// Define the model.
        private void DefineModel()
            // Axes.
            //MainGroup.Children.Add(MeshExtensions.XAxisModel(4, 0.1));
            //MainGroup.Children.Add(MeshExtensions.YAxisModel(4, 0.1));
            //MainGroup.Children.Add(MeshExtensions.ZAxisModel(4, 0.1));

            // Make the ground.
            MeshGeometry3D groundMesh = new MeshGeometry3D();
            const double   dx         = 4;
            const double   dy         = 1;
            const double   dz         = dx;
            const double   groundY    = -2;
            Point3D        corner     = new Point3D(-dx / 2, groundY - dy, -dz / 2);

            Point[] topCoords =
                new Point(0,   0),
                new Point(0,  dz),
                new Point(dx, dz),
                new Point(dx,  0),
            Point[] sideCoords =
                new Point(0,   0),
                new Point(0,  dz),
                new Point(dy, dz),
                new Point(dy,  0),
            groundMesh.AddBox(corner, D3.XVector(dx), D3.YVector(dy), D3.ZVector(dz),
                              sideCoords, sideCoords, sideCoords, sideCoords, topCoords, topCoords);

            // This group represents the whole robot.
            RobotGroup = new Model3DGroup();

            // Base.
            const double   baseWidth  = 0.4;
            const double   baseLength = 2.5;
            MeshGeometry3D baseMesh   = new MeshGeometry3D();

            baseMesh.AddBox(new Point3D(-baseWidth / 2, 0, -baseWidth / 2),
                            D3.XVector(baseWidth), D3.YVector(baseLength), D3.ZVector(baseWidth));
            GeometryModel3D baseModel = baseMesh.MakeModel(Brushes.Pink);

            const int    numCyl       = 20;
            const double bJointWidth  = 0.5;
            const double bJointRadius = 0.5;

            Point3D[] bPgon = G3.MakePolygonPoints(numCyl, new Point3D(0, 0, 0),
                                                   D3.XVector(bJointRadius), D3.ZVector(-bJointRadius));
            baseMesh.AddCylinder(bPgon, D3.YVector(bJointWidth), true);

            BaseGroup = JoinBones(RobotGroup, new TranslateTransform3D(0, groundY, 0));

            // Shoulder.
            const double   shoulderWidth  = 0.4;
            const double   shoulderLength = 2;
            MeshGeometry3D shoulderMesh   = new MeshGeometry3D();

            shoulderMesh.AddBox(new Point3D(-shoulderWidth / 2, 0, -shoulderWidth / 2),
                                D3.XVector(shoulderWidth), D3.YVector(shoulderLength), D3.ZVector(shoulderWidth));

            const double sJointWidth  = 0.5;
            const double sJointRadius = 0.4;

            Point3D[] sPgon = G3.MakePolygonPoints(numCyl, new Point3D(0, 0, -sJointWidth / 2),
                                                   D3.XVector(sJointRadius), D3.YVector(sJointRadius));
            shoulderMesh.AddCylinder(sPgon, D3.ZVector(sJointWidth), true);
            GeometryModel3D shoulderModel = shoulderMesh.MakeModel(Brushes.LightGreen);

            ShoulderGroup = JoinBones(BaseGroup, new TranslateTransform3D(0, baseLength, 0));

            // Elbow.
            const double   elbowWidth  = 0.4;
            const double   elbowLength = 1.5;
            MeshGeometry3D elbowMesh   = new MeshGeometry3D();

            elbowMesh.AddBox(new Point3D(-elbowWidth / 2, 0, -elbowWidth / 2),
                             D3.XVector(elbowWidth), D3.YVector(elbowLength), D3.ZVector(elbowWidth));

            const double eJointWidth  = 0.5;
            const double eJointRadius = 0.4;

            Point3D[] ePgon = G3.MakePolygonPoints(numCyl, new Point3D(0, 0, -eJointWidth / 2),
                                                   D3.XVector(eJointRadius), D3.YVector(eJointRadius));
            elbowMesh.AddCylinder(ePgon, D3.ZVector(eJointWidth), true);
            GeometryModel3D elbowModel = elbowMesh.MakeModel(Brushes.LightBlue);

            ElbowGroup = JoinBones(ShoulderGroup, new TranslateTransform3D(0, shoulderLength, 0));

            // Wrist.
            const double   wDx       = 1.5;
            const double   wDy       = 0.2;
            const double   wDz       = 0.4;
            MeshGeometry3D wristMesh = new MeshGeometry3D();

            wristMesh.AddBox(new Point3D(-wDx / 2, 0, -wDz / 2),
                             D3.XVector(wDx), D3.YVector(wDy), D3.ZVector(wDz));

            const double wJointRadius = 0.3;

            Point3D[] wPgon = G3.MakePolygonPoints(numCyl, new Point3D(0, -wDy / 2, 0),
                                                   D3.XVector(wJointRadius), D3.ZVector(-wJointRadius));
            wristMesh.AddCylinder(wPgon, D3.YVector(wDy), true);
            GeometryModel3D wristModel = wristMesh.MakeModel(Brushes.Red);

            WristGroup = JoinBones(ElbowGroup, new TranslateTransform3D(0, elbowLength, 0));

            // Finger 1.
            const double   fDx         = 0.1;
            const double   fDy         = 0.5;
            const double   fDz         = 0.2;
            MeshGeometry3D finger1Mesh = new MeshGeometry3D();

            finger1Mesh.AddBox(new Point3D(-fDx / 2, 0, -fDz / 2),
                               D3.XVector(fDx), D3.YVector(fDy), D3.ZVector(fDz));
            GeometryModel3D finger1Model = finger1Mesh.MakeModel(Brushes.Green);

            Finger1Group = JoinBones(WristGroup, new TranslateTransform3D(-fDx / 2, wDy, 0));

            // Finger 2.
            MeshGeometry3D finger2Mesh = new MeshGeometry3D();

            finger2Mesh.AddBox(new Point3D(-fDx / 2, 0, -fDz / 2),
                               D3.XVector(fDx), D3.YVector(fDy), D3.ZVector(fDz));
            GeometryModel3D finger2Model = finger2Mesh.MakeModel(Brushes.Green);

            Finger2Group = JoinBones(WristGroup, new TranslateTransform3D(fDx / 2, wDy, 0));
Exemple #2
        // Process the models.
        private void ProcessModels(bool invertTextures, bool zIsUp)
            // Make the dictionary of materials.
            foreach (ObjMaterial material in AllMaterials)
                // Make the material's MaterialGroup.
                material.MatGroup = new MaterialGroup();

                // Transparency. (Not used.)
                byte alpha = (byte)(material.Alpha * 255);

                // Diffuse.
                byte            diffR     = (byte)(material.Kd.X * 255);
                byte            diffG     = (byte)(material.Kd.Y * 255);
                byte            diffB     = (byte)(material.Kd.Z * 255);
                Color           diffColor = Color.FromArgb(255, diffR, diffG, diffB);
                SolidColorBrush diffBrush = new SolidColorBrush(diffColor);
                DiffuseMaterial diffMat   = new DiffuseMaterial(diffBrush);

                // If it has a file, use it.
                if (material.Filename != null)
                    // Use the file.
                    string     filename = material.Filename;
                    ImageBrush imgBrush = new ImageBrush();
                    imgBrush.ViewportUnits = BrushMappingMode.Absolute;
                    imgBrush.TileMode      = TileMode.Tile;

                    // Invert the texture if necessary.
                    if (invertTextures)
                        TransformGroup trans = new TransformGroup();
                        trans.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform(1, -1));
                        trans.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform(0, 1));
                        imgBrush.Transform = trans;

                    imgBrush.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri(filename, UriKind.Relative));
                    DiffuseMaterial imgMat = new DiffuseMaterial(imgBrush);

                // Specular.
                byte             specR     = (byte)(material.Ks.X * 255);
                byte             specG     = (byte)(material.Ks.Y * 255);
                byte             specB     = (byte)(material.Ks.Z * 255);
                Color            specColor = Color.FromArgb(255, specR, specG, specB);
                SolidColorBrush  specBrush = new SolidColorBrush(specColor);
                SpecularMaterial specMat   = new SpecularMaterial(specBrush, material.Ns);

                // We ignore Ka and Tr.

                // Add it to the materials dictionary.
                MtlMaterials.Add(material.Name, material);

            // Convert the object models into meshes.
            foreach (ObjModel model in AllObjectModels)
                // Make the mesh.
                MeshGeometry3D mesh = new MeshGeometry3D();

                // Make a new list of smoothing groups.
                Dictionary <int, Dictionary <Point3D, int> > smoothingGroups =
                    new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <Point3D, int> >();

                // Entry 0 is null (no smoothing).
                smoothingGroups.Add(0, null);

                // Make the faces.
                foreach (ObjFace face in model.Faces)
                    // Make the face's vertices.
                    int       numPoints = face.Vertices.Count;
                    Point3D[] points    = new Point3D[numPoints];
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
                        points[i] = AllVertices[face.Vertices[i] - 1];

                    // Get texture coordinates if present.
                    Point[] textureCoords = null;
                    if (face.TextureCoords.Count > 0)
                        textureCoords = new Point[numPoints];
                        for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
                            textureCoords[i] = AllTextureCoordinates[face.TextureCoords[i] - 1];

                    // Get normals if present.
                    Vector3D[] normals = null;
                    if (face.Normals.Count > 0)
                        normals = new Vector3D[numPoints];
                        for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
                            normals[i] = AllNormals[face.Normals[i] - 1];

                    // Get the point dictionary for this smoothing group.
                    // Add new groups if needed.
                    if (!smoothingGroups.ContainsKey(face.SmoothingGroup))
                                            new Dictionary <Point3D, int>());
                    Dictionary <Point3D, int> pointDict = smoothingGroups[face.SmoothingGroup];

                    // Make the polygon.
                    mesh.AddPolygon(pointDict: pointDict,
                                    textureCoords: textureCoords, normals: normals,
                                    points: points);

                // If Z is up, rotate the model.
                if (zIsUp)
                    mesh.ApplyTransformation(D3.Rotate(D3.XVector(), D3.Origin, -90));