public void setDailyStaff() { bool containsTitle = false; string day = GetInput.chooseDayOfWeek(); day = Console.ReadLine(); string employeeToWork = GetInput.employeeToWorkByTitle(); employeeToWork = Console.ReadLine(); while (dailyStaff.Count < 6) { foreach (Employee emp in dailyStaff) { if (emp.Title == employeeToWork) { containsTitle = true; Console.WriteLine("already filled"); setDailyStaff(); } else if (containsTitle == false) { if (employeeToWork == emp.Title && emp.DaysAvailable == day) { dailyStaff.Add(emp); } } } } }
public void takeReservation() { string time = GetInput.getPartyTime(); string size = GetInput.getPartySize(); string name = GetInput.getPartyName(); reservationList.Add(time); reservationList.Add(size); reservationList.Add(name); }
//pass user input in for getinput class and use that number public void hireNewEmployees() { int numberToHire = GetInput.numberToHire(); for (int i = 0; i < numberToHire; i++) { Employee employeeToAdd; employeeToAdd = new Employee(GetInput.getEmployeeFirstName(), GetInput.getEmployeeLastName(), GetInput.getEmployeeTitle(), GetInput.getDaysAvailable()); Manager.staffList.Add(employeeToAdd); } }
public void setDailyMenu() { string foodItem = GetInput.createFoodItem(); string foodPrice = GetInput.giveFoodItemPrice(); string drinkItem = GetInput.createDrinkItem(); string drinkPrice = GetInput.giveDrinkItemPrice(); dailyMenu.Add(foodItem); dailyMenu.Add(foodPrice); dailyMenu.Add(drinkItem); dailyMenu.Add(drinkPrice); }
public void terminateEmployees() { string name = GetInput.getEmployeeFirstName(); name = Console.ReadLine(); foreach (Employee emp in staffList) { if (emp.FirstName == name) { staffList.Remove(emp); } } }
public void isTrained() { string trained = GetInput.checkTrained(); bool isTrained; if (trained == "yes") { isTrained = true; } else if (trained == "no") { isTrained = false; } }
public void checkEmployeeZone() { string check = GetInput.checkSection(); bool isClean; if (check == "yes") { isClean = true; } else if (check == "no") { isClean = false; } }
public void setDailySpecials() { string day = GetInput.chooseDayOfWeek(); day = Console.ReadLine(); string special = Display.displayMondaySpecial(); if (day == "monday") { dailyMenu.Add(special); } else { Console.WriteLine("special on Monday only."); } }
public void logIn() { Console.WriteLine(Display.logInPrompt()); UserName = GetInput.getUserName(); PassWord = GetInput.getPassword(); foreach (string line in Read.readFromFile2("managerData.txt")) { if (line.Contains(UserName)) { if (line.Contains(PassWord)) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Welcome: " + UserName); break; } } else { Console.WriteLine("invalid entry"); logIn(); } } }