Exemple #1
        internal static MyQuat InvertQuaternion(MyQuat q)
            q.x = -q.x;
            q.y = -q.y;
            q.z = -q.z;

Exemple #2
        public static MyQuat GetTwist(MyQuat rot3)
            float angle1  = 0;
            float angle2  = 0;
            float angle3  = 33;
            float dangle3 = 33;

            float angle1s = 0;
            float angle2s = 0;
            float angle3s = 40;

            float angle1g = -57;
            float angle2g = 3;
            float angle3g = 10;

            if (angle3 > angle3g + .5)
                angle3 = Lerp(angle3s, angle3g, .002f * (TimeSinceMidnight - timeAtStart));

            //todo: change the return value for exercise 3
            MyVec rotA1, rotA2, rotA3, rotA4;

            rotA1.x = 0;
            rotA1.y = 1;
            rotA1.z = 0;

            rotA2.x = 0;
            rotA2.y = 0;
            rotA2.z = 0;

            rotA3.x = 1;
            rotA3.y = 0;
            rotA3.z = 0;

            rotA4.x = 0;
            rotA4.y = 0;
            rotA4.z = 1;

            MyQuat result;

            result = Rotate(rot3, rotA1, angle3);

Exemple #3
        //EX1: this function will place the robot in the initial position

        public void PutRobotStraight(out MyQuat rot0, out MyQuat rot1, out MyQuat rot2, out MyQuat rot3)
            //todo: change this, use the function Rotate declared below

            MyVec rotA1, rotA2, rotA3, rotA4;

            rotA1.x = 0;
            rotA1.y = 1;
            rotA1.z = 0;

            rotA2.x = 0;
            rotA2.y = 0;
            rotA2.z = 0;

            rotA3.x = 1;
            rotA3.y = 0;
            rotA3.z = 0;

            rotA4.x = 0;
            rotA4.y = 0;
            rotA4.z = 1;

            quati1 = emptyQuaternion(); //0
            quati1 = Rotate(quati1, rotA1, 74);
            rot0   = quati1;

            quati2 = Rotate(rot0, rotA1, 0);
            rot1   = quati2;

            quati3 = emptyQuaternion();
            quati3 = Rotate(rot1, rotA3, 60);
            rot2   = quati3;

            quati4 = emptyQuaternion();
            quati4 = Rotate(rot1, rotA3, 110);
            rot3   = quati4;

            inPosition  = true;
            timeAtStart = TimeSinceMidnight;
Exemple #4
        internal static MyQuat Rotate(MyQuat currentRotation, MyVec axis, float angle)
            //takes currentRotation, and calculates a new quaternion rotated by an angle "angle" along the normalized axis "axis"

            MyQuat result, quat2;
            MyVec  qV2;

            //Create a second quaternion from the axis and angle:
            float theta = ((float)Math.PI / 180) * angle; //convert euler angle to radians (theta)!!

            quat2.w = (float)Math.Cos(theta / 2);
            qV2     = ScaleVector3(axis, (float)Math.Sin(theta / 2));
            quat2.x = qV2.x;
            quat2.y = qV2.y;
            quat2.z = qV2.z;

            //Multiply both quaternions to implement the rotation:
            result = Multiply(currentRotation, quat2);

Exemple #5
        internal static MyQuat Multiply(MyQuat q1, MyQuat q2)
            MyQuat result;
            MyVec  qV1, qV2, rV;

            qV1.x = q1.x;
            qV1.y = q1.y;
            qV1.z = q1.z;

            qV2.x = q2.x;
            qV2.y = q2.y;
            qV2.z = q2.z;

            result.w = q1.w * q2.w + Vector3DotProduct(qV1, qV2);
            rV       = AddVector3(AddVector3(ScaleVector3(qV1, q2.w), ScaleVector3(qV2, q1.w)), Vector3CrossProduct(qV1, qV2));

            result.x = rV.x;
            result.y = rV.y;
            result.z = rV.z;

Exemple #6
 public static MyQuat GetSwing(MyQuat rot3)
     //it's done in the pickstudanimvertical function
Exemple #7
        //EX3: this function will calculate the rotations necessary to move the arm of the robot until its end effector collides with the target (called Stud_target)
        //it will return true until it has reached its destination. The main project is set up in such a way that when the function returns false, the object will be droped and fall following gravity.
        //the only difference wtih exercise 2 is that rot3 has a swing and a twist, where the swing will apply to joint3 and the twist to joint4

        public bool PickStudAnimVertical(out MyQuat rot0, out MyQuat rot1, out MyQuat rot2, out MyQuat rot3)
            MyVec rotA1, rotA2, rotA3, rotA4;

            rotA1.x = 0;
            rotA1.y = 1;
            rotA1.z = 0;

            rotA2.x = 0;
            rotA2.y = 0;
            rotA2.z = 0;

            rotA3.x = 1;
            rotA3.y = 0;
            rotA3.z = 0;

            rotA4.x = 0;
            rotA4.y = 0;
            rotA4.z = 1;

            if (inPosition)
                myCondition = true;
                inPosition  = false;
                //timeAnim1 = TimeSinceMidnight + timeframe;
            //todo: add a check for your condition

            if (myCondition)
                if (angle1 > angle1g - .5)
                    angle1 = Lerp(angle1s, angle1g, .0006f * (TimeSinceMidnight - timeAtStart));
                    arrive1 = true;

                if (angle2 < 30 + .5)
                    angle2 = Lerp(angle2s, 30, .0006f * (TimeSinceMidnight - timeAtStart));
                    arrive2 = true;

                if (angle3 > angle3g - .5)
                    angle3 = Lerp(angle3s, angle3g, .0006f * (TimeSinceMidnight - timeAtStart));
                    arrive3 = true;

                quati9 = emptyQuaternion(); //0
                quati9 = Rotate(quati1, rotA1, angle1);
                rot0   = quati9;

                quati10 = Rotate(rot0, rotA3, angle2);
                rot1    = quati10;

                quati11 = emptyQuaternion();
                quati11 = Rotate(rot0, rotA3, 60);
                rot2    = quati11;

                quati12 = emptyQuaternion();
                quati12 = Rotate(rot0, rotA3, angle3);
                rot3    = quati12;

                if (arrive1 && arrive2 && arrive3)
                    myCondition = false;
                    angle1      = 0;
                    angle2      = 0;
                    angle3      = 110;
                    arrive1     = arrive2 = arrive3 = false;


            rot0 = NullQ;
            rot1 = NullQ;
            rot2 = NullQ;
            rot3 = NullQ;
