Exemple #1
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            // Code for adjusting height here.
            // Currently supports ground only type
            // First check height
            float distanceRequired = distanceToHold + distanceToHoldOffset;

            RaycastHit strikePoint;
            int        layerMask = 1 << 8;

            if (vertexPoint != null)
                // Find current distance to ground
                // Needs to be upgraded to work with both types defined above.
                if (Physics.Raycast(vertexPoint.transform.position, -Vector3.up, out strikePoint, 200.0f, layerMask))
                    projectedGroundPosition = strikePoint.point;
                    currentDistance         = strikePoint.distance;
                    BMod_BalancePosition balPos = transform.parent.GetComponent <BMod_BalancePosition>();                    // Hit and hope
                    if (balPos != null)
                        if (currentDistance != distanceRequired)
                            Vector3 current  = vertexPoint.transform.position;
                            Vector3 shouldBe = new Vector3(current.x, distanceRequired, current.z);
                            Vector3 moveTo   = Vector3.MoveTowards(current, shouldBe, balPos.maxSlideMovementSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
                            vertexPoint.offset += (moveTo - current);                          // Only apply translation.
 public void setMaxLegLiftOnBalPols()
     foreach (RFrame_Object frameObject in GetComponentsInChildren <RFrame_Object>())
         BMod_BalancePosition balPol = frameObject.GetComponentInChildren <BMod_BalancePosition>();
         balPol.maxReleasable = int.Parse(maxLegLiftBalPols.text);
 public void setMaxSpeedOnBalPols()
     foreach (RFrame_Object frameObject in GetComponentsInChildren <RFrame_Object>())
         BMod_BalancePosition balPol = frameObject.GetComponentInChildren <BMod_BalancePosition>();
         balPol.maxSlideMovementSpeed = float.Parse(maxSpeedOnBalPols.text);
Exemple #4
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            // Collect the angles from each angle link
            bool ableToSend = true;

            if (connectionForRobotSocket != null)
                if (connectionForRobotSocket.Connected & Time.time > lastTime)
                    BMod_BalancePosition balPos = GetComponentInChildren <BMod_BalancePosition>();
                    if (balPos != null)
                        // Prevent the sending of movement commands until the balance positioner
                        // has completed its start-up routine.
                        if (balPos.balPosWorkingStatus == BMod_BalancePosition.balPolStatusEnum.startingUp)
                            ableToSend = false;
                    if (ableToSend)
                        lastTime = Time.time + networkSendWaitGap;
                        RFrame_AngleLink[] angleLinks    = GetComponentsInChildren <RFrame_AngleLink>();
                        string             messageToSend = "|servo";
                        anglesChanged = false;
                        foreach (RFrame_AngleLink link in angleLinks)
                            float angleToSend = Mathf.Round(link.channelSendAngle * 10.0f) / 10.0f;
                            if (previousAngles[link.linkChannel] != angleToSend)
                                anglesChanged = true;
                                previousAngles[link.linkChannel] = angleToSend;
                            // An end tag "*" is added after each angle to ensure complete angle values are applied.
                            // This is because during a network send, sometimes not all of the message is received,
                            // and sometimes a valid angle is reveived but it is truncated. When running this causes
                            // twitching.
                            // This isn't required for the channel number since if the message is truncated that
                            // far then there won't be any angle to apply. Plus the python code on the other end
                            // filters out any incomplete channel-angle pairs.
                            messageToSend = string.Concat(messageToSend, ",", link.linkChannel.ToString(), "-", angleToSend.ToString("0.00") + "*");
                        // Only send message if the angles have changed.
                        if (anglesChanged)
                            byte[] msg = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(messageToSend);
         * Test method for creating a Frame_Object from an OBJ file
         * 23 Jan 2019 - Updated to read from modified OBJ files.
         * @param objFile The filename of the OBJ file
         * @return A Frame_Object file
         * @throws FileNotFoundException
        void createFromOBJ(TextAsset objFile)
            //System.out.println("Loading OBJ file : " + objFile.toString());

            string[] inFile = objFile.text.Split('\n');

            List <GameObject> verticesBuild  = new List <GameObject>();
            List <GameObject> strutBuild     = new List <GameObject>();
            List <GameObject> angleViewBuild = new List <GameObject>();
            List <GameObject> compRepBuild   = new List <GameObject>();
            List <GameObject> balPosBuild    = new List <GameObject>();
            List <GameObject> disHolBuild    = new List <GameObject>();
            List <GameObject> ancPoiBuild    = new List <GameObject>();

            int vertexIndex = 0;

            foreach (string objLine in inFile)
                //System.out.println(objLine); // Debug print to console the current line.
                // Reading in a vertex line
                if (objLine.StartsWith("v") && !objLine.StartsWith("vn") && !objLine.StartsWith("vt") && !objLine.StartsWith("vp"))
                    // Split the string using space. e.g. v 3.00 2.00 -2.00
                    //System.out.println("Vertex : " + objLine);
                    string[] splits = objLine.Split(' ');
                    float    x      = float.Parse(splits[1]);
                    float    y      = float.Parse(splits[2]);
                    float    z      = float.Parse(splits[3]);

                    GameObject vertexGameObject = Instantiate(VertexInstantiator, this.transform);
                    vertexGameObject.name = vertexGameObject.name + "_" + vertexIndex;
                    vertexGameObject.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x, y, z);
                    RFrame_Vertex vertexScript = vertexGameObject.GetComponent <RFrame_Vertex>();
                    vertexScript.x = x;
                    vertexScript.y = y;
                    vertexScript.z = z;
                    // Check for lock character
                    if (splits.Length > 4)
                        if (splits[4] == "l")
                            vertexScript.lockedInPlace = true;
                else if (objLine.StartsWith("l"))
                    // This is for any standalone lines, which will be turned into struts.
                    // Modified to only work with the first two vertice indexes

                    string[] splits = objLine.Split(' ');
                    // Remember that indexes start at 1 in the obj/txt file and need converting to zero-indexed.
                    int        v1 = int.Parse(splits[1]) - 1;
                    int        v2 = int.Parse(splits[2]) - 1;
                    GameObject strutGameObject = RFrame_Object.createStrutIfNotExisting(this, StrutInstantiator, strutBuild, v1, v2);
                    // Check if strut is displayed. This is determined by having more than three entries in splits.
                    // Basically any character entered after the 2 indexes will trigger this.
                    //if(strutGameObject!=null && splits.Length > 3) {
                    if (splits.Length == 5)
                        RFrame_Strut strutScript = strutGameObject.GetComponent <RFrame_Strut>();
                        strutScript.minLength = float.Parse(splits[3]);
                        strutScript.maxLength = float.Parse(splits[4]);
                    // All line renderers will be switched off.
                    LineRenderer lineRenderer = strutGameObject.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
                    // Used when debugging the a fresh OBJ frame.
                    lineRenderer.enabled = transform.GetComponentInParent <RFrame_Bridge>().displayStrutsOnLoad;
                else if (objLine.StartsWith("anglink"))
                    // Angle link entry.
                    // Requires 4 vertex indexes and a link channel number which will represent the angle measurer struts.
                    // and the actuator/motor/servo this is linked too.
                    // Centering and angle limits should be entered.
                    string[]         splits             = objLine.Split(' ');
                    int              centerVertex       = int.Parse(splits[1]);
                    int              upVertex           = int.Parse(splits[2]);
                    int              measure1           = int.Parse(splits[3]);
                    int              measure2           = int.Parse(splits[4]);
                    int              channel            = int.Parse(splits[5]);    // Channel number should already be zero-indexed.
                    bool             invertChannel      = bool.Parse(splits[6]);   // Should be 0, 1, true or false
                    float            minChannelAngle    = float.Parse(splits[7]);  // Channel won't be sent any number smaller than this.
                    float            maxChannelAngle    = float.Parse(splits[8]);  // Channel won't be sent any number larger than this.
                    float            biasAngle          = float.Parse(splits[9]);  // The bias to apply. Indicates that a servo may need recentering
                    int              angleMeasureType   = int.Parse(splits[10]);   // Quaternion or dot product angle
                    float            scaleChangedAngled = float.Parse(splits[11]); // How much to scale the change in angle from initial. Increases range of movement.
                    GameObject       angleViewerObj     = Instantiate(AngleViewerInstantiator, this.transform);
                    RFrame_AngleLink angleLinker        = angleViewerObj.GetComponent <RFrame_AngleLink>();
                    angleLinker.centerVertex       = centerVertex;
                    angleLinker.upVertex           = upVertex;
                    angleLinker.measure1           = measure1;
                    angleLinker.measure2           = measure2;
                    angleLinker.linkChannel        = channel;
                    angleLinker.invertedSendAngle  = invertChannel;
                    angleLinker.minimumAngle       = minChannelAngle;
                    angleLinker.maximumAngle       = maxChannelAngle;
                    angleLinker.biasAngle          = biasAngle;
                    angleLinker.angleChangeScaling = scaleChangedAngled;
                    switch (angleMeasureType)
                    case 0: {
                        angleLinker.angleMeasureType = RFrame_AngleLink.AngleMeasureTypeEnum.quaternionBased;

                    case 1: {
                        angleLinker.angleMeasureType = RFrame_AngleLink.AngleMeasureTypeEnum.lineBased;

                    default: {
                        angleLinker.angleMeasureType = RFrame_AngleLink.AngleMeasureTypeEnum.quaternionBased;
                else if (objLine.StartsWith("comprep") && transform.GetComponentInParent <RFrame_Bridge>().displayComponentRepsOnLoad)
                    // Component representation
                    string[]         splits        = objLine.Split(' ');
                    int              centerVertex  = int.Parse(splits[1]);
                    int              upVertex      = int.Parse(splits[2]);
                    int              forwardVertex = int.Parse(splits[3]);
                    string           meshName      = splits[4];
                    float            xRot          = float.Parse(splits[5]);
                    float            yRot          = float.Parse(splits[6]);
                    float            zRot          = float.Parse(splits[7]);
                    float            xTran         = float.Parse(splits[8]);
                    float            yTran         = float.Parse(splits[9]);
                    float            zTran         = float.Parse(splits[10]);
                    GameObject       compRepObj    = Instantiate(ComponentRepresentorInstantiator, this.transform);
                    RFrame_Component componentRep  = compRepObj.GetComponent <RFrame_Component>();
                    componentRep.centerVertex  = centerVertex;
                    componentRep.forwardVertex = forwardVertex;
                    componentRep.upVertex      = upVertex;
                    GameObject meshObject = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>(meshName), compRepObj.transform);
                    meshObject.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(xTran, yTran, zTran);
                    meshObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(xRot, yRot, zRot);
                else if (objLine.StartsWith("balpos"))
                    // Balance position behaviour module building here
                    string[]             splits            = objLine.Split(' ');
                    int                  vertexAttachIndex = int.Parse(splits[1]);
                    float                reduceRatio       = float.Parse(splits[2]);
                    GameObject           balPolObj         = Instantiate(BalancePositionInstantiator, this.transform);
                    BMod_BalancePosition balPosMod         = balPolObj.GetComponent <BMod_BalancePosition>();
                    balPosMod.restrictionAreaShrinkRatio = reduceRatio;
                    balPosMod.controlVertex = verticesBuild[vertexAttachIndex].GetComponent <RFrame_Vertex>();
                    //balPosMod.controlVertex.lockedInPlace = true;
                else if (objLine.StartsWith("dishol"))
                    // Distance holder behaviour module building here
                    string[]            splits            = objLine.Split(' ');
                    int                 balPosIndex       = int.Parse(splits[1]);
                    int                 vertexAttachIndex = int.Parse(splits[2]);
                    float               distanceToHold    = float.Parse(splits[3]);
                    int                 typeOfDisHol      = int.Parse(splits[4]);
                    GameObject          disHolObj         = Instantiate(DistanceHolderInstantiator, balPosBuild[balPosIndex].transform);
                    BMod_DistanceHolder disHolMod         = disHolObj.GetComponent <BMod_DistanceHolder>();
                    disHolMod.vertexPoint = verticesBuild[vertexAttachIndex].GetComponent <RFrame_Vertex>();
                    // Experimenting with not locking the vertex in place.
                    // Need to make sure frame doesn't move out of place.
                    disHolMod.vertexPoint.lockedInPlace = true;
                    disHolMod.distanceToHold            = distanceToHold;
                    switch (typeOfDisHol)
                    case 0: disHolMod.moduleType = BMod_DistanceHolder.DistanceModuleType.groundDistance; break;

                    case 1: disHolMod.moduleType = BMod_DistanceHolder.DistanceModuleType.allRoundDistance; break;

                    default: disHolMod.moduleType = BMod_DistanceHolder.DistanceModuleType.groundDistance; break;
                else if (objLine.StartsWith("ancpoi"))
                    // Anchor Point behaviour module building here
                    string[]         splits            = objLine.Split(' ');
                    int              disHolIndex       = int.Parse(splits[1]);
                    int              vertexAttachIndex = int.Parse(splits[2]);
                    int              priorityValue     = int.Parse(splits[3]);
                    int              typeOfAnchor      = int.Parse(splits[4]);
                    GameObject       anchorObj         = Instantiate(AnchorPointInstantiator, disHolBuild[disHolIndex].transform);
                    BMod_AnchorPoint anchorMod         = anchorObj.GetComponent <BMod_AnchorPoint>();
                    anchorMod.anchorVertex = verticesBuild[vertexAttachIndex].GetComponent <RFrame_Vertex>();
                    anchorMod.anchorVertex.lockedInPlace = true;
                    anchorMod.priorityIndex = priorityValue;
                    switch (typeOfAnchor)
                    case 0: anchorMod.anchorType = BMod_AnchorPoint.AnchorTypeEnum.primaryAnchor; break;

                    case 1: anchorMod.anchorType = BMod_AnchorPoint.AnchorTypeEnum.secondaryAnchor; break;

                    case 2: anchorMod.anchorType = BMod_AnchorPoint.AnchorTypeEnum.tertiaryAnchor; break;

                    default: anchorMod.anchorType = BMod_AnchorPoint.AnchorTypeEnum.primaryAnchor; break;
            // Set the parents of the objects instatiated to this object and
            // call the function for calculating all the distances between
            // struts.
            if (verticesBuild.Count != 0 && strutBuild.Count != 0)
                // Apply the created vertices and struts to this object.
                // Set the parent of the vertices and struts to the transform of this frame object.
                // foreach (GameObject vertex in verticesBuild) {
                //  vertex.transform.SetParent(this.transform);
                // }
                // foreach (GameObject strut in strutBuild) {
                //  strut.transform.SetParent(this.transform);
                // }
                allVertices = verticesBuild;
                struts      = strutBuild;
                angleLinks  = angleViewBuild;
                compReps    = compRepBuild;
                // Get the initial measured angles for each angle link.
                foreach (GameObject angleLinkObj in angleViewBuild)
                    angleLinkObj.GetComponent <RFrame_AngleLink>().measureAngle(true);
        void checkPositionStatus()
            // Method for checking where this anchor point is in relation to where it should be.
            switch (currentAction)
            case AnchorCurrentActionEnum.idle: {
                // Check if slide position has moved out of bounds of the distance ellipse.
                BMod_BalancePosition balPos = transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <BMod_BalancePosition>();                        // Hit and hope
                if (balPos != null)
                    if (balPos.balPosWorkingStatus == BMod_BalancePosition.balPolStatusEnum.readyForWork)
                        Vector3 fromLockedToSliding = lockedPosition - anchorVertex.transform.position;
                        Vector3 fromLastDropPoint   = dropPosition - anchorVertex.transform.position;
                        float   angleFromLeft       = Vector3.Angle(fromLockedToSliding, Vector3.left);
                        float   distanceForAngle    = disconnectDistanceForAngle(angleFromLeft);

                        // Apply ground pushing bias based on distance from locked to current
                        // float limitDist = limitDistanceForAngle(angleFromLeft);
                        // float ratioToLimit = 0.0f;
                        // if (fromLockedToSliding.magnitude==0.0f) {
                        //  ratioToLimit = 1.0f;
                        // } else {
                        //  ratioToLimit = 1.0f - (fromLockedToSliding.magnitude / limitDist);
                        //  //Debug.Log(limitDist + " Limit distance, " + fromLockedToSliding.magnitude + " Mag, Limit distance ratio " + ratioToLimit);
                        // }
                        // if (fromLockedToSliding.magnitude > limitDist) {
                        //  ratioToLimit = 0.0f;
                        // }
                        // float groundPush = pushDownDistance * balPos.noncumulativeOffset.magnitude * ratioToLimit;
                        // Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(anchorVertex.transform.position.x, -groundPush, anchorVertex.transform.position.z);
                        // anchorVertex.transform.position = newPos;
                        // //anchorVertex.x = anchorVertex.transform.localPosition.x;
                        // anchorVertex.y = anchorVertex.transform.localPosition.y;
                        //anchorVertex.z = anchorVertex.transform.localPosition.z;

                        //Debug.Log("Anchor " + priorityIndex + " angle " + angleFromLeft + " distance " + distanceForAngle);
                        //float xDebug = lockedPosition.x + 2.0f * Mathf.Cos(angleFromLeft*Mathf.Deg2Rad);
                        //float yDebug = lockedPosition.y + 0.3f;
                        //float zDebug = lockedPosition.z + 2.0f * Mathf.Sin(angleFromLeft * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
                        // Debug.DrawLine(lockedPosition, new Vector3(xDebug, yDebug, zDebug));
                        // Need to take into account that last drop position will be outside the last drop point.
                        // This codes needs to be more robust.
                        // MAYBE have unlock area change to encompass drop point.
                        // Attempting to use a standard deviation threshold is drop point and lock
                        // points differ.
                        if (lockedPosition != dropPosition)
                            float ld      = (dropPosition - lockedPosition).magnitude;
                            float cl      = (lockedPosition - anchorVertex.transform.position).magnitude;
                            float clcd    = (dropPosition - anchorVertex.transform.position).magnitude + cl;
                            float average = (ld + clcd) / 2.0f;
                            float dev     = Mathf.Sqrt((Mathf.Pow(ld - average, 2) + Mathf.Pow(clcd - average, 2)) / 2);
                            //Debug.Log("Deviation " + dev);
                            if (dev > balPos.lockDropDeviation)
                                needsToLift = true;
                                needsToLift = false;
                            if (fromLockedToSliding.magnitude > distanceForAngle)
                                needsToLift = true;
                                // This will happen in case anchor points which haven't lifted yet no longer need to lift.
                                needsToLift = false;

            case AnchorCurrentActionEnum.movingToStartingLockPosition: {
                // 1 - Collect bias acceleration and apply to movement of vertex
                // 2 - Check if destination reached
                BMod_BalancePosition balPos = transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <BMod_BalancePosition>();                        // Hit and hope
                if (balPos != null)
                    //if (balPos.readyForWork) {
                    Vector3 newPos = Vector3.MoveTowards(anchorVertex.transform.position, lockedPosition, balPos.maxSlideMovementSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
                    anchorVertex.transform.position = newPos;
                    anchorVertex.x = anchorVertex.transform.localPosition.x;
                    anchorVertex.y = anchorVertex.transform.localPosition.y;
                    anchorVertex.z = anchorVertex.transform.localPosition.z;
                    // Check if destination has been reached
                    if (Vector3.Distance(newPos, lockedPosition) == 0.0f)
                        lockedInPosition = true;
                        currentAction    = AnchorCurrentActionEnum.idle;

            case AnchorCurrentActionEnum.movingToUnlockPosition: {
                // Collect bias acceleration and apply to movement of vertex
                // Check if destination reached
                BMod_BalancePosition balPos = transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <BMod_BalancePosition>();                        // Hit and hope
                if (balPos != null)
                    if (balPos.balPosWorkingStatus == BMod_BalancePosition.balPolStatusEnum.readyForWork)
                        Vector3 newPos = Vector3.MoveTowards(anchorVertex.transform.position, unlockedPosition, balPos.maxSlideMovementSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
                        anchorVertex.transform.position = newPos;
                        anchorVertex.x = anchorVertex.transform.localPosition.x;
                        anchorVertex.y = anchorVertex.transform.localPosition.y;
                        anchorVertex.z = anchorVertex.transform.localPosition.z;

                        // Check if destination has been reached
                        if (Vector3.Distance(newPos, unlockedPosition) == 0.0f)
                            currentAction = AnchorCurrentActionEnum.movingToDesinationPosition;

            case AnchorCurrentActionEnum.movingToDesinationPosition: {
                // Collect bias acceleration and apply to movement of vertex
                // Check if destination reached
                // The drop position is dynamic and linked to the direction of the main offset & rotation of the balance positioner
                BMod_BalancePosition balPos = transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <BMod_BalancePosition>();                        // Hit and hope
                if (balPos != null)
                    if (balPos.balPosWorkingStatus == BMod_BalancePosition.balPolStatusEnum.readyForWork)
                        // Update the drop position based on the offset direction of the balance positioner and
                        // magnitude of non-cumulative offset. It is still slid around by the overall offset
                        Vector3 offsetDirection = balPos.noncumulativeOffset.normalized;                                 // balPos.slideOffset.normalized;
                        // Swap the x and z around
                        float angleFromLeft    = Vector3.Angle(offsetDirection, Vector3.left);
                        float distanceForAngle = disconnectDistanceForAngle(angleFromLeft);
                        float dropDistance     = balPos.noncumulativeOffset.magnitude * (distanceForAngle * balPos.maxStepDistance);
                        dropPosition = lockedPosition + (-offsetDirection * dropDistance);
                        // Update the position of any drop representors.
                        if (dropPositionRepresentation != null)
                            dropPositionRepresentation.transform.position = dropPosition;
                        // Move delta distance to destination. The move speed is based on the noncumulative speed.
                        float noncumulativeMag = balPos.noncumulativeOffset.magnitude;
                        if (noncumulativeMag == 0.0f)
                            noncumulativeMag = 1.0f;
                        //float amountToMove = noncumulativeMag * balPos.maxSlideMovementSpeed*Time.deltaTime;
                        // Legs should move faster than slide speed
                        float amountToMove = 2.0f * balPos.maxSlideMovementSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

                        Vector3 newPos = Vector3.MoveTowards(anchorVertex.transform.position, dropPosition, amountToMove);

                        // Drop distance for the level with drop position
                        Vector3 newPosLevel = new Vector3(newPos.x, dropPosition.y, newPos.z);

                        // Interim code. Keep leg lifted until close to drop point.
                        // Updated so the leg is held high if it's over a certain distance away form the lock point.
                        float lockToDropDist  = Vector3.Distance(lockedPosition, dropPosition);
                        float levelToDropDist = Vector3.Distance(newPosLevel, dropPosition);
                        if (levelToDropDist > lockToDropDist * lockDropHeightKeepRatio && lockToDropDist != 0.0f)
                            newPos.y = balPos.anchorLiftHeight;
                        // float xDebug = lockedPosition.x + 2.0f * Mathf.Cos(angleFromLeft * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
                        // float yDebug = lockedPosition.y + 0.3f;
                        // float zDebug = lockedPosition.z + 2.0f * Mathf.Sin(angleFromLeft * Mathf.Deg2Rad);

                        // Debug.DrawLine(lockedPosition, new Vector3(xDebug, yDebug, zDebug));

                        anchorVertex.transform.position = newPos;
                        anchorVertex.x = anchorVertex.transform.localPosition.x;
                        anchorVertex.y = anchorVertex.transform.localPosition.y;
                        anchorVertex.z = anchorVertex.transform.localPosition.z;
                        // Check if destination has been reached within a threshold value
                        float distanceToDrop = Vector3.Distance(newPos, dropPosition);
                        float threshold      = balPos.dropDistanceThreshold;
                        if (distanceToDrop <= threshold)
                            currentAction = AnchorCurrentActionEnum.idle;
                            //lockedPosition = dropPosition;
                            lockedInPosition       = true;
                            completedLockingSignal = true;

            case AnchorCurrentActionEnum.waitingForBalance: {
                // This is for a leg has been given approval for lifting, but is waiting for balance to be reached.
                BMod_BalancePosition balPos = transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <BMod_BalancePosition>();                        // Hit and hope
                if (balPos != null)
                    // If the balance hsa been reached then this anchor can be unlocked to move to unlock position.
                    if (balPos.balPosWorkingStatus == BMod_BalancePosition.balPolStatusEnum.readyForWork)
                        lockedInPosition = false;
                        currentAction    = AnchorCurrentActionEnum.movingToUnlockPosition;