private async void RemoveEntry(ViewModel_DiaryEntry entry)
            //Removes an entry
            bool answer = await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Removing a Diary Entry", "Are you sure you want to delete this Diary Entry?", "Yes", "No");

            if (answer == true)
                Console.WriteLine("Removing Entry ");
                List <ViewModel_DiaryPage> entries = new List <ViewModel_DiaryPage>(DiaryEntries);
 //Creates a new Entry in the Diary with the EDITING state
 private void CreateEntry()
     //Creates a new entry
     if (DiaryEntries.Count <= 50)  //Diary Cover counts as diary Entry
         ViewModel_DiaryPage newEntry = new ViewModel_DiaryEntry()
             Entry = new DiaryEntry()
                 FirstSubmit = DateTime.Now
             }, CurrentState = ViewModel_DiaryPage.PageState.EDITING
         NewDiaryEntryAdded(this, EventArgs.Empty);
         EntryLimitReached(this, EventArgs.Empty);
        private void EditEntry(ViewModel_DiaryEntry entry)
            //Edits an entry
            //Triggered when the user clicks the EditEntry or NewEntry button
            if (entry.CurrentState == ViewModel_DiaryPage.PageState.COMPLETED)
                //If it was a new frame, change the first submit field
                Console.WriteLine("Setting First Submit");
                (entry.Entry).FirstSubmit = DateTime.Now;
                (entry.Entry).LastEdited  = DateTime.Now;
            //Finally, change the current entry to be EDIT state
            //entry.CurrentState = ViewModel_DiaryEntry.DiaryEntryState.EDITING;
            ViewModel_DiaryEntry updatedEntry = new ViewModel_DiaryEntry()
                Entry = entry.Entry, CurrentState = ViewModel_DiaryPage.PageState.EDITING
            int i = DiaryEntries.IndexOf(entry);

            DiaryEntries[i] = updatedEntry;
        //Saves the Diary Entry
        public void SaveEntry(ViewModel_DiaryEntry entry)
            //Saves an entry
            Console.WriteLine("Saving Entry " + entry.CurrentState);

            entry.Entry.LastEdited        = DateTime.Now;
            AppPreferences.LastDiaryEntry = entry.Entry.LastEdited;

            ViewModel_DiaryEntry updatedEntry = new ViewModel_DiaryEntry()
                Entry = entry.Entry

            updatedEntry.CurrentState = ViewModel_DiaryPage.PageState.COMPLETED;
            int i = DiaryEntries.IndexOf(entry);

            DiaryEntries[i] = updatedEntry;

            List <ViewModel_DiaryPage> entries = new List <ViewModel_DiaryPage>(DiaryEntries); //Adds current diary list from viewmodel
