Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds or Updates a <see cref="Rock.Model.Attribute" /> item for the attribute.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="property">The property.</param>
        /// <param name="entityTypeId">The entity type id.</param>
        /// <param name="entityQualifierColumn">The entity qualifier column.</param>
        /// <param name="entityQualifierValue">The entity qualifier value.</param>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If a rockContext value is included, this method will save any previous changes made to the context
        /// </remarks>
        private static bool UpdateAttribute( FieldAttribute property, int? entityTypeId, string entityQualifierColumn, string entityQualifierValue, RockContext rockContext = null )
            bool updated = false;

            rockContext = rockContext ?? new RockContext();

            var attributeService = new AttributeService( rockContext );
            var attributeQualifierService = new AttributeQualifierService( rockContext );
            var fieldTypeService = new FieldTypeService(rockContext);
            var categoryService = new CategoryService( rockContext );

            var propertyCategories = property.Category.SplitDelimitedValues( false ).ToList();

            // Look for an existing attribute record based on the entity, entityQualifierColumn and entityQualifierValue
            Model.Attribute attribute = attributeService.Get( entityTypeId, entityQualifierColumn, entityQualifierValue, property.Key );
            if ( attribute == null )
                // If an existing attribute record doesn't exist, create a new one
                updated = true;

                attribute = new Model.Attribute();
                attribute.EntityTypeId = entityTypeId;
                attribute.EntityTypeQualifierColumn = entityQualifierColumn;
                attribute.EntityTypeQualifierValue = entityQualifierValue;
                attribute.Key = property.Key;
                attribute.IconCssClass = string.Empty;
                attribute.IsGridColumn = false;
                // Check to see if the existing attribute record needs to be updated
                if ( attribute.Name != property.Name ||
                    attribute.DefaultValue != property.DefaultValue ||
                    attribute.Description != property.Description ||
                    attribute.Order != property.Order ||
                    attribute.FieldType.Assembly != property.FieldTypeAssembly ||
                    attribute.FieldType.Class != property.FieldTypeClass ||
                    attribute.IsRequired != property.IsRequired )
                    updated = true;

                // Check category
                else if ( attribute.Categories.Select( c => c.Name ).Except( propertyCategories ).Any() ||
                    propertyCategories.Except( attribute.Categories.Select( c => c.Name ) ).Any() )
                    updated = true;

                // Check the qualifier values
                else if ( attribute.AttributeQualifiers.Select( q => q.Key ).Except( property.FieldConfigurationValues.Select( c => c.Key ) ).Any() ||
                    property.FieldConfigurationValues.Select( c => c.Key ).Except( attribute.AttributeQualifiers.Select( q => q.Key ) ).Any() )
                    updated = true;
                    foreach ( var attributeQualifier in attribute.AttributeQualifiers )
                        if ( !property.FieldConfigurationValues.ContainsKey( attributeQualifier.Key ) ||
                            property.FieldConfigurationValues[attributeQualifier.Key].Value != attributeQualifier.Value )
                            updated = true;


            if ( updated )
                // Update the attribute
                attribute.Name = property.Name;
                attribute.Description = property.Description;
                attribute.DefaultValue = property.DefaultValue;
                attribute.Order = property.Order;
                attribute.IsRequired = property.IsRequired;

                if ( propertyCategories.Any() )
                    foreach ( string propertyCategory in propertyCategories )
                        int attributeEntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( typeof( Rock.Model.Attribute ) ).Id;
                        var category = categoryService.Get( propertyCategory, attributeEntityTypeId, "EntityTypeId", entityTypeId.ToString() ).FirstOrDefault();
                        if ( category == null )
                            category = new Category();
                            category.Name = propertyCategory;
                            category.EntityTypeId = attributeEntityTypeId;
                            category.EntityTypeQualifierColumn = "EntityTypeId";
                            category.EntityTypeQualifierValue = entityTypeId.ToString();
                            category.Order = 0;
                        attribute.Categories.Add( category );

                foreach ( var qualifier in attribute.AttributeQualifiers.ToList() )
                    attributeQualifierService.Delete( qualifier );

                foreach ( var configValue in property.FieldConfigurationValues )
                    var qualifier = new Model.AttributeQualifier();
                    qualifier.Key = configValue.Key;
                    qualifier.Value = configValue.Value.Value;
                    attribute.AttributeQualifiers.Add( qualifier );

                // Try to set the field type by searching for an existing field type with the same assembly and class name
                if ( attribute.FieldType == null || attribute.FieldType.Assembly != property.FieldTypeAssembly ||
                    attribute.FieldType.Class != property.FieldTypeClass )
                    attribute.FieldType = fieldTypeService.Queryable().FirstOrDefault( f =>
                        f.Assembly == property.FieldTypeAssembly &&
                        f.Class == property.FieldTypeClass );

                // If this is a new attribute, add it, otherwise remove the exiting one from the cache
                if ( attribute.Id == 0 )
                    attributeService.Add( attribute );
                    AttributeCache.Flush( attribute.Id );


                return true;
                return false;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves any attribute edits made to an attribute
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newAttribute">The new attribute.</param>
        /// <param name="entityTypeId">The entity type identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="entityTypeQualifierColumn">The entity type qualifier column.</param>
        /// <param name="entityTypeQualifierValue">The entity type qualifier value.</param>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If a rockContext value is included, this method will save any previous changes made to the context
        /// </remarks>
        public static Rock.Model.Attribute SaveAttributeEdits( Rock.Model.Attribute newAttribute, int? entityTypeId, string entityTypeQualifierColumn, string entityTypeQualifierValue, RockContext rockContext = null )
            rockContext = rockContext ?? new RockContext();

            var internalAttributeService = new AttributeService( rockContext );
            var attributeQualifierService = new AttributeQualifierService( rockContext );
            var categoryService = new CategoryService( rockContext );

            // If attribute is not valid, return null
            if (!newAttribute.IsValid)
                return null;

            // Create a attribute model that will be saved
            Rock.Model.Attribute attribute = null;

            // Check to see if this was an existing or new attribute
            if (newAttribute.Id > 0)
                // If editing an existing attribute, remove all the old qualifiers in case they were changed
                foreach ( var oldQualifier in attributeQualifierService.GetByAttributeId( newAttribute.Id ).ToList() )
                    attributeQualifierService.Delete( oldQualifier );

                // Then re-load the existing attribute 
                attribute = internalAttributeService.Get( newAttribute.Id );

            if ( attribute == null )
                // If the attribute didn't exist, create it
                attribute = new Rock.Model.Attribute();
                internalAttributeService.Add( attribute );
                // If it did exist, set the new attribute ID and GUID since we're copying all properties in the next step
                newAttribute.Id = attribute.Id;
                newAttribute.Guid = attribute.Guid;

            // Copy all the properties from the new attribute to the attribute model
            attribute.CopyPropertiesFrom( newAttribute );

            // Add any qualifiers
            foreach ( var qualifier in newAttribute.AttributeQualifiers )
                attribute.AttributeQualifiers.Add( new AttributeQualifier { Key = qualifier.Key, Value = qualifier.Value, IsSystem = qualifier.IsSystem } );

            // Add any categories
            foreach ( var category in newAttribute.Categories )
                attribute.Categories.Add( categoryService.Get( category.Id ) );

            attribute.EntityTypeId = entityTypeId;
            attribute.EntityTypeQualifierColumn = entityTypeQualifierColumn;
            attribute.EntityTypeQualifierValue = entityTypeQualifierValue;


            if ( attribute != null )
                Rock.Web.Cache.AttributeCache.Flush( attribute.Id );

                // If this is a global attribute, flush all global attributes
                if ( !entityTypeId.HasValue && entityTypeQualifierColumn == string.Empty && entityTypeQualifierValue == string.Empty )

            return attribute;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the btnSave control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void btnSave_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            using ( new UnitOfWorkScope() )
                var attributeService = new AttributeService();
                var attributeQualifierService = new AttributeQualifierService();

                Rock.Model.Attribute attribute;

                int attributeId = 0;
                if ( hfId.Value != string.Empty && !int.TryParse( hfId.Value, out attributeId ) )
                    attributeId = 0;

                if ( attributeId == 0 )
                    attribute = new Rock.Model.Attribute();
                    attribute.IsSystem = false;
                    attribute.EntityTypeId = _entityTypeId;
                    attribute.EntityTypeQualifierColumn = _entityQualifierColumn;
                    attribute.EntityTypeQualifierValue = _entityQualifierValue;
                    attributeService.Add( attribute, CurrentPersonId );
                    AttributeCache.Flush( attributeId );
                    attribute = attributeService.Get( attributeId );

                attribute.Key = tbKey.Text;
                attribute.Name = tbName.Text;
                attribute.Category = tbCategory.Text;
                attribute.Description = tbDescription.Text;
                attribute.FieldTypeId = int.Parse( ddlFieldType.SelectedValue );

                var fieldType = FieldTypeCache.Read( attribute.FieldTypeId );

                foreach ( var oldQualifier in attribute.AttributeQualifiers.ToList() )
                    attributeQualifierService.Delete( oldQualifier, CurrentPersonId );


                List<Control> configControls = new List<Control>();
                foreach ( var key in fieldType.Field.ConfigurationKeys() )
                    configControls.Add( phFieldTypeQualifiers.FindControl( "configControl_" + key ) );

                foreach ( var configValue in fieldType.Field.ConfigurationValues( configControls ) )
                    AttributeQualifier qualifier = new AttributeQualifier();
                    qualifier.IsSystem = false;
                    qualifier.Key = configValue.Key;
                    qualifier.Value = configValue.Value.Value ?? string.Empty;
                    attribute.AttributeQualifiers.Add( qualifier );

                attribute.DefaultValue = tbDefaultValue.Text;
                attribute.IsMultiValue = cbMultiValue.Checked;
                attribute.IsRequired = cbRequired.Checked;

                attributeService.Save( attribute, CurrentPersonId );


            pnlDetails.Visible = false;
            pnlList.Visible = true;