protected override void WrapActiveSnippit()
            _autoEndTimer = 0f;//reset timer
            Snippit snippit = _snippits[_activeSnippit];

            snippit.WrapText(_font, _ChatTextWidth);
            _snippits[_activeSnippit] = snippit;
            if (snippit.Responces == null)
                _responces = new List <Responce>();
                _responces = snippit.Responces.GetResponces(); //get responces
            _textHeight = _font.MeasureString(snippit.Text).Y; //get the height;

            _responceSelected = -1;                            //reset the responces flag
            if (_responces.Count > 0)
                _responceSelected = 0; //set to default responces if we have responces

            _currentChar = 0;
            _lastChar    = 0;
        public override void Draw(SpriteBatch sb)
            if (_activeSnippit == -1)

            Snippit sn   = _snippits[_activeSnippit];
            string  text = _snippits[_activeSnippit].WhosTalking;

            int p1;

            if (_snippits[_activeSnippit].WhosTalking == string.Empty)
                drawpos = Vector2.Zero;
                p1 = Convert.ToInt32(_snippits[_activeSnippit].WhosTalking);
                if (p1 == 0)
                    drawpos = _sb1.Postion;
                    drawpos = _sb2.Postion;
            Vector2 pos = _font.MeasureString(_snippits[_activeSnippit].Text) + new Vector2(40, 10);

            DrawSpeachBubble(sb, drawpos - new Vector2(30, 24), (int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y);

            text         = TextHelper.Lerp(_snippits[_activeSnippit].Text, _textProgress);
            _lastChar    = _currentChar;
            _currentChar = text.Length;
            //  sb.DrawString(_font, text , drawpos + new Vector2(0, 2), Color.Black);
            sb.DrawString(_font, text, drawpos, TextColour);

            foreach (TexturePosition tp in sn.Textures)
                if (tp.Percentage < _textProgress)
                    sb.Draw(tp.Sprite, tp.Pos + drawpos, null, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, tp.Scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
        public void Draw(SpriteBatch sb, Vector2 camera)
            if (_activeSnippit == -1)

            Snippit sn   = _snippits[_activeSnippit];
            string  text = _snippits[_activeSnippit].WhosTalking;

            int p1;

            p1 = Convert.ToInt32(_snippits[_activeSnippit].WhosTalking);
            if (p1 == 0)
                drawpos = _sb1.Postion;
                drawpos = _sb2.Postion;
            Vector2 pos = _font.MeasureString(_snippits[_activeSnippit].Text) + new Vector2(40, 10);

            DrawSpeachBubble(sb, drawpos - new Vector2(30, 24) - camera, (int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y);

            //sb.DrawString(_font, TextHelper.Lerp(_snippits[_activeSnippit].Text, _textProgress), drawpos + new Vector2(0, 2) - camera, Color.Black);
            sb.DrawString(_font, TextHelper.Lerp(_snippits[_activeSnippit].Text, _textProgress), drawpos - camera, _chat.TextColour);

            foreach (TexturePosition tp in sn.Textures)
                if (tp.Percentage < _textProgress)
                    sb.Draw(tp.Sprite, tp.Pos + drawpos - camera, null, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, tp.Scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
Exemple #4
        public virtual void Draw(SpriteBatch sb)
            if (_activeSnippit == -1)

            Snippit sn   = _snippits[_activeSnippit];
            string  text = _snippits[_activeSnippit].WhosTalking;

            if (TypeOfConversation == ConversationType.Active)
                sb.DrawString(_chat.FontSmall, text, new Vector2(640, 126), Color.Black, 0f, _chat.FontSmall.MeasureString(text) * .5f,
                              1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
                sb.DrawString(_chat.FontSmall, text, new Vector2(640, 120), _chat.TextColour, 0f, _chat.FontSmall.MeasureString(text) * .5f,
                              1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
                text = "=============================================";
                sb.DrawString(_chat.FontSmall, text, new Vector2(640, 166), Color.Black, 0f, _chat.FontSmall.MeasureString(text) * .5f,
                              1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
                sb.DrawString(_chat.FontSmall, text, new Vector2(640, 160), _chat.TextColour, 0f, _chat.FontSmall.MeasureString(text) * .5f,
                              1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
            text = TextHelper.Lerp(_snippits[_activeSnippit].Text, _textProgress);

            _lastChar    = _currentChar;
            _currentChar = text.Length;

            if (text.Length > 0 && text[text.Length - 1] == ' ' && _lastChar != _currentChar)
                delay = (float)_chat.Rd.NextDouble() * .2f;
                text += " ";
            if (text.Length > 1 && text[text.Length - 1] == '\n' && _lastChar != _currentChar)
                delay = 1f * (1200f / TextSpeed);
                text  = text.Insert(text.Length - 1, "_");
            if (text.Length > 0 && text[text.Length - 1] == '\n')
                text = text.Insert(text.Length - 1, "_");
                text += "_";

            sb.DrawString(_chat.FontSmall, text, TextOffset + _TextDrawPos + new Vector2(0, 6), Color.Black);
            sb.DrawString(_chat.FontSmall, text, TextOffset + _TextDrawPos, _chat.TextColour);

            foreach (TexturePosition tp in sn.Textures)
                if (tp.Percentage < _textProgress)
                    sb.Draw(tp.Sprite, tp.Pos + _TextDrawPos, null, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, tp.Scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);

            if (_textProgress >= 1)
                float drawX = _TextDrawPos.X + 20;
                float delay = 1 / (float)_responces.Count;
                Color tmp   = _chat.TextResponceColour;
                for (int i = 0; i < _responces.Count; i++)
                    if (i == _responceSelected)
                        tmp = _chat.TextResponceSelecteColour;
                        tmp = _chat.TextResponceColour;

                    float fade = MathHelper.Clamp(((_textProgress - 1) - (delay * i) * delay), 0, 1);
                    sb.DrawString(_chat.FontSmall, _responces[i].Text, new Vector2(drawX, _TextDrawPos.Y + _textHeight + 26), Color.Black);
                    sb.DrawString(_chat.FontSmall, _responces[i].Text, new Vector2(drawX, _TextDrawPos.Y + _textHeight + 20), tmp);

                    if (i == _responceSelected)
                        fade *= Math.Abs(_flasher);
                        fade = 0;

                    if (_responces.Count == 1)
                        fade = 0;

                    sb.DrawString(_chat.FontSmall, ">", new Vector2(drawX - 20, _TextDrawPos.Y + _textHeight + 20), tmp * fade);
                    drawX += _chat.FontSmall.MeasureString(_responces[i].Text).X + _chat.ResponceSpacing;

                    sb.DrawString(_chat.FontSmall, "<", new Vector2(drawX - _chat.ResponceSpacing, _TextDrawPos.Y + _textHeight + 20), tmp * fade);
                if (TypeOfConversation == ConversationType.Active)
                    if (_responces.Count == 0)
                        sb.DrawString(_chat.FontSmall, "CONTINUE_", new Vector2(_area.X + _area.Width - _chat.TextPadding.X -
                                                                                _chat.FontSmall.MeasureString("CONTINUE_").X, _area.Y + _area.Height - 144), Color.Black * Math.Abs(_flasher));

                        sb.DrawString(_chat.FontSmall, "CONTINUE_", new Vector2(_area.X + _area.Width - _chat.TextPadding.X -
                                                                                _chat.FontSmall.MeasureString("CONTINUE_").X, _area.Y + _area.Height - 150), _chat.TextColour * Math.Abs(_flasher));
Exemple #5
 public void AddSnippit(Snippit snippit)
     //       snippit.Text.InsertSpacing(_chat._FontSmall);
     _chat._WriteLog($"Snippit Added {snippit.Text}");