// Sends a rotate command to the robot and returns right away
 // The robot will go forward until it hits a dead end or until
 // it's crossed intersectionGoal intersections. This async call
 // will allow the thread to filter for intersection detected messages.
 // intersectionGoal = 0 for unlimited
 private void goStraightAsync(int intersectionGoal)
     byte[] filterHead = { 0xEE };
     StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
     buf.Append("PID_LINE ");
     buf.Append(intersectionGoal + " ");
     buf.Append(straightPowerHigh + " ");
     buf.Append(straightPowerLow + " ");
     buf.Append(straightLowPowerZone + " ");
     buf.Append(straightKP + " ");
     buf.Append(straightKI + " ");
     buf.Append(straightKD + " ");
     buf.Append(dampingFactor + " ");
     RobotCommand c = new RobotCommand(buf.ToString());
     PacketFilter filter = new PacketFilter(link, filterHead, c.Sequence);
     this.lastPacketFilter = filter;
 // Helper method to send a command to the default mailbox
 public void sendCommand(RobotCommand command)
     sendCommand(command, this.mailbox);
 // Sends a bluetooth command and then waits for the ACK
 public BluetoothPacket sendCommandAndWait(String command)
     RobotCommand cmd = new RobotCommand(command);
     return waitForSequence(cmd.Sequence);
        // Sends a command to the specified mailbox on the robot
        public void sendCommand(RobotCommand command, int mailbox)
            byte[] seqBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(command.Sequence);
            byte[] packet = new byte[command.Command.Length + 9];
            packet[0] = 0x00;
            packet[1] = 0x09;
            packet[2] = (byte)mailbox;
            packet[3] = (byte)(command.Command.Length + 5);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                packet[i + 4] = seqBytes[i];
            for (int i = 0; i < command.Command.Length; i++)
                packet[i + 8] = (byte)command.Command[i];
            packet[command.Command.Length + 8] = 0x00;