Exemple #1
        internal bool ScaleUpInternal()
            // If there is no previous scale index, we start at the zeroth index
            if (_lastScalingIndex == -2)

            // We are already at the Max Scale so there is nothing to do
            if (_lastScalingIndex == -1)

            List <ScalingStep> steps = _scalingInfo.StepsInternal;

            ScalingStep step  = (ScalingStep)steps[_lastScalingIndex];
            Group       group = (Group)GetChild(step.GroupId);

            // We pass "null" for the PopupSize because we are scaling to the previous layout
            // This implies that it is not the smallest one and therefore hopefully not a popup.
            // If it is a popup, then passing in null like this will simply cause us to use
            // the default popup size for this scaling template.
            // The scenario that we are punting on here then is default popup sizes for popup
            // scale steps that are not the last one in the scaling sequence for a group.
            // This will practially never happen and even if it does, we'll just fall back
            // the the default behavior.  O14:611435
            group.SelectLayout(step.PreviousLayoutName, null);

            // Update the step that we are on
Exemple #2
        internal bool ScaleDownInternal()
            // If there is no previous scale index, we start at the zeroth index
            if (_lastScalingIndex == -2)

            List <ScalingStep> steps = _scalingInfo.StepsInternal;

            // If we are already at the smallest scale, then return.
            if (steps.Count <= _lastScalingIndex + 1)

            // Go down one scale smaller
            ScalingStep step  = (ScalingStep)steps[_lastScalingIndex];
            Group       group = (Group)GetChild(step.GroupId);

            // Hack to disable these alert in Ja-Jp Pseudo builds - O14:628489
            if (!(Title.StartsWith("[") && Title.EndsWith("]")))
                if (step.HasScaleWarning)
                    Browser.Window.Alert("Tab Scale Warning hit for:\nTab: " + Id +
                                         "\nGroup: " + group.Id +
                                         "\nSize: " + step.LayoutName +
                                         "\nMessage: " + step.ScaleWarningMessage);
            group.SelectLayout(step.LayoutName, step.PopupSize);
