public static bool IsContinuationConstructor(IdFunctionObject f) { if (f.HasTag(FTAG) && f.MethodId() == Id_constructor) { return true; } return false; }
public override object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args) { if (!f.HasTag(NAMESPACE_TAG)) { return base.ExecIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args); } int id = f.MethodId(); switch (id) { case Id_constructor: { return JsConstructor(cx, (thisObj == null), args); } case Id_toString: { return RealThis(thisObj, f).ToString(); } case Id_toSource: { return RealThis(thisObj, f).Js_toSource(); } } throw new ArgumentException(id.ToString()); }
public override object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args) { if (!f.HasTag(CALL_TAG)) { return base.ExecIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args); } int id = f.MethodId(); if (id == Id_constructor) { if (thisObj != null) { throw Context.ReportRuntimeError1("", "Call"); } ScriptRuntime.CheckDeprecated(cx, "Call"); Rhino.NativeCall result = new Rhino.NativeCall(); result.SetPrototype(GetObjectPrototype(scope)); return result; } throw new ArgumentException(id.ToString()); }
public virtual object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args) { if (f.HasTag(FTAG)) { if (f.MethodId() == Id_constructor) { throw Context.ReportRuntimeError1("", "With"); } } throw f.Unknown(); }
public override object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args) { if (!f.HasTag(FTAG)) { return base.ExecIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args); } int id = f.MethodId(); switch (id) { case Id_constructor: { throw Context.ReportRuntimeError("Direct call is not supported"); } } throw new ArgumentException(id.ToString()); }
public override object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args) { if (!f.HasTag(ITERATOR_TAG)) { return base.ExecIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args); } int id = f.MethodId(); if (id == Id_constructor) { return JsConstructor(cx, scope, thisObj, args); } if (!(thisObj is NativeIterator)) { throw IncompatibleCallError(f); } NativeIterator iterator = (NativeIterator)thisObj; switch (id) { case Id_next: { return iterator.Next(cx, scope); } case Id___iterator__: { /// XXX: what about argument? SpiderMonkey apparently ignores it return thisObj; } default: { throw new ArgumentException(id.ToString()); } } }
public override object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args) { if (!f.HasTag(DATE_TAG)) { return base.ExecIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args); } int id = f.MethodId(); switch (id) { case ConstructorId_now: { return ScriptRuntime.WrapNumber(Now()); } case ConstructorId_parse: { string dataStr = ScriptRuntime.ToString(args, 0); return ScriptRuntime.WrapNumber(Date_parseString(dataStr)); } case ConstructorId_UTC: { return ScriptRuntime.WrapNumber(JsStaticFunction_UTC(args)); } case Id_constructor: { // if called as a function, just return a string // representing the current time. if (thisObj != null) { return Date_format(Now(), Id_toString); } return JsConstructor(args); } case Id_toJSON: { if (thisObj is Rhino.NativeDate) { return ((Rhino.NativeDate)thisObj).ToISOString(); } string toISOString = "toISOString"; Scriptable o = ScriptRuntime.ToObject(cx, scope, thisObj); object tv = ScriptRuntime.ToPrimitive(o, ScriptRuntime.NumberClass); if (tv is Number) { double d = System.Convert.ToDouble(((Number)tv)); if (d != d || System.Double.IsInfinity(d)) { return null; } } object toISO = o.Get(toISOString, o); if (toISO == ScriptableConstants.NOT_FOUND) { throw ScriptRuntime.TypeError2("", toISOString, ScriptRuntime.ToString(o)); } if (!(toISO is Callable)) { throw ScriptRuntime.TypeError3("", toISOString, ScriptRuntime.ToString(o), ScriptRuntime.ToString(toISO)); } object result = ((Callable)toISO).Call(cx, scope, o, ScriptRuntime.emptyArgs); if (!ScriptRuntime.IsPrimitive(result)) { throw ScriptRuntime.TypeError1("msg.toisostring.must.return.primitive", ScriptRuntime.ToString(result)); } return result; } } // The rest of Date.prototype methods require thisObj to be Date if (!(thisObj is Rhino.NativeDate)) { throw IncompatibleCallError(f); } Rhino.NativeDate realThis = (Rhino.NativeDate)thisObj; double t =; switch (id) { case Id_toString: case Id_toTimeString: case Id_toDateString: { if (t == t) { return Date_format(t, id); } return js_NaN_date_str; } case Id_toLocaleString: case Id_toLocaleTimeString: case Id_toLocaleDateString: { if (t == t) { return ToLocale_helper(t, id); } return js_NaN_date_str; } case Id_toUTCString: { if (t == t) { return Js_toUTCString(t); } return js_NaN_date_str; } case Id_toSource: { return "(new Date(" + ScriptRuntime.ToString(t) + "))"; } case Id_valueOf: case Id_getTime: { return ScriptRuntime.WrapNumber(t); } case Id_getYear: case Id_getFullYear: case Id_getUTCFullYear: { if (t == t) { if (id != Id_getUTCFullYear) { t = LocalTime(t); } t = YearFromTime(t); if (id == Id_getYear) { if (cx.HasFeature(Context.FEATURE_NON_ECMA_GET_YEAR)) { if (1900 <= t && t < 2000) { t -= 1900; } } else { t -= 1900; } } } return ScriptRuntime.WrapNumber(t); } case Id_getMonth: case Id_getUTCMonth: { if (t == t) { if (id == Id_getMonth) { t = LocalTime(t); } t = MonthFromTime(t); } return ScriptRuntime.WrapNumber(t); } case Id_getDate: case Id_getUTCDate: { if (t == t) { if (id == Id_getDate) { t = LocalTime(t); } t = DateFromTime(t); } return ScriptRuntime.WrapNumber(t); } case Id_getDay: case Id_getUTCDay: { if (t == t) { if (id == Id_getDay) { t = LocalTime(t); } t = WeekDay(t); } return ScriptRuntime.WrapNumber(t); } case Id_getHours: case Id_getUTCHours: { if (t == t) { if (id == Id_getHours) { t = LocalTime(t); } t = HourFromTime(t); } return ScriptRuntime.WrapNumber(t); } case Id_getMinutes: case Id_getUTCMinutes: { if (t == t) { if (id == Id_getMinutes) { t = LocalTime(t); } t = MinFromTime(t); } return ScriptRuntime.WrapNumber(t); } case Id_getSeconds: case Id_getUTCSeconds: { if (t == t) { if (id == Id_getSeconds) { t = LocalTime(t); } t = SecFromTime(t); } return ScriptRuntime.WrapNumber(t); } case Id_getMilliseconds: case Id_getUTCMilliseconds: { if (t == t) { if (id == Id_getMilliseconds) { t = LocalTime(t); } t = MsFromTime(t); } return ScriptRuntime.WrapNumber(t); } case Id_getTimezoneOffset: { if (t == t) { t = (t - LocalTime(t)) / msPerMinute; } return ScriptRuntime.WrapNumber(t); } case Id_setTime: { t = TimeClip(ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args, 0)); = t; return ScriptRuntime.WrapNumber(t); } case Id_setMilliseconds: case Id_setUTCMilliseconds: case Id_setSeconds: case Id_setUTCSeconds: case Id_setMinutes: case Id_setUTCMinutes: case Id_setHours: case Id_setUTCHours: { t = MakeTime(t, args, id); = t; return ScriptRuntime.WrapNumber(t); } case Id_setDate: case Id_setUTCDate: case Id_setMonth: case Id_setUTCMonth: case Id_setFullYear: case Id_setUTCFullYear: { t = MakeDate(t, args, id); = t; return ScriptRuntime.WrapNumber(t); } case Id_setYear: { double year = ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args, 0); if (year != year || System.Double.IsInfinity(year)) { t = ScriptRuntime.NaN; } else { if (t != t) { t = 0; } else { t = LocalTime(t); } if (year >= 0 && year <= 99) { year += 1900; } double day = MakeDay(year, MonthFromTime(t), DateFromTime(t)); t = MakeDate(day, TimeWithinDay(t)); t = InternalUTC(t); t = TimeClip(t); } = t; return ScriptRuntime.WrapNumber(t); } case Id_toISOString: { return realThis.ToISOString(); } default: { throw new ArgumentException(id.ToString()); } } }
public override object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args) { if (!f.HasTag(JSON_TAG)) { return base.ExecIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args); } int methodId = f.MethodId(); switch (methodId) { case Id_toSource: { return "JSON"; } case Id_parse: { string jtext = ScriptRuntime.ToString(args, 0); object reviver = null; if (args.Length > 1) { reviver = args[1]; } if (reviver is Callable) { return Parse(cx, scope, jtext, (Callable)reviver); } else { return Parse(cx, scope, jtext); } goto case Id_stringify; } case Id_stringify: { object value = null; object replacer = null; object space = null; switch (args.Length) { case 3: default: { space = args[2]; goto case 2; } case 2: { replacer = args[1]; goto case 1; } case 1: { value = args[0]; goto case 0; } case 0: { break; } } return Stringify(cx, scope, value, replacer, space); } default: { throw new InvalidOperationException(methodId.ToString()); } } }
internal static bool IsApplyOrCall(IdFunctionObject f) { if (f.HasTag(FUNCTION_TAG)) { switch (f.MethodId()) { case Id_apply: case Id_call: { return true; } } } return false; }
internal static bool IsApply(IdFunctionObject f) { return f.HasTag(FUNCTION_TAG) && f.MethodId() == Id_apply; }
public override object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args) { if (!f.HasTag(NUMBER_TAG)) { return base.ExecIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args); } int id = f.MethodId(); if (id == Id_constructor) { double val = (args.Length >= 1) ? ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args[0]) : 0.0; if (thisObj == null) { // new Number(val) creates a new Number object. return new Rhino.NativeNumber(val); } // Number(val) converts val to a number value. return ScriptRuntime.WrapNumber(val); } // The rest of Number.prototype methods require thisObj to be Number if (!(thisObj is Rhino.NativeNumber)) { throw IncompatibleCallError(f); } double value = ((Rhino.NativeNumber)thisObj).doubleValue; switch (id) { case Id_toString: case Id_toLocaleString: { // toLocaleString is just an alias for toString for now int @base = (args.Length == 0 || args[0] == Undefined.instance) ? 10 : ScriptRuntime.ToInt32(args[0]); return ScriptRuntime.NumberToString(value, @base); } case Id_toSource: { return "(new Number(" + ScriptRuntime.ToString(value) + "))"; } case Id_valueOf: { return ScriptRuntime.WrapNumber(value); } case Id_toFixed: { return Num_to(value, args, DToA.DTOSTR_FIXED, DToA.DTOSTR_FIXED, -20, 0); } case Id_toExponential: { // Handle special values before range check if (double.IsNaN(value)) { return "NaN"; } if (System.Double.IsInfinity(value)) { if (value >= 0) { return "Infinity"; } else { return "-Infinity"; } } // General case return Num_to(value, args, DToA.DTOSTR_STANDARD_EXPONENTIAL, DToA.DTOSTR_EXPONENTIAL, 0, 1); } case Id_toPrecision: { // Undefined precision, fall back to ToString() if (args.Length == 0 || args[0] == Undefined.instance) { return ScriptRuntime.NumberToString(value, 10); } // Handle special values before range check if (double.IsNaN(value)) { return "NaN"; } if (System.Double.IsInfinity(value)) { if (value >= 0) { return "Infinity"; } else { return "-Infinity"; } } return Num_to(value, args, DToA.DTOSTR_STANDARD, DToA.DTOSTR_PRECISION, 1, 0); } default: { throw new ArgumentException(id.ToString()); } } }
public override object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args) { if (!f.HasTag(REGEXP_TAG)) { return base.ExecIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args); } int id = f.MethodId(); switch (id) { case Id_compile: { return RealThis(thisObj, f).Compile(cx, scope, args); } case Id_toString: case Id_toSource: { return RealThis(thisObj, f).ToString(); } case Id_exec: { return RealThis(thisObj, f).ExecSub(cx, scope, args, MATCH); } case Id_test: { object x = RealThis(thisObj, f).ExecSub(cx, scope, args, TEST); return true.Equals(x) ? true : false; } case Id_prefix: { return RealThis(thisObj, f).ExecSub(cx, scope, args, PREFIX); } } throw new ArgumentException(id.ToString()); }
public override object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args) { if (!f.HasTag(STRING_TAG)) { return base.ExecIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args); } int id = f.MethodId(); for (; ; ) { switch (id) { case ConstructorId_charAt: case ConstructorId_charCodeAt: case ConstructorId_indexOf: case ConstructorId_lastIndexOf: case ConstructorId_split: case ConstructorId_substring: case ConstructorId_toLowerCase: case ConstructorId_toUpperCase: case ConstructorId_substr: case ConstructorId_concat: case ConstructorId_slice: case ConstructorId_equalsIgnoreCase: case ConstructorId_match: case ConstructorId_search: case ConstructorId_replace: case ConstructorId_localeCompare: case ConstructorId_toLocaleLowerCase: { if (args.Length > 0) { thisObj = ScriptRuntime.ToObject(scope, ScriptRuntime.ToCharSequence(args[0])); object[] newArgs = new object[args.Length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < newArgs.Length; i++) { newArgs[i] = args[i + 1]; } args = newArgs; } else { thisObj = ScriptRuntime.ToObject(scope, ScriptRuntime.ToCharSequence(thisObj)); } id = -id; goto again_continue; } case ConstructorId_fromCharCode: { int N = args.Length; if (N < 1) { return string.Empty; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(N); for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i) { sb.Append(ScriptRuntime.ToUint16(args[i])); } return sb.ToString(); } case Id_constructor: { CharSequence s = (args.Length >= 1) ? ScriptRuntime.ToCharSequence(args[0]) : string.Empty; if (thisObj == null) { // new String(val) creates a new String object. return new Rhino.NativeString(s); } // String(val) converts val to a string value. return s is string ? s : s.ToString(); } case Id_toString: case Id_valueOf: { // ECMA 'the toString function is not generic. CharSequence cs = RealThis(thisObj, f).@string; return cs is string ? cs : cs.ToString(); } case Id_toSource: { CharSequence s = RealThis(thisObj, f).@string; return "(new String(\"" + ScriptRuntime.EscapeString(s.ToString()) + "\"))"; } case Id_charAt: case Id_charCodeAt: { // See ECMA 15.5.4.[4,5] CharSequence target = ScriptRuntime.ToCharSequence(thisObj); double pos = ScriptRuntime.ToInteger(args, 0); if (pos < 0 || pos >= target.Length) { if (id == Id_charAt) { return string.Empty; } else { return ScriptRuntime.NaNobj; } } char c = target[(int)pos]; if (id == Id_charAt) { return c.ToString(); } else { return ScriptRuntime.WrapInt(c); } goto case Id_indexOf; } case Id_indexOf: { return ScriptRuntime.WrapInt(Js_indexOf(ScriptRuntime.ToString(thisObj), args)); } case Id_lastIndexOf: { return ScriptRuntime.WrapInt(Js_lastIndexOf(ScriptRuntime.ToString(thisObj), args)); } case Id_split: { return ScriptRuntime.CheckRegExpProxy(cx).Js_split(cx, scope, ScriptRuntime.ToString(thisObj), args); } case Id_substring: { return Js_substring(cx, ScriptRuntime.ToCharSequence(thisObj), args); } case Id_toLowerCase: { // See ECMA return ScriptRuntime.ToString(thisObj).ToLower(ScriptRuntime.ROOT_LOCALE); } case Id_toUpperCase: { // See ECMA return ScriptRuntime.ToString(thisObj).ToUpper(ScriptRuntime.ROOT_LOCALE); } case Id_substr: { return Js_substr(ScriptRuntime.ToCharSequence(thisObj), args); } case Id_concat: { return Js_concat(ScriptRuntime.ToString(thisObj), args); } case Id_slice: { return Js_slice(ScriptRuntime.ToCharSequence(thisObj), args); } case Id_bold: { return Tagify(thisObj, "b", null, null); } case Id_italics: { return Tagify(thisObj, "i", null, null); } case Id_fixed: { return Tagify(thisObj, "tt", null, null); } case Id_strike: { return Tagify(thisObj, "strike", null, null); } case Id_small: { return Tagify(thisObj, "small", null, null); } case Id_big: { return Tagify(thisObj, "big", null, null); } case Id_blink: { return Tagify(thisObj, "blink", null, null); } case Id_sup: { return Tagify(thisObj, "sup", null, null); } case Id_sub: { return Tagify(thisObj, "sub", null, null); } case Id_fontsize: { return Tagify(thisObj, "font", "size", args); } case Id_fontcolor: { return Tagify(thisObj, "font", "color", args); } case Id_link: { return Tagify(thisObj, "a", "href", args); } case Id_anchor: { return Tagify(thisObj, "a", "name", args); } case Id_equals: case Id_equalsIgnoreCase: { string s1 = ScriptRuntime.ToString(thisObj); string s2 = ScriptRuntime.ToString(args, 0); return ScriptRuntime.WrapBoolean((id == Id_equals) ? s1.Equals(s2) : Sharpen.Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(s1, s2)); } case Id_match: case Id_search: case Id_replace: { int actionType; if (id == Id_match) { actionType = RegExpProxyConstants.RA_MATCH; } else { if (id == Id_search) { actionType = RegExpProxyConstants.RA_SEARCH; } else { actionType = RegExpProxyConstants.RA_REPLACE; } } return ScriptRuntime.CheckRegExpProxy(cx).Action(cx, scope, thisObj, args, actionType); } case Id_localeCompare: { // ECMA-262 1 // For now, create and configure a collator instance. I can't // actually imagine that this'd be slower than caching them // a la ClassCache, so we aren't trying to outsmart ourselves // with a caching mechanism for now. Collator collator = Collator.GetInstance(cx.GetLocale()); collator.SetStrength(Collator.IDENTICAL); collator.SetDecomposition(Collator.CANONICAL_DECOMPOSITION); return ScriptRuntime.WrapNumber(collator.Compare(ScriptRuntime.ToString(thisObj), ScriptRuntime.ToString(args, 0))); } case Id_toLocaleLowerCase: { return ScriptRuntime.ToString(thisObj).ToLower(cx.GetLocale()); } case Id_toLocaleUpperCase: { return ScriptRuntime.ToString(thisObj).ToUpper(cx.GetLocale()); } case Id_trim: { string str = ScriptRuntime.ToString(thisObj); char[] chars = str.ToCharArray(); int start = 0; while (start < chars.Length && ScriptRuntime.IsJSWhitespaceOrLineTerminator(chars[start])) { start++; } int end = chars.Length; while (end > start && ScriptRuntime.IsJSWhitespaceOrLineTerminator(chars[end - 1])) { end--; } return Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(str, start, end); } } throw new ArgumentException(id.ToString()); again_continue: ; } again_break: ; }
public virtual object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args) { if (f.HasTag(FTAG)) { int methodId = f.MethodId(); switch (methodId) { case Id_decodeURI: case Id_decodeURIComponent: { string str = ScriptRuntime.ToString(args, 0); return Decode(str, methodId == Id_decodeURI); } case Id_encodeURI: case Id_encodeURIComponent: { string str = ScriptRuntime.ToString(args, 0); return Encode(str, methodId == Id_encodeURI); } case Id_escape: { return Js_escape(args); } case Id_eval: { return Js_eval(cx, scope, args); } case Id_isFinite: { bool result; if (args.Length < 1) { result = false; } else { double d = ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args[0]); result = (d == d && d != double.PositiveInfinity && d != double.NegativeInfinity); } return ScriptRuntime.WrapBoolean(result); } case Id_isNaN: { // The global method isNaN, as per ECMA-262 bool result; if (args.Length < 1) { result = true; } else { double d = ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args[0]); result = (d != d); } return ScriptRuntime.WrapBoolean(result); } case Id_isXMLName: { object name = (args.Length == 0) ? Undefined.instance : args[0]; XMLLib xmlLib = XMLLib.ExtractFromScope(scope); return ScriptRuntime.WrapBoolean(xmlLib.IsXMLName(cx, name)); } case Id_parseFloat: { return Js_parseFloat(args); } case Id_parseInt: { return Js_parseInt(args); } case Id_unescape: { return Js_unescape(args); } case Id_uneval: { object value = (args.Length != 0) ? args[0] : Undefined.instance; return ScriptRuntime.Uneval(cx, scope, value); } case Id_new_CommonError: { // The implementation of all the ECMA error constructors // (SyntaxError, TypeError, etc.) return NativeError.Make(cx, scope, f, args); } } } throw f.Unknown(); }
public override object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args) { if (!f.HasTag(IMPORTER_TAG)) { return base.ExecIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args); } int id = f.MethodId(); switch (id) { case Id_constructor: { return Js_construct(scope, args); } case Id_importClass: { return RealThis(thisObj, f).Js_importClass(args); } case Id_importPackage: { return RealThis(thisObj, f).Js_importPackage(args); } } throw new ArgumentException(id.ToString()); }
public override object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args) { if (!f.HasTag(ERROR_TAG)) { return base.ExecIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args); } int id = f.MethodId(); switch (id) { case Id_constructor: { return Make(cx, scope, f, args); } case Id_toString: { return Js_toString(thisObj); } case Id_toSource: { return Js_toSource(cx, scope, thisObj); } } throw new ArgumentException(id.ToString()); }
public override object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args) { if (!f.HasTag(MATH_TAG)) { return base.ExecIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args); } double x; int methodId = f.MethodId(); switch (methodId) { case Id_toSource: { return "Math"; } case Id_abs: { x = ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args, 0); // abs(-0.0) should be 0.0, but -0.0 < 0.0 == false x = (x == 0.0) ? 0.0 : (x < 0.0) ? -x : x; break; } case Id_acos: case Id_asin: { x = ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args, 0); if (x == x && -1.0 <= x && x <= 1.0) { x = (methodId == Id_acos) ? Math.Acos(x) : Math.Asin(x); } else { x = double.NaN; } break; } case Id_atan: { x = ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args, 0); x = Math.Atan(x); break; } case Id_atan2: { x = ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args, 0); x = Math.Atan2(x, ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args, 1)); break; } case Id_ceil: { x = ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args, 0); x = System.Math.Ceiling(x); break; } case Id_cos: { x = ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args, 0); x = (x == double.PositiveInfinity || x == double.NegativeInfinity) ? double.NaN : Math.Cos(x); break; } case Id_exp: { x = ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args, 0); x = (x == double.PositiveInfinity) ? x : (x == double.NegativeInfinity) ? 0.0 : Math.Exp(x); break; } case Id_floor: { x = ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args, 0); x = Math.Floor(x); break; } case Id_log: { x = ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args, 0); // Java's log(<0) = -Infinity; we need NaN x = (x < 0) ? double.NaN : Math.Log(x); break; } case Id_max: case Id_min: { x = (methodId == Id_max) ? double.NegativeInfinity : double.PositiveInfinity; for (int i = 0; i != args.Length; ++i) { double d = ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args[i]); if (d != d) { x = d; // NaN break; } if (methodId == Id_max) { // if (x < d) x = d; does not work due to -0.0 >= +0.0 x = Math.Max(x, d); } else { x = Math.Min(x, d); } } break; } case Id_pow: { x = ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args, 0); x = Js_pow(x, ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args, 1)); break; } case Id_random: { x = Math.Random(); break; } case Id_round: { x = ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args, 0); if (x == x && x != double.PositiveInfinity && x != double.NegativeInfinity) { // Round only finite x long l = Math.Round(x); if (l != 0) { x = l; } else { // We must propagate the sign of d into the result if (x < 0.0) { x = ScriptRuntime.negativeZero; } else { if (x != 0.0) { x = 0.0; } } } } break; } case Id_sin: { x = ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args, 0); x = (x == double.PositiveInfinity || x == double.NegativeInfinity) ? double.NaN : Math.Sin(x); break; } case Id_sqrt: { x = ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args, 0); x = Math.Sqrt(x); break; } case Id_tan: { x = ScriptRuntime.ToNumber(args, 0); x = Math.Tan(x); break; } default: { throw new InvalidOperationException(methodId.ToString()); } } return ScriptRuntime.WrapNumber(x); }
public override object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args) { if (!f.HasTag(FUNCTION_TAG)) { return base.ExecIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args); } int id = f.MethodId(); switch (id) { case Id_constructor: { return JsConstructor(cx, scope, args); } case Id_toString: { Rhino.BaseFunction realf = RealFunction(thisObj, f); int indent = ScriptRuntime.ToInt32(args, 0); return realf.Decompile(indent, 0); } case Id_toSource: { Rhino.BaseFunction realf = RealFunction(thisObj, f); int indent = 0; int flags = Decompiler.TO_SOURCE_FLAG; if (args.Length != 0) { indent = ScriptRuntime.ToInt32(args[0]); if (indent >= 0) { flags = 0; } else { indent = 0; } } return realf.Decompile(indent, flags); } case Id_apply: case Id_call: { return ScriptRuntime.ApplyOrCall(id == Id_apply, cx, scope, thisObj, args); } case Id_bind: { if (!(thisObj is Callable)) { throw ScriptRuntime.NotFunctionError(thisObj); } Callable targetFunction = (Callable)thisObj; int argc = args.Length; Scriptable boundThis; object[] boundArgs; if (argc > 0) { boundThis = ScriptRuntime.ToObjectOrNull(cx, args[0], scope); boundArgs = new object[argc - 1]; System.Array.Copy(args, 1, boundArgs, 0, argc - 1); } else { boundThis = null; boundArgs = ScriptRuntime.emptyArgs; } return new BoundFunction(cx, scope, targetFunction, boundThis, boundArgs); } } throw new ArgumentException(id.ToString()); }
public override object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args) { if (!f.HasTag(BOOLEAN_TAG)) { return base.ExecIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args); } int id = f.MethodId(); if (id == Id_constructor) { bool b; if (args.Length == 0) { b = false; } else { b = args[0] is ScriptableObject && ((ScriptableObject)args[0]).AvoidObjectDetection() ? true : ScriptRuntime.ToBoolean(args[0]); } if (thisObj == null) { // new Boolean(val) creates a new boolean object. return new Rhino.NativeBoolean(b); } // Boolean(val) converts val to a boolean. return ScriptRuntime.WrapBoolean(b); } // The rest of Boolean.prototype methods require thisObj to be Boolean if (!(thisObj is Rhino.NativeBoolean)) { throw IncompatibleCallError(f); } bool value = ((Rhino.NativeBoolean)thisObj).booleanValue; switch (id) { case Id_toString: { return value ? "true" : "false"; } case Id_toSource: { return value ? "(new Boolean(true))" : "(new Boolean(false))"; } case Id_valueOf: { return ScriptRuntime.WrapBoolean(value); } } throw new ArgumentException(id.ToString()); }
public override object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args) { if (!f.HasTag(SCRIPT_TAG)) { return base.ExecIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args); } int id = f.MethodId(); switch (id) { case Id_constructor: { string source = (args.Length == 0) ? string.Empty : ScriptRuntime.ToString(args[0]); Script script = Compile(cx, source); Rhino.NativeScript nscript = new Rhino.NativeScript(script); ScriptRuntime.SetObjectProtoAndParent(nscript, scope); return nscript; } case Id_toString: { Rhino.NativeScript real = RealThis(thisObj, f); Script realScript = real.script; if (realScript == null) { return string.Empty; } return cx.DecompileScript(realScript, 0); } case Id_exec: { throw Context.ReportRuntimeError1("", "exec"); } case Id_compile: { Rhino.NativeScript real = RealThis(thisObj, f); string source = ScriptRuntime.ToString(args, 0); real.script = Compile(cx, source); return real; } } throw new ArgumentException(id.ToString()); }
public override object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args) { if (!f.HasTag(GENERATOR_TAG)) { return base.ExecIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args); } int id = f.MethodId(); if (!(thisObj is NativeGenerator)) { throw IncompatibleCallError(f); } NativeGenerator generator = (NativeGenerator)thisObj; switch (id) { case Id_close: { // need to run any pending finally clauses return generator.Resume(cx, scope, GENERATOR_CLOSE, new NativeGenerator.GeneratorClosedException()); } case Id_next: { // arguments to next() are ignored generator.firstTime = false; return generator.Resume(cx, scope, GENERATOR_SEND, Undefined.instance); } case Id_send: { object arg = args.Length > 0 ? args[0] : Undefined.instance; if (generator.firstTime && !arg.Equals(Undefined.instance)) { throw ScriptRuntime.TypeError0("msg.send.newborn"); } return generator.Resume(cx, scope, GENERATOR_SEND, arg); } case Id_throw: { return generator.Resume(cx, scope, GENERATOR_THROW, args.Length > 0 ? args[0] : Undefined.instance); } case Id___iterator__: { return thisObj; } default: { throw new ArgumentException(id.ToString()); } } }
public override object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args) { if (!f.HasTag(XMLCTOR_TAG)) { return base.ExecIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args); } int id = f.MethodId(); switch (id) { case Id_defaultSettings: { options.SetDefault(); Scriptable obj = cx.NewObject(scope); WriteSetting(obj); return obj; } case Id_settings: { Scriptable obj = cx.NewObject(scope); WriteSetting(obj); return obj; } case Id_setSettings: { if (args.Length == 0 || args[0] == null || args[0] == Undefined.instance) { options.SetDefault(); } else { if (args[0] is Scriptable) { ReadSettings((Scriptable)args[0]); } } return Undefined.instance; } } throw new ArgumentException(id.ToString()); }
public override object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args) { if (!f.HasTag(XMLOBJECT_TAG)) { return base.ExecIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args); } int id = f.MethodId(); if (id == Id_constructor) { return JsConstructor(cx, thisObj == null, args); } // All (XML|XMLList).prototype methods require thisObj to be XML if (!(thisObj is Rhino.Xmlimpl.XMLObjectImpl)) { throw IncompatibleCallError(f); } Rhino.Xmlimpl.XMLObjectImpl realThis = (Rhino.Xmlimpl.XMLObjectImpl)thisObj; XML xml = realThis.GetXML(); switch (id) { case Id_appendChild: { if (xml == null) { XmlMethodNotFound(realThis, "appendChild"); } return xml.AppendChild(Arg(args, 0)); } case Id_addNamespace: { if (xml == null) { XmlMethodNotFound(realThis, "addNamespace"); } Namespace ns = lib.CastToNamespace(cx, Arg(args, 0)); return xml.AddNamespace(ns); } case Id_childIndex: { if (xml == null) { XmlMethodNotFound(realThis, "childIndex"); } return ScriptRuntime.WrapInt(xml.ChildIndex()); } case Id_inScopeNamespaces: { if (xml == null) { XmlMethodNotFound(realThis, "inScopeNamespaces"); } return cx.NewArray(scope, ToObjectArray(xml.InScopeNamespaces())); } case Id_insertChildAfter: { if (xml == null) { XmlMethodNotFound(realThis, "insertChildAfter"); } object arg0 = Arg(args, 0); if (arg0 == null || arg0 is XML) { return xml.InsertChildAfter((XML)arg0, Arg(args, 1)); } return Undefined.instance; } case Id_insertChildBefore: { if (xml == null) { XmlMethodNotFound(realThis, "insertChildBefore"); } object arg0 = Arg(args, 0); if (arg0 == null || arg0 is XML) { return xml.InsertChildBefore((XML)arg0, Arg(args, 1)); } return Undefined.instance; } case Id_localName: { if (xml == null) { XmlMethodNotFound(realThis, "localName"); } return xml.LocalName(); } case Id_name: { if (xml == null) { XmlMethodNotFound(realThis, "name"); } return xml.Name(); } case Id_namespace: { if (xml == null) { XmlMethodNotFound(realThis, "namespace"); } string prefix = (args.Length > 0) ? ScriptRuntime.ToString(args[0]) : null; Namespace rv = xml.Namespace(prefix); if (rv == null) { return Undefined.instance; } else { return rv; } goto case Id_namespaceDeclarations; } case Id_namespaceDeclarations: { if (xml == null) { XmlMethodNotFound(realThis, "namespaceDeclarations"); } Namespace[] array = xml.NamespaceDeclarations(); return cx.NewArray(scope, ToObjectArray(array)); } case Id_nodeKind: { if (xml == null) { XmlMethodNotFound(realThis, "nodeKind"); } return xml.NodeKind(); } case Id_prependChild: { if (xml == null) { XmlMethodNotFound(realThis, "prependChild"); } return xml.PrependChild(Arg(args, 0)); } case Id_removeNamespace: { if (xml == null) { XmlMethodNotFound(realThis, "removeNamespace"); } Namespace ns = lib.CastToNamespace(cx, Arg(args, 0)); return xml.RemoveNamespace(ns); } case Id_replace: { if (xml == null) { XmlMethodNotFound(realThis, "replace"); } XMLName xmlName = lib.ToXMLNameOrIndex(cx, Arg(args, 0)); object arg1 = Arg(args, 1); if (xmlName == null) { // I refuse to believe that this number will exceed 2^31 int index = (int)ScriptRuntime.LastUint32Result(cx); return xml.Replace(index, arg1); } else { return xml.Replace(xmlName, arg1); } goto case Id_setChildren; } case Id_setChildren: { if (xml == null) { XmlMethodNotFound(realThis, "setChildren"); } return xml.SetChildren(Arg(args, 0)); } case Id_setLocalName: { if (xml == null) { XmlMethodNotFound(realThis, "setLocalName"); } string localName; object arg = Arg(args, 0); if (arg is QName) { localName = ((QName)arg).LocalName(); } else { localName = ScriptRuntime.ToString(arg); } xml.SetLocalName(localName); return Undefined.instance; } case Id_setName: { if (xml == null) { XmlMethodNotFound(realThis, "setName"); } object arg = (args.Length != 0) ? args[0] : Undefined.instance; QName qname = lib.ConstructQName(cx, arg); xml.SetName(qname); return Undefined.instance; } case Id_setNamespace: { if (xml == null) { XmlMethodNotFound(realThis, "setNamespace"); } Namespace ns = lib.CastToNamespace(cx, Arg(args, 0)); xml.SetNamespace(ns); return Undefined.instance; } case Id_attribute: { XMLName xmlName = XMLName.Create(lib.ToNodeQName(cx, Arg(args, 0), true), true, false); return realThis.GetMatches(xmlName); } case Id_attributes: { return realThis.GetMatches(XMLName.Create(Rhino.Xmlimpl.XmlNode.QName.Create(null, null), true, false)); } case Id_child: { XMLName xmlName = lib.ToXMLNameOrIndex(cx, Arg(args, 0)); if (xmlName == null) { // Two billion or so is a fine upper limit, so we cast to int int index = (int)ScriptRuntime.LastUint32Result(cx); return realThis.Child(index); } else { return realThis.Child(xmlName); } goto case Id_children; } case Id_children: { return realThis.Children(); } case Id_comments: { return realThis.Comments(); } case Id_contains: { return ScriptRuntime.WrapBoolean(realThis.Contains(Arg(args, 0))); } case Id_copy: { return realThis.Copy(); } case Id_descendants: { Rhino.Xmlimpl.XmlNode.QName qname = (args.Length == 0) ? Rhino.Xmlimpl.XmlNode.QName.Create(null, null) : lib.ToNodeQName(cx, args[0], false); return realThis.GetMatches(XMLName.Create(qname, false, true)); } case Id_elements: { XMLName xmlName = (args.Length == 0) ? XMLName.FormStar() : lib.ToXMLName(cx, args[0]); return realThis.Elements(xmlName); } case Id_hasOwnProperty: { XMLName xmlName = lib.ToXMLName(cx, Arg(args, 0)); return ScriptRuntime.WrapBoolean(realThis.HasOwnProperty(xmlName)); } case Id_hasComplexContent: { return ScriptRuntime.WrapBoolean(realThis.HasComplexContent()); } case Id_hasSimpleContent: { return ScriptRuntime.WrapBoolean(realThis.HasSimpleContent()); } case Id_length: { return ScriptRuntime.WrapInt(realThis.Length()); } case Id_normalize: { realThis.Normalize(); return Undefined.instance; } case Id_parent: { return realThis.Parent(); } case Id_processingInstructions: { XMLName xmlName = (args.Length > 0) ? lib.ToXMLName(cx, args[0]) : XMLName.FormStar(); return realThis.ProcessingInstructions(xmlName); } case Id_propertyIsEnumerable: { return ScriptRuntime.WrapBoolean(realThis.PropertyIsEnumerable(Arg(args, 0))); } case Id_text: { return realThis.Text(); } case Id_toString: { return realThis.ToString(); } case Id_toSource: { int indent = ScriptRuntime.ToInt32(args, 0); return realThis.ToSource(indent); } case Id_toXMLString: { return realThis.ToXMLString(); } case Id_valueOf: { return realThis.ValueOf(); } } throw new ArgumentException(id.ToString()); }
public virtual object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args) { if (f.HasTag(FTAG)) { if (f.MethodId() == Id_getClass) { return Js_getClass(cx, scope, args); } } throw f.Unknown(); }