public Storyteller(StorytellerDef def, DifficultyDef difficulty, Difficulty difficultyValues) { this.def = def; this.difficulty = difficulty; this.difficultyValues = difficultyValues; InitializeStorytellerComps(); }
public virtual IEnumerable <string> ConfigErrors(StorytellerDef parentDef) { if (this.compClass == null) { yield return("a StorytellerCompProperties has null compClass."); } }
public Storyteller(StorytellerDef def, DifficultyDef difficulty) { this.def = def; this.difficulty = difficulty; this.intenderPopulation = new StoryIntender_Population(this); this.InitializeStorytellerComps(); }
public override IEnumerable <string> ConfigErrors(StorytellerDef parentDef) { if (incident != null && category != null) { yield return("incident and category should not both be defined"); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } if (onDays <= 0f) { yield return("onDays must be above zero"); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } if (numIncidentsRange.TrueMax <= 0f) { yield return("numIncidentRange not configured"); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } if (minSpacingDays * numIncidentsRange.TrueMax > onDays * 0.9f) { yield return("minSpacingDays too high compared to max number of incidents."); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } }
public override void PreOpen() { base.PreOpen(); storyteller = (from d in DefDatabase <StorytellerDef> .AllDefs where d.listVisible orderby d.listOrder select d).First(); }
public virtual IEnumerable <string> ConfigErrors(StorytellerDef parentDef) { if (this.compClass == null) { yield return(parentDef.defName + " has StorytellerCompProperties with null compClass."); } yield break; }
public virtual IEnumerable <string> ConfigErrors(StorytellerDef parentDef) { if (compClass == null) { yield return("a StorytellerCompProperties has null compClass."); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } }
private static float CalculatePopulationIntent(StorytellerDef def, float curPop, float popAdaptation) { float num = def.populationIntentFactorFromPopCurve.Evaluate(curPop); if (num > 0f) { num *= def.populationIntentFactorFromPopAdaptDaysCurve.Evaluate(popAdaptation); } return(num); }
public virtual IEnumerable <string> ConfigErrors(StorytellerDef parentDef) { if (this.compClass != null) { yield break; } yield return(parentDef.defName + " has StorytellerCompProperties with null compClass."); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; }
private static float CalculatePopulationIntent(StorytellerDef def, float curPop, int ticksSinceGain) { float num = def.populationIntentFromPopCurve.Evaluate(curPop); if (num > 0f) { float x = (float)ticksSinceGain / 60000f; num *= def.populationIntentFromTimeCurve.Evaluate(x); } return(num); }
public virtual IEnumerable <string> ConfigErrors(StorytellerDef parentDef) { if (compClass == null) { yield return("a StorytellerCompProperties has null compClass."); } if (!enableIfAnyModActive.NullOrEmpty() && !disableIfAnyModActive.NullOrEmpty()) { yield return("enableIfAnyModActive and disableIfAnyModActive can't be used simultaneously"); } }
public override void ResolveReferences(StorytellerDef parentDef) { base.ResolveReferences(parentDef); if (this.threatSmallCategory == null) { this.threatSmallCategory = IncidentCategoryDefOf.ThreatSmall; } if (this.threatBigCategory == null) { this.threatBigCategory = IncidentCategoryDefOf.ThreatBig; } }
public override void PreOpen() { base.PreOpen(); if (storyteller == null) { storyteller = (from d in DefDatabase <StorytellerDef> .AllDefs where d.listVisible orderby d.listOrder select d).First(); } StorytellerUI.ResetStorytellerSelectionInterface(); }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect rect) { DrawPageTitle(rect); Rect mainRect = GetMainRect(rect); Storyteller storyteller = Current.Game.storyteller; StorytellerDef def = Current.Game.storyteller.def; StorytellerUI.DrawStorytellerSelectionInterface_NewTemp(mainRect, ref storyteller.def, ref storyteller.difficulty, ref storyteller.difficultyValues, selectedStorytellerInfoListing); if (storyteller.def != def) { storyteller.Notify_DefChanged(); } }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect rect) { base.DrawPageTitle(rect); Rect mainRect = base.GetMainRect(rect, 0f, false); Storyteller storyteller = Current.Game.storyteller; StorytellerDef def = Current.Game.storyteller.def; StorytellerUI.DrawStorytellerSelectionInterface(mainRect, ref storyteller.def, ref storyteller.difficulty, this.selectedStorytellerInfoListing); if (storyteller.def != def) { storyteller.Notify_DefChanged(); } }
public override IEnumerable <string> ConfigErrors(StorytellerDef parentDef) { if (this.incident != null && this.category != null) { yield return("incident and category should not both be defined"); } if (this.onDays <= 0f) { yield return("onDays must be above zero"); } if (this.numIncidentsRange.TrueMax <= 0f) { yield return("numIncidentRange not configured"); } if (this.minSpacingDays * this.numIncidentsRange.TrueMax > this.onDays * 0.9f) { yield return("minSpacingDays too high compared to max number of incidents."); } }
internal static void DrawStorytellerSelectionInterface(Rect rect, ref StorytellerDef chosenStoryteller, ref DifficultyDef difficulty, Listing_Standard selectedStorytellerInfoListing) { GUI.BeginGroup(rect); if (chosenStoryteller != null && chosenStoryteller.listVisible) { Rect position = new Rect(390f, rect.height - Storyteller.PortraitSizeLarge.y - 1f, Storyteller.PortraitSizeLarge.x, Storyteller.PortraitSizeLarge.y); GUI.DrawTexture(position, chosenStoryteller.portraitLargeTex); Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(0f, rect.height, rect.width); } Rect outRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.x + 16f, rect.height); Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.x, (float)DefDatabase <StorytellerDef> .AllDefs.Count <StorytellerDef>() * (Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.y + 10f)); Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref StorytellerUI.scrollPosition, viewRect, true); Rect rect2 = new Rect(0f, 0f, Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.x, Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.y); foreach (StorytellerDef current in from tel in DefDatabase <StorytellerDef> .AllDefs orderby tel.listOrder select tel) { if (current.listVisible) { if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rect2, current.portraitTinyTex)) { TutorSystem.Notify_Event("ChooseStoryteller"); chosenStoryteller = current; } if (chosenStoryteller == current) { GUI.DrawTexture(rect2, StorytellerUI.StorytellerHighlightTex); } rect2.y += rect2.height + 8f; } } Widgets.EndScrollView(); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Rect rect3 = new Rect(outRect.xMax + 8f, 0f, 240f, 999f); Widgets.Label(rect3, "HowStorytellersWork".Translate()); if (chosenStoryteller != null && chosenStoryteller.listVisible) { Rect rect4 = new Rect(outRect.xMax + 8f, outRect.yMin + 200f, 290f, 0f); rect4.height = rect.height - rect4.y; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Rect rect5 = new Rect(rect4.x + 15f, rect4.y - 40f, 9999f, 40f); Widgets.Label(rect5, chosenStoryteller.label); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; selectedStorytellerInfoListing.Begin(rect4); selectedStorytellerInfoListing.Label(chosenStoryteller.description, 120f); selectedStorytellerInfoListing.Gap(6f); foreach (DifficultyDef current2 in DefDatabase <DifficultyDef> .AllDefs) { Rect rect6 = selectedStorytellerInfoListing.GetRect(30f); if (Mouse.IsOver(rect6)) { Widgets.DrawHighlight(rect6); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect6, current2.description); if (Widgets.RadioButtonLabeled(rect6, current2.LabelCap, difficulty == current2)) { difficulty = current2; } } selectedStorytellerInfoListing.Gap(30f); if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Entry) { selectedStorytellerInfoListing.CheckboxLabeled("PermadeathMode".Translate(), ref Find.GameInitData.permadeath, "PermadeathModeInfo".Translate()); } selectedStorytellerInfoListing.End(); } GUI.EndGroup(); }
public static IncidentParms DefaultParmsNow(StorytellerDef tellerDef, IncidentCategory incCat, IIncidentTarget target) { IncidentParms incidentParms = new IncidentParms(); = target; if (incCat == IncidentCategory.ThreatSmall || incCat == IncidentCategory.ThreatBig || incCat == IncidentCategory.RaidBeacon) { float playerWealthForStoryteller = target.PlayerWealthForStoryteller; playerWealthForStoryteller = (float)(playerWealthForStoryteller - 2000.0); playerWealthForStoryteller = Mathf.Max(playerWealthForStoryteller, 0f); float num = (float)(playerWealthForStoryteller / 1000.0 * 10.0); float num2 = 0f; foreach (Pawn item in target.FreeColonistsForStoryteller) { float num3 = 1f; if (item.ParentHolder != null && item.ParentHolder is Building_CryptosleepCasket) { num3 = (float)(num3 * 0.30000001192092896); } num3 = Mathf.Lerp(num3, num3 *, 0.5f); num2 = (float)(num2 + 42.0 * num3); } incidentParms.points = num + num2; incidentParms.points *= Find.StoryWatcher.watcherRampUp.TotalThreatPointsFactor; incidentParms.points *= Find.Storyteller.difficulty.threatScale; incidentParms.points *= target.IncidentPointsRandomFactorRange.RandomInRange; switch (Find.StoryWatcher.statsRecord.numThreatBigs) { case 0: incidentParms.points = 35f; incidentParms.raidForceOneIncap = true; incidentParms.raidNeverFleeIndividual = true; break; case 1: incidentParms.points *= 0.5f; break; case 2: incidentParms.points *= 0.7f; break; case 3: incidentParms.points *= 0.8f; break; case 4: incidentParms.points *= 0.9f; break; default: incidentParms.points *= 1f; break; } if (incidentParms.points < 0.0) { incidentParms.points = 0f; } if (incidentParms.points > 1000.0) { if (incidentParms.points > 2000.0) { incidentParms.points = (float)(2000.0 + (incidentParms.points - 2000.0) * 0.5); } incidentParms.points = (float)(1000.0 + (incidentParms.points - 1000.0) * 0.5); } } return(incidentParms); }
internal static void DrawStorytellerSelectionInterface(Rect rect, ref StorytellerDef chosenStoryteller, ref DifficultyDef difficulty, Listing_Standard selectedStorytellerInfoListing) { GUI.BeginGroup(rect); if (chosenStoryteller != null && chosenStoryteller.listVisible) { float height = rect.height; Vector2 portraitSizeLarge = Storyteller.PortraitSizeLarge; double y = height - portraitSizeLarge.y - 1.0; Vector2 portraitSizeLarge2 = Storyteller.PortraitSizeLarge; float x = portraitSizeLarge2.x; Vector2 portraitSizeLarge3 = Storyteller.PortraitSizeLarge; Rect position = new Rect(390f, (float)y, x, portraitSizeLarge3.y); GUI.DrawTexture(position, chosenStoryteller.portraitLargeTex); Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(0f, rect.height, rect.width); } Vector2 portraitSizeTiny = Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny; Rect outRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)(portraitSizeTiny.x + 16.0), rect.height); Vector2 portraitSizeTiny2 = Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny; float x2 = portraitSizeTiny2.x; float num = (float)DefDatabase <StorytellerDef> .AllDefs.Count(); Vector2 portraitSizeTiny3 = Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny; Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, x2, (float)(num * (portraitSizeTiny3.y + 10.0))); Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref StorytellerUI.scrollPosition, viewRect, true); Vector2 portraitSizeTiny4 = Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny; float x3 = portraitSizeTiny4.x; Vector2 portraitSizeTiny5 = Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny; Rect rect2 = new Rect(0f, 0f, x3, portraitSizeTiny5.y); foreach (StorytellerDef item in from tel in DefDatabase <StorytellerDef> .AllDefs orderby tel.listOrder select tel) { if (item.listVisible) { if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rect2, item.portraitTinyTex)) { TutorSystem.Notify_Event("ChooseStoryteller"); chosenStoryteller = item; } if (chosenStoryteller == item) { GUI.DrawTexture(rect2, StorytellerUI.StorytellerHighlightTex); } rect2.y += (float)(rect2.height + 8.0); } } Widgets.EndScrollView(); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Rect rect3 = new Rect((float)(outRect.xMax + 8.0), 0f, 240f, 999f); Widgets.Label(rect3, "HowStorytellersWork".Translate()); if (chosenStoryteller != null && chosenStoryteller.listVisible) { Rect rect4 = new Rect((float)(outRect.xMax + 8.0), (float)(outRect.yMin + 200.0), 290f, 0f); rect4.height = rect.height - rect4.y; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Rect rect5 = new Rect((float)(rect4.x + 15.0), (float)(rect4.y - 40.0), 9999f, 40f); Widgets.Label(rect5, chosenStoryteller.label); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; selectedStorytellerInfoListing.Begin(rect4); selectedStorytellerInfoListing.Label(chosenStoryteller.description, 120f); selectedStorytellerInfoListing.Gap(6f); foreach (DifficultyDef allDef in DefDatabase <DifficultyDef> .AllDefs) { Rect rect6 = selectedStorytellerInfoListing.GetRect(30f); if (Mouse.IsOver(rect6)) { Widgets.DrawHighlight(rect6); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect6, allDef.description); if (Widgets.RadioButtonLabeled(rect6, allDef.LabelCap, difficulty == allDef)) { difficulty = allDef; } } selectedStorytellerInfoListing.Gap(30f); if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Entry) { selectedStorytellerInfoListing.CheckboxLabeled("PermadeathMode".Translate(), ref Find.GameInitData.permadeath, "PermadeathModeInfo".Translate()); } selectedStorytellerInfoListing.End(); } GUI.EndGroup(); }
public static IncidentParms DefaultParmsNow(StorytellerDef tellerDef, IncidentCategory incCat, IIncidentTarget target) { IncidentParms incidentParms = new IncidentParms(); = target; if (incCat == IncidentCategory.ThreatSmall || incCat == IncidentCategory.ThreatBig || incCat == IncidentCategory.RaidBeacon) { float num = target.PlayerWealthForStoryteller; num -= 2000f; num = Mathf.Max(num, 0f); float num2 = num / 1000f * 10f; float num3 = 0f; foreach (Pawn current in target.FreeColonistsForStoryteller) { float num4 = 1f; if (current.ParentHolder != null && current.ParentHolder is Building_CryptosleepCasket) { num4 *= 0.3f; } num4 = Mathf.Lerp(num4, num4 *, 0.5f); num3 += 42f * num4; } incidentParms.points = num2 + num3; incidentParms.points *= Find.StoryWatcher.watcherRampUp.TotalThreatPointsFactor; incidentParms.points *= Find.Storyteller.difficulty.threatScale; incidentParms.points *= target.IncidentPointsRandomFactorRange.RandomInRange; switch (Find.StoryWatcher.statsRecord.numThreatBigs) { case 0: incidentParms.points = 35f; incidentParms.raidForceOneIncap = true; incidentParms.raidNeverFleeIndividual = true; break; case 1: incidentParms.points *= 0.5f; break; case 2: incidentParms.points *= 0.7f; break; case 3: incidentParms.points *= 0.8f; break; case 4: incidentParms.points *= 0.9f; break; default: incidentParms.points *= 1f; break; } if (incidentParms.points < 0f) { incidentParms.points = 0f; } if (incidentParms.points > 1000f) { if (incidentParms.points > 2000f) { incidentParms.points = 2000f + (incidentParms.points - 2000f) * 0.5f; } incidentParms.points = 1000f + (incidentParms.points - 1000f) * 0.5f; } } return(incidentParms); }
public static void DrawStorytellerSelectionInterface(Rect rect, ref StorytellerDef chosenStoryteller, ref DifficultyDef difficulty, Listing_Standard infoListing) { GUI.BeginGroup(rect); if (chosenStoryteller != null && chosenStoryteller.listVisible) { GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(390f, rect.height - Storyteller.PortraitSizeLarge.y - 1f, Storyteller.PortraitSizeLarge.x, Storyteller.PortraitSizeLarge.y), chosenStoryteller.portraitLargeTex); Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(0f, rect.height, rect.width); } Rect outRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.x + 16f, rect.height); Widgets.BeginScrollView(viewRect: new Rect(0f, 0f, Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.x, (float)DefDatabase <StorytellerDef> .AllDefs.Count() * (Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.y + 10f)), outRect: outRect, scrollPosition: ref scrollPosition); Rect rect2 = new Rect(0f, 0f, Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.x, Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.y); foreach (StorytellerDef item in DefDatabase <StorytellerDef> .AllDefs.OrderBy((StorytellerDef tel) => tel.listOrder)) { if (item.listVisible) { if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rect2, item.portraitTinyTex)) { TutorSystem.Notify_Event("ChooseStoryteller"); chosenStoryteller = item; } if (chosenStoryteller == item) { GUI.DrawTexture(rect2, StorytellerHighlightTex); } rect2.y += rect2.height + 8f; } } Widgets.EndScrollView(); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Widgets.Label(new Rect(outRect.xMax + 8f, 0f, 300f, 999f), "HowStorytellersWork".Translate()); if (chosenStoryteller != null && chosenStoryteller.listVisible) { Rect rect3 = new Rect(outRect.xMax + 8f, outRect.yMin + 160f, 290f, 0f); rect3.height = rect.height - rect3.y; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Widgets.Label(new Rect(rect3.x + 15f, rect3.y - 40f, 9999f, 40f), chosenStoryteller.label); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; infoListing.Begin(rect3); infoListing.Label(chosenStoryteller.description, 160f); infoListing.Gap(6f); foreach (DifficultyDef allDef in DefDatabase <DifficultyDef> .AllDefs) { if (!allDef.isExtreme || Prefs.ExtremeDifficultyUnlocked) { GUI.color = allDef.drawColor; if (infoListing.RadioButton_NewTemp(allDef.LabelCap, difficulty == allDef, 0f, allDef.description, 0f)) { difficulty = allDef; } infoListing.Gap(3f); } } GUI.color = Color.white; if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Entry) { infoListing.Gap(25f); bool active = Find.GameInitData.permadeathChosen && Find.GameInitData.permadeath; bool active2 = Find.GameInitData.permadeathChosen && !Find.GameInitData.permadeath; if (infoListing.RadioButton("ReloadAnytimeMode".Translate(), active2, 0f, "ReloadAnytimeModeInfo".Translate())) { Find.GameInitData.permadeathChosen = true; Find.GameInitData.permadeath = false; } infoListing.Gap(3f); if (infoListing.RadioButton("CommitmentMode".TranslateWithBackup("PermadeathMode"), active, 0f, "PermadeathModeInfo".Translate())) { Find.GameInitData.permadeathChosen = true; Find.GameInitData.permadeath = true; } } infoListing.End(); } GUI.EndGroup(); }
public static void DrawStorytellerSelectionInterface(Rect rect, ref StorytellerDef chosenStoryteller, ref DifficultyDef difficulty, Listing_Standard infoListing) { GUI.BeginGroup(rect); if (chosenStoryteller != null && chosenStoryteller.listVisible) { Rect position = new Rect(390f, rect.height - Storyteller.PortraitSizeLarge.y - 1f, Storyteller.PortraitSizeLarge.x, Storyteller.PortraitSizeLarge.y); GUI.DrawTexture(position, chosenStoryteller.portraitLargeTex); Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(0f, rect.height, rect.width); } Rect outRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.x + 16f, rect.height); Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.x, (float)DefDatabase <StorytellerDef> .AllDefs.Count <StorytellerDef>() * (Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.y + 10f)); Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref StorytellerUI.scrollPosition, viewRect, true); Rect rect2 = new Rect(0f, 0f, Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.x, Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.y); foreach (StorytellerDef storytellerDef in from tel in DefDatabase <StorytellerDef> .AllDefs orderby tel.listOrder select tel) { if (storytellerDef.listVisible) { if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rect2, storytellerDef.portraitTinyTex)) { TutorSystem.Notify_Event("ChooseStoryteller"); chosenStoryteller = storytellerDef; } if (chosenStoryteller == storytellerDef) { GUI.DrawTexture(rect2, StorytellerUI.StorytellerHighlightTex); } rect2.y += rect2.height + 8f; } } Widgets.EndScrollView(); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Rect rect3 = new Rect(outRect.xMax + 8f, 0f, 300f, 999f); Widgets.Label(rect3, "HowStorytellersWork".Translate()); if (chosenStoryteller != null && chosenStoryteller.listVisible) { Rect rect4 = new Rect(outRect.xMax + 8f, outRect.yMin + 160f, 290f, 0f); rect4.height = rect.height - rect4.y; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Rect rect5 = new Rect(rect4.x + 15f, rect4.y - 40f, 9999f, 40f); Widgets.Label(rect5, chosenStoryteller.label); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; infoListing.Begin(rect4); infoListing.Label(chosenStoryteller.description, 160f, null); infoListing.Gap(6f); foreach (DifficultyDef difficultyDef in DefDatabase <DifficultyDef> .AllDefs) { if (!difficultyDef.isExtreme || Prefs.ExtremeDifficultyUnlocked) { GUI.color = difficultyDef.drawColor; string text = difficultyDef.LabelCap; bool active = difficulty == difficultyDef; string text2 = difficultyDef.description; if (infoListing.RadioButton(text, active, 0f, text2)) { difficulty = difficultyDef; } infoListing.Gap(3f); } } GUI.color = Color.white; if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Entry) { infoListing.Gap(25f); bool flag = Find.GameInitData.permadeathChosen && Find.GameInitData.permadeath; bool flag2 = Find.GameInitData.permadeathChosen && !Find.GameInitData.permadeath; string text2 = "ReloadAnytimeMode".Translate(); bool active = flag2; string text = "ReloadAnytimeModeInfo".Translate(); if (infoListing.RadioButton(text2, active, 0f, text)) { Find.GameInitData.permadeathChosen = true; Find.GameInitData.permadeath = false; } infoListing.Gap(3f); text = "CommitmentMode".TranslateWithBackup("PermadeathMode"); active = flag; text2 = "PermadeathModeInfo".Translate(); if (infoListing.RadioButton(text, active, 0f, text2)) { Find.GameInitData.permadeathChosen = true; Find.GameInitData.permadeath = true; } } infoListing.End(); } GUI.EndGroup(); }
private static int <PreOpen> m__1(StorytellerDef d) { return(d.listOrder); }
private static bool <PreOpen> m__0(StorytellerDef d) { return(d.listVisible); }
public virtual void ResolveReferences(StorytellerDef parentDef) { }
public static void DrawStorytellerSelectionInterface(Rect rect, ref StorytellerDef chosenStoryteller, ref DifficultyDef difficulty, Listing_Standard infoListing) { Difficulty difficultyValues = new Difficulty(); DrawStorytellerSelectionInterface_NewTemp(rect, ref chosenStoryteller, ref difficulty, ref difficultyValues, infoListing); }
public Storyteller(StorytellerDef def, DifficultyDef difficulty) { this.def = def; this.difficulty = difficulty; this.InitializeStorytellerComps(); }
public static void DrawStorytellerSelectionInterface_NewTemp(Rect rect, ref StorytellerDef chosenStoryteller, ref DifficultyDef difficulty, ref Difficulty difficultyValues, Listing_Standard infoListing) { GUI.BeginGroup(rect); Rect outRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.x + 16f, rect.height); Widgets.BeginScrollView(viewRect: new Rect(0f, 0f, Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.x, (float)DefDatabase <StorytellerDef> .AllDefs.Count() * (Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.y + 10f)), outRect: outRect, scrollPosition: ref scrollPosition); Rect rect2 = new Rect(0f, 0f, Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.x, Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.y); foreach (StorytellerDef item in DefDatabase <StorytellerDef> .AllDefs.OrderBy((StorytellerDef tel) => tel.listOrder)) { if (item.listVisible) { if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rect2, item.portraitTinyTex)) { TutorSystem.Notify_Event("ChooseStoryteller"); chosenStoryteller = item; } if (chosenStoryteller == item) { GUI.DrawTexture(rect2, StorytellerHighlightTex); } rect2.y += rect2.height + 8f; } } Widgets.EndScrollView(); Rect outRect2 = new Rect(outRect.xMax + 8f, 0f, rect.width - outRect.width - 8f, rect.height); explanationInnerRect.width = outRect2.width - 16f; Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect2, ref explanationScrollPosition, explanationInnerRect); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Widgets.Label(new Rect(0f, 0f, 300f, 999f), "HowStorytellersWork".Translate()); Rect rect3 = new Rect(0f, 120f, 290f, 9999f); float num = 300f; if (chosenStoryteller != null && chosenStoryteller.listVisible) { Rect position = new Rect(390f - outRect2.x, rect.height - Storyteller.PortraitSizeLarge.y - 1f, Storyteller.PortraitSizeLarge.x, Storyteller.PortraitSizeLarge.y); GUI.DrawTexture(position, chosenStoryteller.portraitLargeTex); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; infoListing.Begin(rect3); Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; infoListing.Indent(15f); infoListing.Label(chosenStoryteller.label); infoListing.Outdent(15f); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; infoListing.Gap(8f); infoListing.Label(chosenStoryteller.description, 160f); infoListing.Gap(6f); foreach (DifficultyDef allDef in DefDatabase <DifficultyDef> .AllDefs) { TaggedString labelCap = allDef.LabelCap; if (allDef.isCustom) { labelCap += "..."; } if (infoListing.RadioButton_NewTemp(labelCap, difficulty == allDef, 0f, allDef.description, 0f)) { if (!allDef.isCustom) { difficultyValues.CopyFrom(allDef); } else if (allDef != difficulty) { difficultyValues.CopyFrom(DifficultyDefOf.Rough); float time = Time.time; float num2 = 0.6f; explanationScrollPositionAnimated = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(time, explanationScrollPosition.y, time + num2, explanationInnerRect.height); } difficulty = allDef; } infoListing.Gap(3f); } if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Entry) { infoListing.Gap(25f); bool active = Find.GameInitData.permadeathChosen && Find.GameInitData.permadeath; bool active2 = Find.GameInitData.permadeathChosen && !Find.GameInitData.permadeath; if (infoListing.RadioButton("ReloadAnytimeMode".Translate(), active2, 0f, "ReloadAnytimeModeInfo".Translate())) { Find.GameInitData.permadeathChosen = true; Find.GameInitData.permadeath = false; } infoListing.Gap(3f); if (infoListing.RadioButton("CommitmentMode".TranslateWithBackup("PermadeathMode"), active, 0f, "PermadeathModeInfo".Translate())) { Find.GameInitData.permadeathChosen = true; Find.GameInitData.permadeath = true; } } num = rect3.y + infoListing.CurHeight; infoListing.End(); if (difficulty != null && difficulty.isCustom) { if (explanationScrollPositionAnimated != null) { float time2 = Time.time; if (time2 < explanationScrollPositionAnimated.keys.Last().time) { explanationScrollPosition.y = explanationScrollPositionAnimated.Evaluate(time2); } else { explanationScrollPositionAnimated = null; } } Listing_Standard listing_Standard = new Listing_Standard(); float num3 = position.xMax - explanationInnerRect.x; listing_Standard.ColumnWidth = num3 / 2f - 17f; Rect rect4 = new Rect(0f, Math.Max(position.yMax, num) - 45f, num3, 9999f); listing_Standard.Begin(rect4); Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; listing_Standard.Indent(15f); listing_Standard.Label("DifficultyCustomSectionLabel".Translate()); listing_Standard.Outdent(15f); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; listing_Standard.Gap(); if (listing_Standard.ButtonText("DifficultyReset".Translate())) { MakeResetDifficultyFloatMenu(difficultyValues); } float curHeight = listing_Standard.CurHeight; float gapHeight = outRect2.height / 2f; DrawCustomLeft(listing_Standard, difficultyValues); listing_Standard.Gap(gapHeight); listing_Standard.NewColumn(); listing_Standard.Gap(curHeight); DrawCustomRight(listing_Standard, difficultyValues); listing_Standard.Gap(gapHeight); num = rect4.y + listing_Standard.MaxColumnHeightSeen; listing_Standard.End(); } } explanationInnerRect.height = num; Widgets.EndScrollView(); GUI.EndGroup(); }
private static int <DrawStorytellerSelectionInterface> m__0(StorytellerDef tel) { return(tel.listOrder); }
public Storyteller(StorytellerDef def, DifficultyDef difficulty) : this(def, difficulty, new Difficulty(difficulty)) { }