Exemple #1
        public HelpBox ShowStage(HelpWorkflow workflow, HelpStage stage)
            if (_currentHelpBox != null)

            _highlight      = stage.HighlightControl;
            _currentHelpBox = new HelpBox(workflow, stage.HelpText, stage.OptionButtonText);

            _currentHelpBox.Location = stage.UseDefaultPosition ? GetGoodLocationForHelpBox(_currentHelpBox) : stage.HostLocationForStageBox;

Exemple #2
        private Point GetGoodLocationForHelpBox(HelpBox currentHelpBox)
            var screenCoordinates = _highlight.PointToScreen(new Point(0, 0));
            var highlightTopLeft  = _host.PointToClient(screenCoordinates);

            var highlightBottomLeft = new Point(highlightTopLeft.X, highlightTopLeft.Y + _highlight.ClientRectangle.Height);

            //First lets try to place it like this

            /**************HOST CONTROL BOUNDS*************
             *       HIGHLIGHT
             *       HIGHLIGHT
             *       MSG

            /**************HOST CONTROL BOUNDS*************
             *       HIGHLIGHT
             *     _ HIGHLIGHT
             *     ^  MSG<------availableSpaceHorizontally->
             *     |
             *     V availableSpaceBelowHighlight

            var availableSpaceBelowHighlight = _host.ClientRectangle.Height - highlightBottomLeft.Y;
            var availableSpaceHorizontally   = _host.ClientRectangle.Width - highlightBottomLeft.X;

            var availableSpaceAboveHighlight = highlightTopLeft.Y;

            //there is enough space below
            if (currentHelpBox.Height < availableSpaceBelowHighlight)
                if (_currentHelpBox.Width < availableSpaceHorizontally)

                //not enough space horizontally so try to move MSG to left till there is enough space

                /**************HOST CONTROL BOUNDS***********
                 *       HIGHLIGHT
                 *  <---|HIGHLIGHT
                return(new Point(Math.Max(0, _host.ClientRectangle.Width - currentHelpBox.Width), highlightBottomLeft.Y));
            else if (currentHelpBox.Height < availableSpaceAboveHighlight)
                //No space below so go above it

                if (_currentHelpBox.Width < availableSpaceHorizontally)
                    return(new Point(highlightTopLeft.X, highlightTopLeft.Y - currentHelpBox.Height));

                //consider moving X back because message box is so wide (See diagram above)
                return(new Point(Math.Max(0, _host.ClientRectangle.Width - currentHelpBox.Width), highlightTopLeft.Y - currentHelpBox.Height));

            var screenCoordinatesTopRight = _highlight.PointToScreen(new Point(_highlight.ClientRectangle.Width, 0));
            var highlightTopRight         = _host.PointToClient(screenCoordinatesTopRight);

            var spaceToLeft  = highlightTopLeft.X;
            var spaceToRight = _host.ClientRectangle.Width - highlightTopRight.X;

            //there is no space at all for this help box (so just overlap it on the bottom left of the screen space available)
            if (spaceToRight < _currentHelpBox.Width && spaceToLeft < _currentHelpBox.Width)
                return(new Point(0, _host.ClientRectangle.Height - _currentHelpBox.Height));

            //there is space to the right or left so put it in whichever is greater
            if (spaceToRight > spaceToLeft)

            return(new Point(highlightTopLeft.X - _currentHelpBox.Width, 0));