public static bool RegisterInCell(ThingGrid __instance, Thing t, IntVec3 c) { Map this_map =; if (!c.InBounds(this_map)) { Log.Warning(t.ToString() + " tried to register out of bounds at " + c + ". Destroying."); t.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } else { int index = this_map.cellIndices.CellToIndex(c); //int mapSizeX = this_map.Size.x; //int mapSizeZ = this_map.Size.z; lock (__instance) { __instance.thingGrid[index].Add(t); } if (t.def.EverHaulable) { HaulingCache.RegisterHaulableItem(t); } if (t is Building_PlantGrower building_PlantGrower) { foreach (IntVec3 plantableLocation in building_PlantGrower.OccupiedRect()) { PlantSowing_Cache.ReregisterObject(t.Map, plantableLocation, WorkGiver_Grower_Patch.awaitingPlantCellsMapDict); } } /* * if (!thingBillPoints.TryGetValue(t.def, out Dictionary<WorkGiver_Scanner, float> billPointsDict)) * { * billPointsDict = new Dictionary<WorkGiver_Scanner, float>(); * thingBillPoints[t.def] = billPointsDict; * } * if (!mapIngredientDict.TryGetValue(this_map, out Dictionary<WorkGiver_Scanner, Dictionary<float, List<HashSet<Thing>[]>>> ingredientDict)) * { * ingredientDict = new Dictionary<WorkGiver_Scanner, Dictionary<float, List<HashSet<Thing>[]>>>(); * mapIngredientDict[this_map] = ingredientDict; * } * foreach (KeyValuePair<WorkGiver_Scanner, float> billPoints in billPointsDict) * { * int i = 0; * int power2; * do * { * power2 = power2array[i]; * ingredientDict[billPoints.Key][billPoints.Value][i][CellToIndexCustom(c, mapSizeX, power2)].Add(t); * i++; * } while (power2 < mapSizeX || power2 < mapSizeZ); * } */ //} } return(false); }
public static void SetPlantDefToGrow(Zone_Growing __instance, ThingDef plantDef) { if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Playing) { foreach (IntVec3 c in __instance.cells) { PlantSowing_Cache.ReregisterObject(__instance.Map, c, WorkGiver_Grower_Patch.awaitingPlantCellsMapDict); } } }
public static void AddZoneGridCell(ZoneManager __instance, Zone zone, IntVec3 c) { if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Playing) { if (zone is Zone_Growing) { //Log.Message("Adding growing zone cell to awaiting plant cells"); PlantSowing_Cache.ReregisterObject(zone.Map, c, WorkGiver_Grower_Patch.awaitingPlantCellsMapDict); } } }
public static void CheckAddHaulDestination(Zone __instance) { if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Playing) { if (__instance is Zone_Growing zone) { //Log.Message("Adding growing zone cell to awaiting plant cells"); foreach (IntVec3 c in zone.cells) { PlantSowing_Cache.ReregisterObject(zone.Map, c, WorkGiver_Grower_Patch.awaitingPlantCellsMapDict); } } } }
public static bool DeregisterInCell(ThingGrid __instance, Thing t, IntVec3 c) { Map this_map =; if (!c.InBounds(this_map)) { Log.Error(t.ToString() + " tried to de-register out of bounds at " + c); return(false); } int index = this_map.cellIndices.CellToIndex(c); List <Thing>[] thingGridInstance = __instance.thingGrid; List <Thing> thingList = thingGridInstance[index]; List <Thing> newThingList = null; if (thingList.Contains(t)) { bool found = false; lock (__instance) { thingList = thingGridInstance[index]; if (thingList.Contains(t)) { found = true; newThingList = new List <Thing>(thingList); newThingList.Remove(t); thingGridInstance[index] = newThingList; } } if (found) { if (t.def.EverHaulable) { HaulingCache.DeregisterHaulableItem(t); } if (c.GetZone( is Zone_Growing zone) { PlantSowing_Cache.ReregisterObject(zone.Map, c, WorkGiver_Grower_Patch.awaitingPlantCellsMapDict); } for (int i = newThingList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Thing thing2 = newThingList[i]; if (thing2 is Building_PlantGrower building_PlantGrower) { foreach (IntVec3 plantableLocation in building_PlantGrower.OccupiedRect()) { PlantSowing_Cache.ReregisterObject(building_PlantGrower.Map, plantableLocation, WorkGiver_Grower_Patch.awaitingPlantCellsMapDict); } } } } /* * int mapSizeX = this_map.Size.x; * int mapSizeZ = this_map.Size.z; * * if (!thingBillPoints.TryGetValue(t.def, out Dictionary<WorkGiver_Scanner, float> billPointsDict)) * { * billPointsDict = new Dictionary<WorkGiver_Scanner, float>(); * thingBillPoints[t.def] = billPointsDict; * } * if (!mapIngredientDict.TryGetValue(this_map, out Dictionary<WorkGiver_Scanner, Dictionary<float, List<HashSet<Thing>[]>>> ingredientDict)) * { * ingredientDict = new Dictionary<WorkGiver_Scanner, Dictionary<float, List<HashSet<Thing>[]>>>(); * mapIngredientDict[this_map] = ingredientDict; * } * foreach (KeyValuePair<WorkGiver_Scanner, float> billPoints in billPointsDict) * { * int i = 0; * int power2; * do * { * power2 = power2array[i]; * HashSet<Thing> newHashSet = new HashSet<Thing>(ingredientDict[billPoints.Key][billPoints.Value][i][CellToIndexCustom(c, mapSizeX, power2)]); * newHashSet.Remove(t); * ingredientDict[billPoints.Key][billPoints.Value][i][CellToIndexCustom(c, mapSizeX, power2)] = newHashSet; * i++; * } while (power2 < mapSizeX || power2 < mapSizeZ); * } */ //} //} } return(false); }
private static bool JobOnCellTest(WorkGiverDef def, Pawn pawn, IntVec3 c, bool forced = false) { Map map = pawn.Map; if (c.IsForbidden(pawn)) { #if DEBUG Log.Warning("IsForbidden"); #endif PlantSowing_Cache.ReregisterObject(map, c, awaitingPlantCellsMapDict); return(false); } if (!PlantUtility.GrowthSeasonNow(c, map, forSowing: true)) { #if DEBUG Log.Warning("GrowthSeasonNow"); #endif return(false); } ThingDef localWantedPlantDef = WorkGiver_Grower.CalculateWantedPlantDef(c, map); WorkGiver_GrowerSow.wantedPlantDef = localWantedPlantDef; if (localWantedPlantDef == null) { #if DEBUG Log.Warning("localWantedPlantDef==null"); #endif return(false); } List <Thing> thingList = c.GetThingList(map); bool flag = false; for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i++) { Thing thing = thingList[i]; if (thing.def == localWantedPlantDef) { #if DEBUG Log.Warning("thing.def == localWantedPlantDef... RemoveObjectFromAwaitingHaulingHashSets"); #endif PlantSowing_Cache.ReregisterObject(map, c, awaitingPlantCellsMapDict); //JumboCellCache.AddObjectToActionableObjects(map, c, c, awaitingPlantCellsMapDict); return(false); } if ((thing is Blueprint || thing is Frame) && thing.Faction == pawn.Faction) { flag = true; } } if (flag) { Thing edifice = c.GetEdifice(map); if (edifice == null || edifice.def.fertility < 0f) { #if DEBUG Log.Warning("fertility"); #endif return(false); } } if (localWantedPlantDef.plant.cavePlant) { if (!c.Roofed(map)) { #if DEBUG Log.Warning("cavePlant"); #endif return(false); } if (map.glowGrid.GameGlowAt(c, ignoreCavePlants: true) > 0f) { #if DEBUG Log.Warning("GameGlowAt"); #endif return(false); } } if (localWantedPlantDef.plant.interferesWithRoof && c.Roofed(pawn.Map)) { return(false); } Plant plant = c.GetPlant(map); if (plant != null && plant.def.plant.blockAdjacentSow) { if (!pawn.CanReserve(plant, 1, -1, null, forced) || plant.IsForbidden(pawn)) { #if DEBUG Log.Warning("blockAdjacentSow"); #endif return(false); } return(true); // JobMaker.MakeJob(JobDefOf.CutPlant, plant); } Thing thing2 = PlantUtility.AdjacentSowBlocker(localWantedPlantDef, c, map); if (thing2 != null) { Plant plant2 = thing2 as Plant; if (plant2 != null && pawn.CanReserve(plant2, 1, -1, null, forced) && !plant2.IsForbidden(pawn)) { IPlantToGrowSettable plantToGrowSettable = plant2.Position.GetPlantToGrowSettable(plant2.Map); if (plantToGrowSettable == null || plantToGrowSettable.GetPlantDefToGrow() != plant2.def) { return(true); // JobMaker.MakeJob(JobDefOf.CutPlant, plant2); } } #if DEBUG Log.Warning("AdjacentSowBlocker"); #endif PlantSowing_Cache.ReregisterObject(map, c, awaitingPlantCellsMapDict); return(false); } if (localWantedPlantDef.plant.sowMinSkill > 0 && pawn.skills != null && pawn.skills.GetSkill(SkillDefOf.Plants).Level < localWantedPlantDef.plant.sowMinSkill) { #if DEBUG Log.Warning("UnderAllowedSkill"); #endif return(false); } for (int j = 0; j < thingList.Count; j++) { Thing thing3 = thingList[j]; if (!thing3.def.BlocksPlanting()) { continue; } if (!pawn.CanReserve(thing3, 1, -1, null, forced)) { #if DEBUG Log.Warning("!CanReserve"); #endif PlantSowing_Cache.ReregisterObject(map, c, awaitingPlantCellsMapDict); return(false); } if (thing3.def.category == ThingCategory.Plant) { if (!thing3.IsForbidden(pawn)) { return(true); // JobMaker.MakeJob(JobDefOf.CutPlant, thing3); } #if DEBUG Log.Warning("Plant IsForbidden"); #endif PlantSowing_Cache.ReregisterObject(map, c, awaitingPlantCellsMapDict); return(false); } if (thing3.def.EverHaulable) { return(true); //HaulAIUtility.HaulAsideJobFor(pawn, thing3); } #if DEBUG Log.Warning("EverHaulable"); #endif PlantSowing_Cache.ReregisterObject(map, c, awaitingPlantCellsMapDict); return(false); } if (!localWantedPlantDef.CanEverPlantAt(c, map)) { #if DEBUG Log.Warning("CanEverPlantAt_NewTemp"); #endif PlantSowing_Cache.ReregisterObject(map, c, awaitingPlantCellsMapDict); return(false); } if (!PlantUtility.GrowthSeasonNow(c, map, forSowing: true)) { #if DEBUG Log.Warning("GrowthSeasonNow"); #endif return(false); } if (!pawn.CanReserve(c, 1, -1, null, forced)) { #if DEBUG Log.Warning("!pawn.CanReserve(c"); #endif PlantSowing_Cache.ReregisterObject(map, c, awaitingPlantCellsMapDict); //JumboCellCache.AddObjectToActionableObjects(map, c, c, awaitingPlantCellsMapDict); return(false); } //Job job = JobMaker.MakeJob(JobDefOf.Sow, c); //job.plantDefToSow = wantedPlantDef; return(true); //job; }
internal static IntVec3 ClosestLocationReachable(WorkGiver_Grower workGiver_Grower, Pawn pawn) { Danger maxDanger = pawn.NormalMaxDanger(); //wantedPlantDef = null; //List<Zone> zonesList = pawn.Map.zoneManager.AllZones; //for (int j = 0; j < zonesList.Count; j++) //{ //if (growZone.cells.Count == 0) //{ //Log.ErrorOnce("Grow zone has 0 cells: " + growZone, -563487); //} bool forced = false; Map map = pawn.Map; ZoneManager zoneManager = pawn.Map.zoneManager; foreach (IntVec3 actionableLocation in PlantSowing_Cache.GetClosestActionableLocations(pawn, map, awaitingPlantCellsMapDict)) { List <Thing> thingsAtLocation = GridsUtility.GetThingList(actionableLocation, map); foreach (Thing thingAtLocation in thingsAtLocation) { if (thingAtLocation is Building_PlantGrower building_PlantGrower) { if (building_PlantGrower == null || !workGiver_Grower.ExtraRequirements(building_PlantGrower, pawn) || building_PlantGrower.IsForbidden(pawn) || !pawn.CanReach(building_PlantGrower, PathEndMode.OnCell, maxDanger) //|| building_PlantGrower.IsBurning() ) { continue; } //foreach (IntVec3 item in building_PlantGrower.OccupiedRect()) //{ //return item; //TODO ADD check //} return(actionableLocation); } } if (!(zoneManager.ZoneAt(actionableLocation) is Zone_Growing growZone)) { continue; } if (!workGiver_Grower.ExtraRequirements(growZone, pawn)) { continue; } if (!JobOnCellTest(workGiver_Grower.def, pawn, actionableLocation, forced)) { continue; } //!growZone.ContainsStaticFire && if (!workGiver_Grower.HasJobOnCell(pawn, actionableLocation)) { continue; } if (!pawn.CanReach(actionableLocation, PathEndMode.OnCell, maxDanger)) { continue; } return(actionableLocation); } //wantedPlantDef = null; return(IntVec3.Invalid); }
public static bool TryIssueJobPackage(JobGiver_Work __instance, ref ThinkResult __result, Pawn pawn, JobIssueParams jobParams) { #if DEBUG DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now; #endif if (__instance.emergency && pawn.mindState.priorityWork.IsPrioritized) { List <WorkGiverDef> workGiversByPriority = pawn.mindState.priorityWork.WorkGiver.workType.workGiversByPriority; for (int i = 0; i < workGiversByPriority.Count; i++) { WorkGiver worker = workGiversByPriority[i].Worker; if (__instance.WorkGiversRelated(pawn.mindState.priorityWork.WorkGiver, worker.def)) { Job job = GiverTryGiveJobPrioritized(__instance, pawn, worker, pawn.mindState.priorityWork.Cell); if (job != null) { job.playerForced = true; __result = new ThinkResult(job, __instance, workGiversByPriority[i].tagToGive); return(false); } } } pawn.mindState.priorityWork.Clear(); } List <WorkGiver> list = (!__instance.emergency) ? pawn.workSettings.WorkGiversInOrderNormal : pawn.workSettings.WorkGiversInOrderEmergency; int num = -999; TargetInfo bestTargetOfLastPriority = TargetInfo.Invalid; WorkGiver_Scanner scannerWhoProvidedTarget = null; WorkGiver_Scanner scanner; IntVec3 pawnPosition; float closestDistSquared; float bestPriority; bool prioritized; bool allowUnreachable; Danger maxPathDanger; for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++) { WorkGiver workGiver = list[j]; if (workGiver.def.priorityInType != num && bestTargetOfLastPriority.IsValid) { break; } if (!__instance.PawnCanUseWorkGiver(pawn, workGiver)) { continue; } try { Job job2 = workGiver.NonScanJob(pawn); if (job2 != null) { __result = new ThinkResult(job2, __instance, workGiver.def.tagToGive); return(false); } scanner = (workGiver as WorkGiver_Scanner); if (scanner != null) { if (scanner.def.scanThings) { //----------------------THERE HAVE BEEN NO CHANGES ABOVE THIS--------------------------------- Predicate <Thing> validator; if (scanner is WorkGiver_DoBill workGiver_DoBill) { validator = (Thing t) => !t.IsForbidden(pawn) && WorkGiver_Scanner_Patch.HasJobOnThing(workGiver_DoBill, pawn, t); } else { validator = (Thing t) => !t.IsForbidden(pawn) && scanner.HasJobOnThing(pawn, t); } IEnumerable <Thing> enumerable = scanner.PotentialWorkThingsGlobal(pawn); Thing thing; if (scanner.Prioritized) { IEnumerable <Thing> enumerable2 = enumerable; if (enumerable2 == null) { enumerable2 = pawn.Map.listerThings.ThingsMatching(scanner.PotentialWorkThingRequest); } thing = ((!scanner.AllowUnreachable) ? GenClosest.ClosestThing_Global_Reachable(pawn.Position, pawn.Map, enumerable2, scanner.PathEndMode, TraverseParms.For(pawn, scanner.MaxPathDanger(pawn)), 9999f, validator, (Thing x) => scanner.GetPriority(pawn, x)) : GenClosest.ClosestThing_Global(pawn.Position, enumerable2, 99999f, validator, (Thing x) => scanner.GetPriority(pawn, x))); } else if (scanner.AllowUnreachable) { IEnumerable <Thing> enumerable3 = enumerable; if (enumerable3 == null) { enumerable3 = pawn.Map.listerThings.ThingsMatching(scanner.PotentialWorkThingRequest); } thing = GenClosest.ClosestThing_Global(pawn.Position, enumerable3, 99999f, validator); } else { //TODO: use better ThingRequest groups if ( workGiver.def.defName.Equals("DoctorFeedAnimals") || workGiver.def.defName.Equals("DoctorFeedHumanlikes") || workGiver.def.defName.Equals("DoctorTendToAnimals") || workGiver.def.defName.Equals("DoctorTendToHumanlikes") || workGiver.def.defName.Equals("DoBillsUseCraftingSpot") || workGiver.def.defName.Equals("DoctorTendEmergency") || workGiver.def.defName.Equals("HaulCorpses") || workGiver.def.defName.Equals("FillFermentingBarrel") || workGiver.def.defName.Equals("HandlingFeedPatientAnimals") || workGiver.def.defName.Equals("Train") || workGiver.def.defName.Equals("VisitSickPawn") || workGiver.def.defName.Equals("DoBillsButcherFlesh") || workGiver.def.defName.Equals("DoBillsCook") || workGiver.def.defName.Equals("DoBillsMakeApparel") ) { //long thing = GenClosest_Patch.ClosestThingReachable2(pawn.Position, pawn.Map, scanner.PotentialWorkThingRequest, scanner.PathEndMode, TraverseParms.For(pawn, scanner.MaxPathDanger(pawn)), 9999f, validator, enumerable, 0, scanner.MaxRegionsToScanBeforeGlobalSearch, enumerable != null); } else if ( workGiver.def.defName.Equals("HaulGeneral") ) { //long thing = HaulingCache.ClosestThingReachable(pawn, scanner, pawn.Map, scanner.PotentialWorkThingRequest, scanner.PathEndMode, TraverseParms.For(pawn, scanner.MaxPathDanger(pawn)), 9999f, validator, enumerable, 0, scanner.MaxRegionsToScanBeforeGlobalSearch, enumerable != null); } /* * else if( * workGiver.def.defName.Equals("DoBillsButcherFlesh") || * workGiver.def.defName.Equals("DoBillsCook") || * workGiver.def.defName.Equals("DoBillsMakeApparel")) * { * * thing = null; * //ThingGrid_Patch * int mapSizeX = pawn.Map.Size.x; * int mapSizeZ = pawn.Map.Size.z; * int index = pawn.Map.cellIndices.CellToIndex(pawn.Position); * //Dictionary<Bill, float> billPointsDict = ThingGrid_Patch.thingBillPoints[t.def]; * Dictionary<WorkGiver_Scanner, Dictionary<float, List<HashSet<Thing>[]>>> ingredientDict = ThingGrid_Patch.mapIngredientDict[pawn.Map]; * ThingRequest thingReq = scanner.PotentialWorkThingRequest; * if(!ingredientDict.TryGetValue(scanner, out Dictionary<float, List<HashSet<Thing>[]>> scoreToJumboCellsList)) { * scoreToJumboCellsList = new Dictionary<float, List<HashSet<Thing>[]>>(); * List<Thing> thingsMatchingRequest = pawn.Map.listerThings.ThingsMatching(thingReq); * } * * } */ else { //long thing = GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(pawn.Position, pawn.Map, scanner.PotentialWorkThingRequest, scanner.PathEndMode, TraverseParms.For(pawn, scanner.MaxPathDanger(pawn)), 9999f, validator, enumerable, 0, scanner.MaxRegionsToScanBeforeGlobalSearch, enumerable != null); } } if (thing != null) { bestTargetOfLastPriority = thing; scannerWhoProvidedTarget = scanner; } } if (scanner.def.scanCells) { pawnPosition = pawn.Position; closestDistSquared = 99999f; bestPriority = float.MinValue; prioritized = scanner.Prioritized; allowUnreachable = scanner.AllowUnreachable; maxPathDanger = scanner.MaxPathDanger(pawn); IEnumerable <IntVec3> enumerable4; if (scanner is WorkGiver_GrowerSow workGiver_Grower) { //RimThreaded.WorkGiver_GrowerSow_Patch_JobOnCell = 0; //thing = HaulingCache.ClosestThingReachable(pawn, scanner, pawn.Map, scanner.PotentialWorkThingRequest, scanner.PathEndMode, TraverseParms.For(pawn, scanner.MaxPathDanger(pawn)), 9999f, validator, enumerable, 0, scanner.MaxRegionsToScanBeforeGlobalSearch, enumerable != null); IntVec3 bestCell = WorkGiver_Grower_Patch.ClosestLocationReachable(workGiver_Grower, pawn); //Log.Message(bestCell.ToString()); if (bestCell.IsValid) { bestTargetOfLastPriority = new TargetInfo(bestCell, pawn.Map); scannerWhoProvidedTarget = scanner; } //Log.Message(RimThreaded.WorkGiver_GrowerSow_Patch_JobOnCell.ToString()); } else if (scanner is WorkGiver_GrowerHarvest workGiver_GrowerHarvest) { IntVec3 bestCell = WorkGiver_GrowerHarvest_Patch.ClosestLocationReachable(workGiver_GrowerHarvest, pawn); if (bestCell.IsValid) { bestTargetOfLastPriority = new TargetInfo(bestCell, pawn.Map); scannerWhoProvidedTarget = scanner; } /* * enumerable4 = workGiver_GrowerHarvest.PotentialWorkCellsGlobal(pawn); * IList<IntVec3> list2; * if ((list2 = (enumerable4 as IList<IntVec3>)) != null) * { * for (int k = 0; k < list2.Count; k++) * { * ProcessCell(list2[k]); * } * } * else * { * foreach (IntVec3 item in enumerable4) * { * ProcessCell(item); * } * } */ } else { enumerable4 = scanner.PotentialWorkCellsGlobal(pawn); IList <IntVec3> list2; if ((list2 = (enumerable4 as IList <IntVec3>)) != null) { for (int k = 0; k < list2.Count; k++) { ProcessCell(list2[k]); } } else { foreach (IntVec3 item in enumerable4) { ProcessCell(item); } } } } } void ProcessCell(IntVec3 c) { float newDistanceSquared = (c - pawnPosition).LengthHorizontalSquared; float newPriority = 0f; if (prioritized) { newPriority = scanner.GetPriority(pawn, c); if (newPriority < bestPriority) { return; } } if (newDistanceSquared < closestDistSquared && !c.IsForbidden(pawn) && scanner.HasJobOnCell(pawn, c)) { if (!allowUnreachable && !pawn.CanReach(c, scanner.PathEndMode, maxPathDanger)) { return; } bestTargetOfLastPriority = new TargetInfo(c, pawn.Map); scannerWhoProvidedTarget = scanner; closestDistSquared = newDistanceSquared; bestPriority = newPriority; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(string.Concat(pawn, " threw exception in WorkGiver ", workGiver.def.defName, ": ", ex.ToString())); } finally { } if (bestTargetOfLastPriority.IsValid) { Job job3 = (!bestTargetOfLastPriority.HasThing) ? scannerWhoProvidedTarget.JobOnCell(pawn, bestTargetOfLastPriority.Cell) : scannerWhoProvidedTarget.JobOnThing(pawn, bestTargetOfLastPriority.Thing); if (job3 != null) { job3.workGiverDef = scannerWhoProvidedTarget.def; __result = new ThinkResult(job3, __instance, list[j].def.tagToGive); return(false); } //If this was a cached plant job, deregister it if (scannerWhoProvidedTarget is WorkGiver_GrowerSow) { Map map = pawn.Map; IntVec3 cell = bestTargetOfLastPriority.Cell; List <Thing> thingList = cell.GetThingList(map); foreach (Thing thing in thingList) { if (thing is Building_PlantGrower buildingPlantGrower) { PlantSowing_Cache.ReregisterObject(map, cell, WorkGiver_Grower_Patch.awaitingPlantCellsMapDict); } } PlantSowing_Cache.ReregisterObject(map, cell, WorkGiver_Grower_Patch.awaitingPlantCellsMapDict); } //HACK - I know. I'm awful. //Log.ErrorOnce(string.Concat(scannerWhoProvidedTarget, " provided target ", bestTargetOfLastPriority, " but yielded no actual job for pawn ", pawn, ". The CanGiveJob and JobOnX methods may not be synchronized."), 6112651); Log.Warning(string.Concat(scannerWhoProvidedTarget, " provided target ", bestTargetOfLastPriority, " but yielded no actual job for pawn ", pawn, ". The CanGiveJob and JobOnX methods may not be synchronized.")); } num = workGiver.def.priorityInType; #if DEBUG int milli99 = (int)DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalMilliseconds; if (milli99 > 300) { Log.Warning("99 JobGiver_Work.TryIssueJobPackage Took over " + milli99.ToString() + "ms for workGiver: " + workGiver.def.defName); //Log.Warning(scanner.PotentialWorkThingRequest.ToString()); //Log.Warning(validator.ToString()); } #endif } __result = ThinkResult.NoJob; return(false); }