public Main() { repetierKey = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("Software\\Repetier"); main = this; generator = new GCodeGenerator(); globalSettings = new GlobalSettings(); conn = new PrinterConnection(); printerSettings = new FormPrinterSettings(); threeDSettings = new ThreeDSettings(); InitializeComponent(); conn.eventConnectionChange += OnPrinterConnectionChange; conn.eventPrinterAction += OnPrinterAction; conn.eventJobProgress += OnJobProgress; printPanel = new PrintPanel(); printPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; splitContainerPrinterGraphic.Panel1.Controls.Add(printPanel); logView = new LogView(); logView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; splitVert.Panel2.Controls.Add(logView); skeinforge = new Skeinforge(); PrinterChanged(printerSettings.currentPrinterKey,true); printerSettings.eventPrinterChanged += PrinterChanged; // GCode print preview printPreview = new ThreeDControl(); printPreview.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; splitContainerPrinterGraphic.Panel2.Controls.Add(printPreview); printPreview.SetEditor(false); printPreview.AutoUpdateable = true; printVisual = new GCodeVisual(conn.analyzer); printPreview.models.AddLast(printVisual); basicTitle = Text; }
// This method will be called when the thread is started. public void DoWork() { RepetierEditor ed = Main.main.editor; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); visual = new GCodeVisual(); switch (ed.ShowMode) { case 0: visual.minLayer = 0; visual.maxLayer = 999999; break; case 1: visual.minLayer = visual.maxLayer = ed.ShowMinLayer; break; case 2: visual.minLayer = ed.ShowMinLayer; visual.maxLayer = ed.ShowMaxLayer; break; } visual.parseGCodeShortArray(Main.main.previewArray, true); Main.main.previewArray = null; visual.Reduce(); //visual.stats(); Main.main.newVisual = visual; Main.main.jobPreviewThreadFinished = true; Main.main.previewThread = null; sw.Stop(); //Main.conn.log("Update time:" + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, false, 3); }
// This method will be called when the thread is started. public void DoWork() { RepetierEditor ed = Main.main.editor; string text = ed.getContent(1) + ed.getContent(0) + ed.getContent(2); visual = new GCodeVisual(); visual.ParseText(text, true); visual.Reduce(); //visual.stats(); Main.main.newVisual = visual; Main.main.jobPreviewThreadFinished = true; Main.main.previewThread = null; }
// This method will be called when the thread is started. public void DoWork() { RepetierEditor ed = Main.main.editor; string text = ed.getContent(1) + ed.getContent(0) + ed.getContent(2); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); visual = new GCodeVisual(); visual.ParseText(text, true); visual.Reduce(); //visual.stats(); Main.main.newVisual = visual; Main.main.jobPreviewThreadFinished = true; Main.main.previewThread = null; sw.Stop(); //Main.conn.log("Update time:" + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, false, 3); }
private void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (newVisual != null) { jobPreview.models.RemoveLast(); jobVisual.Clear(); jobVisual = newVisual; jobPreview.models.AddLast(jobVisual); jobPreview.UpdateChanges(); newVisual = null; editor.toolUpdating.Text = ""; editor.UpdateLayerInfo(); editor.MaxLayer = editor.getContentArray(0).Last<GCodeShort>().layer; } if (recalcJobPreview && jobPreviewThreadFinished) { previewArray = new List<GCodeShort>(); previewArray.AddRange(((RepetierEditor.Content)editor.toolFile.Items[1]).textArray); previewArray.AddRange(((RepetierEditor.Content)editor.toolFile.Items[0]).textArray); previewArray.AddRange(((RepetierEditor.Content)editor.toolFile.Items[2]).textArray); recalcJobPreview = false; jobPreviewThreadFinished = false; JobUpdater workerObject = new JobUpdater(); editor.toolUpdating.Text = "Updating ..."; previewThread = new Thread(workerObject.DoWork); previewThread.Start(); } if (refreshCounter > 0) { if (--refreshCounter == 0) { Invalidate(); } } }
public Main() { executeHostCall = new executeHostCommandDelegate(this.executeHostCommand); repetierKey = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Repetier"); repetierKey.SetValue("installPath", Application.StartupPath); if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar != '\\' && IsRunningOnMac()) IsMac = true; /*String[] parms = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); string lastcom = ""; foreach (string s in parms) { if (lastcom == "-home") { repetierKey.SetValue("installPath",s); lastcom = ""; continue; } if (s == "-macosx") IsMac = true; lastcom = s; }*/ main = this; generator = new GCodeGenerator(); globalSettings = new GlobalSettings(); conn = new PrinterConnection(); printerSettings = new FormPrinterSettings(); conn.analyzer.start(); threeDSettings = new ThreeDSettings(); InitializeComponent(); updateShowFilament(); RegMemory.RestoreWindowPos("mainWindow", this); if (WindowState == FormWindowState.Maximized) Application.DoEvents(); splitLog.SplitterDistance = RegMemory.GetInt("logSplitterDistance", splitLog.SplitterDistance); if (IsMono) { if (!IsMac) { splitContainerPrinterGraphic.SplitterDistance += 52; foreach (ToolStripItem m in menu.Items) { m.Text = m.Text.Replace("&", null); } } if (IsMac) { /*Application.Events.Quit += delegate (object sender, ApplicationEventArgs e) { Application.Quit (); e.Handled = true; }; ApplicationEvents.Reopen += delegate (object sender, ApplicationEventArgs e) { WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; e.Handled = true; };*/ MinimumSize = new Size(500, 640); tab.MinimumSize = new Size(500, 500); splitLog.Panel1MinSize = 520; splitLog.Panel2MinSize = 100; splitLog.IsSplitterFixed = true; splitJob.IsSplitterFixed = true; //splitContainerPrinterGraphic.SplitterDistance -= 52; splitLog.SplitterDistance = splitLog.Height - 100; } } toolShowLog.Checked = RegMemory.GetBool("logShow", true); conn.eventConnectionChange += OnPrinterConnectionChange; conn.eventPrinterAction += OnPrinterAction; conn.eventJobProgress += OnJobProgress; printPanel = new PrintPanel(); printPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; splitContainerPrinterGraphic.Panel1.Controls.Add(printPanel); printerSettings.formToCon(); logView = new LogView(); logView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; splitLog.Panel2.Controls.Add(logView); skeinforge = new Skeinforge(); PrinterChanged(printerSettings.currentPrinterKey, true); printerSettings.eventPrinterChanged += PrinterChanged; // GCode print preview printPreview = new ThreeDControl(); printPreview.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; splitContainerPrinterGraphic.Panel2.Controls.Add(printPreview); printPreview.SetEditor(false); printPreview.AutoUpdateable = true; printVisual = new GCodeVisual(conn.analyzer); printVisual.liveView = true; printPreview.models.AddLast(printVisual); basicTitle = Text; jobPreview = new ThreeDControl(); jobPreview.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; splitJob.Panel2.Controls.Add(jobPreview); jobPreview.SetEditor(false); jobPreview.models.AddLast(jobVisual); editor.contentChangedEvent += JobPreview; editor.commands = new Commands(); editor.commands.Read("default", "en"); UpdateHistory(); UpdateConnections(); Main.slic3r = new Slic3r(); slicer = new Slicer(); if (IsMac) { tabGCode.Controls.Remove(splitJob); tabPrint.Controls.Remove(splitContainerPrinterGraphic); } toolShowLog_CheckedChanged(null, null); updateShowFilament(); }
public Main() { executeHostCall = new executeHostCommandDelegate(this.executeHostCommand); repetierKey = Custom.BaseKey; // Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Repetier"); repetierKey.SetValue("installPath", Application.StartupPath); if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar != '\\' && IsRunningOnMac()) IsMac = true; /*String[] parms = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); string lastcom = ""; foreach (string s in parms) { if (lastcom == "-home") { repetierKey.SetValue("installPath",s); lastcom = ""; continue; } if (s == "-macosx") IsMac = true; lastcom = s; }*/ main = this; generator = new GCodeGenerator(); globalSettings = new GlobalSettings(); conn = new PrinterConnection(); printerSettings = new FormPrinterSettings(); conn.analyzer.start(); threeDSettings = new ThreeDSettings(); InitializeComponent(); updateShowFilament(); RegMemory.RestoreWindowPos("mainWindow", this); if (WindowState == FormWindowState.Maximized) Application.DoEvents(); splitLog.SplitterDistance = RegMemory.GetInt("logSplitterDistance", splitLog.SplitterDistance); splitInfoEdit.SplitterDistance = RegMemory.GetInt("infoEditSplitterDistance", Width-470); if (IsMono) { if (!IsMac) { foreach (ToolStripItem m in menu.Items) { m.Text = m.Text.Replace("&", null); } } if (IsMac) { /*Application.Events.Quit += delegate (object sender, ApplicationEventArgs e) { Application.Quit (); e.Handled = true; }; ApplicationEvents.Reopen += delegate (object sender, ApplicationEventArgs e) { WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; e.Handled = true; };*/ MinimumSize = new Size(500, 640); tab.MinimumSize = new Size(500, 500); splitLog.Panel1MinSize = 520; splitLog.Panel2MinSize = 100; splitLog.IsSplitterFixed = true; //splitContainerPrinterGraphic.SplitterDistance -= 52; splitLog.SplitterDistance = splitLog.Height - 100; } } slicerToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; splitLog.Panel2Collapsed = !RegMemory.GetBool("logShow", true); conn.eventConnectionChange += OnPrinterConnectionChange; conn.eventPrinterAction += OnPrinterAction; conn.eventJobProgress += OnJobProgress; printPanel = new PrintPanel(); printPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; tabPrint.Controls.Add(printPanel); printerSettings.formToCon(); logView = new LogView(); logView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; splitLog.Panel2.Controls.Add(logView); skeinforge = new Skeinforge(); PrinterChanged(printerSettings.currentPrinterKey, true); printerSettings.eventPrinterChanged += PrinterChanged; // GCode print preview threedview = new ThreeDControl(); threedview.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; tabPage3DView.Controls.Add(threedview); printPreview = new ThreeDView(); // printPreview.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; // splitContainerPrinterGraphic.Panel2.Controls.Add(printPreview); printPreview.SetEditor(false); printPreview.autoupdateable = true; printVisual = new GCodeVisual(conn.analyzer); printVisual.liveView = true; printPreview.models.AddLast(printVisual); basicTitle = Text; jobPreview = new ThreeDView(); // jobPreview.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; // splitJob.Panel2.Controls.Add(jobPreview); jobPreview.SetEditor(false); jobPreview.models.AddLast(jobVisual); editor.contentChangedEvent += JobPreview; editor.commands = new Commands(); editor.commands.Read("default", "en"); UpdateHistory(); UpdateConnections(); Main.slic3r = new Slic3r(); slicer = new Slicer(); //toolShowLog_CheckedChanged(null, null); updateShowFilament(); assign3DView(); history = new TemperatureHistory(); tempView = new TemperatureView(); tempView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; tabPageTemp.Controls.Add(tempView); if (IsMono) showWorkdirectoryToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; new SoundConfig(); stlComposer1.buttonSlice.Text = "Slice with " + slicer.SlicerName; // Customizations if(Custom.GetBool("removeTestgenerator",false)) { internalSlicingParameterToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; testCaseGeneratorToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; } string titleAdd = Custom.GetString("titleAddition", ""); if (titleAdd.Length > 0) { int p = basicTitle.IndexOf(' '); basicTitle = basicTitle.Substring(0, p) + titleAdd + basicTitle.Substring(p); Text = basicTitle; } slicerPanel.UpdateSelection(); }
public Main() { executeHostCall = new executeHostCommandDelegate(this.executeHostCommand); repetierKey = Custom.BaseKey; // Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Repetier"); repetierKey.SetValue("installPath", Application.StartupPath); if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar != '\\' && IsRunningOnMac()) IsMac = true; /*String[] parms = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); string lastcom = ""; foreach (string s in parms) { if (lastcom == "-home") { repetierKey.SetValue("installPath",s); lastcom = ""; continue; } if (s == "-macosx") IsMac = true; lastcom = s; }*/ main = this;; trans = new Trans(Application.StartupPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "data" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "translations"); SwitchButton.imageOffset = RegMemory.GetInt("onOffImageOffset", 0); generator = new GCodeGenerator(); globalSettings = new GlobalSettings(); conn = new PrinterConnection(); printerSettings = new FormPrinterSettings(); printerModel = new PrinterModel(); conn.analyzer.start(true); threeDSettings = new ThreeDSettings(); InitializeComponent(); tdSettings.DataSource = threeDSettings; tdSettings_DataMemberChanged(null, null); editor = new RepetierEditor(); editor.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; tabGCode.Controls.Add(editor); updateShowFilament(); RegMemory.RestoreWindowPos("mainWindow", this); if (WindowState == FormWindowState.Maximized) Application.DoEvents(); splitLog.SplitterDistance = RegMemory.GetInt("logSplitterDistance", splitLog.SplitterDistance); splitInfoEdit.SplitterDistance = RegMemory.GetInt("infoEditSplitterDistance", Width-470); if (IsMono) { if (!IsMac) { foreach (ToolStripItem m in menu.Items) { m.Text = m.Text.Replace("&", null); } } if (IsMac) { /*Application.Events.Quit += delegate (object sender, ApplicationEventArgs e) { Application.Quit (); e.Handled = true; }; ApplicationEvents.Reopen += delegate (object sender, ApplicationEventArgs e) { WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; e.Handled = true; };*/ MinimumSize = new Size(500, 640); tab.MinimumSize = new Size(500, 500); splitLog.Panel1MinSize = 520; splitLog.Panel2MinSize = 100; splitLog.IsSplitterFixed = true; //splitContainerPrinterGraphic.SplitterDistance -= 52; splitLog.SplitterDistance = splitLog.Height - 100; } } slicerToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; splitLog.Panel2Collapsed = !RegMemory.GetBool("logShow", true); splitPrinterId.Panel1Collapsed = !RegMemory.GetBool("printerIdShow", false); conn.eventConnectionChange += OnPrinterConnectionChange; conn.eventPrinterAction += OnPrinterAction; conn.eventJobProgress += OnJobProgress; objectPlacement = new STLComposer(); objectPlacement.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; tabModel.Controls.Add(objectPlacement); printPanel = new PrintPanel(); printPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; tabPrint.Controls.Add(printPanel); printerSettings.formToCon(); logView = new LogView(); logView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; splitLog.Panel2.Controls.Add(logView); skeinforge = new Skeinforge(); PrinterChanged(printerSettings.currentPrinterKey, true); printerSettings.eventPrinterChanged += PrinterChanged; // GCode print preview threedview = new ThreeDControl(); threedview.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; tabPage3DView.Controls.Add(threedview); printPreview = new ThreeDView(); // printPreview.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; // splitContainerPrinterGraphic.Panel2.Controls.Add(printPreview); printPreview.SetEditor(false); printPreview.autoupdateable = true; printVisual = new GCodeVisual(conn.analyzer); printVisual.liveView = true; printPreview.models.AddLast(printVisual); basicTitle = Text; jobPreview = new ThreeDView(); // jobPreview.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; // splitJob.Panel2.Controls.Add(jobPreview); jobPreview.SetEditor(false); jobPreview.models.AddLast(jobVisual); editor.contentChangedEvent += JobPreview; editor.commands = new Commands(); editor.commands.Read("default", "en"); UpdateHistory(); UpdateConnections(); Main.slic3r = new Slic3r(); slicer = new Slicer(); //toolShowLog_CheckedChanged(null, null); updateShowFilament(); assign3DView(); history = new TemperatureHistory(); tempView = new TemperatureView(); tempView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; tabPageTemp.Controls.Add(tempView); if (IsMono) { showWorkdirectoryToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; toolStrip.Height = 56; } new SoundConfig(); //stlComposer1.buttonSlice.Text = Trans.T1("L_SLICE_WITH", slicer.SlicerName); // Customizations if(Custom.GetBool("removeTestgenerator",false)) { internalSlicingParameterToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; testCaseGeneratorToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; } string titleAdd = Custom.GetString("titleAddition", ""); string titlePrefix = Custom.GetString("titlePrefix", ""); if (titleAdd.Length > 0 || titlePrefix.Length>0) { int p = basicTitle.IndexOf(' '); basicTitle = titlePrefix+basicTitle.Substring(0, p) + titleAdd + basicTitle.Substring(p); Text = basicTitle; } slicerPanel.UpdateSelection(); if (Custom.GetBool("removeUpdates", false)) checkForUpdatesToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; else RHUpdater.checkForUpdates(true); UpdateToolbarSize(); // Add languages foreach (Translation t in trans.translations.Values) { ToolStripMenuItem item = new ToolStripMenuItem(t.language,null, languageSelected); item.Tag = t; languageToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.Add(item); } languageChanged += translate; translate(); if (Custom.GetBool("removeSkeinforge", false)) { Main.slicer.ActiveSlicer = Slicer.SlicerID.Slic3r; } if (Custom.GetBool("extraSupportButton", false)) { supportToolStripMenuItem.Text = Custom.GetString("extraSupportText", "Support"); } else { toolStripAskSeperator.Visible = false; supportToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; } if (Custom.GetString("extraLink1Title", "").Length>0) { extraUrl1ToolStripMenuItem.Text = Custom.GetString("extraLink1Title", ""); toolStripAskSeperator.Visible = true; } else extraUrl1ToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; if (Custom.GetString("extraLink2Title", "").Length > 0) { extraUrl2ToolStripMenuItem.Text = Custom.GetString("extraLink2Title", ""); toolStripAskSeperator.Visible = true; } else extraUrl2ToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; if (Custom.GetString("extraLink3Title", "").Length > 0) { extraUrl3ToolStripMenuItem.Text = Custom.GetString("extraLink3Title", ""); toolStripAskSeperator.Visible = true; } else extraUrl3ToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; if (Custom.GetString("extraLink4Title", "").Length > 0) { extraUrl4ToolStripMenuItem.Text = Custom.GetString("extraLink4Title", ""); toolStripAskSeperator.Visible = true; } else extraUrl4ToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; if (Custom.GetString("extraLink5Title", "").Length > 0) { extraUrl5ToolStripMenuItem.Text = Custom.GetString("extraLink5Title", ""); toolStripAskSeperator.Visible = true; } else extraUrl5ToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; string supportImage = Custom.GetString("extraSupportToolbarImage", ""); if (supportImage.Length > 0 && File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + supportImage)) { toolStripButtonSupport.Image = Image.FromFile(Application.StartupPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Custom.GetString("extraSupportToolbarImage", "")); toolStripButtonSupport.Text = Custom.GetString("extraSupportText", "Support"); } else { toolStripButtonSupport.Visible = false; } toolAction.Text = Trans.T("L_IDLE"); toolConnection.Text = Trans.T("L_DISCONNECTED"); updateTravelMoves(); printerIdLabel.Text = printerSettings.comboPrinter.Text; this.AllowDrop = true; this.DragEnter += new DragEventHandler(Form1_DragEnter); this.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler(Form1_DragDrop); extensions.ExtensionManager.Initalize(); if (conn.connector != null) conn.connector.Activate(); //TestTopoTriangle triTests = new TestTopoTriangle(); //triTests.RunTests(); //everything done. Now look at command line ProcessCommandLine(); snapshotToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; setImportUnits(RegMemory.GetDouble("importScaleFactor", importScaleFactor)); }
private void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (conn.connector.IsJobRunning()) { PreventSleepmode(); } if (newVisual != null) { jobPreview.models.RemoveLast(); jobVisual.Clear(); jobVisual = newVisual; jobPreview.models.AddLast(jobVisual); threedview.UpdateChanges(); newVisual = null; editor.toolUpdating.Text = ""; if (Main.main.gcodePrintingTime > 0) { Main.main.editor.printingTime = Main.main.gcodePrintingTime; int sec = (int)(Main.main.editor.printingTime * (1 + 0.01 * Main.conn.addPrintingTime)); int hours = sec / 3600; sec -= 3600 * hours; int min = sec / 60; sec -= min * 60; StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); if (hours > 0) s.Append(Trans.T1("L_TIME_H:", hours.ToString())); //"h:"); if (min > 0 || hours > 0) s.Append(Trans.T1("L_TIME_M:", min.ToString())); s.Append(Trans.T1("L_TIME_S", sec.ToString())); Main.main.editor.toolPrintingTime.Text = Trans.T1("L_PRINTING_TIME:", s.ToString()); } editor.UpdateLayerInfo(); editor.MaxLayer = editor.getContentArray(0).Last<GCodeShort>().layer; } if (recalcJobPreview && jobPreviewThreadFinished) { previewArray0 = new List<GCodeShort>(); previewArray1 = new List<GCodeShort>(); previewArray2 = new List<GCodeShort>(); previewArray0.AddRange(((RepetierEditor.Content)editor.toolFile.Items[1]).textArray); previewArray1.AddRange(((RepetierEditor.Content)editor.toolFile.Items[0]).textArray); previewArray2.AddRange(((RepetierEditor.Content)editor.toolFile.Items[2]).textArray); recalcJobPreview = false; jobPreviewThreadFinished = false; JobUpdater workerObject = new JobUpdater(); editor.toolUpdating.Text = Trans.T("L_UPDATING..."); // "Updating ..."; previewThread = new Thread(workerObject.DoWork); previewThread.Start(); } if (refreshCounter > 0) { if (--refreshCounter == 0) { Invalidate(); } } }
private void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (newVisual != null) { jobPreview.models.RemoveLast(); jobVisual.Clear(); jobVisual = newVisual; jobPreview.models.AddLast(jobVisual); jobPreview.UpdateChanges(); newVisual = null; editor.toolUpdating.Text = ""; } if (recalcJobPreview && jobPreviewThreadFinished) { recalcJobPreview = false; jobPreviewThreadFinished = false; JobUpdater workerObject = new JobUpdater(); editor.toolUpdating.Text = "Updating ..."; previewThread = new Thread(workerObject.DoWork); previewThread.Start(); } if (refreshCounter > 0) { if (--refreshCounter == 0) { Invalidate(); } } }
private void RedrawCurrentCheckpoint() { if (checkpoints.GetCurrent() != null && checkBoxPreviewCheckpoint.Checked) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); GCodeVisual gcodeVisual = new GCodeVisual(); gcodeVisual.showSelection = true; gcodeVisual.minLayer = 0; gcodeVisual.maxLayer = 999999; Main.main.checkpointsView = new ThreeDView(); Main.main.checkpointsView.editor = false; Main.main.checkpointsView.models.AddLast(gcodeVisual); Main.main.assign3DView(); gcodeVisual.parseGCodeShortArray(ToGCodeShortArray(checkpoints.GetCurrent().GetCodeAlreadyExecuted()), false, 0); gcodeVisual.Reduce(); sw.Stop(); } }
public void UpdateVBO(bool buffer) { if (pointsCount < 2) { return; } if (hasBuf) { GL.DeleteBuffers(3, buf); } hasBuf = false; int method = Main.threeDSettings.filamentVisualization; float h = Main.threeDSettings.layerHeight; float wfac = Main.threeDSettings.widthOverHeight; float w = h * wfac; bool fixedH = Main.threeDSettings.useLayerHeight; float dfac = (float)(Math.PI * Main.threeDSettings.filamentDiameter * Main.threeDSettings.filamentDiameter * 0.25 / wfac); int nv = 8 * (method - 1), i; if (method == 1) { nv = 4; } if (method == 0) { nv = 1; } int n = nv * (method == 0 ? 1 : 2) * (pointsCount - pointsLists.Count); //if (method != 0) positions = new float[n * 3]; else positions = new float[3 * pointsCount]; //if (method != 0) normals = new float[n * 3]; else normals = null; if (method != 0) { positions = new float[pointsCount * nv * 3]; } else { positions = new float[3 * pointsCount]; } if (method != 0) { normals = new float[pointsCount * nv * 3]; } else { normals = null; } if (method != 0) { elements = new int[(pointsCount - pointsLists.Count) * nv * 4 + pointsLists.Count * (nv - 2) * 4]; } else { elements = new int[n * 2]; } int pos = 0; int npos = 0; int vpos = 0; if (method > 0) { float alpha, dalpha = (float)Math.PI * 2f / nv; float[] dir = new float[3]; float[] dirs = new float[3]; float[] diru = new float[3]; float[] norm = new float[3]; float[] lastdir = new float[3]; float[] actdir = new float[3]; float laste = 0; float dh = 0.5f * h; float dw = 0.5f * w; bool first = true; Vector3 last = new Vector3(); w *= 0.5f; int nv2 = 2 * nv; foreach (LinkedList <GCodePoint> points in pointsLists) { if (points.Count < 2) { continue; } first = true; LinkedListNode <GCodePoint> ptNode = points.First; while (ptNode != null) { GCodePoint pt = ptNode.Value; GCodePoint ptn = null; if (ptNode.Next != null) { ptn = ptNode.Next.Value; } ptNode = ptNode.Next; Vector3 v = pt.p; if (first) { last = v; laste = pt.e; lastdir[0] = actdir[0] = ptn.p.X - v.X; lastdir[1] = actdir[1] = ptn.p.Y - v.Y; lastdir[2] = actdir[2] = ptn.p.Z - v.Z; GCodeVisual.normalize(ref lastdir); // first = false; // continue; } else { bool isLast = pt == points.Last.Value; if (isLast) { actdir[0] = v.X - last.X; actdir[1] = v.Y - last.Y; actdir[2] = v.Z - last.Z; } else { actdir[0] = ptn.p.X - v.X; actdir[1] = ptn.p.Y - v.Y; actdir[2] = ptn.p.Z - v.Z; } } if (!fixedH) { float dist = (float)Math.Sqrt(actdir[0] * actdir[0] + actdir[1] * actdir[1] + actdir[2] * actdir[2]); if (dist > 0) { h = (float)Math.Sqrt((pt.e - laste) * dfac / dist); w = h * wfac; dh = 0.5f * h; dw = 0.5f * w; } } GCodeVisual.normalize(ref actdir); dir[0] = actdir[0] + lastdir[0]; dir[1] = actdir[1] + lastdir[1]; dir[2] = actdir[2] + lastdir[2]; GCodeVisual.normalize(ref dir); float zoomw = dir[0] * lastdir[0] + dir[1] * lastdir[1] + dir[2] * lastdir[2]; lastdir[0] = actdir[0]; lastdir[1] = actdir[1]; lastdir[2] = actdir[2]; dirs[0] = -dir[1]; dirs[1] = dir[0]; dirs[2] = dir[2]; diru[0] = diru[1] = 0; diru[2] = 1; alpha = 0; float c, s; int b = vpos / 3 - nv; for (i = 0; i < nv; i++) { c = (float)Math.Cos(alpha) * dh; s = (float)Math.Sin(alpha) * dw / zoomw; norm[0] = (float)(s * dirs[0] + c * diru[0]); norm[1] = (float)(s * dirs[1] + c * diru[1]); norm[2] = (float)(s * dirs[2] + c * diru[2]); GCodeVisual.normalize(ref norm); if (!first) { elements[pos++] = b + (i + 1) % nv; //2 elements[pos++] = b + i; //1 elements[pos++] = b + i + nv; //4 elements[pos++] = b + (i + 1) % nv + nv; //3 } normals[npos++] = norm[0]; normals[npos++] = norm[1]; normals[npos++] = norm[2]; positions[vpos++] = v.X + s * dirs[0] + c * diru[0]; positions[vpos++] = v.Y + s * dirs[1] + c * diru[1]; positions[vpos++] = v.Z - dh + s * dirs[2] + c * diru[2]; alpha += dalpha; } if (first || ptNode == null) // Draw cap { b = vpos / 3 - nv; int nn = (nv - 2) / 2; for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) { if (first) { elements[pos++] = b + i; elements[pos++] = b + i + 1; elements[pos++] = b + nv - i - 2; elements[pos++] = b + nv - i - 1; } else { elements[pos++] = b + nv - i - 1; elements[pos++] = b + nv - i - 2; elements[pos++] = b + i + 1; elements[pos++] = b + i; } } } last = v; laste = pt.e; first = false; } } if (buffer) { GL.GenBuffers(3, buf); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, buf[0]); GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, (IntPtr)(positions.Length * sizeof(float)), positions, BufferUsageHint.StaticDraw); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, buf[1]); GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, (IntPtr)(normals.Length * sizeof(float)), normals, BufferUsageHint.StaticDraw); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, buf[2]); GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, (IntPtr)(elements.Length * sizeof(int)), elements, BufferUsageHint.StaticDraw); // GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, 0); hasBuf = true; } } else { // Draw edges bool first = true; foreach (LinkedList <GCodePoint> points in pointsLists) { first = true; foreach (GCodePoint pt in points) { Vector3 v = pt.p; positions[vpos++] = v.X; positions[vpos++] = v.Y; positions[vpos++] = v.Z; if (!first) { elements[pos] = pos / 2; elements[pos + 1] = pos / 2 + 1; pos += 2; } first = false; } } if (buffer) { GL.GenBuffers(3, buf); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, buf[0]); GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, (IntPtr)(positions.Length * sizeof(float)), positions, BufferUsageHint.StaticDraw); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, buf[2]); GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, (IntPtr)(elements.Length * sizeof(int)), elements, BufferUsageHint.StaticDraw); hasBuf = true; } } drawMethod = method; }
public void UpdateVBO() { if (points.Count < 2) { return; } if (elements != null) { GL.DeleteBuffers(3, buf); } int method = Main.threeDSettings.filamentVisualization; float h = Main.threeDSettings.layerHeight; float w = h * Main.threeDSettings.widthOverHeight; int nv = 8 * (method - 1), i; if (method == 1) { nv = 4; } if (method == 0) { nv = 1; } int n = nv * (method == 0 ? 1 : 2) * (points.Count - 1); if (method != 0) { positions = new float[n * 3]; } else { positions = new float[3 * points.Count]; } if (method != 0) { normals = new float[n * 3]; } else { normals = null; } if (method != 0) { elements = new int[(points.Count - 1) * nv * 4]; } else { elements = new int[n * 2]; } int pos = 0; int npos = 0; int vpos = 0; if (method > 0) { float alpha, dalpha = (float)Math.PI * 2f / nv; float[] dir = new float[3]; float[] dirs = new float[3]; float[] diru = new float[3]; float[] norm = new float[3]; float dh = 0.5f * h; float dw = 0.5f * w; bool first = true; Vector3 last = new Vector3(); w *= 0.5f; int nv2 = 2 * nv; foreach (Vector3 v in points) { if (first) { last = v; first = false; continue; } bool isLast = v == points.Last.Value; dir[0] = v.X - last.X; dir[1] = v.Y - last.Y; dir[2] = v.Z - last.Z; GCodeVisual.normalize(ref dir); dirs[0] = -dir[1]; dirs[1] = dir[0]; dirs[2] = dir[2]; diru[0] = diru[1] = 0; diru[2] = 1; alpha = 0; float c, s; int b = vpos / 3; for (i = 0; i < nv; i++) { c = (float)Math.Cos(alpha) * dh; s = (float)Math.Sin(alpha) * dw; norm[0] = (float)(s * dirs[0] + c * diru[0]); norm[1] = (float)(s * dirs[1] + c * diru[1]); norm[2] = (float)(s * dirs[2] + c * diru[2]); GCodeVisual.normalize(ref norm); elements[pos++] = b + i * 2; //1 elements[pos++] = b + (i * 2 + nv2 - 2) % nv2; //2 elements[pos++] = b + (i * 2 + nv2 - 1) % nv2; //3 elements[pos++] = b + (i * 2 + 1); //4 normals[npos++] = norm[0]; normals[npos++] = norm[1]; normals[npos++] = norm[2]; normals[npos++] = norm[0]; normals[npos++] = norm[1]; normals[npos++] = norm[2]; positions[vpos++] = last.X + s * dirs[0] + c * diru[0]; positions[vpos++] = last.Y + s * dirs[1] + c * diru[1]; positions[vpos++] = last.Z - dh + s * dirs[2] + c * diru[2]; positions[vpos++] = v.X + s * dirs[0] + c * diru[0]; positions[vpos++] = v.Y + s * dirs[1] + c * diru[1]; positions[vpos++] = v.Z - dh + s * dirs[2] + c * diru[2]; alpha += dalpha; } last = v; } GL.GenBuffers(3, buf); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, buf[0]); GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, (IntPtr)(positions.Length * sizeof(float)), positions, BufferUsageHint.StaticDraw); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, buf[1]); GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, (IntPtr)(normals.Length * sizeof(float)), normals, BufferUsageHint.StaticDraw); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, buf[2]); GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, (IntPtr)(elements.Length * sizeof(int)), elements, BufferUsageHint.StaticDraw); } else { // Draw edges bool first = true; foreach (Vector3 v in points) { positions[vpos++] = v.X; positions[vpos++] = v.Y; positions[vpos++] = v.Z; if (!first) { elements[pos] = pos / 2; elements[pos + 1] = pos / 2 + 1; pos += 2; } first = false; } GL.GenBuffers(3, buf); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, buf[0]); GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, (IntPtr)(positions.Length * sizeof(float)), positions, BufferUsageHint.StaticDraw); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, buf[2]); GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, (IntPtr)(elements.Length * sizeof(int)), elements, BufferUsageHint.StaticDraw); } drawMethod = method; }