent instead of qryPerson
            if ( includeParents )
                var qryChildWithParent = new PersonService( rockContext ).GetChildWithParent();
                qryResult = qryByPersonWithSummary.Join(
                    a => a.PersonId,
                    p => p.Child.Id,
                    ( a, p ) => new
                        ParentId = (int?)p.Parent.Id,
                        ChildId = (int?)null,
                        Person = p.Child,
                        Parent = p.Parent,
                        Child = (Person)null,
                    } );

            if ( includeChildren )
                var qryParentWithChildren = new PersonService( rockContext ).GetParentWithChild();
                qryResult = qryByPersonWithSummary.Join(
                    a => a.PersonId,
                    p => p.Parent.Id,
                    ( a, p ) => new
                        ParentId = (int?)null,
                        ChildId = (int?)p.Child.Id,
                        Person = p.Parent,
                        Parent = (Person)null,
                        Child = p.Child,
                    } );

            var parentField = gAttendeesAttendance.Columns.OfType<PersonField>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.HeaderText == "Parent" );
            if ( parentField != null )
                parentField.Visible = includeParents;

            var parentEmailField = gAttendeesAttendance.Columns.OfType<RockBoundField>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.HeaderText == "Parent Email" );
            if ( parentEmailField != null )
                parentEmailField.ExcelExportBehavior = includeParents ? ExcelExportBehavior.AlwaysInclude : ExcelExportBehavior.NeverInclude;

            var childField = gAttendeesAttendance.Columns.OfType<PersonField>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.HeaderText == "Child" );
            if ( childField != null )
                childField.Visible = includeChildren;

            var childEmailField = gAttendeesAttendance.Columns.OfType<RockBoundField>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.HeaderText == "Child Email" );
            if ( childEmailField != null )
                childEmailField.ExcelExportBehavior = includeChildren ? ExcelExportBehavior.AlwaysInclude : ExcelExportBehavior.NeverInclude;

            SortProperty sortProperty = gAttendeesAttendance.SortProperty;

            if ( sortProperty != null )
                if ( sortProperty.Property == "AttendanceSummary.Count" )
                    if ( sortProperty.Direction == SortDirection.Descending )
                        qryResult = qryResult.OrderByDescending( a => a.AttendanceSummary.Count() );
                        qryResult = qryResult.OrderBy( a => a.AttendanceSummary.Count() );
                else if ( sortProperty.Property == "FirstVisit.StartDateTime" )
                    if ( sortProperty.Direction == SortDirection.Descending )
                        qryResult = qryResult.OrderByDescending( a => a.FirstVisits.Min() );
                        qryResult = qryResult.OrderBy( a => a.FirstVisits.Min() );
                    qryResult = qryResult.Sort( sortProperty );
                qryResult = qryResult.OrderBy( a => a.Person.LastName ).ThenBy( a => a.Person.NickName );

            var attendancePercentField = gAttendeesAttendance.Columns.OfType<RockTemplateField>().First( a => a.HeaderText.EndsWith( "Attendance %" ) );
            attendancePercentField.HeaderText = string.Format( "{0}ly Attendance %", groupBy.ConvertToString() );

            // Calculate all the possible attendance summary dates
            UpdatePossibleAttendances( dateRange, groupBy );

            // pre-load the schedule names since FriendlyScheduleText requires building the ICal object, etc
            _scheduleNameLookup = new ScheduleService( rockContext ).Queryable()
                .ToDictionary( k => k.Id, v => v.FriendlyScheduleText );

            if ( includeParents )
                gAttendeesAttendance.PersonIdField = "ParentId";
                gAttendeesAttendance.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "ParentId", "PersonId" };
            else if ( includeChildren )
                gAttendeesAttendance.PersonIdField = "ChildId";
                gAttendeesAttendance.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "ChildId", "PersonId" };
                gAttendeesAttendance.PersonIdField = "PersonId";
                gAttendeesAttendance.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "PersonId" };

            // Create the dynamic attendance grid columns as needed

                nbAttendeesError.Visible = false;

                // increase the timeout from 30 to 90. The Query can be slow if SQL hasn't calculated the Query Plan for the query yet.
                // Sometimes, most of the time consumption is figuring out the Query Plan, but after it figures it out, it caches it so that the next time it'll be much faster
                rockContext.Database.CommandTimeout = 90;
                gAttendeesAttendance.SetLinqDataSource( qryResult.AsNoTracking() );

            catch ( Exception exception )
                LogAndShowException( exception );
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Job that will sync groups.
        /// Called by the <see cref="IScheduler" /> when a
        /// <see cref="ITrigger" /> fires that is associated with
        /// the <see cref="IJob" />.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Execute( IJobExecutionContext context )
            JobDataMap dataMap = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;

            bool requirePasswordReset = dataMap.GetBoolean( "RequirePasswordReset" );

            int groupsSynced = 0;
            int groupsChanged = 0;

                // get groups set to sync
                GroupService groupService = new GroupService( new RockContext() );
                var groupIdsThatSync = groupService.Queryable().Where( g => g.SyncDataViewId != null ).Select( a => a.Id ).ToList();

                foreach ( var syncGroupId in groupIdsThatSync )
                    bool hasGroupChanged = false;

                    // use a fresh rockContext per group so that ChangeTracker doesn't get bogged down
                    using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                        var syncGroup = new GroupService( rockContext ).Get( syncGroupId );
                        GroupMemberService groupMemberService = new GroupMemberService( rockContext );

                        // increase the timeout just in case the dataview source is slow
                        rockContext.Database.CommandTimeout = 180;

                        var syncSource = new DataViewService( rockContext ).Get( syncGroup.SyncDataViewId.Value );

                        // ensure this is a person dataview
                        bool isPersonDataSet = syncSource.EntityTypeId == EntityTypeCache.Read( typeof( Rock.Model.Person ) ).Id;

                        if ( isPersonDataSet )
                            SortProperty sortById = new SortProperty();
                            sortById.Property = "Id";
                            sortById.Direction = System.Web.UI.WebControls.SortDirection.Ascending;
                            List<string> errorMessages = new List<string>();

                            var personService = new PersonService( rockContext );
                            var parameterExpression = personService.ParameterExpression;
                            var whereExpression = syncSource.GetExpression( personService, parameterExpression, out errorMessages );
                            var sourceItems = personService.Get( parameterExpression, whereExpression ).Select( q => q.Id ).ToList();
                            var targetItems = groupMemberService.Queryable().Where( gm => gm.GroupId == syncGroup.Id ).ToList();

                            // delete items from the target not in the source
                            foreach ( var targetItem in targetItems.Where( t => !sourceItems.Contains( t.PersonId ) ) )
                                // made a clone of the person as it will be detached when the group member is deleted. Also
                                // saving the delete before the email is sent in case an exception occurs so the user doesn't
                                // get an email everytime the agent runs.
                                Person recipient = (Person)targetItem.Person.Clone();
                                groupMemberService.Delete( targetItem );


                                hasGroupChanged = true;

                                if ( syncGroup.ExitSystemEmailId.HasValue )
                                    SendExitEmail( syncGroup.ExitSystemEmailId.Value, recipient, syncGroup );

                            // add items not in target but in the source
                            foreach ( var sourceItem in sourceItems.Where( s => !targetItems.Select( t => t.PersonId ).Contains( s ) ) )
                                // add source to target
                                var newGroupMember = new GroupMember { Id = 0 };
                                newGroupMember.PersonId = sourceItem;
                                newGroupMember.Group = syncGroup;
                                newGroupMember.GroupMemberStatus = GroupMemberStatus.Active;
                                newGroupMember.GroupRoleId = syncGroup.GroupType.DefaultGroupRoleId ?? syncGroup.GroupType.Roles.FirstOrDefault().Id;
                                groupMemberService.Add( newGroupMember );

                                hasGroupChanged = true;

                                if ( syncGroup.WelcomeSystemEmailId.HasValue )
                                    SendWelcomeEmail( syncGroup.WelcomeSystemEmailId.Value, sourceItem, syncGroup, syncGroup.AddUserAccountsDuringSync ?? false, requirePasswordReset );

                            if ( hasGroupChanged )



                            if ( hasGroupChanged && ( syncGroup.IsSecurityRole || syncGroup.GroupType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.GroupType.GROUPTYPE_SECURITY_ROLE.AsGuid() ) ) )
                                Rock.Security.Role.Flush( syncGroup.Id );

                var resultMessage = string.Empty;
                if ( groupsSynced == 0 )
                    resultMessage = "No groups to sync";
                else if ( groupsSynced == 1 )
                    resultMessage = "1 group was sync'ed";
                    resultMessage = string.Format( "{0} groups were sync'ed", groupsSynced );

                resultMessage += string.Format( " and {0} groups where changed", groupsChanged );

                context.Result = resultMessage;
            catch ( System.Exception ex )
                HttpContext context2 = HttpContext.Current;
                ExceptionLogService.LogException( ex, context2 );
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the chart data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="groupBy">The group by.</param>
        /// <param name="graphBy">The graph by.</param>
        /// <param name="startDate">The start date.</param>
        /// <param name="endDate">The end date.</param>
        /// <param name="groupIds">The group ids.</param>
        /// <param name="campusIds">The campus ids. Include the keyword 'null' in the list to include CampusId is null</param>
        /// <param name="scheduleIds">The schedule ids.</param>
        /// <param name="dataViewId">The data view identifier.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable <IChartData> GetChartData(ChartGroupBy groupBy = ChartGroupBy.Week, AttendanceGraphBy graphBy = AttendanceGraphBy.Total, DateTime?startDate = null, DateTime?endDate = null, string groupIds = null, string campusIds = null, int?dataViewId = null, string scheduleIds = null)
            var qryAttendance = Queryable().AsNoTracking()
                                .Where(a =>
                                       a.DidAttend.HasValue &&
                                       a.DidAttend.Value &&
                                       a.PersonAlias != null);

            if (startDate.HasValue)
                qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where(a => a.StartDateTime >= startDate.Value);

            if (endDate.HasValue)
                qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where(a => a.StartDateTime < endDate.Value);

            if (dataViewId.HasValue)
                var rockContext = (RockContext)this.Context;

                var dataView = new DataViewService(rockContext).Get(dataViewId.Value);
                if (dataView != null)
                    var personService = new PersonService(rockContext);

                    var errorMessages = new List <string>();
                    ParameterExpression paramExpression = personService.ParameterExpression;
                    Expression          whereExpression = dataView.GetExpression(personService, paramExpression, out errorMessages);

                    Rock.Web.UI.Controls.SortProperty sort = null;
                    var dataViewPersonIdQry = personService
                                              .Where(paramExpression, whereExpression, sort)
                                              .Select(p => p.Id);

                    qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where(a => dataViewPersonIdQry.Contains(a.PersonAlias.PersonId));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(groupIds))
                var groupIdList = groupIds.Split(',').AsIntegerList();
                qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where(a => a.GroupId.HasValue && groupIdList.Contains(a.GroupId.Value));

            // If campuses were included, filter attendances by those that have selected campuses
            // if 'null' is one of the campuses, treat that as a 'CampusId is Null'
            var includeNullCampus = (campusIds ?? "").Split(',').ToList().Any(a => a.Equals("null", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
            var campusIdList      = (campusIds ?? "").Split(',').AsIntegerList();

            // remove 0 from the list, just in case it is there

            if (campusIdList.Any())
                if (includeNullCampus)
                    // show records that have a campusId in the campusIdsList + records that have a null campusId
                    qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where(a => (a.CampusId.HasValue && campusIdList.Contains(a.CampusId.Value)) || !a.CampusId.HasValue);
                    // only show records that have a campusId in the campusIdList
                    qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where(a => a.CampusId.HasValue && campusIdList.Contains(a.CampusId.Value));
            else if (includeNullCampus)
                // 'null' was the only campusId in the campusIds parameter, so only show records that have a null CampusId
                qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where(a => !a.CampusId.HasValue);

            // If schedules were included, filter attendances by those that have selected schedules
            var scheduleIdList = (scheduleIds ?? "").Split(',').AsIntegerList();

            if (scheduleIdList.Any())
                qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where(a => a.ScheduleId.HasValue && scheduleIdList.Contains(a.ScheduleId.Value));

            var qryAttendanceWithSummaryDateTime = qryAttendance.GetAttendanceWithSummaryDateTime(groupBy);

            var summaryQry = qryAttendanceWithSummaryDateTime.Select(a => new
                Campus = new
                    Id   = a.Attendance.CampusId,
                    Name = a.Attendance.Campus.Name
                Group = new
                    Id   = a.Attendance.GroupId,
                    Name = a.Attendance.Group.Name
                Schedule = new
                    Id   = a.Attendance.ScheduleId,
                    Name = a.Attendance.Schedule.Name
                Location = new
                    Id   = a.Attendance.LocationId,
                    Name = a.Attendance.Location.Name

            List <SummaryData> result = null;

            if (graphBy == AttendanceGraphBy.Total)
                var groupByQry = summaryQry.GroupBy(a => new { a.SummaryDateTime }).Select(s => new { s.Key, Count = s.Count() }).OrderBy(o => o.Key);

                result = groupByQry.ToList().Select(a => new SummaryData
                    DateTimeStamp = a.Key.SummaryDateTime.ToJavascriptMilliseconds(),
                    DateTime      = a.Key.SummaryDateTime,
                    SeriesName    = "Total",
                    YValue        = a.Count
            else if (graphBy == AttendanceGraphBy.Campus)
                var groupByQry = summaryQry.GroupBy(a => new { a.SummaryDateTime, Series = a.Campus }).Select(s => new { s.Key, Count = s.Count() }).OrderBy(o => o.Key);

                result = groupByQry.ToList().Select(a => new SummaryData
                    DateTimeStamp = a.Key.SummaryDateTime.ToJavascriptMilliseconds(),
                    DateTime      = a.Key.SummaryDateTime,
                    SeriesName    = a.Key.Series.Name,
                    YValue        = a.Count
            else if (graphBy == AttendanceGraphBy.Group)
                var groupByQry = summaryQry.GroupBy(a => new { a.SummaryDateTime, Series = a.Group }).Select(s => new { s.Key, Count = s.Count() }).OrderBy(o => o.Key);

                result = groupByQry.ToList().Select(a => new SummaryData
                    DateTimeStamp = a.Key.SummaryDateTime.ToJavascriptMilliseconds(),
                    DateTime      = a.Key.SummaryDateTime,
                    SeriesName    = a.Key.Series.Name,
                    YValue        = a.Count
            else if (graphBy == AttendanceGraphBy.Schedule)
                var groupByQry = summaryQry.GroupBy(a => new { a.SummaryDateTime, Series = a.Schedule }).Select(s => new { s.Key, Count = s.Count() }).OrderBy(o => o.Key);

                result = groupByQry.ToList().Select(a => new SummaryData
                    DateTimeStamp = a.Key.SummaryDateTime.ToJavascriptMilliseconds(),
                    DateTime      = a.Key.SummaryDateTime,
                    SeriesName    = a.Key.Series.Name,
                    YValue        = a.Count
            else if (graphBy == AttendanceGraphBy.Location)
                var groupByQry = summaryQry.GroupBy(a => new { a.SummaryDateTime, Series = a.Location }).Select(s => new { s.Key, Count = s.Count() }).OrderBy(o => o.Key);

                result = groupByQry.ToList().Select(a => new SummaryData
                    DateTimeStamp = a.Key.SummaryDateTime.ToJavascriptMilliseconds(),
                    DateTime      = a.Key.SummaryDateTime,
                    SeriesName    = a.Key.Series.Name,
                    YValue        = a.Count

        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the attendees grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindGiversGrid()
            // Get all the selected criteria values
            var dateRange = SlidingDateRangePicker.CalculateDateRangeFromDelimitedValues( drpSlidingDateRange.DelimitedValues );
            var start = dateRange.Start;
            var end = dateRange.End;

            var minAmount = nreAmount.LowerValue;
            var maxAmount = nreAmount.UpperValue;

            var currencyTypeIds = new List<int>();
            cblCurrencyTypes.SelectedValues.ForEach( i => currencyTypeIds.Add( i.AsInteger() ) );

            var sourceTypeIds = new List<int>();
            cblTransactionSource.SelectedValues.ForEach( i => sourceTypeIds.Add( i.AsInteger() ) );

            var accountIds = new List<int>();
            foreach ( var cblAccounts in phAccounts.Controls.OfType<RockCheckBoxList>() )
                accountIds.AddRange( cblAccounts.SelectedValuesAsInt );

            var dataViewId = dvpDataView.SelectedValueAsInt();

            GiversViewBy viewBy = GiversViewBy.Giver;
            if ( !HideViewByOption )
                viewBy = hfViewBy.Value.ConvertToEnumOrNull<GiversViewBy>() ?? GiversViewBy.Giver;

            // Clear all the existing grid columns
            var selectField = new SelectField();
            var oldSelectField = gGiversGifts.ColumnsOfType<SelectField>().FirstOrDefault();
            if (oldSelectField != null )
                selectField.SelectedKeys.AddRange( oldSelectField.SelectedKeys );


            // Add a column for selecting rows
            gGiversGifts.Columns.Add( selectField );

            // Add a column for the person's name
                new RockBoundField
                    DataField = "PersonName",
                    HeaderText = "Person",
                    SortExpression = "LastName,NickName"
                } );

            // add a column for email (but is only included on excel export)
                new RockBoundField
                    DataField = "Email",
                    HeaderText = "Email",
                    SortExpression = "Email",
                    Visible = false,
                    ExcelExportBehavior = ExcelExportBehavior.AlwaysInclude
                } );

            // Add a column for total amount
                new CurrencyField
                    DataField = "TotalAmount",
                    HeaderText = "Total",
                    SortExpression = "TotalAmount"
                } );

            // Add columns for the selected account totals
            if ( accountIds.Any() )
                var accounts = new FinancialAccountService( _rockContext )
                    .Where( a => accountIds.Contains( a.Id ) )

                foreach ( int accountId in accountIds )
                    var account = accounts.FirstOrDefault( a => a.Id == accountId );
                    if ( account != null )
                            new CurrencyField
                                DataField = account.Id.ToString(),
                                HeaderText = account.Name,
                                SortExpression = account.Id.ToString()
                            } );

            // Add a column for the number of gifts
            var numberGiftsField = new RockBoundField
                    DataField = "NumberGifts",
                    HeaderText = "Number of Gifts",
                    SortExpression = "NumberGifts",
                    DataFormatString = "{0:N0}",
            numberGiftsField.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
            gGiversGifts.Columns.Add( numberGiftsField );

            // Add a column to indicate if this is a first time giver
                new BoolField
                    DataField = "IsFirstEverGift",
                    HeaderText = "Is First Gift",
                    SortExpression = "IsFirstEverGift"
                } );

            // Add a column for the first gift date ( that matches criteria )
                new DateField
                    DataField = "FirstGift",
                    HeaderText = "First Gift",
                    SortExpression = "FirstGift"
                } );

            // Add a column for the first-ever gift date ( to any tax-deductible account )
                new DateField
                    DataField = "FirstEverGift",
                    HeaderText = "First Gift Ever",
                    SortExpression = "FirstEverGift"
                } );

            var transactionDetailService = new FinancialTransactionDetailService( _rockContext );
            var personService = new PersonService( _rockContext );

            // If dataview was selected get the person id's returned by the dataview
            var dataViewPersonIds = new List<int>();
            if ( dataViewId.HasValue )
                var dataView = new DataViewService( _rockContext ).Get( dataViewId.Value );
                if ( dataView != null )
                    var errorMessages = new List<string>();
                    ParameterExpression paramExpression = personService.ParameterExpression;
                    Expression whereExpression = dataView.GetExpression( personService, paramExpression, out errorMessages );

                    SortProperty sortProperty = null;
                    var dataViewPersonIdQry = personService
                        .Where( paramExpression, whereExpression, sortProperty )
                        .Select( p => p.Id );
                    dataViewPersonIds = dataViewPersonIdQry.ToList();

            // Check to see if grid should display only people who gave a certain number of times and if so
            // set the min value
            int minCount = 0;
            var previousPersonIds = new List<int>();
            if ( radByPattern.Checked )
                minCount = tbPatternXTimes.Text.AsInteger();
                var missedStart = drpPatternDateRange.LowerValue;
                var missedEnd = drpPatternDateRange.UpperValue;
                if ( missedStart.HasValue && missedEnd.HasValue )
                    // Get the givingids that gave any amount during the pattern's date range. These
                    // are needed so that we know who to exclude from the result set
                    var previousGivingIds = transactionDetailService
                        .Where( d =>
                            d.Transaction.TransactionDateTime.HasValue &&
                            d.Transaction.TransactionDateTime.Value >= missedStart.Value &&
                            d.Transaction.TransactionDateTime.Value < missedEnd.Value &&
                            accountIds.Contains( d.AccountId ) &&
                            d.Amount != 0.0M )
                        .Select( d => d.Transaction.AuthorizedPersonAlias.Person.GivingId );

                    // Now get the person ids from the givingids
                    previousPersonIds = personService
                        .Where( p => previousGivingIds.Contains( p.GivingId ) )
                        .Select( p => p.Id )

            // Call the stored procedure to get all the giving data that matches the selected criteria.
            // The stored procedure returns two tables. First is a list of all matching transaction summary
            // information and the second table is each giving leader's first-ever gift date to a tax-deductible account
            DataSet ds = FinancialTransactionDetailService.GetGivingAnalytics( start, end, minAmount, maxAmount,
                accountIds, currencyTypeIds, sourceTypeIds,  dataViewId, viewBy );

            // Get the results table
            DataTable dtResults = ds.Tables[0];

            // Get the first-ever gift dates and load them into a dictionary for faster matching
            DataTable dtFirstEver = ds.Tables[1];
            var firstEverVals = new Dictionary<int, DateTime>();
            foreach( DataRow row in ds.Tables[1].Rows )
                if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["FirstEverGift"] ) )
                    firstEverVals.Add( (int)row["PersonId"], (DateTime)row["FirstEverGift"] );

            // Add columns to the result set for the first-ever data
            dtResults.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "IsFirstEverGift", typeof( bool ) ) );
            dtResults.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "FirstEverGift", typeof( DateTime ) ) );

            foreach( DataRow row in dtResults.Rows )
                bool rowValid = true;

                // Get the person id
                int personId = (int)row["Id"];

                if ( radByPattern.Checked )
                    // If pattern was specified check minimum gifts and other date range
                    int numberGifts = (int)row["NumberGifts"];
                    if ( numberGifts < minCount )
                        rowValid = false;
                        // If this giving leader gave during the pattern date, remove the row since we
                        // only want those who did not
                        if ( previousPersonIds.Contains( personId ) )
                            rowValid = false;

                if ( dataViewId.HasValue )
                    // If a dataview filter was specified, and this row is not part of dataview,
                    // remove it
                    if ( !dataViewPersonIds.Contains(personId))
                        rowValid = false;

                        // Remove person id from list so that list can be used later to optionally
                        // add rows for remaining people who were in the dataview, but not in the
                        // result set
                        dataViewPersonIds.Remove( personId );

                if ( rowValid )
                    // Set the first ever information for each row
                    bool isFirstEverGift = false;
                    DateTime firstGift = (DateTime)row["FirstGift"];
                    if ( firstEverVals.ContainsKey( personId ) )
                        DateTime firstEverGift = firstEverVals[personId];
                        isFirstEverGift = firstEverGift.Equals( firstGift );

                        row["FirstEverGift"] = firstEverGift;

                    // If only first time givers should be included, remove any that are not
                    if ( radFirstTime.Checked && !isFirstEverGift )
                        rowValid = false;
                        row["IsFirstEverGift"] = isFirstEverGift;

                if ( !rowValid )

            // if dataview was selected and it includes people not in the result set,
            if ( dataViewId.HasValue && rblDataViewAction.SelectedValue == "All" && dataViewPersonIds.Any() )
                // Query for the names of each of these people
                foreach( var person in personService
                    .Select( p => new {
                    // Check for a first ever gift date
                    var firstEverGiftDate = firstEverVals
                        .Where( f => f.Key == person.Id )
                        .Select( f => f.Value )

                    DataRow row = dtResults.NewRow();
                    row["Id"] = person.Id;
                    row["Guid"] = person.Guid;
                    row["NickName"] = person.NickName;
                    row["LastName"] = person.LastName;
                    row["PersonName"] = person.NickName + " " + person.LastName;
                    row["Email"] = person.Email;
                    row["IsFirstEverGift"] = false;
                    row["FirstEverGift"] = firstEverGiftDate;
                    dtResults.Rows.Add( row );

            // Update the changes (deletes) in the datatable

            // Calculate Total
            if ( viewBy == GiversViewBy.Giver )
                pnlTotal.Visible = true;
                object amountTotalObj = dtResults.Compute( "Sum(TotalAmount)", null );
                if ( amountTotalObj != null )
                    decimal amountTotal = amountTotalObj.ToString().AsDecimal();
                    lTotal.Text = amountTotal.FormatAsCurrency();
                    lTotal.Text = string.Empty;
                pnlTotal.Visible = false;

            // Sort the results
            System.Data.DataView dv = dtResults.DefaultView;
            if ( gGiversGifts.SortProperty != null )
                    var sortProperties = new List<string>();
                    foreach( string prop in gGiversGifts.SortProperty.Property.SplitDelimitedValues(false))
                        sortProperties.Add( string.Format( "[{0}] {1}", prop, gGiversGifts.SortProperty.DirectionString ) );
                    dv.Sort = sortProperties.AsDelimited( ", " );
                    dv.Sort = "[LastName] ASC, [NickName] ASC";
                dv.Sort = "[LastName] ASC, [NickName] ASC";

            gGiversGifts.DataSource = dv;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the chart data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="groupBy">The group by.</param>
        /// <param name="graphBy">The graph by.</param>
        /// <param name="startDate">The start date.</param>
        /// <param name="endDate">The end date.</param>
        /// <param name="groupIds">The group ids.</param>
        /// <param name="campusIds">The campus ids. Include the keyword 'null' in the list to include CampusId is null</param>
        /// <param name="scheduleIds">The schedule ids.</param>
        /// <param name="dataViewId">The data view identifier.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable<IChartData> GetChartData( ChartGroupBy groupBy = ChartGroupBy.Week, AttendanceGraphBy graphBy = AttendanceGraphBy.Total, DateTime? startDate = null, DateTime? endDate = null, string groupIds = null, string campusIds = null, int? dataViewId = null, string scheduleIds = null )
            var qryAttendance = Queryable().AsNoTracking()
                .Where( a =>
                    a.DidAttend.HasValue &&
                    a.DidAttend.Value &&
                    a.PersonAlias != null );

            if ( startDate.HasValue )
                qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( a => a.StartDateTime >= startDate.Value );

            if ( endDate.HasValue )
                qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( a => a.StartDateTime < endDate.Value );

            if ( dataViewId.HasValue )
                var rockContext = (RockContext)this.Context;

                var dataView = new DataViewService( rockContext ).Get( dataViewId.Value );
                if ( dataView != null )
                    var personService = new PersonService( rockContext );

                    var errorMessages = new List<string>();
                    ParameterExpression paramExpression = personService.ParameterExpression;
                    Expression whereExpression = dataView.GetExpression( personService, paramExpression, out errorMessages );

                    Rock.Web.UI.Controls.SortProperty sort = null;
                    var dataViewPersonIdQry = personService
                        .Where( paramExpression, whereExpression, sort )
                        .Select( p => p.Id );

                    qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( a => dataViewPersonIdQry.Contains( a.PersonAlias.PersonId ) );

            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( groupIds ) )
                var groupIdList = groupIds.Split( ',' ).AsIntegerList();
                qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( a => a.GroupId.HasValue && groupIdList.Contains( a.GroupId.Value ) );

            // If campuses were included, filter attendances by those that have selected campuses
            // if 'null' is one of the campuses, treat that as a 'CampusId is Null'
            var includeNullCampus = ( campusIds ?? "" ).Split( ',' ).ToList().Any( a => a.Equals( "null", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) );
            var campusIdList = ( campusIds ?? "" ).Split( ',' ).AsIntegerList();

            // remove 0 from the list, just in case it is there
            campusIdList.Remove( 0 );

            if ( campusIdList.Any() )
                if ( includeNullCampus )
                    // show records that have a campusId in the campusIdsList + records that have a null campusId
                    qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( a => ( a.CampusId.HasValue && campusIdList.Contains( a.CampusId.Value ) ) || !a.CampusId.HasValue );
                    // only show records that have a campusId in the campusIdList
                    qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( a => a.CampusId.HasValue && campusIdList.Contains( a.CampusId.Value ) );
            else if ( includeNullCampus )
                // 'null' was the only campusId in the campusIds parameter, so only show records that have a null CampusId
                qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( a => !a.CampusId.HasValue );

            // If schedules were included, filter attendances by those that have selected schedules
            var scheduleIdList = ( scheduleIds ?? "" ).Split( ',' ).AsIntegerList();
            scheduleIdList.Remove( 0 );
            if ( scheduleIdList.Any() )
                qryAttendance = qryAttendance.Where( a => a.ScheduleId.HasValue && scheduleIdList.Contains( a.ScheduleId.Value ) );

            var qryAttendanceWithSummaryDateTime = qryAttendance.GetAttendanceWithSummaryDateTime( groupBy );

            var summaryQry = qryAttendanceWithSummaryDateTime.Select( a => new
                Campus = new
                    Id = a.Attendance.CampusId,
                    Name = a.Attendance.Campus.Name
                Group = new
                    Id = a.Attendance.GroupId,
                    Name = a.Attendance.Group.Name
                Schedule = new
                    Id = a.Attendance.ScheduleId,
                    Name = a.Attendance.Schedule.Name
                Location = new
                    Id = a.Attendance.LocationId,
                    Name = a.Attendance.Location.Name
            } );

            List<SummaryData> result = null;

            if ( graphBy == AttendanceGraphBy.Total )
                var groupByQry = summaryQry.GroupBy( a => new { a.SummaryDateTime } ).Select( s => new { s.Key, Count = s.Count() } ).OrderBy( o => o.Key );

                result = groupByQry.ToList().Select( a => new SummaryData
                    DateTimeStamp = a.Key.SummaryDateTime.ToJavascriptMilliseconds(),
                    DateTime = a.Key.SummaryDateTime,
                    SeriesName = "Total",
                    YValue = a.Count
                } ).ToList();
            else if ( graphBy == AttendanceGraphBy.Campus )
                var groupByQry = summaryQry.GroupBy( a => new { a.SummaryDateTime, Series = a.Campus } ).Select( s => new { s.Key, Count = s.Count() } ).OrderBy( o => o.Key );

                result = groupByQry.ToList().Select( a => new SummaryData
                    DateTimeStamp = a.Key.SummaryDateTime.ToJavascriptMilliseconds(),
                    DateTime = a.Key.SummaryDateTime,
                    SeriesName = a.Key.Series.Name,
                    YValue = a.Count
                } ).ToList();
            else if ( graphBy == AttendanceGraphBy.Group )
                var groupByQry = summaryQry.GroupBy( a => new { a.SummaryDateTime, Series = a.Group } ).Select( s => new { s.Key, Count = s.Count() } ).OrderBy( o => o.Key );

                result = groupByQry.ToList().Select( a => new SummaryData
                    DateTimeStamp = a.Key.SummaryDateTime.ToJavascriptMilliseconds(),
                    DateTime = a.Key.SummaryDateTime,
                    SeriesName = a.Key.Series.Name,
                    YValue = a.Count
                } ).ToList();
            else if ( graphBy == AttendanceGraphBy.Schedule )
                var groupByQry = summaryQry.GroupBy( a => new { a.SummaryDateTime, Series = a.Schedule } ).Select( s => new { s.Key, Count = s.Count() } ).OrderBy( o => o.Key );

                result = groupByQry.ToList().Select( a => new SummaryData
                    DateTimeStamp = a.Key.SummaryDateTime.ToJavascriptMilliseconds(),
                    DateTime = a.Key.SummaryDateTime,
                    SeriesName = a.Key.Series.Name,
                    YValue = a.Count
                } ).ToList();
            else if ( graphBy == AttendanceGraphBy.Location )
                var groupByQry = summaryQry.GroupBy( a => new { a.SummaryDateTime, Series = a.Location } ).Select( s => new { s.Key, Count = s.Count() } ).OrderBy( o => o.Key );

                result = groupByQry.ToList().Select( a => new SummaryData
                    DateTimeStamp = a.Key.SummaryDateTime.ToJavascriptMilliseconds(),
                    DateTime = a.Key.SummaryDateTime,
                    SeriesName = a.Key.Series.Name,
                    YValue = a.Count
                } ).ToList();

            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the attendees grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindGiversGrid()
            // Get all the selected criteria values
            var dateRange = SlidingDateRangePicker.CalculateDateRangeFromDelimitedValues( drpSlidingDateRange.DelimitedValues );
            var start = dateRange.Start;
            var end = dateRange.End;

            var minAmount = nreAmount.LowerValue;
            var maxAmount = nreAmount.UpperValue;

            var currencyTypeIds = new List<int>();
            cblCurrencyTypes.SelectedValues.ForEach( i => currencyTypeIds.Add( i.AsInteger() ) );

            var sourceIds = new List<int>();
            cblTransactionSource.SelectedValues.ForEach( i => sourceIds.Add( i.AsInteger() ) );

            var accountIds = new List<int>();
            foreach ( var cblAccounts in phAccounts.Controls.OfType<RockCheckBoxList>() )
                accountIds.AddRange( cblAccounts.SelectedValuesAsInt );

            var groupBy = hfGroupBy.Value.ConvertToEnumOrNull<ChartGroupBy>() ?? ChartGroupBy.Week;
            var graphBy = hfGraphBy.Value.ConvertToEnumOrNull<TransactionGraphBy>() ?? TransactionGraphBy.Total;

            GiversViewBy viewBy = GiversViewBy.Giver;
            if ( !HideViewByOption )
                viewBy = hfViewBy.Value.ConvertToEnumOrNull<GiversViewBy>() ?? GiversViewBy.Giver;

            // Collection of async queries to run before assembling data
            var qryTasks = new List<Task>();

            // Get all person summary data
            var personInfoList = new List<PersonInfo>();
            qryTasks.Add( Task.Run( () =>
                var dt = FinancialTransactionDetailService.GetGivingAnalyticsPersonSummary(
                    start, end, minAmount, maxAmount, accountIds, currencyTypeIds, sourceIds )

                foreach ( DataRow row in dt.Rows )
                    var personInfo = new PersonInfo();

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["Id"] ) )
                        personInfo.Id = (int)row["Id"];

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["Guid"] ) )
                        personInfo.Guid = row["Guid"].ToString().AsGuid();

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["NickName"] ) )
                        personInfo.NickName = row["NickName"].ToString();

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["LastName"] ) )
                        personInfo.LastName = row["LastName"].ToString();

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["Email"] ) )
                        personInfo.Email = row["Email"].ToString();

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["GivingId"] ) )
                        personInfo.GivingId = row["GivingId"].ToString();

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["FirstGift"] ) )
                        personInfo.FirstGift = row["FirstGift"].ToString().AsDateTime();

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["LastGift"] ) )
                        personInfo.LastGift = row["LastGift"].ToString().AsDateTime();

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["NumberGifts"] ) )
                        personInfo.NumberGifts = (int)row["NumberGifts"];

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["TotalAmount"] ) )
                        personInfo.TotalAmount = (decimal)row["TotalAmount"];

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["IsGivingLeader"] ) )
                        personInfo.IsGivingLeader = (bool)row["IsGivingLeader"];

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["IsAdult"] ) )
                        personInfo.IsAdult = (bool)row["IsAdult"];

                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["IsChild"] ) )
                        personInfo.IsChild = (bool)row["IsChild"];

                    personInfo.AccountAmounts = new Dictionary<int, decimal>();

                    personInfoList.Add( personInfo );

            } ) );

            // Get the account summary values
            DataTable dtAccountSummary = null;
            qryTasks.Add( Task.Run( () =>
                dtAccountSummary = FinancialTransactionDetailService.GetGivingAnalyticsAccountTotals(
                    start, end, accountIds, currencyTypeIds, sourceIds )
            } ) );

            // Get the first/last ever dates
            var firstEverVals = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>();
            var lastEverVals = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>();
            qryTasks.Add( Task.Run( () =>
                var dt = FinancialTransactionDetailService.GetGivingAnalyticsFirstLastEverDates()
                foreach ( DataRow row in dt.Rows )
                    if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["GivingId"] ) )
                        if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["FirstEverGift"] ) )
                            firstEverVals.Add( row["GivingId"].ToString(), row["FirstEverGift"].ToString().AsDateTime().Value );
                        if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["LastEverGift"] ) )
                            lastEverVals.Add( row["GivingId"].ToString(), row["LastEverGift"].ToString().AsDateTime().Value );

            } ) );

            // If a dataview filter was included, find the people who match that criteria
            List<int> dataViewPersonIds = null;
            var dataViewId = dvpDataView.SelectedValueAsInt();
            if ( dataViewId.HasValue )
                qryTasks.Add( Task.Run( () =>
                    dataViewPersonIds = new List<int>();
                    var dataView = new DataViewService( _rockContext ).Get( dataViewId.Value );
                    if ( dataView != null )
                        var errorMessages = new List<string>();
                        var dvPersonService = new PersonService( _rockContext );
                        ParameterExpression paramExpression = dvPersonService.ParameterExpression;
                        Expression whereExpression = dataView.GetExpression( dvPersonService, paramExpression, out errorMessages );

                        SortProperty sort = null;
                        var dataViewPersonIdQry = dvPersonService
                            .Where( paramExpression, whereExpression, sort )
                            .Select( p => p.Id );
                        dataViewPersonIds = dataViewPersonIdQry.ToList();
                } ) );

            qryTasks.Add( Task.Run( () =>
                // Clear all the existing grid columns
                var selectField = new SelectField();
                var oldSelectField = gGiversGifts.ColumnsOfType<SelectField>().FirstOrDefault();
                if ( oldSelectField != null )
                    selectField.SelectedKeys.AddRange( oldSelectField.SelectedKeys );


                // Add a column for selecting rows
                gGiversGifts.Columns.Add( selectField );

                // Add a hidden column for person id
                    new RockBoundField
                        DataField = "Id",
                        HeaderText = "Person Id",
                        SortExpression = "Id",
                        Visible = false,
                        ExcelExportBehavior = ExcelExportBehavior.AlwaysInclude
                    } );

                // Add a column for the person's name
                    new RockBoundField
                        DataField = "PersonName",
                        HeaderText = "Person",
                        SortExpression = "LastName,NickName"
                    } );

                // add a column for email (but is only included on excel export)
                    new RockBoundField
                        DataField = "Email",
                        HeaderText = "Email",
                        SortExpression = "Email",
                        Visible = false,
                        ExcelExportBehavior = ExcelExportBehavior.AlwaysInclude
                    } );

                // Add a column for total amount
                    new CurrencyField
                        DataField = "TotalAmount",
                        HeaderText = "Total",
                        SortExpression = "TotalAmount"
                    } );

                // Add columns for the selected account totals
                if ( accountIds.Any() )
                    var accounts = new FinancialAccountService( _rockContext )
                        .Where( a => accountIds.Contains( a.Id ) )

                    foreach ( int accountId in accountIds )
                        var account = accounts.FirstOrDefault( a => a.Id == accountId );
                        if ( account != null )
                                new GivingAnalyticsAccountField
                                    DataField = string.Format( "Account_{0}", account.Id ),
                                    HeaderText = account.Name,
                                    SortExpression = string.Format( "Account:{0}", account.Id ),
                                } );

                // Add a column for the number of gifts
                var numberGiftsField = new RockBoundField
                    DataField = "NumberGifts",
                    HeaderText = "Number of Gifts",
                    SortExpression = "NumberGifts",
                    DataFormatString = "{0:N0}",
                numberGiftsField.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
                gGiversGifts.Columns.Add( numberGiftsField );

                if ( !radFirstTime.Checked )
                    // Add a column to indicate if this is a first time giver
                        new BoolField
                            DataField = "IsFirstEverGift",
                            HeaderText = "Is First Gift",
                            SortExpression = "IsFirstEverGift"
                        } );

                    // Add a column for the first gift date ( that matches criteria )
                        new DateField
                            DataField = "FirstGift",
                            HeaderText = "First Gift in Period",
                            SortExpression = "FirstGift"
                        } );

                // Add a column for the first-ever gift date ( to any tax-deductible account )
                    new DateField
                        DataField = "FirstEverGift",
                        HeaderText = "First Gift Ever",
                        SortExpression = "FirstEverGift"
                    } );

                // Add a column for the first gift date ( that matches criteria )
                    new DateField
                        DataField = "LastGift",
                        HeaderText = "Last Gift in Period",
                        SortExpression = "LastGift"
                    } );

                // Add a column for the last-ever gift date ( to any tax-deductible account )
                    new DateField
                        DataField = "LastEverGift",
                        HeaderText = "Last Gift Ever",
                        SortExpression = "LastEverGift"
                    } );

            } ) );

            // Wait for all the queries to finish
            Task.WaitAll( qryTasks.ToArray() );

            // If dataview was selected and it's being used to filter results people, not in dataview
            if ( dataViewId.HasValue && rblDataViewAction.SelectedValue != "All" && dataViewPersonIds.Any() )
                personInfoList = personInfoList.Where( c => dataViewPersonIds.Contains( c.Id ) ).ToList();

            // if dataview was selected and it includes people not in the result set,
            if ( dataViewId.HasValue && rblDataViewAction.SelectedValue == "All" && dataViewPersonIds.Any() )
                // Query for the names of each of these people
                foreach ( var person in new PersonService( _rockContext )
                    .Where( p => dataViewPersonIds.Contains( p.Id ) )
                    .Select( p => new
                    } ) )
                    // Check for a first ever gift date
                    var firstEverGiftDate = firstEverVals
                        .Where( f => f.Key == person.GivingId )
                        .Select( f => f.Value )

                    // Check for a last ever gift date
                    var lastEverGiftDate = lastEverVals
                        .Where( f => f.Key == person.GivingId )
                        .Select( f => f.Value )

                    var personInfo = new PersonInfo();
                    personInfo.Id = person.Id;
                    personInfo.Guid = person.Guid;
                    personInfo.NickName = person.NickName;
                    personInfo.LastName = person.LastName;
                    personInfo.Email = person.Email;
                    personInfo.GivingId = person.GivingId;
                    personInfo.IsGivingLeader = person.Id == person.GivingLeaderId;
                    personInfo.FirstEverGift = firstEverGiftDate;
                    personInfo.LastEverGift = lastEverGiftDate;

                    personInfoList.Add( personInfo );

            // Filter out recs that don't match the view by
            switch ( viewBy )
                case GiversViewBy.Giver:
                        personInfoList = personInfoList.Where( p => p.IsGivingLeader ).ToList();
                case GiversViewBy.Adults:
                        personInfoList = personInfoList.Where( p => p.IsAdult ).ToList();
                case GiversViewBy.Children:
                        personInfoList = personInfoList.Where( p => p.IsChild ).ToList();

            // Add the first/last gift dates
            foreach ( var personInfo in personInfoList )
                if ( firstEverVals.ContainsKey( personInfo.GivingId ) )
                    personInfo.FirstEverGift = firstEverVals[personInfo.GivingId];
                if ( lastEverVals.ContainsKey( personInfo.GivingId ) )
                    personInfo.LastEverGift = lastEverVals[personInfo.GivingId];

            // Check to see if we're only showing first time givers
            if ( radFirstTime.Checked )
                personInfoList = personInfoList
                    .Where( p => p.IsFirstEverGift )

            // Check to see if grid should display only people who gave a certain number of times and if so
            // set the min value
            if ( radByPattern.Checked )
                int minCount = tbPatternXTimes.Text.AsInteger();
                var previousGivingIds = new List<string>();

                if ( cbPatternAndMissed.Checked )
                    var missedStart = drpPatternDateRange.LowerValue;
                    var missedEnd = drpPatternDateRange.UpperValue;
                    if ( missedStart.HasValue && missedEnd.HasValue )
                        // Get the givingleaderids that gave any amount during the pattern's date range. These
                        // are needed so that we know who to exclude from the result set
                        previousGivingIds = new FinancialTransactionDetailService( _rockContext )
                            .Where( d =>
                                d.Transaction.TransactionDateTime.HasValue &&
                                d.Transaction.TransactionDateTime.Value >= missedStart.Value &&
                                d.Transaction.TransactionDateTime.Value < missedEnd.Value &&
                                ( accountIds.Any() && accountIds.Contains( d.AccountId ) || d.Account.IsTaxDeductible ) &&
                                d.Amount != 0.0M )
                            .Select( d => d.Transaction.AuthorizedPersonAlias.Person.GivingId )

                personInfoList = personInfoList
                    .Where( p =>
                        !previousGivingIds.Contains( p.GivingId ) &&
                        p.NumberGifts >= minCount )

            // Add account summary info
            foreach ( DataRow row in dtAccountSummary.Rows )
                if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["GivingId"] ) &&
                    !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["AccountId"] ) &&
                    !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["Amount"] ) )
                    string givingId = row["GivingId"].ToString();
                    int accountId = (int)row["AccountId"];
                    decimal amount = (decimal)row["Amount"];

                    foreach ( var personInfo in personInfoList.Where( p => p.GivingId == givingId ) )
                        personInfo.AccountAmounts.AddOrIgnore( accountId, amount );

            // Calculate Total
            if ( viewBy == GiversViewBy.Giver )
                pnlTotal.Visible = true;
                decimal amountTotal = personInfoList.Sum( p => p.TotalAmount );
                lTotal.Text = amountTotal.FormatAsCurrency();
                pnlTotal.Visible = false;

            var qry = personInfoList.AsQueryable();

            if ( gGiversGifts.SortProperty != null )
                if ( gGiversGifts.SortProperty.Property.StartsWith( "Account" ) )
                    int? accountId = gGiversGifts.SortProperty.Property.Substring( 8 ).AsIntegerOrNull();
                    if ( accountId.HasValue )
                        foreach ( var personInfo in personInfoList )
                            personInfo.SortAmount = personInfo.AccountAmounts.ContainsKey( accountId.Value ) ?
                                personInfo.AccountAmounts[accountId.Value] : 0.0M;
                            if ( gGiversGifts.SortProperty.Direction == SortDirection.Ascending )
                                gGiversGifts.DataSource = personInfoList.OrderBy( p => p.SortAmount ).ToList();
                                gGiversGifts.DataSource = personInfoList.OrderByDescending( p => p.SortAmount ).ToList();
                        gGiversGifts.DataSource = qry.OrderBy( p => p.LastName ).ThenBy( p => p.NickName ).ToList();
                    gGiversGifts.DataSource = qry.Sort( gGiversGifts.SortProperty ).ToList();
                gGiversGifts.DataSource = qry.OrderBy( p => p.LastName ).ThenBy( p => p.NickName ).ToList();

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets financial transaction details based on selected filter values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">The start.</param>
        /// <param name="end">The end.</param>
        /// <param name="minAmount">The minimum amount.</param>
        /// <param name="maxAmount">The maximum amount.</param>
        /// <param name="currencyTypeIds">The currency type ids.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceTypeIds">The source type ids.</param>
        /// <param name="accountIds">The account ids.</param>
        /// <param name="dataViewId">The data view identifier.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IQueryable<FinancialTransactionDetail> GetGifts(
            DateTime? start, DateTime? end, decimal? minAmount, decimal? maxAmount,
            List<int> currencyTypeIds, List<int> sourceTypeIds, List<int> accountIds, int? dataViewId )
            // Base Transaction Detail query
            var qry = GetGifts();

            // Start Date Filter
            if ( start.HasValue )
                qry = qry.Where( t => t.Transaction.TransactionDateTime >= start.Value );

            // End Date Filter
            if ( end.HasValue )
                qry = qry.Where( t => t.Transaction.TransactionDateTime < end.Value );

            // Account Id Filter
            var distictAccountIds = accountIds.Where( i => i != 0 ).Distinct().ToList();
            if ( distictAccountIds.Any() )
                qry = qry
                    .Where( t =>
                        distictAccountIds.Contains( t.AccountId ) );

            // Currency Type Filter
            var distictCurrencyTypeIds = currencyTypeIds.Where( i => i != 0 ).Distinct().ToList();
            if ( distictCurrencyTypeIds.Any() )
                qry = qry
                    .Where( t =>
                        t.Transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail != null &&
                        t.Transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.CurrencyTypeValueId.HasValue &&
                        distictCurrencyTypeIds.Contains( t.Transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.CurrencyTypeValueId.Value ) );

            // Source Type Filter
            var distictSourceTypeIds = sourceTypeIds.Where( i => i != 0 ).Distinct().ToList();
            if ( distictSourceTypeIds.Any() )
                qry = qry
                    .Where( t =>
                        t.Transaction.SourceTypeValueId.HasValue &&
                        distictSourceTypeIds.Contains( t.Transaction.SourceTypeValueId.Value ) );

            // Amount Range Filter
            if ( minAmount.HasValue || maxAmount.HasValue )
                var givingIdQry = qry
                    .GroupBy( d => d.Transaction.AuthorizedPersonAlias.Person.GivingId )
                    .Select( d => new { d.Key, Total = d.Sum( t => t.Amount ) } )
                    .Where( s =>
                        ( !minAmount.HasValue || s.Total >= minAmount.Value ) &&
                        ( !maxAmount.HasValue || s.Total <= maxAmount.Value ) )
                    .Select( s => s.Key );

                qry = qry
                    .Where( d =>
                        givingIdQry.Contains( d.Transaction.AuthorizedPersonAlias.Person.GivingId ) );

            // Data View Filter
            if ( dataViewId.HasValue )
                var rockContext = (RockContext)this.Context;
                if ( rockContext != null )
                    var personService = new PersonService( rockContext );
                    var dataView = new DataViewService( rockContext ).Get( dataViewId.Value );
                    if ( dataView != null )
                        var errorMessages = new List<string>();
                        ParameterExpression paramExpression = personService.ParameterExpression;
                        Expression whereExpression = dataView.GetExpression( personService, paramExpression, out errorMessages );

                        SortProperty sortProperty = null;
                        var dataViewGivingIdQry = personService
                            .Where( paramExpression, whereExpression, sortProperty )
                            .Select( p => p.GivingId );

                        qry = qry
                            .Where( t =>
                                dataViewGivingIdQry.Contains( t.Transaction.AuthorizedPersonAlias.Person.GivingId ) );

            return qry;
        private IEnumerable<Rock.Chart.IChartData> GetGivingChartData()
            var dateRange = SlidingDateRangePicker.CalculateDateRangeFromDelimitedValues( drpSlidingDateRange.DelimitedValues );

            var currencyTypeIds = new List<int>();
            cblCurrencyTypes.SelectedValues.ForEach( i => currencyTypeIds.Add( i.AsInteger() ) );

            var sourceIds = new List<int>();
            cblTransactionSource.SelectedValues.ForEach( i => sourceIds.Add( i.AsInteger() ) );

            var accountIds = new List<int>();
            foreach ( var cblAccounts in phAccounts.Controls.OfType<RockCheckBoxList>() )
                accountIds.AddRange( cblAccounts.SelectedValuesAsInt );

            var groupBy = hfGroupBy.Value.ConvertToEnumOrNull<ChartGroupBy>() ?? ChartGroupBy.Week;
            var graphBy = hfGraphBy.Value.ConvertToEnumOrNull<TransactionGraphBy>() ?? TransactionGraphBy.Total;

            // Collection of async queries to run before assembling date
            var qryTasks = new List<Task>();

            // Get the chart data
            var transactionInfoList = new List<TransactionInfo>();
            qryTasks.Add( Task.Run( () =>
                transactionInfoList = new List<TransactionInfo>();

                var ds = FinancialTransactionDetailService.GetGivingAnalyticsTransactionData(
                    sourceIds );

                if ( ds != null )
                    foreach ( DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows )
                        var chartData = new TransactionInfo();
                        if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["GivingId"] ) )
                            chartData.GivingId = row["GivingId"].ToString();

                        if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["Amount"] ) )
                            chartData.Amount = (decimal)row["Amount"];

                        if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["TransactionDateTime"] ) )
                            chartData.TransactionDateTime = row["TransactionDateTime"].ToString().AsDateTime();

                        switch ( groupBy )
                            case ChartGroupBy.Week:
                                if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["SundayDate"] ) )
                                    chartData.SummaryDate = row["SundayDate"].ToString().AsDateTime();

                            case ChartGroupBy.Month:
                                if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["MonthDate"] ) )
                                    chartData.SummaryDate = row["MonthDate"].ToString().AsDateTime();

                            case ChartGroupBy.Year:
                                if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["YearDate"] ) )
                                    chartData.SummaryDate = row["YearDate"].ToString().AsDateTime();

                        if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["AccountId"] ) )
                            chartData.AccountId = (int)row["AccountId"];

                        if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["AccountName"] ) )
                            chartData.AccountName = row["AccountName"].ToString();

                        if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["GLCode"] ) )
                            chartData.GLCode = row["GLCode"].ToString();

                        if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["CampusId"] ) )
                            chartData.CampusId = row["CampusId"].ToString().AsIntegerOrNull();

                        if ( chartData.CampusId.HasValue )
                            var campus = CampusCache.Read( chartData.CampusId.Value );
                            if ( campus != null )
                                chartData.CampusName = campus.Name;

                        transactionInfoList.Add( chartData );
            } ) );

            // If min or max amount values were entered, need to get summary so we know who gave within that range
            List<string> idsWithValidTotals = null;
            if ( nreAmount.LowerValue.HasValue || nreAmount.UpperValue.HasValue )
                qryTasks.Add( Task.Run( () =>
                    idsWithValidTotals = new List<string>();

                    var dtPersonSummary = FinancialTransactionDetailService.GetGivingAnalyticsPersonSummary(
                        sourceIds ).Tables[0];

                    foreach ( DataRow row in dtPersonSummary.Rows )
                        if ( !DBNull.Value.Equals( row["GivingId"] ) )
                            idsWithValidTotals.Add( row["GivingId"].ToString() );
                } ) );


            // If a dataview filter was included, find the people who match that criteria
            List<string> dataViewGivingIds = null;
            var dataViewId = dvpDataView.SelectedValueAsInt();
            if ( dataViewId.HasValue )
                qryTasks.Add( Task.Run( () =>
                    dataViewGivingIds = new List<string>();
                    var dataView = new DataViewService( _rockContext ).Get( dataViewId.Value );
                    if ( dataView != null )
                        var errorMessages = new List<string>();
                        var dvPersonService = new PersonService( _rockContext );
                        ParameterExpression paramExpression = dvPersonService.ParameterExpression;
                        Expression whereExpression = dataView.GetExpression( dvPersonService, paramExpression, out errorMessages );

                        SortProperty sort = null;
                        var dataViewPersonIdQry = dvPersonService
                            .Where( paramExpression, whereExpression, sort )
                            .Select( p => p.GivingId );
                        dataViewGivingIds = dataViewPersonIdQry.ToList();
                } ) );

            // Wait for all the queries to finish
            Task.WaitAll( qryTasks.ToArray() );

            // Remove any giving leaders outside the min/max gift amounts
            if ( idsWithValidTotals != null )
                transactionInfoList = transactionInfoList.Where( c => idsWithValidTotals.Contains( c.GivingId ) ).ToList();

            // Remove any giving leaders, not in dataview
            if ( dataViewGivingIds != null )
                transactionInfoList = transactionInfoList.Where( c => dataViewGivingIds.Contains( c.GivingId ) ).ToList();

            // Group the results by week/month/year
            List<SummaryData> result = null;
            switch ( graphBy )
                case TransactionGraphBy.Total:
                        result = transactionInfoList
                            .Where( c => c.SummaryDate.HasValue )
                            .GroupBy( c => new { c.SummaryDate.Value } )
                            .Select( r => new SummaryData
                                DateTimeStamp = r.Key.Value.ToJavascriptMilliseconds(),
                                DateTime = r.Key.Value,
                                SeriesName = "Total",
                                YValue = r.Sum( a => a.Amount )
                            } )
                            .OrderBy( r => r.DateTime )
                case TransactionGraphBy.Campus:
                        result = transactionInfoList
                            .Where( c => c.SummaryDate.HasValue )
                            .GroupBy( c => new { c.SummaryDate.Value, c.CampusName } )
                            .Select( r => new SummaryData
                                DateTimeStamp = r.Key.Value.ToJavascriptMilliseconds(),
                                DateTime = r.Key.Value,
                                SeriesName = r.Key.CampusName,
                                YValue = r.Sum( a => a.Amount )
                            } )
                            .OrderBy( r => r.DateTime )
                case TransactionGraphBy.FinancialAccount:
                        result = transactionInfoList
                            .Where( c => c.SummaryDate.HasValue )
                            .GroupBy( c => new { c.SummaryDate.Value, c.AccountName, c.GLCode } )
                            .Select( r => new SummaryData
                                DateTimeStamp = r.Key.Value.ToJavascriptMilliseconds(),
                                DateTime = r.Key.Value,
                                SeriesName = r.Key.AccountName,
                                SeriesAddlInfo = r.Key.GLCode,
                                YValue = r.Sum( a => a.Amount )
                            } )
                            .OrderBy( r => r.DateTime )

            return result;
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the data view expression.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataViewId">The data view identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="service">The service.</param>
        /// <param name="parmExpression">The parm expression.</param>
        /// <param name="entityTypeCache">The entity type cache.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception>
        private Expression GetDataViewExpression( int dataViewId, IService service, ParameterExpression parmExpression, EntityTypeCache entityTypeCache )
            var dataViewSource = new DataViewService( _rockContext ).Get( dataViewId );
            bool isCorrectDataType = dataViewSource.EntityTypeId == entityTypeCache.Id;

            if ( isCorrectDataType )
                List<string> errorMessages = new List<string>();
                var whereExpression = dataViewSource.GetExpression( service, parmExpression, out errorMessages );
                return whereExpression;
                throw new Exception( string.Format( "The DataView provided is not of type {0}.", entityTypeCache.FriendlyName ) );
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the attendees grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindAttendeesGrid( bool isExporting = false )
            // Get Group Type filter
            var groupTypes = this.GetSelectedGroupTypes();
            if ( groupTypes == null || !groupTypes.Any() )
            var groupTypeIdList = groupTypes.Select( t => t.Id ).ToList();

            // Get the daterange filter
            var dateRange = SlidingDateRangePicker.CalculateDateRangeFromDelimitedValues( drpSlidingDateRange.DelimitedValues );
            if ( dateRange.End == null )
                dateRange.End = RockDateTime.Now;
            var start = dateRange.Start;
            var end = dateRange.End;

            // Get the group filter
            var groupIdList = new List<int>();
            string groupIds = GetSelectedGroupIds().AsDelimited( "," );
            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( groupIds ) )
                groupIdList = groupIds.Split( ',' ).AsIntegerList();

            // If campuses were included, filter attendances by those that have selected campuses
            // if 'null' is one of the campuses, treat that as a 'CampusId is Null'
            var includeNullCampus = clbCampuses.SelectedValues.Any( a => a.Equals( "null", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) );
            var campusIdList = clbCampuses.SelectedValues.AsIntegerList();
            campusIdList.Remove( 0 ); // remove 0 from the list, just in case it is there
            if ( !includeNullCampus && !campusIdList.Any() )
                campusIdList = null;

            // If schedules were included, filter attendance by those that have the selected schedules
            var scheduleIdList = spSchedules.SelectedValues.AsIntegerList();
            scheduleIdList.Remove( 0 );
            if ( !scheduleIdList.Any() )
                scheduleIdList = null;

            // we want to get the first 2 visits at a minimum so we can show the dates in the grid
            int nthVisitsTake = 2;
            int? byNthVisit = null;
            if ( radByVisit.Checked )
                // If we are filtering by nth visit, we might want to get up to first 5
                byNthVisit = ddlNthVisit.SelectedValue.AsIntegerOrNull();
                if ( byNthVisit.HasValue && byNthVisit > 2 )
                    nthVisitsTake = byNthVisit.Value;
            bool showNonAttenders = byNthVisit.HasValue && byNthVisit.Value == 0;

            // Get any attendance pattern filters
            int? attendedMinCount = null;
            int? attendedMissedCount = null;
            DateRange attendedMissedDateRange = new DateRange();
            if ( radByPattern.Checked )
                attendedMinCount = tbPatternXTimes.Text.AsIntegerOrNull();
                if ( cbPatternAndMissed.Checked )
                    attendedMissedCount = tbPatternMissedXTimes.Text.AsIntegerOrNull();
                    attendedMissedDateRange = new DateRange( drpPatternDateRange.LowerValue, drpPatternDateRange.UpperValue );
                    if ( !attendedMissedDateRange.Start.HasValue || !attendedMissedDateRange.End.HasValue )
                        nbMissedDateRangeRequired.Visible = true;
            nbMissedDateRangeRequired.Visible = false;

            // Determine how dates shold be grouped
            ChartGroupBy groupBy = hfGroupBy.Value.ConvertToEnumOrNull<ChartGroupBy>() ?? ChartGroupBy.Week;

            // Determine if parents or children are being included with results
            var includeParents = hfViewBy.Value.ConvertToEnumOrNull<ViewBy>().GetValueOrDefault( ViewBy.Attendees ) == ViewBy.ParentsOfAttendees;
            var includeChildren = hfViewBy.Value.ConvertToEnumOrNull<ViewBy>().GetValueOrDefault( ViewBy.Attendees ) == ViewBy.ChildrenOfAttendees;

            // Atttendance results
            var allAttendeeVisits = new Dictionary<int, AttendeeVisits>();
            var allResults = new List<AttendeeResult>();

            // Collection of async queries to run before assembling data
            var qryTasks = new List<Task>();

            DataTable dtAttendeeLastAttendance = null;
            DataTable dtAttendees = null;
            DataTable dtAttendeeFirstDates = null;
            List<int> personIdsWhoDidNotMiss = null;

            if ( !showNonAttenders )
                // Call the stored procedure to get all the person ids and their attendance dates for anyone
                // whith attendance that matches the selected criteria.
                qryTasks.Add( Task.Run( () =>
                    DataTable dtAttendeeDates = AttendanceService.GetAttendanceAnalyticsAttendeeDates(
                        groupIdList, start, end, campusIdList, includeNullCampus, scheduleIdList ).Tables[0];

                    foreach ( DataRow row in dtAttendeeDates.Rows )
                        int personId = (int)row["PersonId"];
                        allAttendeeVisits.AddOrIgnore( personId, new AttendeeVisits() );
                        var result = allAttendeeVisits[personId];
                        result.PersonId = personId;

                        DateTime summaryDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                        switch ( groupBy )
                            case ChartGroupBy.Week: summaryDate = (DateTime)row["SundayDate"]; break;
                            case ChartGroupBy.Month: summaryDate = (DateTime)row["MonthDate"]; break;
                            case ChartGroupBy.Year: summaryDate = (DateTime)row["YearDate"]; break;
                        if ( !result.AttendanceSummary.Contains( summaryDate ) )
                            result.AttendanceSummary.Add( summaryDate );
                } ) );

                // Call the stored procedure to get the last attendance
                qryTasks.Add( Task.Run( () =>
                    dtAttendeeLastAttendance = AttendanceService.GetAttendanceAnalyticsAttendeeLastAttendance(
                        groupIdList, start, end, campusIdList, includeNullCampus, scheduleIdList ).Tables[0];
                } ) );

                // Call the stored procedure to get the names/demographic info for attendess
                qryTasks.Add( Task.Run( () =>
                    dtAttendees = AttendanceService.GetAttendanceAnalyticsAttendees(
                        groupIdList, start, end, campusIdList, includeNullCampus, scheduleIdList, includeParents, includeChildren ).Tables[0];
                } ) );

                // If checking for missed attendance, get the people who missed that number of dates during the missed date range
                if ( attendedMissedCount.HasValue &&
                    attendedMissedDateRange.Start.HasValue &&
                    attendedMissedDateRange.End.HasValue )
                    qryTasks.Add( Task.Run( () =>
                        personIdsWhoDidNotMiss = new List<int>();

                        DataTable dtAttendeeDatesMissed = AttendanceService.GetAttendanceAnalyticsAttendeeDates(
                            groupIdList, attendedMissedDateRange.Start.Value, attendedMissedDateRange.End.Value,
                            campusIdList, includeNullCampus, scheduleIdList ).Tables[0];

                        var missedResults = new Dictionary<int, AttendeeResult>();
                        foreach ( DataRow row in dtAttendeeDatesMissed.Rows )
                            int personId = (int)row["PersonId"];
                            missedResults.AddOrIgnore( personId, new AttendeeResult() );
                            var missedResult = missedResults[personId];
                            missedResult.PersonId = personId;

                            DateTime summaryDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                            switch ( groupBy )
                                case ChartGroupBy.Week: summaryDate = (DateTime)row["SundayDate"]; break;
                                case ChartGroupBy.Month: summaryDate = (DateTime)row["MonthDate"]; break;
                                case ChartGroupBy.Year: summaryDate = (DateTime)row["YearDate"]; break;

                            if ( !missedResult.AttendanceSummary.Contains( summaryDate ) )
                                missedResult.AttendanceSummary.Add( summaryDate );

                        var missedPossibleDates = GetPossibleAttendancesForDateRange( attendedMissedDateRange, groupBy );
                        int missedPossibleCount = missedPossibleDates.Count();

                        personIdsWhoDidNotMiss = missedResults
                            .Where( m => missedPossibleCount - m.Value.AttendanceSummary.Count < attendedMissedCount.Value )
                            .Select( m => m.Key )
                    } ) );

                // Call the stored procedure to get the first five dates that any person attended this group type
                qryTasks.Add( Task.Run( () =>
                    dtAttendeeFirstDates = AttendanceService.GetAttendanceAnalyticsAttendeeFirstDates(
                        groupTypeIdList, groupIdList, start, end, campusIdList, includeNullCampus, scheduleIdList ).Tables[0];
                } ) );
                qryTasks.Add( Task.Run( () =>
                    DataSet ds = AttendanceService.GetAttendanceAnalyticsNonAttendees(
                        groupTypeIdList, groupIdList, start, end, campusIdList, includeNullCampus, scheduleIdList, includeParents, includeChildren );

                    DataTable dtNonAttenders = ds.Tables[0];
                    dtAttendeeFirstDates = ds.Tables[1];
                    dtAttendeeLastAttendance = ds.Tables[2];

                    foreach ( DataRow row in dtNonAttenders.Rows )
                        int personId = (int)row["Id"];

                        var result = new AttendeeResult();
                        result.PersonId = personId;

                        var person = new PersonInfo();
                        person.NickName = row["NickName"].ToString();
                        person.LastName = row["LastName"].ToString();
                        person.Email = row["Email"].ToString();
                        person.Birthdate = row["BirthDate"] as DateTime?;
                        person.Age = Person.GetAge( person.Birthdate );

                        person.ConnectionStatusValueId = row["ConnectionStatusValueId"] as int?;
                        result.Person = person;

                        if ( includeParents )
                            result.ParentId = (int)row["ParentId"];
                            var parent = new PersonInfo();
                            parent.NickName = row["ParentNickName"].ToString();
                            parent.LastName = row["ParentLastName"].ToString();
                            parent.Email = row["ParentEmail"].ToString();
                            parent.Birthdate = row["ParentBirthDate"] as DateTime?;
                            parent.Age = Person.GetAge( parent.Birthdate );
                            result.Parent = parent;

                        if ( includeChildren )
                            var child = new PersonInfo();
                            result.ChildId = (int)row["ChildId"];
                            child.NickName = row["ChildNickName"].ToString();
                            child.LastName = row["ChildLastName"].ToString();
                            child.Email = row["ChildEmail"].ToString();
                            child.Birthdate = row["ChildBirthDate"] as DateTime?;
                            child.Age = Person.GetAge( child.Birthdate );
                            result.Child = child;

                        allResults.Add( result );
                } ) );

            // If a dataview filter was included, find the people who match that criteria
            List<int> dataViewPersonIds = null;
            qryTasks.Add( Task.Run( () =>
                var dataViewId = dvpDataView.SelectedValueAsInt();
                if ( dataViewId.HasValue )
                    dataViewPersonIds = new List<int>();
                    var dataView = new DataViewService( _rockContext ).Get( dataViewId.Value );
                    if ( dataView != null )
                        var errorMessages = new List<string>();
                        var dvPersonService = new PersonService( _rockContext );
                        ParameterExpression paramExpression = dvPersonService.ParameterExpression;
                        Expression whereExpression = dataView.GetExpression( dvPersonService, paramExpression, out errorMessages );

                        SortProperty sort = null;
                        var dataViewPersonIdQry = dvPersonService
                            .Where( paramExpression, whereExpression, sort )
                            .Select( p => p.Id );
                        dataViewPersonIds = dataViewPersonIdQry.ToList();
            } ) );

            // Wait for all the queries to finish
            Task.WaitAll( qryTasks.ToArray() );

            if ( !showNonAttenders )
                var attendees = allAttendeeVisits.AsQueryable();

                // If dataview filter was included remove anyone not in that dataview
                if ( dataViewPersonIds != null )
                    attendees = attendees.Where( p => dataViewPersonIds.Contains( p.Key ) );

                // If filter for number missed was included, remove anyone who did not match that filter
                if ( personIdsWhoDidNotMiss != null )
                    attendees = attendees.Where( p => !personIdsWhoDidNotMiss.Contains( p.Key ) );

                // If filtering by minimum times attended
                if ( attendedMinCount.HasValue )
                    attendees = attendees.Where( p => p.Value.AttendanceSummary.Count() >= attendedMinCount );

                // Force filter application
                allAttendeeVisits = attendees.ToDictionary( k => k.Key, v => v.Value );

                // Add the First Visit information
                foreach ( DataRow row in dtAttendeeFirstDates.Rows )
                    int personId = (int)row["PersonId"];
                    if ( allAttendeeVisits.ContainsKey( personId ) )
                        allAttendeeVisits[personId].FirstVisits.Add( (DateTime)row["StartDate"] );

                // If filtering based on visit time, only include those who visited the selected time during the date range
                if ( byNthVisit.HasValue )
                    int skipCount = byNthVisit.Value - 1;
                    allAttendeeVisits = allAttendeeVisits
                        .Where( p => p.Value.FirstVisits.Skip( skipCount ).Take( 1 ).Any( d => d >= start && d < end ) )
                        .ToDictionary( k => k.Key, v => v.Value );

                // Add the Last Attended information
                if ( dtAttendeeLastAttendance != null )
                    foreach ( DataRow row in dtAttendeeLastAttendance.Rows )
                        int personId = (int)row["PersonId"];
                        if ( allAttendeeVisits.ContainsKey( personId ) )
                            var result = allAttendeeVisits[personId];
                            if ( result.LastVisit == null )
                                var lastAttendance = new PersonLastAttendance();
                                lastAttendance.CampusId = row["CampusId"] as int?;
                                lastAttendance.GroupId = row["GroupId"] as int?;
                                lastAttendance.GroupName = row["GroupName"].ToString();
                                lastAttendance.RoleName = row["RoleName"].ToString();
                                lastAttendance.InGroup = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( lastAttendance.RoleName );
                                lastAttendance.ScheduleId = row["ScheduleId"] as int?;
                                lastAttendance.StartDateTime = (DateTime)row["StartDateTime"];
                                lastAttendance.LocationId = row["LocationId"] as int?;
                                lastAttendance.LocationName = row["LocationName"].ToString();
                                result.LastVisit = lastAttendance;

                // Add the Demographic information
                if ( dtAttendees != null )
                    var newResults = new Dictionary<int, AttendeeResult>();

                    foreach ( DataRow row in dtAttendees.Rows )
                        int personId = (int)row["Id"];
                        if ( allAttendeeVisits.ContainsKey( personId ) )
                            var result = new AttendeeResult( allAttendeeVisits[personId] );

                            var person = new PersonInfo();
                            person.NickName = row["NickName"].ToString();
                            person.LastName = row["LastName"].ToString();
                            person.Email = row["Email"].ToString();
                            person.Birthdate = row["BirthDate"] as DateTime?;
                            person.Age = Person.GetAge( person.Birthdate );
                            person.ConnectionStatusValueId = row["ConnectionStatusValueId"] as int?;
                            result.Person = person;

                            if ( includeParents )
                                result.ParentId = (int)row["ParentId"];
                                var parent = new PersonInfo();
                                parent.NickName = row["ParentNickName"].ToString();
                                parent.LastName = row["ParentLastName"].ToString();
                                parent.Email = row["ParentEmail"].ToString();
                                parent.Birthdate = row["ParentBirthDate"] as DateTime?;
                                parent.Age = Person.GetAge( parent.Birthdate );
                                result.Parent = parent;

                            if ( includeChildren )
                                var child = new PersonInfo();
                                result.ChildId = (int)row["ChildId"];
                                child.NickName = row["ChildNickName"].ToString();
                                child.LastName = row["ChildLastName"].ToString();
                                child.Email = row["ChildEmail"].ToString();
                                child.Birthdate = row["ChildBirthDate"] as DateTime?;
                                child.Age = Person.GetAge( child.Birthdate );
                                result.Child = child;

                            allResults.Add( result );
                // If dataview filter was included remove anyone not in that dataview
                if ( dataViewPersonIds != null )
                    allResults = allResults
                        .Where( p => dataViewPersonIds.Contains( p.PersonId ) )

                // Add the first visit dates for people
                foreach ( DataRow row in dtAttendeeFirstDates.Rows )
                    int personId = (int)row["PersonId"];
                    foreach ( var result in allResults.Where( r => r.PersonId == personId ) )
                        result.FirstVisits.Add( (DateTime)row["StartDate"] );

                // Add the Last Attended information
                if ( dtAttendeeLastAttendance != null )
                    foreach ( DataRow row in dtAttendeeLastAttendance.Rows )
                        int personId = (int)row["PersonId"];
                        foreach ( var result in allResults.Where( r => r.PersonId == personId ) )
                            if ( result.LastVisit == null )
                                var lastAttendance = new PersonLastAttendance();
                                lastAttendance.CampusId = row["CampusId"] as int?;
                                lastAttendance.GroupId = row["GroupId"] as int?;
                                lastAttendance.GroupName = row["GroupName"].ToString();
                                lastAttendance.RoleName = row["RoleName"].ToString();
                                lastAttendance.InGroup = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( lastAttendance.RoleName );
                                lastAttendance.ScheduleId = row["ScheduleId"] as int?;
                                lastAttendance.StartDateTime = (DateTime)row["StartDateTime"];
                                lastAttendance.LocationId = row["LocationId"] as int?;
                                lastAttendance.LocationName = row["LocationName"].ToString();
                                result.LastVisit = lastAttendance;

            // Begin formatting the columns
            var qryResult = allResults.AsQueryable();

            var personUrlFormatString = ( (RockPage)this.Page ).ResolveRockUrl( "~/Person/{0}" );

            var personHyperLinkField = gAttendeesAttendance.Columns.OfType<HyperLinkField>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.HeaderText == "Name" );
            if ( personHyperLinkField != null )
                personHyperLinkField.DataNavigateUrlFormatString = personUrlFormatString;

            var parentHyperLinkField = gAttendeesAttendance.Columns.OfType<HyperLinkField>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.HeaderText == "Parent" );
            if ( parentHyperLinkField != null )
                parentHyperLinkField.Visible = includeParents;
                parentHyperLinkField.DataNavigateUrlFormatString = personUrlFormatString;

            var parentField = gAttendeesAttendance.Columns.OfType<RockBoundField>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.HeaderText == "Parent" );
            if ( parentField != null )
                parentField.ExcelExportBehavior = includeParents ? ExcelExportBehavior.AlwaysInclude : ExcelExportBehavior.NeverInclude;

            var parentEmailField = gAttendeesAttendance.Columns.OfType<RockBoundField>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.HeaderText == "Parent Email" );
            if ( parentEmailField != null )
                parentEmailField.ExcelExportBehavior = includeParents ? ExcelExportBehavior.AlwaysInclude : ExcelExportBehavior.NeverInclude;

            var childHyperLinkField = gAttendeesAttendance.Columns.OfType<HyperLinkField>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.HeaderText == "Child" );
            if ( childHyperLinkField != null )
                childHyperLinkField.Visible = includeChildren;
                childHyperLinkField.DataNavigateUrlFormatString = personUrlFormatString;

            var childfield = gAttendeesAttendance.Columns.OfType<RockBoundField>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.HeaderText == "Child" );
            if ( childfield != null )
                childfield.ExcelExportBehavior = includeChildren ? ExcelExportBehavior.AlwaysInclude : ExcelExportBehavior.NeverInclude;

            var childEmailField = gAttendeesAttendance.Columns.OfType<RockBoundField>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.HeaderText == "Child Email" );
            if ( childEmailField != null )
                childEmailField.ExcelExportBehavior = includeChildren ? ExcelExportBehavior.AlwaysInclude : ExcelExportBehavior.NeverInclude;

            var childAgeField = gAttendeesAttendance.Columns.OfType<RockBoundField>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.HeaderText == "Child Age" );
            if ( childAgeField != null )
                childAgeField.ExcelExportBehavior = includeChildren ? ExcelExportBehavior.AlwaysInclude : ExcelExportBehavior.NeverInclude;

            SortProperty sortProperty = gAttendeesAttendance.SortProperty;

            if ( sortProperty != null )
                if ( sortProperty.Property == "AttendanceSummary.Count" )
                    if ( sortProperty.Direction == SortDirection.Descending )
                        qryResult = qryResult.OrderByDescending( a => a.AttendanceSummary.Count() );
                        qryResult = qryResult.OrderBy( a => a.AttendanceSummary.Count() );
                else if ( sortProperty.Property == "FirstVisit.StartDateTime" )
                    if ( sortProperty.Direction == SortDirection.Descending )
                        qryResult = qryResult.OrderByDescending( a => a.FirstVisits.Min() );
                        qryResult = qryResult.OrderBy( a => a.FirstVisits.Min() );
                    qryResult = qryResult.Sort( sortProperty );
                qryResult = qryResult.OrderBy( a => a.Person.LastName ).ThenBy( a => a.Person.NickName );

            var attendancePercentField = gAttendeesAttendance.Columns.OfType<RockTemplateField>().First( a => a.HeaderText.EndsWith( "Attendance %" ) );
            attendancePercentField.HeaderText = string.Format( "{0}ly Attendance %", groupBy.ConvertToString() );

            // Calculate all the possible attendance summary dates
            UpdatePossibleAttendances( dateRange, groupBy );

            // pre-load the schedule names since FriendlyScheduleText requires building the ICal object, etc
            _scheduleNameLookup = new ScheduleService( _rockContext ).Queryable()
                .ToDictionary( k => k.Id, v => v.FriendlyScheduleText );

            if ( includeParents )
                gAttendeesAttendance.PersonIdField = "ParentId";
                gAttendeesAttendance.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "ParentId", "PersonId" };
            else if ( includeChildren )
                gAttendeesAttendance.PersonIdField = "ChildId";
                gAttendeesAttendance.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "ChildId", "PersonId" };
                gAttendeesAttendance.PersonIdField = "PersonId";
                gAttendeesAttendance.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "PersonId" };

            // Create the dynamic attendance grid columns as needed

                nbAttendeesError.Visible = false;

                gAttendeesAttendance.SetLinqDataSource( qryResult );
                var currentPageItems = gAttendeesAttendance.DataSource as List<AttendeeResult>;
                if ( currentPageItems != null )
                    var currentPagePersonIds = new List<int>();
                    if ( includeParents )
                        currentPagePersonIds = currentPageItems.Select( i => i.ParentId ).ToList();
                        gAttendeesAttendance.PersonIdField = "ParentId";
                        gAttendeesAttendance.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "ParentId", "PersonId" };
                    else if ( includeChildren )
                        currentPagePersonIds = currentPageItems.Select( i => i.ChildId ).ToList();
                        gAttendeesAttendance.PersonIdField = "ChildId";
                        gAttendeesAttendance.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "ChildId", "PersonId" };
                        currentPagePersonIds = currentPageItems.Select( i => i.PersonId ).ToList();
                        gAttendeesAttendance.PersonIdField = "PersonId";
                        gAttendeesAttendance.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "PersonId" };

                    LoadCurrentPageObjects( currentPagePersonIds );

                _currentlyExporting = isExporting;
                _currentlyExporting = false;
            catch ( Exception exception )
                LogAndShowException( exception );
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets financial transaction details based on selected filter values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">The start.</param>
        /// <param name="end">The end.</param>
        /// <param name="minAmount">The minimum amount.</param>
        /// <param name="maxAmount">The maximum amount.</param>
        /// <param name="currencyTypeIds">The currency type ids.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceTypeIds">The source type ids.</param>
        /// <param name="accountIds">The account ids.</param>
        /// <param name="dataViewId">The data view identifier.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IQueryable <FinancialTransactionDetail> GetGifts(
            DateTime?start, DateTime?end, decimal?minAmount, decimal?maxAmount,
            List <int> currencyTypeIds, List <int> sourceTypeIds, List <int> accountIds, int?dataViewId)
            // Base Transaction Detail query
            var qry = GetGifts();

            // Start Date Filter
            if (start.HasValue)
                qry = qry.Where(t => t.Transaction.TransactionDateTime >= start.Value);

            // End Date Filter
            if (end.HasValue)
                qry = qry.Where(t => t.Transaction.TransactionDateTime < end.Value);

            // Account Id Filter
            var distictAccountIds = accountIds.Where(i => i != 0).Distinct().ToList();

            if (distictAccountIds.Any())
                qry = qry
                      .Where(t =>

            // Currency Type Filter
            var distictCurrencyTypeIds = currencyTypeIds.Where(i => i != 0).Distinct().ToList();

            if (distictCurrencyTypeIds.Any())
                qry = qry
                      .Where(t =>
                             t.Transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail != null &&
                             t.Transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.CurrencyTypeValueId.HasValue &&

            // Source Type Filter
            var distictSourceTypeIds = sourceTypeIds.Where(i => i != 0).Distinct().ToList();

            if (distictSourceTypeIds.Any())
                qry = qry
                      .Where(t =>
                             t.Transaction.SourceTypeValueId.HasValue &&

            // Amount Range Filter
            if (minAmount.HasValue || maxAmount.HasValue)
                var givingIdQry = qry
                                  .GroupBy(d => d.Transaction.AuthorizedPersonAlias.Person.GivingId)
                                  .Select(d => new { d.Key, Total = d.Sum(t => t.Amount) })
                                  .Where(s =>
                                         (!minAmount.HasValue || s.Total >= minAmount.Value) &&
                                         (!maxAmount.HasValue || s.Total <= maxAmount.Value))
                                  .Select(s => s.Key);

                // put all the givingIds into a List instead of a subquery to prevent a timeout issue
                var givingIdList = givingIdQry.ToList();

                qry = qry
                      .Where(d =>

            // Data View Filter
            if (dataViewId.HasValue)
                var rockContext = (RockContext)this.Context;
                if (rockContext != null)
                    var personService = new PersonService(rockContext);
                    var dataView      = new DataViewService(rockContext).Get(dataViewId.Value);
                    if (dataView != null)
                        var errorMessages = new List <string>();
                        ParameterExpression paramExpression = personService.ParameterExpression;
                        Expression          whereExpression = dataView.GetExpression(personService, paramExpression, out errorMessages);

                        SortProperty sortProperty        = null;
                        var          dataViewGivingIdQry = personService
                                                           .Where(paramExpression, whereExpression, sortProperty)
                                                           .Select(p => p.GivingId);

                        qry = qry
                              .Where(t =>

        private void BindData()
            using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                var dataView = new DataViewService( rockContext ).Get( _dataViewGuid ?? Guid.Empty );
                if ( dataView != null )
                    var personService = new PersonService( rockContext );

                    // Filter people by dataview
                    var errorMessages = new List<string>();
                    var paramExpression = personService.ParameterExpression;
                    var whereExpression = dataView.GetExpression( personService, paramExpression, out errorMessages );
                    var personQry = personService
                        .Queryable( false, false ).AsNoTracking()
                        .Where( paramExpression, whereExpression, null );

                    var dvPersonIdQry = personQry.Select( p => p.Id );

                    bool filteredQry = false;

                    // Filter by first name
                    string firstName = tbFirstName.Text.Trim();
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( firstName ) )
                        personQry = personQry.Where( p =>
                            p.FirstName.StartsWith( firstName ) ||
                            p.NickName.StartsWith( firstName ) );
                        filteredQry = true;

                    // Filter by last name
                    string lastName = tbLastName.Text.Trim();
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( lastName ) )
                        personQry = personQry.Where( p =>
                            p.LastName.StartsWith( lastName ) );
                        filteredQry = true;

                    if ( filteredQry || _showAllPeople )

                        if ( _optOutGroupGuid.HasValue )
                            var optOutPersonIdQry = new GroupMemberService( rockContext )
                                .Where( g => g.Group.Guid.Equals( _optOutGroupGuid.Value ) )
                                .Select( g => g.PersonId );

                            personQry = personQry.Where( p =>
                                !optOutPersonIdQry.Contains( p.Id ) );

                        if ( _showFamily )
                            BindFamilies( rockContext, personQry, dvPersonIdQry );
                            BindPeople( rockContext, personQry );

                        rptPeople.Visible = false;
                        rptFamilies.Visible = false;
                    rptPeople.Visible = false;
                    rptFamilies.Visible = false;
                    ShowMessages( new List<string> { "This block requires a valid Data View setting." } );

                if ( CurrentPerson != null && _optOutGroupGuid.HasValue )
                    bool optedOut = new GroupMemberService( rockContext )
                            .Any( m =>
                                m.PersonId == CurrentPerson.Id &&
                                m.Group.Guid.Equals( _optOutGroupGuid.Value ) );
                    lbOptInOut.Text = optedOut ? "Opt in to the Directory" : "Opt Out of the Directory";