/// <summary>
 /// Called to calculate the size that this section requires on
 /// the next call to Print.  This method will be called exactly once
 /// prior to each call to Print.  It must update the values Size and
 /// Continued of the ReportSection base class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reportDocument">The parent ReportDocument that is printing.</param>
 /// <param name="g">Graphics object to print on.</param>
 /// <param name="bounds">Bounds of the area to print within.</param>
 /// <returns>Size.Width and Size.Height are for the largest sub-section
 /// in each direction, fits is true if any section fits, and continued
 /// is true if any section is continued.</returns>
 protected override SectionSizeValues DoCalcSize(
     ReportDocument reportDocument,
     Graphics g,
     Bounds bounds
     SectionSizeValues retval = new SectionSizeValues();
     if (this.sections.Count == 0)
         retval.Fits = true;
         // TODO: get rid of enumerator, eventually hide sections
         foreach (ReportSection section in this.sections)
             section.CalcSize (reportDocument, g, bounds);
             retval.RequiredSize.Height = Math.Max (
                 retval.RequiredSize.Height, section.Size.Height);
             retval.RequiredSize.Width = Math.Max (
                 retval.RequiredSize.Width, section.Size.Width);
             if (section.Continued)
                 retval.Continued = true;
             if (section.Fits)
                 retval.Fits = true;
     return retval;
        /// <summary>
        /// A function that should return the string to be printed on
        /// this call to Print()
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportDocument">The parent ReportDocument</param>
        /// <returns>A string to be printed on this page</returns>
        protected override string GetText(ReportDocument reportDocument)
            string text;
            int pageNumber = reportDocument.GetCurrentPage();
            if (pageNumber == 1)
                text = TextFirstPage;
            else if (pageNumber % 2 == 0)
                text = TextEvenPage;
                text = TextOddPage;
            if (text == null)
                if (this.Text == null)
                    text = String.Empty;
                    text = this.Text;
            text = text.Replace("%p", pageNumber.ToString());
            text = text.Replace("%tp", reportDocument.TotalPages.ToString());
            // TODO: Raise event for formatting text???

            return text;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called to actually print this section.  
        /// The DoCalcSize method will be called exactly once prior to each
        /// call of DoPrint.
        /// It should obey the value or Size and Continued as set by
        /// DoCalcSize().
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportDocument">The parent ReportDocument that is printing.</param>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics object to print on.</param>
        /// <param name="bounds">Bounds of the area to print within.</param>
        protected override void DoPrint(
			ReportDocument reportDocument,
			Graphics g,
			Bounds bounds
            base.DoPrint(reportDocument, g, bounds);
            this.sectionIndex = 0;
Exemple #4
        public DialogPrint(string title, DataGrid dataGrid)
            InitializeComponent();            // Required for Windows Form Designer support
            textBox1.Text   = title;
            _reportDocument = new ReportDocument();

            _datagridMaker = new PrintDataGrid(dataGrid);
            printControlToolBar1.Document = _datagridMaker.ReportDocument;
        public void MakeDocument(ReportDocument reportDocument)

            TextStyle.Normal.Size = 7.5f;
            TextStyle.Heading1.Size = 16;
            TextStyle.Heading1.Bold = false;
            TextStyle.TableHeader.BackgroundBrush = Brushes.Gray;
            TextStyle.TableHeader.Brush = Brushes.White;
            TextStyle.TableHeader.MarginNear = 0.1f;
            TextStyle.TableHeader.MarginFar = 0.1f;
            TextStyle.TableHeader.MarginTop = 0.05f;
            TextStyle.TableHeader.MarginBottom = 0.05f;
            TextStyle.TableRow.MarginNear = 0.1f;
            TextStyle.TableRow.MarginFar = 0.1f;
            TextStyle.TableRow.MarginTop = 0.05f;

            ReportBuilder builder = new ReportBuilder(reportDocument);

            Pen innerPen = new Pen(Color.Green, 0.02f);

            //DataView dv = SampleReportMaker1.GetDataView();
            DataView dv = _dt.DefaultView;
            builder.AddPageHeader("Người tạo: Đỗ Đình Vương", String.Empty, "Trang %p");
            builder.PageHeader.MarginRight  = 00;
            builder.PageHeader.UseFullWidth = true;

            builder.CurrentContainer.UseFullWidth = true;
            //builder.AddText("Table with lines using default lines\n");
            // Following line sets up the pen used for lins for tables
            builder.DefaultTablePen = reportDocument.ThinPen;
            builder.AddTable(dv, true);
            builder.CurrentSection.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            foreach (DataColumn column in _dt.Columns)

                //builder.AddColumn(column.ColumnName, column.ColumnName, 1.8f, true, true);
                builder.AddColumn(column.ColumnName, column.ColumnName, 1f, true, true);


            builder.CurrentDocument.Body.UseFullWidth = true;
        private void btPrintAutomailReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

                DateTime dtDate;
                int iFontSize;
                if (!DateTime.TryParse(txtReportStartDate.Text, out dtDate))
                    MessageBox.Show("Report Start Date is invalid!");

                if (!DateTime.TryParse(txtReportEndDate.Text, out dtDate))
                    MessageBox.Show("Report End Date is invalid!");

                if (!int.TryParse(txtReportFontSize.Text, out iFontSize))
                    MessageBox.Show("Report Font Size is invalid!");

                var reportDocument1 = new ReportDocument {ReportMaker = new AutomailReport()};
                reportDocument1.StartDate = txtReportStartDate.Text;
                reportDocument1.EndDate = txtReportEndDate.Text;
                reportDocument1.FontSize = txtReportFontSize.Text;
                var printControl = new PrintControl {Document = reportDocument1};
                printControl.Preview(sender, e);
            catch (Exception ex)

                //var logger = new ExceptionLogger();
                //logger.AddLogger(new EventLogLogger());
                //logger.LogException(ex, "Could not print Automail Report!");
                //throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex);
Exemple #7
        public doPrinting()
            reportDocument1 = new ReportPrinting.ReportDocument();

            reportDocument1.Body = null;
            reportDocument1.PageFooter = null;
            reportDocument1.PageHeader = null;

            reportDocument1.DocumentUnit = System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Millimeter;

            // printControlToolBar1
            printControlToolBar1.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Top;
            printControlToolBar1.Document = reportDocument1;
            printControlToolBar1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
            printControlToolBar1.Name = "printControlToolBar1";
            printControlToolBar1.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(1024,768);
            printControlToolBar1.TabIndex = 2;
            //printControlToolBar1.Load += new System.EventHandler(printControlToolBar1_Load);
            //pintControlToolBar1.Printing += new System.EventHandler(printControlToolBar1_Printing);
        public void MakeDocument(ReportDocument reportDocument)
            // Always reset the text styles if you have multiple methods that
            // set them
            SectionBox box;
            LinearSections contents;
            //TextStyle.Normal.BackgroundBrush = Brushes.Beige;

            //Szamla iSzamla = new Szamla(_SzamlaId);

            // Create a ReportBuilder object that assists with building a report
            ReportBuilder builder = new ReportBuilder(reportDocument);

            builder.CurrentDocument.DocumentUnit = GraphicsUnit.Millimeter;
            // Before adding sections, a layout must be started.
            // We are using a linear layout - vertically, which means
            // each new section starts below the last one.
            builder.CurrentDocument.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = new System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSize("Custom", DEFS.MMtoInch(210), DEFS.MMtoInch(297));

            builder.CurrentDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins = new System.Drawing.Printing.Margins(DEFS.MMtoInch(8), DEFS.MMtoInch(8), DEFS.MMtoInch(8), DEFS.MMtoInch(8));
            builder.HorizLineMargins = 0.2f;


            builder.AddPageHeader("ALL-IN Cafe", String.Empty, DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString());

            #region fejlec
            builder.StartLayeredLayout(false, false);

            // Add various text sections in different headings

            box = new SectionBox();
            box.Width = 80;
            box.Height = 10;
            box.OffsetLeft = 0;
            box.OffsetTop = 0;

            //box.Background = Brushes.Ivory;
            contents = new LinearSections();
            contents.AddSection(new SectionText((string)Syspar2.GetValue(ParamCodes.CEG_NEV), TextStyle.Heading1));
            contents.AddSection(new SectionText((string)Syspar2.GetValue(ParamCodes.CEG_CIM), TextStyle.Normal));

            // Logo
            box = new SectionBox();
            box.Width = 40;
            box.Height = 10;
            box.OffsetLeft = 80;
            box.OffsetTop = 0;
            box.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            // box.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
            //box.Border = reportDocument.NormalPen;
            SectionImage image = new SectionImage(global::GUI.Properties.Resources.logo);
            //image.Transparency = 50;
            //image.PreserveAspectRatio = false;

            // Finish a layout that we started
            // builder.FinishLayeredLayout();

            builder.AddText(" ");
            builder.AddText(" ");
            builder.AddText(" ");
            builder.AddText("Leltározási ív");

            #region Összes eladás
            DataView dv = ReportData.getLeltarIv(_fej);
            builder.DefaultTablePen = null;

            builder.AddTable(dv, true, 100);

            builder.Table.InnerPenHeaderBottom = reportDocument.NormalPen;
            builder.Table.InnerPenRow = new Pen(Color.Gray, reportDocument.ThinPen.Width);

            builder.Table.OuterPenBottom = new Pen(Color.Gray, reportDocument.ThinPen.Width);
            builder.Table.DetailRowTextStyle.SizeDelta = 8;
            builder.Table.ShowSummaryRow = true;
            // 210 széles lehet.
            builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[0], "Cikk", 90, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
            builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[1], "Készlet mennyisége", 40, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);
            builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[2], "Számolt mennyiség", 50, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);

            builder.CurrentSection.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;


        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the TextLayout rectangle to the correct size
        /// Also sets size, itFits, and continued of the base class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc">The parent ReportDocument</param>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics object</param>
        /// <param name="bounds">Bounds to draw within</param>
        /// <returns>SectionSizeValues</returns>
        SectionSizeValues SetTextSize(ReportDocument doc, Graphics g, Bounds bounds)
            SectionSizeValues retval = new SectionSizeValues();
            retval.Fits = true;

            // Find the height of the actual string + margins to be drawn
            SizeF requiredSize = g.MeasureString(textToPrint, textFont,
                textLayout.Size, GetStringFormat(), out charsFitted, out linesFitted);

            if (charsFitted < textToPrint.Length)
                // it doesn't all fit.
                if (this.KeepTogether)
                    // try on the next page.
                    // HACK: This is bad if the whole section doesn't
                    // ever fit on a page, since it will end up in an infinite loop.
                    retval.Fits = false;
                    charsFitted = 0;
                    linesFitted = 0;
                    return retval;
                retval.Continued = true;

            if (this.HorizontalAlignment != HorizontalAlignment.Left)
                requiredSize.Width = textLayout.Size.Width;

            // Get a new rectangle aligned within the bounds and margins
            textLayout = bounds.GetRectangleF(requiredSize,
                this.HorizontalAlignment, this.VerticalAlignment);
            retval.RequiredSize = textLayout.Size;

            if (debugEnabled)
                Console.WriteLine ("Layout for string '" + textToPrint + "' is " + textLayout);

            return retval;
 /// <summary>
 /// Called to actually print this section.  
 /// The DoCalcSize method will be called once prior to each
 /// call of DoPrint.
 /// DoPrint is not called if DoCalcSize sets fits to false.
 /// It should obey the values of Size and Continued as set by
 /// DoCalcSize().
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reportDocument">The parent ReportDocument that is printing.</param>
 /// <param name="g">Graphics object to print on.</param>
 /// <param name="bounds">Bounds of the area to print within.
 /// These bounds already take the margins into account.
 /// </param>
 protected override void DoPrint(
     ReportDocument reportDocument,
     Graphics g,
     Bounds bounds
     //g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
     //            while (this.printLineIndex < this.linesToPrint.Count)
     //            {
     //                LineToPrint line = this.linesToPrint[printLineIndex] as LineToPrint;
     foreach (LineToPrint line in linesToPrint)
         bounds.Position.Y += line.Size.Height;
         line.Print (g, bounds.Position);
     //            SectionSizeValues results = DrawEditControl(g, bounds, false);
     //            SetContinued (results.Continued);
     //            SetFits (results.Fits);
     //            SetSize (results.RequiredSize, bounds);
 /// <summary>
 /// Called to calculate the size that this section requires on
 /// the next call to Print.  This method will be called once
 /// prior to each call to Print.  
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reportDocument">The parent ReportDocument that is printing.</param>
 /// <param name="g">Graphics object to print on.</param>
 /// <param name="bounds">Bounds of the area to print within.
 /// The bounds passed already takes the margins into account - so you cannot
 /// print or do anything within these margins.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>The values for RequireSize, Fits and Continues for this section.</returns>
 protected abstract SectionSizeValues DoCalcSize(
     ReportDocument reportDocument,
     Graphics g,
     Bounds bounds
 /// <summary>
 /// Method called to Calculate the size required for
 /// the next Print.  Calling this method initializes
 /// the values Size and Continued.  Once these values
 /// are initialized, further calls to CalcSize have
 /// no affect, unless ResetSize() is called.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reportDocument">The parent ReportDocument that is printing.</param>
 /// <param name="g">Graphics object to print on.</param>
 /// <param name="bounds">Bounds of the area to print within.</param>
 public void CalcSize(
     ReportDocument reportDocument,
     Graphics g,
     Bounds bounds)
     if (this.requiresNonEmptyBounds && bounds.IsEmpty())
         this.fits = false;
     else if (!this.sized)
         // two default values
         this.sizingBounds = LimitBounds (bounds);
         SectionSizeValues vals = DoCalcSize(reportDocument, g, this.sizingBounds);
         SetSize (vals.RequiredSize, bounds);
         if (this.keepTogether && vals.Continued)
             this.fits = false;
             this.fits = vals.Fits;
         this.continued = vals.Continued;
         this.sized = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called to calculate the size that this section requires on
        /// the next call to Print.
        /// Simply returns the full size (up to MaxWidth and MaxHeight
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportDocument">The parent ReportDocument that is printing.</param>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics object to print on.</param>
        /// <param name="bounds">Bounds of the area to print within.</param>
        /// <returns>size is the full size of the bounds given,
        /// fits is always true, and continued is always false from this
        /// routine.  Note that DoPrint may change the values of all these.
        /// </returns>
        protected override SectionSizeValues DoCalcSize(
            ReportDocument reportDocument,
            Graphics g,
            Bounds bounds
            SectionSizeValues retvals = new SectionSizeValues();

            // assume worst-case size...
            retvals.RequiredSize = bounds.GetSizeF();
            retvals.Fits = true;

            return retvals;
Exemple #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Called to actually print this section.  
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reportDocument">The parent ReportDocument that is printing.</param>
 /// <param name="g">Graphics object to print on.</param>
 /// <param name="bounds">Bounds of the area to print within.
 /// These bounds already take the margins into account.
 /// </param>
 protected override void DoPrint(
     ReportDocument reportDocument,
     Graphics g,
     Bounds bounds
     if ( !reportDocument.NoPrint )
         border.DrawBorder (g, this.borderBounds);
     if (Background != null)
         if ( !reportDocument.NoPrint )
             g.FillRectangle (Background, this.paddingBounds.GetRectangleF());
     if (CurrentSection != null)
         CurrentSection.Print (reportDocument, g, this.contentBounds);
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Called to calculate the size that this section requires on
        /// the next call to Print.  This method will be called exactly once
        /// prior to each call to Print.  It must update the values Size and
        /// Continued of the ReportSection base class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportDocument">The parent ReportDocument that is printing.</param>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics object to print on.</param>
        /// <param name="bounds">Bounds of the area to print within.</param>
        /// <returns>SectionSizeValues of requiredSize, fits, and continues.</returns>
        protected override SectionSizeValues DoCalcSize(
            ReportDocument reportDocument,
            Graphics g,
            Bounds bounds
            // Default values
            SectionSizeValues retvals = new SectionSizeValues();

            Bounds insideBorder = this.borderPens.GetInnerBounds (bounds);
            CalcHeaderSize (g, insideBorder);
            Bounds tableBounds = GetTableBounds (insideBorder);
            PointF originalPosition = tableBounds.Position;

            if (SizePrintHeader (g, ref tableBounds, true))
                if (this.currentHorizPage == 0)
                    this.dataRowsFit = FindDataRowsFit (g, ref tableBounds);
                    this.tableHeightForPage = tableBounds.Position.Y - originalPosition.Y;
                if (this.TotalRows == 0) // special case of 0 rows
                    retvals.Fits = true;
                else if (this.dataRowsFit > 0)
                    retvals.Fits = true;
                    if (this.currentHorizPage < this.infoForPages.Count - 1)
                        retvals.Continued = true;
                    else if (this.rowIndex + this.dataRowsFit < this.TotalRows)
                        retvals.Continued = true;

            retvals.RequiredSize = this.borderPens.AddBorderSize (
                new SizeF (GetPageInfo().Width, tableHeightForPage));

            return retvals;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called to actually print this section.  
        /// The DoCalcSize method will be called exactly once prior to each
        /// call of DoPrint.
        /// It should obey the value or Size and Continued as set by
        /// DoCalcSize().
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportDocument">The parent ReportDocument that is printing.</param>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics object to print on.</param>
        /// <param name="bounds">Bounds of the area to print within.</param>
        protected override void DoPrint(
            ReportDocument reportDocument,
            Graphics g,
            Bounds bounds
            if (!this.UseFullWidth)
                bounds.Limit.X = bounds.Position.X + this.RequiredSize.Width;
            if (!this.UseFullHeight)
                bounds.Limit.Y = bounds.Position.Y + this.RequiredSize.Height;

            SizePrintLine (reportDocument, g, bounds, false, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sizes all the sections that fit within a single row/column
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportDocument">Parent ReportDocument</param>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics object for sizing / printing</param>
        /// <param name="bounds">The bounds the line must fit within</param>
        /// <param name="sizeOnly">Indicates that no printing should be done,
        /// just size the line</param>
        /// <param name="advanceSectionIndex">Advance the section index, 
        /// so that it's ready for the next line</param>
        /// <returns>Size and flags for if it fits and if it's continued</returns>
        protected SectionSizeValues SizePrintLine(
            ReportDocument reportDocument,
            Graphics g,
            Bounds bounds,
            bool sizeOnly,
            bool advanceSectionIndex
            SectionSizeValues retvals = new SectionSizeValues();
            retvals.Fits = false;

            int savedSectionIndex = this.sectionIndex;
            //            Debug.WriteLine("\nEntering " + Direction + " section, sizeonly = " + sizeOnly);
            //            Debug.WriteLine("   Bounds: " + bounds);

            // The following loop sizes all sections that fit on one line
            // If it runs out of room within the current bounds, it returns
            // and will continue where it left off on the next call.
            while (this.sectionIndex < this.SectionCount)
                CurrentSection.CalcSize (reportDocument, g, bounds);
                if (CurrentSection.Fits)
                    retvals.Fits = true;
                    if (!sizeOnly) CurrentSection.Print (reportDocument, g, bounds);
                    AdvancePointers(CurrentSection.Size, ref bounds, ref retvals.RequiredSize);
                    if (CurrentSection.Continued)
                else // it doesn't fit
                    // reset size since we didn't print but need the size to be
                    // refigured next time
            } // while

            //            Debug.WriteLine("Leaving " + Direction + " section");
            //            Debug.WriteLine("   Size: " + RequiredSize);

            retvals.Continued = this.sectionIndex < this.SectionCount;
            if (this.sectionIndex == savedSectionIndex && !retvals.Continued) retvals.Fits = true;
            if (!advanceSectionIndex) this.sectionIndex = savedSectionIndex;
            return retvals;
        /// <summary>
        /// Set up all the Default Values
        /// </summary>
        private void SetDefaults()
            //Default Page Settings
            pageSettings = new PageSettings();
            pageSettings.Margins.Top		= 50;
            pageSettings.Margins.Bottom		= 50;
            pageSettings.Margins.Left		= 50;
            pageSettings.Margins.Right		= 50;
            pageSettings.Landscape			= true;

            //Defaults for the Report Document
            reportDocument = new ReportDocument();

            //Defaults for Printer Settings
            printerSettings = new PrinterSettings();
            printerSettings.MinimumPage		= 1;
            printerSettings.FromPage		= 1;
            printerSettings.ToPage			= 1;

            //Defaults for the Print Dialog
            printDialog = new PrintDialog();
            printDialog.AllowSomePages					= true;
            printDialog.AllowSelection					= true;
            printDialog.AllowPrintToFile				= true;
            printDialog.PrinterSettings					= printerSettings;

            //Defaults for the PrintPreview Dialog
            printPreviewDialog = new PrintPreviewDialog();
            printPreviewDialog.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; //FullScreen

            //Defaults for this PrintDataGrid Class

            //The maximum column size
            maxColumnSize = 5.0f;

            //Reset Default TextStyles

            // Now use a builder to setup everything else
            reportBuilder			= new ReportBuilder(reportDocument);
            reportBuilder.MaxHeaderRowHeight	= 0.5f;
            reportBuilder.MaxDetailRowHeight	= 1.0f;

            //Determines Gridlines
            reportBuilder.DefaultTablePen		= reportDocument.ThinPen;
        /// <summary>
        /// This prints out the contents of a datagrid using  ReportBuilder
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportDocument"></param>
        public void MakeDocument(ReportDocument reportDocument, string strFontSize, string strStartDate, string strEndDate)
            if (dataGrid == null)

            // We may need a DataSet and Data Table depending on DataGrid source type
            DataTable dataTable				= new DataTable();
            DataSet   dataSet				= new DataSet();
            DataViewManager dataViewManager = new DataViewManager();
            DataView dataView				= new DataView();

            // We may need to create a DataView depending on the type of DataSouce that is
            // in the DataGrid
            bool dataViewExpected=true;
            //Depending on the Source and if there is a valid data memember we may need
            //to create a dataView, We actually will try and get the dataView later on
            //from the currency manager as this will let us show the datatable if we
            //have drilled down.
            switch (dataGrid.DataSource.GetType().ToString())
                case "System.Data.DataViewManager":
                    //Check that a view is being shown, if no load views into a table
                    if (dataGrid.DataMember == String.Empty)
                        dataViewExpected = false;
                        //ok no Data View is active so print out he DataView
                        dataTable = new DataTable("DataViewManager");
                        DataColumn dataColumn
                            = dataTable.Columns.Add("TableID",typeof(String));
                        //Get the dataViewManger from the DataGrid source
                        dataViewManager =  (DataViewManager)dataGrid.DataSource;
                        //Add a dataRow to our little table for each DataView Setting
                        foreach (DataViewSetting dvs in dataViewManager.DataViewSettings)
                            dataTable.Rows.Add(new string[]{dvs.Table.TableName});
                        //Now Create a DataView that the ReportPRinting can use to print
                        dataView = new DataView(dataTable);

                case "System.Data.DataView":
                    dataView = (DataView)dataGrid.DataSource;
                case "System.Data.DataTable":
                    dataView = ((DataTable)dataGrid.DataSource).DefaultView;
                case "System.Data.DataSet":
                {    //If DataGrid uses a Data set than the DataTable is in DataMember
                    if (dataGrid.DataMember == String.Empty)
                        dataViewExpected = false;

                        //ok no Data View is active so print out tables in DataSet
                        //by first creating a dataTable and loading the dataSet Table names
                        //into it so we can create a dataView
                        dataTable = new DataTable("DataSetTables");
                        DataColumn dataColumn
                            = dataTable.Columns.Add("TableID",typeof(String));
                        //Get the DataSet from the DataGrid source
                        dataSet =  (DataSet)dataGrid.DataSource;
                        //Load the name of each table in the dataSet into our new table
                        foreach (DataTable dt in dataSet.Tables)
                            dataTable.Rows.Add(new string[]{dt.TableName});
                        //Now Create a DataView that the ReportPRinting can use to print
                        dataView = new DataView(dataTable);

            // See if we can pickup the current view from the currency manager
            // This should also pickup if we are drilled down on any relations etc
            // This will be skipped where there was no dataView obtainable from the
            // dataGrid dataSource and DataMember
            CurrencyManager currencyManager;
            if (dataViewExpected)
                //Currency Manager for the DataGrid

                    = (CurrencyManager)dataGrid.BindingContext

                //This is the DataView that we are going to fill up...
                dataView = (DataView)currencyManager.List;

            // Setup the document's settings
            reportDocument.DefaultPageSettings= pageSettings;


            // Print out the actual Report Page

            //			// %p is code for the page number
            //			string pageStr = "-%p-";
            //			string tableName=dataView.Table.TableName;
            //			reportBuilder.AddPageHeader(
            //				// First page
            //				pageStr, tableName  , String.Empty,
            //				// Right pages
            //				pageStr,	tableName , String.Empty,
            //				// Odd pages
            //				String.Empty, tableName, pageStr);
            //			reportBuilder.AddPageFooter (DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(), ReportPrinting.HorizontalAlignment.Center);
            //			//Now lets print out the Datagrid - First the Heading
            reportBuilder.AddText(dataGrid.CaptionText, TextStyle.Heading1);

            // We need to print any parent row info here
            // Check the dataGrid.DataMember and see if it is a data relation
            // If it is then get the first DataRow in the DataGrid and then
            // use its GetParentRows method, Each row should be checked to see
            // if there was a DataGridTableStyle set up for it
            // We have to work our way backwards up the data relation building strings that
            // need to be printed in reverse order to match the way the dataGrid displays
            if (dataGrid.ParentRowsVisible &&				//Are parents rows showing??
                dataViewExpected &&							//If no view then skip this
                dataGrid.DataMember.LastIndexOf(".")  > 0 ) //check Tablename.Relation
                DataRowView dataRowView1= dataView[0];  //first get the DataRow View
                DataRow dataRow1 = dataRowView1.Row;    //Now get the DataRow for viewRow

                //break up the DataRelations string into its parts
                //[0] will be the original table,[1][..] will be relations
                //This need to be processed from last to first as the last one is
                //what is currently being displayed on the data grid
                string [] relations = dataGrid.DataMember.Split(new Char [] {'.'});

                //we will build an array of strings of parent data showing on the
                //datagrid that needs to be printed in reverse order
                //of the way they were built on the DataGrid in order
                //to replicate the drill down on the data grid.
                string[] parentText = new string[relations.Length - 1];

                //Go through each Relation from the last to first and get the parent rows
                //of the childRow using the data relations for that parent-child relation
                for (int r=relations.Length-1;r > 0;r--)

                    //If a child has multiple parent rows than we need to figure out which
                    //is parent for this drill down. To get the information for each
                    //parent row we are going to build a string with table & relations
                    //which is the same as the dataGrid Builds automatically on drilldown
                    //for the DataMember field which we will store in parentMember.
                    //parentMember will then be used to get the correct currencyManager
                    //which in turn will get the correct dataview,dataRowView and DataRow
                    //IE TABLENAME.RELATION1.RELATION2 etc
                    string parentMember = String.Empty;
                    for (int i=0 ; i < r; i++)
                        parentMember  += relations[i];
                        if (i < r-1)
                            parentMember += "."; //Separate with periods except last
                    //Now that we have the parentMember we need to get the currency
                    //manager for that parentmember which is holding the current
                    //DataView from which we will get the
                        = (CurrencyManager)dataGrid.BindingContext

                    //This is the DataView that we are going to fill up...
                    DataView parentDataView = (DataView)currencyManager.List;
                    DataRowView parentDataRowView
                        = (DataRowView)currencyManager.Current;  //first get the DataRow View

                    DataRow parentRow = parentDataRowView.Row;

                    //Start with the TableName:
                    parentText[r-1] = parentRow.Table.TableName+":  ";

                    //	Determine if there is DataGrid Table Style for the parent table
                    // or do we just go through all the columns in the parent DataTable

                        DataGridTableStyle tableStyle
                            = dataGrid.TableStyles[parentRow.Table.TableName];
                        //Go through the table style columns & build the parent text line
                        foreach(DataGridColumnStyle columnStyle
                                    in tableStyle.GridColumnStyles)
                            parentText[r-1] +=  columnStyle.MappingName+": "
                                + parentRow[columnStyle.MappingName].ToString()+"   ";
                        //Go through the columns in the parentRow DataTable and built
                        //the parent text line
                        foreach(DataColumn dataColumn
                                    in parentRow.Table.Columns)
                            parentText[r-1] += dataColumn.ColumnName+": "
                                +parentRow[dataColumn].ToString()+"   ";
                //Now print out all the Parent Text array using the report builder

                for (int i=0; i < parentText.Length; i++)
                    reportBuilder.AddHorizontalLine ();
                    reportBuilder.AddText(parentText[i], TextStyle.Normal);
                reportBuilder.AddHorizontalLine ();
            // Add dataView & all columns that are in the data grid
            reportBuilder.AddTable(dataView, true);

            // Now we have to determine if there was a DataGridTableStyle setup for this
            // DataGrid, The default will be to load from the DataView table columns
            bool loadFromDataView = true;

            //If there is a DataGridTableStyle - Add any columns showing in the grid..
            foreach (DataGridTableStyle tableStyle in dataGrid.TableStyles)
                if(tableStyle.MappingName == dataView.Table.TableName)
                    loadFromDataView = false;
                    foreach(DataGridColumnStyle columnStyle
                                in tableStyle.GridColumnStyles)
                            (float)columnStyle.Width/75,  //Not sure if correct sizing

                        DataGridTextBoxColumn textCol = columnStyle as DataGridTextBoxColumn;
                        if (textCol != null)
                            Debug.WriteLine (textCol.Format);
                            reportBuilder.CurrentColumn.FormatExpression = textCol.Format;
            //If this is still true than we have to load from the Table columns in the
            //dataView that the datagrid is using.
            // IE there was NOT a valid DataGridTableStyle in the datagrid
            if (loadFromDataView)
                reportBuilder.AddAllColumns (maxColumnSize, true, true);
        public void MakeDocument(ReportDocument reportDocument)
            // Always reset the text styles if you have multiple methods that
            // set them
            SectionBox box;
            LinearSections contents;
            int h_height = 0;
            int sor_magas = 6;
            //TextStyle.Normal.BackgroundBrush = Brushes.Beige;

            //Szamla iSzamla = new Szamla(_SzamlaId);

            // Create a ReportBuilder object that assists with building a report
            ReportBuilder builder = new ReportBuilder(reportDocument);

            builder.CurrentDocument.DocumentUnit = GraphicsUnit.Millimeter;
            // Before adding sections, a layout must be started.
            // We are using a linear layout - vertically, which means
            // each new section starts below the last one.
            //builder.CurrentDocument.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = new System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSize("Custom", DEFS.MMtoInch(210), DEFS.MMtoInch(297));

            //builder.CurrentDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins = new System.Drawing.Printing.Margins(DEFS.MMtoInch(8), DEFS.MMtoInch(8), DEFS.MMtoInch(8), DEFS.MMtoInch(8));
            builder.HorizLineMargins = 0.2f;


            builder.AddPageHeader("ALL-IN Cafe", String.Empty, DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString());
            h_height += sor_magas;
            #region fejlec
            builder.StartLayeredLayout(false, false);

            // Add various text sections in different headings

            box = new SectionBox();
            box.Width = 80;
            box.Height = 10;
            box.OffsetLeft = 0;
            box.OffsetTop = 0;

            //box.Background = Brushes.Ivory;
            contents = new LinearSections();
            contents.AddSection(new SectionText((string)Syspar2.GetValue(ParamCodes.CEG_NEV), TextStyle.Heading1));
            contents.AddSection(new SectionText((string)Syspar2.GetValue(ParamCodes.CEG_CIM), TextStyle.Normal));
            h_height += 10;
            // Logo
            box = new SectionBox();
            box.Width = 40;
            box.Height = 10;
            box.OffsetLeft = 80;
            box.OffsetTop = 0;
            box.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            // box.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
            //box.Border = reportDocument.NormalPen;
            SectionImage image = new SectionImage(global::GUI.Properties.Resources.logo);
            //image.Transparency = 50;
            //image.PreserveAspectRatio = false;

            // Finish a layout that we started
            // builder.FinishLayeredLayout();

            builder.AddText(" ");
            builder.AddText(" ");
            builder.AddText(" ");
            builder.AddText("Napi összesített eladás statisztika");
            h_height += 4 * sor_magas;
            #region Összes eladás
            DataView dv = ReportData.GetOsszesEladas(_EV, _HO, _NAP);
            builder.DefaultTablePen = null;

            builder.AddTable(dv, true, 100);

            builder.Table.InnerPenHeaderBottom = reportDocument.NormalPen;
            builder.Table.InnerPenRow = new Pen(Color.Gray, reportDocument.ThinPen.Width);
            builder.Table.OuterPenBottom = new Pen(Color.Gray, reportDocument.ThinPen.Width);
            builder.Table.HeaderTextStyle.Size = 8;

            builder.Table.DetailRowTextStyle.Size = 8;
            // 210 széles lehet.
            builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[0], "Típus", 30, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
            builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[1], "db.", 20, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);
            builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[2], "Érték", 20, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);
            //builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[3], "Hitel ért.", 40, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);
            //builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[4], "Kifiz. hitel db", 20, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);
            //builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[5], "Kifiz. hitelek ért.", 40, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);

            h_height += sor_magas * dv.Count;
            builder.CurrentSection.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;


            builder.AddText(" ");
            builder.AddText(" ");
            builder.AddText(" ");
            builder.AddText("Cikkcsoportonkénti összesített napi statisztika");
            h_height += sor_magas * 4;
            #region Cikkcsoportonkénti összesítő
            dv = ReportData.GetCikkcsopOsszesEladas(_EV, _HO, _NAP);
            builder.DefaultTablePen = null;

            builder.AddTable(dv, true, 100);

            builder.Table.InnerPenHeaderBottom = reportDocument.NormalPen;
            builder.Table.InnerPenRow = new Pen(Color.Gray, reportDocument.ThinPen.Width);
            builder.Table.OuterPenBottom = new Pen(Color.Gray, reportDocument.ThinPen.Width);
            builder.Table.HeaderTextStyle.Size = 8;
            builder.Table.DetailRowTextStyle.Size = 8;
            // 210 széles lehet.
            builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[0], "Cikkcsoport", 30, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
            builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[1], "Tipus", 30, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
            builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[2], "db", 10, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);
            builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[3], "érték", 20, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);
            //builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[3], "Hitelre db", 20, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);
            //builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[4], "Hitelre ért.", 30, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);
            //builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[5], "Kifiz. hitel db", 20, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);
            //builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[6], "Kifiz. hitel ért.", 30, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);

            h_height += sor_magas * dv.Count;
            builder.CurrentSection.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;

            builder.AddText(" ");
            builder.AddText(" ");
            builder.AddText(" ");
            builder.AddText("Speciális zárás statisztika");
            h_height += sor_magas * 4;
            #region Speciális zárás összesítő
            dv = ReportData.GetSpecZarasEladas(_EV,_HO,_NAP);
            builder.DefaultTablePen = null;

            builder.AddTable(dv, true, 100);

            builder.Table.InnerPenHeaderBottom = reportDocument.NormalPen;
            builder.Table.InnerPenRow = new Pen(Color.Gray, reportDocument.ThinPen.Width);
            builder.Table.OuterPenBottom = new Pen(Color.Gray, reportDocument.ThinPen.Width);
            builder.Table.HeaderTextStyle.Size = 8;
            builder.Table.DetailRowTextStyle.Size = 8;
            // 210 széles lehet.
            builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[0], "Cikkcsoport", 30, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);
            builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[1], "Összes eladás db", 20, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);
            builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[2], "Összes eladás értéke", 30, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);
            builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[3], "Hitelre írt db", 20, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);
            builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[4], "Hitelre írás értéke", 30, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);
            builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[5], "Kifizetett hitel db", 20, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);
            builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[6], "Kifizetett hitelek értéke", 30, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);

            h_height += sor_magas * dv.Count;
            builder.CurrentSection.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;


            builder.AddText(" ");
            h_height += sor_magas * 2;
            builder.CurrentDocument.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = new System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSize("Custom", DEFS.MMtoInch(75), DEFS.MMtoInch(h_height));
            builder.CurrentDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins = new System.Drawing.Printing.Margins(DEFS.MMtoInch(1), DEFS.MMtoInch(1), DEFS.MMtoInch(1), DEFS.MMtoInch(1));

Exemple #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Called to actually print this section.  
 /// The DoCalcSize method will be called exactly once prior to each
 /// call of DoPrint.
 /// It should obey the value or Size and Continued as set by
 /// DoCalcSize().
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reportDocument">The parent ReportDocument that is printing.</param>
 /// <param name="g">Graphics object to print on.</param>
 /// <param name="bounds">Bounds of the area to print within.</param>
 protected override void DoPrint(
     ReportDocument reportDocument,
     Graphics g,
     Bounds bounds
     int origRowIndex = this.rowIndex;
     Bounds tableBounds = GetTableBounds (bounds, this.RequiredSize);
     Bounds insideBorders = borderPens.GetInnerBounds (tableBounds);
     Bounds printingBounds = insideBorders;
     SizePrintHeader (g, ref printingBounds, false);
     PrintRows (g, ref printingBounds);
     // Draw lines last
     PrintAllRowLines (g,insideBorders,
         (!this.SuppressHeaderRow && this.RepeatHeaderRow) );
     PrintAllColumnLines (g, insideBorders);
     this.borderPens.DrawBorder (g, tableBounds);
     if (this.currentHorizPage < this.infoForPages.Count - 1)
         this.rowIndex = origRowIndex;
         this.currentHorizPage = 0;
Exemple #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Called to calculate the size that this section requires on
        /// the next call to Print.  This method will be called once
        /// prior to each call to Print.  
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportDocument">The parent ReportDocument that is printing.</param>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics object to print on.</param>
        /// <param name="bounds">Bounds of the area to print within.
        /// The bounds passed already takes the margins into account - so you cannot
        /// print or do anything within these margins.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>The values for RequireSize, Fits and Continues for this section.</returns>
        protected override SectionSizeValues DoCalcSize(
            ReportDocument reportDocument,
            Graphics g,
            Bounds bounds
            // Take offset into account...
            bounds.Position.X += OffsetLeft;
            bounds.Position.Y += OffsetTop;

            SectionSizeValues retval = new SectionSizeValues();
            // need to determine what to do with these values...
            retval.Fits = true;
            retval.Continued = false;

            SizeF contentSize = new SizeF (0,0);
            if (CurrentSection != null)
                CurrentSection.CalcSize (reportDocument, g, GetMaxContentBounds(bounds));
                contentSize = CurrentSection.Size; // or could use RequiredSize?

            this.borderBounds  = GetBorderBounds (bounds, contentSize);
            this.paddingBounds = border.GetInnerBounds (this.borderBounds);
            this.contentBounds = paddingBounds.GetBounds (PaddingTop, PaddingRight,
                PaddingBottom, PaddingLeft);

            retval.RequiredSize = this.borderBounds.GetSizeF();
            return retval;
 /// <summary>
 /// Called to calculate the size that this section requires on
 /// the next call to Print.  This method will be called exactly once
 /// prior to each call to Print.  It must update the values Size and
 /// Continued of the ReportSection base class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reportDocument">The parent ReportDocument that is printing.</param>
 /// <param name="g">Graphics object to print on.</param>
 /// <param name="bounds">Bounds of the area to print within.</param>
 protected override SectionSizeValues DoCalcSize(
     ReportDocument reportDocument,
     Graphics g,
     Bounds bounds
     // get the size of the current line
     return SizePrintLine (reportDocument, g, bounds, true, false);
Exemple #24
        public void MakeDocument(ReportDocument reportDocument)
            // Always reset the text styles if you have multiple methods that
            // set them
            int height = 0;
            int sor_magas = 6;
            SectionBox box;
            LinearSections contents;
            //TextStyle.Normal.BackgroundBrush = Brushes.Beige;
            Szamla iSzamla = new Szamla(_SzamlaId);
            // Create a ReportBuilder object that assists with building a report
            ReportBuilder builder = new ReportBuilder(reportDocument);

            builder.CurrentDocument.DocumentUnit = GraphicsUnit.Millimeter;
            // Before adding sections, a layout must be started.
            // We are using a linear layout - vertically, which means
            // each new section starts below the last one.

            builder.HorizLineMargins = 0.2f;


            builder.AddPageHeader("ALL-IN Cafe", String.Empty, iSzamla.SZAMLA_DATUMA.ToShortDateString() + " " + iSzamla.SZAMLA_DATUMA.ToLongTimeString());

            height += sor_magas;

            #region fejlec
            builder.StartLayeredLayout(false, false);

            // Add various text sections in different headings

            box = new SectionBox();
            box.Width = 80;
            box.Height = 10;
            box.OffsetLeft = 0;
            box.OffsetTop = 0;

            //box.Background = Brushes.Ivory;
            contents = new LinearSections();
            contents.AddSection(new SectionText((string)Syspar2.GetValue(ParamCodes.CEG_NEV), TextStyle.Heading1));
            contents.AddSection(new SectionText((string)Syspar2.GetValue(ParamCodes.CEG_CIM), TextStyle.Normal));

            height += 10;

            // Logo
            box = new SectionBox();
            box.Width = 40;
            box.Height = 10;
            box.OffsetLeft = 80;
            box.OffsetTop = 0;
            box.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            // box.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
            //box.Border = reportDocument.NormalPen;
            SectionImage image;
            try {
                 image = new SectionImage(Image.FromFile((string)Syspar2.GetValue(ParamCodes.BLOKK_LOGO_PATH)));
            } catch (Exception ix) {
                 DEFS.ExLog(ix.Message + "\n" + ix.StackTrace);
                 image = new SectionImage(global::GUI.Properties.Resources.logo);

            //image.Transparency = 50;
            //image.PreserveAspectRatio = false;

            // Finish a layout that we started
            // builder.FinishLayeredLayout();



            builder.AddText("Blokk sorszáma: "+ iSzamla.SZAMLA_SORSZAM.PadLeft(7,'0'), TextStyle.Normal);
            builder.AddText(" ");

            height += 2 * sor_magas;

            builder.StartLayeredLayout(false, false);
            if (DateTime.Now >= Convert.ToDateTime(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1)))
                // Tesztüzem
                SectionBox box_teszt = new SectionBox();
                box_teszt.WidthPercent = 30;
                //box.Height = 1;
                box_teszt.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                box.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                //box.Border = reportDocument.NormalPen;

                SectionImage image_teszt = new SectionImage(global::GUI.Properties.Resources.tesztuzem);
                image_teszt.Transparency = 80;
                //image.PreserveAspectRatio = false;

            #region sorok
            DataView dv = iSzamla.GetBlokkDataView();
            builder.DefaultTablePen = null;

            // ide még kell egy faktor ami a sortöréseket határozza meg.

            height += sor_magas * dv.Count;

            builder.AddTable(dv, true, 100);

            builder.Table.InnerPenHeaderBottom = reportDocument.NormalPen;
            builder.Table.InnerPenRow = new Pen(Color.Gray, reportDocument.ThinPen.Width);
            builder.Table.OuterPenBottom = new Pen(Color.Gray, reportDocument.ThinPen.Width);

            builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[0], "Db.", 8, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
            builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[1], "Termék", 30, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
            builder.AddColumn(dv.Table.Columns[2], "Összeg", 40, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);

            //dt.Columns.Add(, typeof(int));
            //dt.Columns.Add("Cikk", typeof(string));
            //dt.Columns.Add("Összeg", typeof(double));

            // builder.AddAllColumns(30.0f, true, true);

            builder.CurrentSection.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;


            #region végösszesen
            DataView dv2 = iSzamla.GetBlokkOsszegDataView();
            builder.DefaultTablePen = null;
            builder.AddTable(dv2, true, 100);

            height += sor_magas * dv2.Count;

            builder.AddColumn(dv2.Table.Columns[0], " ", 50, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);
            builder.AddColumn(dv2.Table.Columns[1], " ", 30, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Right);


            builder.AddText(" ");

            builder.AddText((string)Syspar2.GetValue(ParamCodes.BLOKK_LABLEC1), TextStyle.Normal);

            builder.AddText((string)Syspar2.GetValue(ParamCodes.BLOKK_LABLEC2), TextStyle.Normal);
            builder.AddText((string)Syspar2.GetValue(ParamCodes.BLOKK_LABLEC3), TextStyle.Normal);
            //builder.AddText((string)Syspar2.GetValue(ParamCodes.BLOKK_LABLEC4), TextStyle.Normal);

            height += sor_magas * ((Syspar2.GetValue(ParamCodes.BLOKK_LABLEC1).ToString().Length / 45) + 1);
            height += sor_magas * ((Syspar2.GetValue(ParamCodes.BLOKK_LABLEC2).ToString().Length / 45) + 1);
            height += sor_magas * ((Syspar2.GetValue(ParamCodes.BLOKK_LABLEC3).ToString().Length / 45) + 1);
            //height += sor_magas * (((string)Syspar2.GetValue(ParamCodes.BLOKK_LABLEC4).Length / 45) + 1);
            height += sor_magas;
            builder.CurrentDocument.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = new System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSize("Custom", DEFS.MMtoInch(75), DEFS.MMtoInch(height));
            builder.CurrentDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins = new System.Drawing.Printing.Margins(DEFS.MMtoInch(1), DEFS.MMtoInch(1), DEFS.MMtoInch(1), DEFS.MMtoInch(1));

Exemple #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Called to calculate the size that this section requires on
 /// the next call to Print.  This method will be called exactly once
 /// prior to each call to Print.  It must update the values Size and
 /// Continued of the ReportSection base class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reportDocument">Pparent ReportDocument that is printing.</param>
 /// <param name="g">Graphics object to print on.</param>
 /// <param name="bounds">Bounds of the area to print within.</param>
 /// <returns>SectionSizeValues</returns>
 protected override SectionSizeValues DoCalcSize(
     ReportDocument reportDocument,
     Graphics g,
     Bounds bounds
     SectionSizeValues retval = new SectionSizeValues();
     textFont = this.TextStyle.GetFont();
     textLayout = bounds.GetRectangleF();
     if (CheckTextLayout(g))
         // Get a new string starting from where-ever we left off on the last page
         textToPrint = GetText(reportDocument);
         retval = SetTextSize (reportDocument, g, bounds);
         retval.Fits = false;
     return retval;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called to actually print this section.  
        /// The DoCalcSize method will be called exactly once prior to each
        /// call of DoPrint.
        /// It should obey the value or Size and Continued as set by
        /// DoCalcSize().
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportDocument">The parent ReportDocument that is printing.</param>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics object to print on.</param>
        /// <param name="bounds">Bounds of the area to print within.</param>
        protected override void DoPrint(
            ReportDocument reportDocument,
            Graphics g,
            Bounds bounds
            SizeF mySize = new SizeF (0,0);

            if (ShowDividerFirst && (Divider != null))
                divider.Print (reportDocument, g, bounds);
                AdvancePointers (divider.Size, ref bounds, ref mySize);

            // size first
            SectionSizeValues oneCall = SizePrintLine (reportDocument, g, bounds, true, false);
            bool fits = oneCall.Fits;
            while (oneCall.Fits)
                Bounds printBounds = bounds.GetBounds (oneCall.RequiredSize);
                SizePrintLine (reportDocument, g, printBounds, false, true); // print
                AdvancePointers (oneCall.RequiredSize, ref bounds, ref mySize);
                // if this section is not continued, quit now
                // or if this was the last column/row on this page, quit now
                if (!oneCall.Continued || bounds.IsEmpty())
                oneCall = SizePrintLine (reportDocument, g, bounds, true, false); // size
                if ( oneCall.Fits && Divider != null)
                    divider.Print (reportDocument, g, bounds);
                    AdvancePointers (divider.Size, ref bounds, ref mySize);
            SetSize (mySize, bounds);
            SetFits (fits);
            SetContinued (oneCall.Continued);
Exemple #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Called to actually print this section.  
        /// The DoCalcSize method will be called exactly once prior to each
        /// call of DoPrint.
        /// It should obey the value or Size and Continued as set by
        /// DoCalcSize().
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportDocument">The parent ReportDocument that is printing.</param>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics object to print on.</param>
        /// <param name="bounds">Bounds of the area to print within.</param>
        protected override void DoPrint(
            ReportDocument reportDocument,
            Graphics g,
            Bounds bounds
            if ( !reportDocument.NoPrint )
                // draw background and text
                if (this.TextStyle.BackgroundBrush != null)
                    RectangleF backgroundRect = textLayout;
                    if (this.UseFullWidth)
                        backgroundRect.X = bounds.Position.X;
                        backgroundRect.Width = bounds.Width;
                    if (this.UseFullHeight)
                        backgroundRect.Y = bounds.Position.Y;
                        backgroundRect.Height = bounds.Height;

                    g.FillRectangle (this.TextStyle.BackgroundBrush, backgroundRect);
                g.DrawString(textToPrint, textFont, this.TextStyle.Brush, textLayout, GetStringFormat());
                if (debugEnabled)
                    Console.WriteLine ("Draw string '" + textToPrint + "' at " + textLayout);

            // Increment the character pointer...
            this.CharIndex += charsFitted;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method called to Print this ReportSection.
        /// If CalcSize has not already been called, it will call it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportDocument">The parent ReportDocument that is printing.</param>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics object to print on.</param>
        /// <param name="bounds">Bounds of the area to print within.</param>
        public void Print(
            ReportDocument reportDocument,
            Graphics g,
            Bounds bounds)
            Bounds printingBounds = LimitBounds (bounds);
            if (this.sized && (printingBounds != this.sizingBounds))
                SectionSizeValues vals = BoundsChanged (this.sizingBounds, printingBounds);
                SetSize (vals.RequiredSize, bounds);
                this.fits = vals.Fits;
                this.continued = vals.Continued;

            CalcSize (reportDocument, g, bounds);
            if (this.fits)
                DoPrint (reportDocument, g, printingBounds);
            ResetSize ();
Exemple #29
 /// <summary>
 /// A function that should return the string to be printed on
 /// this call to Print()
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reportDocument">The parent ReportDocument.  
 /// Can be used to overload this function with page specific verions, etc.</param>
 /// <returns>A string to be printed on this page</returns>
 protected virtual string GetText(ReportDocument reportDocument)
     // TODO: Raise event for printing text...
     return this.Text.Substring(CharIndex);
 /// <summary>
 /// Called to actually print this section.  
 /// The DoCalcSize method will be called once prior to each
 /// call of DoPrint.
 /// DoPrint is not called if DoCalcSize sets fits to false.
 /// It should obey the values of Size and Continued as set by
 /// DoCalcSize().
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reportDocument">The parent ReportDocument that is printing.</param>
 /// <param name="g">Graphics object to print on.</param>
 /// <param name="bounds">Bounds of the area to print within.
 /// These bounds already take the margins into account.
 /// </param>
 protected abstract void DoPrint(
     ReportDocument reportDocument,
     Graphics g,
     Bounds bounds
        /// <summary>
        /// Called to calculate the size that this section requires on
        /// the next call to Print.  This method will be called once
        /// prior to each call to Print.  
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportDocument">The parent ReportDocument that is printing.</param>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics object to print on.</param>
        /// <param name="bounds">Bounds of the area to print within.
        /// The bounds passed already takes the margins into account - so you cannot
        /// print or do anything within these margins.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>The values for RequireSize, Fits and Continues for this section.</returns>
        protected override SectionSizeValues DoCalcSize(
            ReportDocument reportDocument,
            Graphics g,
            Bounds bounds
            this.linesToPrint = new ArrayList (100);
            SectionSizeValues retval = new SectionSizeValues();
            WordToPrint nextWord = null;
            int nextIndex;
            while (charIndex < this.richTextBox1.Text.Length)
                LineToPrint line = LineToPrint.Get (charIndex, g, bounds.Position,
                    bounds.Width, this.richTextBox1, ref nextWord, out nextIndex);
                if (line.Size.Height + bounds.Position.Y < bounds.Limit.Y)
                    linesToPrint.Add (line);
                    charIndex = nextIndex;
                    retval.RequiredSize.Width = Math.Max (retval.RequiredSize.Width, line.Size.Width);
                    retval.RequiredSize.Height += line.Size.Height;
                    bounds.Position.Y += line.Size.Height;
                    retval.Continued = true;

            retval.Fits = true;
            return retval;