public void Example1()
     IRiotClient riotClient = new RiotClient("your api key here");
     //retrieve all current free to play champions
     var championList = riotClient.Champion.RetrieveAllChampions(RiotApiConfig.Regions.NA, freeToPlay: true);
     //print the number of free to play champions
     Console.WriteLine($"There are {championList.Champions.Count()} free to play champions to play with!");
 public void Example2()
     IRiotClient riotClient = new RiotClient("your api key here");
     //retrieve xeyanord and fnatictop summoners with one call
     var summoners = riotClient.Summoner.GetSummonersByName(RiotApiConfig.Regions.EUNE, "xeyanord", "fnatictop");
     var xeyanord = summoners["xeyanord"];
     var fnatictop = summoners["fnatictop"];
     //print the following statement about the two summoners
         $"{fnatictop.Name} is level {fnatictop.SummonerLevel} and {xeyanord.Name} is {xeyanord.SummonerLevel}, its because {xeyanord.Name} is a slacker!");
Exemple #3
        static void AddData(RiotClient riotClient, string version = null)
            int tryCount = 0;
            bool gotData = false;
            ChampionListDto champData = null;
            ItemListDto itemData = null;
                    champData = riotClient.LolStaticData.GetChampionList(RiotApiConfig.Regions.EUW, null, null, version, "all");
                    gotData = true;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    tryCount += 1;
                    if (tryCount % 3 == 0)
            } while (gotData == false);

            version = champData.Version;
            // reset loop variables
            gotData = false;
            tryCount = 0;
            // ---------------------
                    itemData = riotClient.LolStaticData.GetItemList(RiotApiConfig.Regions.EUW, null, version, "all");
                    gotData = true;
                    tryCount += 1;
                    if (tryCount % 3 == 0)
            } while (gotData == false);

            if (itemData != null && champData != null)
                PatchContext context = new PatchContext();
                context.PatchList.Add(new Patch(champData, itemData));
                MailControl.SendMail("Added Patch", $"Patch {version} was successfully added to the database at {DateTime.Now}.");
        private static MatchInfo GetMatchInfo(string region, long matchId, bool timeline, string key, RiotClient riotClient)
            MatchDetail matchDetail = DownloadMatch(region, matchId, timeline, key, riotClient);
            Match match = new Match(matchDetail);

            List<Team> teams = matchDetail.Teams.Select(team => new Team(team)
                MatchId = match.Id

            List<Ban> bans = matchDetail.Teams.SelectMany(team => team.Bans == null ? new List<Ban>() : team.Bans.Select(champ => new Ban(champ)
                MatchId = match.Id

            long? nullLong = null;
            string nullString = null;
            List<Participant> participants = matchDetail.Participants.Select(p => new Participant(p)
                MatchId = match.Id,
                SummonerId = (matchDetail.ParticipantIdentities.First(pi => p.ParticipantId.Equals(pi.ParticipantId)).Player == null) ? nullLong : (matchDetail.ParticipantIdentities.First(pi => p.ParticipantId.Equals(pi.ParticipantId)).Player.SummonerId),
                SummonerName = (matchDetail.ParticipantIdentities.First(pi => p.ParticipantId.Equals(pi.ParticipantId)).Player == null) ? nullString : (matchDetail.ParticipantIdentities.First(pi => p.ParticipantId.Equals(pi.ParticipantId)).Player.SummonerName)

            List<Event> events = matchDetail.Timeline.Frames.SelectMany(frame => frame.Events == null ? new List<Event>() : frame.Events.Where(e => e.EventType.Equals(Enums.EventType.ITEM_PURCHASED) || e.EventType.Equals(Enums.EventType.SKILL_LEVEL_UP)).Select(e => new Event(e)
                MatchId = match.Id

            List<ParticipantFrame> participantFrames = matchDetail.Timeline.Frames.SelectMany(frame => frame.ParticipantFrames.Select(pf => new ParticipantFrame(pf.Value)
                MatchId = match.Id,
                Timestamp = frame.Timestamp

            MatchInfo matchInfo = new MatchInfo
                Match = match,
                Teams = teams,
                Bans = bans,
                Participants = participants,
                Events = events,
                ParticipantFrames = participantFrames
            return matchInfo;
Exemple #5
        // GET: matches/Details/5
        public ActionResult Details(string search)
            //SimpleMemberService test = new SimpleMemberService();
            ////simplemember s = test.GetById(12);
            //ApplicationUser user = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>().FindById(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId());
            //var mail = user.Email;

            //var aaaa = test.GetMany(m => == mail);

            //var s = test.GetById(aaaa.First().Id);

            IRiotClient riotClient = new RiotClient("f5e474de-885a-477a-8b74-fa16f5915741");

                var cham = riotClient.Summoner.GetSummonersByName(RiotApiConfig.Regions.EUW, search);
                long tt = cham.First().Value.Id;

                var sts = riotClient.Stats.GetPlayerStatsBySummonerId(RiotApiConfig.Regions.EUW, tt);
                var sss = sts.PlayerStatSummaries.First();

                ViewBag.sum = sss;
                return View(sss);
 public void Example3()
     IRiotClient riotClient = new RiotClient("your api key here");
     //get challeger tier league for ranked solo 5x5
     var challengers = riotClient.League.GetChallengerTierLeagues(RiotApiConfig.Regions.EUNE,
     //get top 5 leaderboard using LINQ
     var top5 = challengers.Entries.OrderByDescending(x => x.LeaguePoints).Take(5).ToList();
     //Print top 5 leaderboard
         topEntry =>
                 $"{topEntry.PlayerOrTeamName} - wins:{topEntry.Wins}  loss:{topEntry.Losses} points:{topEntry.LeaguePoints}"));
 private static string DownloadMatchString(string region, long matchId, bool timeline, string key, RiotClient riotClient)
     return DownloadMatch(region, matchId, timeline, key, riotClient).ToString();
 private static MatchDetail DownloadMatch(string region, long matchId, bool timeline, string key, RiotClient riotClient)
     return riotClient.Match.GetMatchById((RiotApiConfig.Regions)Enum.Parse(typeof(RiotApiConfig.Regions), region.ToUpper()), matchId, timeline);
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="apiKey">Your Riot API Key</param>
        /// <param name="version">The version to process, This can be left null to check the latest version.</param>
        static void StartProcessing(string apiKey, RiotClient riotClient = null, string version = null)
            if (riotClient == null)
                riotClient = RiotApiLoader.CreateHttpClient(apiKey);

            ChampionListDto champData = null;
            int tryCount = 0;
            bool gotData = false;
                    champData = riotClient.LolStaticData.GetChampionList(RiotApiConfig.Regions.EUW, null, null, version, null);
                    gotData = true;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    tryCount += 1;
                    if (tryCount % 3 == 0)
            } while (gotData == false);
            version = champData.Version;
            if (isNewVersion(version))
                AddData(riotClient, version);