public void Clear(Color4 color) { RenderTarget.Bind(Target); GL.ClearColor(color.R / 255f, color.G / 255f, color.B / 255f, color.A / 255f); GL.Clear(BufferBit.Color | BufferBit.Depth); }
public void Perform(PrimitiveType type) { //Make sure the render target is binded RenderTarget.Bind(Target); //Set render target if (state.Target != Target) { state.Target = Target; if (Target != null) { GL.Viewport(0, 0, Target.Width, Target.Height); } else { GL.Viewport(0, 0, Screen.DrawWidth, Screen.DrawHeight); } } //Set blend mode if (Blend) { if (!state.Blend || !BlendMode.Equals(ref state.BlendMode)) { if (!state.Blend) { state.Blend = true; GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend); } state.BlendMode = BlendMode; GL.BlendEquation(BlendMode.Eq); GL.BlendFunc(BlendMode.Src, BlendMode.Dst); } } else if (state.Blend) { state.Blend = false; GL.Disable(EnableCap.Blend); } //TODO: might be nice if clipping actually used proper coordinates, //but we'll have to make it *always* update, and use the Target's height //Set clipping if (Clip) { if (!state.Clip) { state.Clip = true; GL.Enable(EnableCap.ScissorTest); } //GL.Scissor(ClipRect.X, ClipRect.Y, ClipRect.W, ClipRect.H); GL.Scissor(ClipRect.X, (Target != null ? Target.Height : Screen.DrawHeight) - ClipRect.MaxY, ClipRect.W, ClipRect.H); } else if (state.Clip) { state.Clip = false; GL.Disable(EnableCap.ScissorTest); } //We need a material and a valid mesh in order to draw if (Mesh == null || Material == null || Mesh.uploadedIndexCount == 0 || Mesh.uploadedVertexCount == 0) { return; } //Sync the shader's state with the material bool uploadAll = false; if (state.Material != Material) { if (state.Material == null || state.Material.Shader != Material.Shader) { GL.UseProgram(; uploadAll = true; } state.Material = Material; } Material.Upload(uploadAll); //Bind the vertex array if (state.Mesh != Mesh || Mesh.dirty) { GL.BindVertexArray(Mesh.vaoID); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.Array, Mesh.arrayID); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ElementArray, Mesh.elementID); state.Mesh = Mesh; Mesh.dirty = false; } //Draw the mesh triangles GL.DrawElements(type, Mesh.uploadedIndexCount, IndexType.UnsignedInt, IntPtr.Zero); }