Exemple #1
        public RoomLocation[] GenerateRoomData()
            RoomLocation[] roomLocations = new RoomLocation[100];

            //Populate data manually... eventually I may move it to a DB, but as a proof of concept, it is self-contained.
            roomLocations[0]  = new RoomLocation(0, "Front Porch", "You are standing on the Front Porch.", "Dried leaves and dirt cover the aging steps, and the paint has long since peeled off the thick door frame that surrounds the massive door looming up in front of you.", new[] { 1, 0, 0, 0 });
            roomLocations[1]  = new RoomLocation(1, "Foyer", "You are in a foyer to a large house.  Dust is everywhere!", "It looks as though nobody has stepped into this house for years.  A sudden, faint creaking can be heard from somewhere upstairs; it sends chills down your spine.", new[] { 2, 0, 0, 12 });
            roomLocations[2]  = new RoomLocation(2, "Great Hall", "Suits of armor line the walls.", "", new[] { 3, 1, 0, 0 });
            roomLocations[3]  = new RoomLocation(3, "Breakfast Room", "It is bright and cheery!", "", new[] { 0, 2, 4, 16 });
            roomLocations[4]  = new RoomLocation(4, "Conservatory", "Through a window you see a hedge-maze.", "", new[] { 0, 5, 7, 3 });
            roomLocations[5]  = new RoomLocation(5, "Red-walled Room", "You are in the red room.", "It looks very formal, but the red paint and dark wooden panneling is garish and dated.  A mahogony desk sits in one corner.", new[] { 4, 6, 0, 0 });
            roomLocations[6]  = new RoomLocation(6, "Formal Parlor", "", "", new[] { 5, 0, 10, 0 });
            roomLocations[7]  = new RoomLocation(7, "Green Drawing Room", "", "", new[] { 0, 0, 8, 4 });
            roomLocations[8]  = new RoomLocation(8, "Trophy Room", "Animal heads line the walls", "", new[] { 0, 9, 0, 7 });
            roomLocations[9]  = new RoomLocation(9, "Den", "", "", new[] { 8, 0, 0, 10 });
            roomLocations[10] = new RoomLocation(10, "Blue Drawing Room", "", "", new[] { 0, 11, 9, 6 });
            roomLocations[11] = new RoomLocation(11, "Library", "Empty shelves line the walls", "", new[] { 10, 0, 0, 0 });
            roomLocations[12] = new RoomLocation(12, "Dining Room", "", "", new[] { 0, 0, 1, 13 });
            roomLocations[13] = new RoomLocation(13, "Chinese Room", "", "", new[] { 15, 0, 12, 0 });
            roomLocations[14] = new RoomLocation(14, "$", "", "", new[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 });  //What on earth is this?  Will it throw everything else off?
            roomLocations[15] = new RoomLocation(15, "Kitchen", "Like old Mother Hubbard, the kitchen is quite bare.", "", new[] { 23, 13, 16, 0 });
            roomLocations[16] = new RoomLocation(16, "Pantry", "Dust covers the mahogany shelves", "", new[] { 0, 0, 3, 15 });
            roomLocations[17] = new RoomLocation(17, "Game Room", "", "", new[] { 0, 8, 0, 18 });
            roomLocations[18] = new RoomLocation(18, "Smoking Room", "The air is stale in here", "", new[] { 21, 0, 17, 19 });
            roomLocations[19] = new RoomLocation(19, "Portico", "A murky pool glimmers on the south side", "", new[] { 21, 0, 18, 20 });
            roomLocations[20] = new RoomLocation(20, "Hall of Mirrors", "What a fine place to reflect for a time.", "", new[] { 21, 21, 19, 19 });
            roomLocations[21] = new RoomLocation(21, "Ballroom", "it has a beautiful wooden dance floor!", "", new[] { 0, 19, 0, 20 });
            roomLocations[22] = new RoomLocation(22, "Chapel", "A tablet says 'Drop a religous item or die!!'", "", new[] { 0, 0, 0, 21 });
            roomLocations[23] = new RoomLocation(23, "Back Yard", "", "", new[] { 24, 15, 40, 25 });
            roomLocations[24] = new RoomLocation(24, "Black Forest", "", "", new[] { 24, 23, 24, 24 });
            roomLocations[25] = new RoomLocation(25, "Pool Area", "There is a large swimming pool here!", "", new[] { 26, 0, 23, 0 });
            roomLocations[26] = new RoomLocation(26, "Pump House", "There is pool machinery installed here", "", new[] { 0, 25, 0, 0 });
            roomLocations[27] = new RoomLocation(27, "Middle of the Western Hallway", "", "", new[] { 35, 0, 31, 28 });
            roomLocations[28] = new RoomLocation(28, "West Bedroom", "", "", new[] { 0, 0, 27, 0 });
            roomLocations[29] = new RoomLocation(29, "Front Balcony", "A large road can be seen below, weaving around the estate.", "", new[] { 39, 0, 0, 0 });
            roomLocations[30] = new RoomLocation(30, "$", "", "", new[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 });
            roomLocations[31] = new RoomLocation(31, "Master Bedroom", "There's a huge four-poster bed", "", new[] { 0, 0, 38, 27 });
            roomLocations[32] = new RoomLocation(32, "Rear Balcony", "Below you, a large hedge maze can be seen!", "Why do you feel a sense of dread when casting your eyes upon it?", new[] { 0, 36, 0, 0 });
            roomLocations[33] = new RoomLocation(33, "East Bedroom", "", "", new[] { 34, 0, 0, 38 });
            roomLocations[34] = new RoomLocation(34, "Large Walk-in Closet", "", "", new[] { 0, 33, 0, 0 });
            roomLocations[35] = new RoomLocation(35, "Junction of the West Hall and the North-South Hallway", "", "", new[] { 0, 27, 36, 0 });
            roomLocations[36] = new RoomLocation(36, "Center of the North-South Hallway", "", "", new[] { 32, 0, 37, 35 });
            roomLocations[37] = new RoomLocation(37, "Junction of the East Hall and the North-South Hallway", "", "", new[] { 0, 38, 0, 36 });
            roomLocations[38] = new RoomLocation(38, "Middle of the East Hallway", "", "", new[] { 37, 39, 33, 31 });
            roomLocations[39] = new RoomLocation(39, "South End of the East Hallway", "", "", new[] { 38, 29, 0, 0 });
            roomLocations[40] = new RoomLocation(40, "Hedge Maze", "", "", new[] { 0, 42, 0, 41 });
            roomLocations[41] = new RoomLocation(41, "Hedge Maze", "", "", new[] { 44, 42, 0, 0 });
            roomLocations[42] = new RoomLocation(42, "Hedge Maze", "", "", new[] { 41, 44, 43, 0 });
            roomLocations[43] = new RoomLocation(43, "Hedge Maze", "", "", new[] { 41, 23, 0, 0 });
            roomLocations[44] = new RoomLocation(44, "Hedge Maze", "", "", new[] { 0, 42, 0, 45 });
            roomLocations[45] = new RoomLocation(45, "Hedge Maze", "", "", new[] { 0, 0, 44, 0 });
            roomLocations[46] = new RoomLocation(46, "Walk-in Vault", "", "", new[] { 0, 0, 0, 5 });
            roomLocations[47] = new RoomLocation(47, "Dungeon", "There is light above and to the south.", "", new[] { 0, 40, 0, 0 });
            roomLocations[48] = new RoomLocation(48, "Bottom of the Swimming Pool.", "A ladder leads up and out.", "", new[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 });

            //FIXME:  Why isn't this working?
            //Console.Write($"\n\n TESTING:  = {roomLocations[3].ToString()}");
Exemple #2
         * DISPLAY ROOM INFORMATION TO USER.  Clears screen each time this method is called.
        public void ShowRoomInfo(RoomLocation currentRoom)
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
            Console.WriteLine($"{dl} {currentRoom.Name}");

            //Describe Room Location:
            var formattedRoomDescription = MisersHouseMain.FormatTextWidth(MisersHouseMain.maxColumns,
                                                                           currentRoom.DescriptionShort + "  " + currentRoom.Description);


            //Display any special object/room interactions or events:
            List <GameItem> roomItems = GameItem.GetRoomItems(MisersHouseMain.playerLocation);

            foreach (GameItem item in roomItems)
                if (currentRoom.ItemRoomEvents.TryGetValue(item.ItemId, out string eventDescription))
                    if (item.State.Equals(GameItem.ObjectState.VISIBLE))
                        Console.WriteLine(MisersHouseMain.FormatTextWidth(MisersHouseMain.maxColumns, eventDescription));

            //Describe any objects in the current room:
            foreach (GameItem item in roomItems)
                if (item.State >= GameItem.ObjectState.VISIBLE)
                    Console.WriteLine($" There is a {item.Name} here.");

            //Display specialized descriptions:
            string specialText = buildSpecialDescriptions(roomItems);

            if (specialText.Length > 0)
                Console.WriteLine($" {specialText}");

            //Disclose Available Directions:
            Console.WriteLine($"\n Obvious Exits: {BuildCompassDirections(currentRoom.LocationMap)}");
        private static string ql     = "\n\n\n\n"; //quadline

        /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
         *  TODO: Implement a chronometer into the game. :-)  In other words, track the passage of time.
         *        Perhaps something simple, such as one minute for each move, and display a digital clock
         *        readout above, when the room screen refresh occurs.   Time :   3:43 pm  (or even just the time)
         *        So, there are two types of time passage I am thinking about:
         *          1.) The game is ALWAYS turn-based.  In other words, time only passes when a command
         *              is actually entered by the player.  Otherwise, time stands still.
         *          2.) Game's Global time:  For every move, time passes.  This allows us to display
         *              general, time-related events, such as "a full moon shines its rays through the window."
         *              And global events can happen in the game.  "The chiming of a great clock can be heard!"
         *          3.) Also, specific passage of time can be captured in relation to a room or location.
         *              Time is captured when entering the room, and something will happen if the player
         *              doesn't respond within 'n' number of moves.
         *        Since a great deal of exploration by the player occurs in teh game, it would lose a
         *        significant element of fun if EVERYTHING in the game was time-based move to move!
         *        NOTE:  These are things to think about... I have far more to get working first, before implementing this!
         * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Add inventory items:

            Console.CursorSize = 100;

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            //TODO:  In order to call non-static methods, I must move them out of the Main class
            //       Then in order to call them, I must create an instance of the class.
            //       At first I will do it within this class (i.e. "Program"), but they should be
            //       moved out eventually into separate classes.  Then I can re-use them in other text adventures.
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            var misersHouse = new MisersHouseMain();


            //Instantiate RoomLocation class and populate actual Room Data:
            var roomLocationClass = new RoomLocation();

            roomLocations = roomLocationClass.GenerateRoomData();

            //GameItems is a static object arry of items used throughout the game:
            //var gameItem = new GameItem();
            //gameItems = GameItem.GenerateGameObjectData();

            //gameIsActive = 1;

            //Need to keep the game in a loop until it is ready to end.  Primative, but it works
            while (gameIsActive > 0)
                //Display Room data.

                //Generate current room object list:
                List <GameItem> roomItems = GameItem.GetRoomItems(MisersHouseMain.playerLocation);

                bool refreshRoom = false;
                while (!refreshRoom)
                    //refreshRoom = false;

                    //Get Player Input:
                    Console.Write($"{sl}   ? ");
                    misersHouse.playerInput = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

                    //Player entered something... time to analyze!
                    refreshRoom = LanguageParser.AnalyzePlayerInput(misersHouse.playerInput, MisersHouseMain.playerLocation, roomItems);

                    if (LanguageParser.PlayerConfused > 5)
                        Console.WriteLine(MisersHouseMain.FormatTextWidth(MisersHouseMain.maxColumns, "\n You appear to be confused or frustrated.  None of your commands make any sense!  If you need help, please type: 'HELP' as a command!  I am here to serve you!"));
                        LanguageParser.PlayerConfused = 0;

                //...MORE CODE?  Not yet...  The "quit" command will change the 'gameIsActive' value;
