public void AsyncCommand(string cmd, string parameter) { var commandInfo = new CommandInfo { Command = cmd, Parameter = parameter }; _parent.Log("JRiver: MPC REMOTE ********************"); var bw = new BackgroundWorker(); bw.DoWork += AsyncCommandWorker; bw.RunWorkerAsync(commandInfo); }
public void RefreshNowPlaying() { lock (Locker) { if (_parent.IsConnected()) { try { _parent.Log("JRiver: Commencing NowPlaying Check for NowPlaying Screen Update"); string NPurl = "http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + "/MCWS/v1/Playback/Info?Zone=-1" + "&Token=" + _parent.JRiverAuthToken; var request = WebRequest.Create(NPurl); //var newPlayback = false; request.Headers.Add("Token", _parent.JRiverAuthToken); var response = request.GetResponse(); if (((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { // Use MPC Remote _parent.MpcLoaded = true; // Get the stream containing content returned by the server. System.IO.Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream(); // Open the stream using a StreamReader. System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(dataStream); XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Jriver.Api.InfoZone.Response)); var deserialized = (Jriver.Api.InfoZone.Response)serializer.Deserialize(reader); //_parent.Log("InfoZone: " + reader.ReadToEnd().ToString()); var playbackState = getItemName(deserialized, "State"); _parent.Log("Jriver: Player State:" + playbackState); _parent.Log("Jriver: isNewMedia:" + _nowPlaying.IsNewMedia); if (playbackState == "1") { _nowPlaying.IsPaused = true; _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false; } if (playbackState == "2") { _nowPlaying.IsPaused = false; _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = true; } if (playbackState == "0") { _nowPlaying.FileName = ""; _nowPlaying.Title = ""; _nowPlaying.IsPaused = false; _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false; // _nowPlaying.FanartURL = ""; // _nowPlaying.ThumbURL = ""; // _nowPlaying.IsNewMedia = false; _parent.Log("JRiver Log: Nothing is Playing"); return; } _nowPlaying.Title = String.IsNullOrEmpty(getItemName(deserialized, "Name")) ? "Blank" : getItemName(deserialized, "Name"); _parent.Log("JRiver:NP NowPlaying.title:" + _nowPlaying.Title); var fileFields = getFileInfo(getItemName(deserialized, "FileKey")); _nowPlaying.FileName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(getFieldValue(fileFields, "Filename")) ? "NotGiven" : getFieldValue(fileFields, "Filename"); if (_nowPlaying.IsNewMedia) { _parent.Log("JRiver: newPlayback or NewMedia is True:"); // // Console.WriteLine("" +; // // Console.WriteLine("" + server.chapterSource); _nowPlaying.Director = String.IsNullOrEmpty(getFieldValue(fileFields, "Director")) ? "Unknown" : getFieldValue(fileFields, "Director");; _parent.Log("JRiver:NP NowPlaying.Director:" + _nowPlaying.Director); // // Console.WriteLine("" + server.duration); // // Console.WriteLine("" + server.grandparentArt); _nowPlaying.Plot = String.IsNullOrEmpty(getFieldValue(fileFields, "Tag Line")) ? "" : getFieldValue(fileFields, "Tag Line"); _parent.Log("JRiver:NP NowPlaying.Plot:" + _nowPlaying.Plot); _parent.Log("JRiver:NP NowPlaying.FileName:" + _nowPlaying.FileName); // _nowPlaying.Title = String.IsNullOrEmpty(server.title) ? "" : server.title; // _parent.Log("Plex:NP NowPlaying.Title:" + _nowPlaying.Title); // // Make changes here to recognise ts recordings as TV and use regex to populate season/episode dat var mediaSubType = getFieldValue(fileFields, "Media Sub Type"); var mediaType = getFieldValue(fileFields, "Media Type"); _parent.Log("JRiver: mediaSubType:" + mediaSubType); _parent.Log("JRiver: mediaType:" + mediaType); if (mediaType == "Video") { if (mediaSubType == "TV Show") { _nowPlaying.MediaType = "TvShow"; } else { _nowPlaying.MediaType = "Movie"; } } else if (mediaType == "Audio") { _nowPlaying.MediaType = "Audio"; } else if (mediaType == "TV") { _nowPlaying.MediaType = "Movie"; _nowPlaying.FileName = ReplaceInvalidChars(_nowPlaying.FileName); } else { _nowPlaying.MediaType = "Movie"; } _parent.Log("JRiver:NP NowPlaying.MediaType:" + _nowPlaying.MediaType); if (_nowPlaying.MediaType == "TvShow") { int SeasonNumber = 0; int EpisodeNumber = 0; int.TryParse(getFieldValue(fileFields, "Season"), out SeasonNumber); int.TryParse(getFieldValue(fileFields, "Episode"), out EpisodeNumber); _nowPlaying.SeasonNumber = SeasonNumber; _nowPlaying.EpisodeNumber = EpisodeNumber; _nowPlaying.Plot = getFieldValue(fileFields, "Description"); _nowPlaying.ShowTitle = String.IsNullOrEmpty(getFieldValue(fileFields, "Series")) ? "Blank" : getFieldValue(fileFields, "Series"); _parent.Log("JRiver:NP NowPlaying.Showtitle:" + _nowPlaying.ShowTitle); } // _nowPlaying.FirstAired = String.IsNullOrEmpty(getFieldValue(fileFields, "Date")) ? "NotGiven" : getFieldValue(fileFields, "Filename"); ; var serverArt = getItemName(deserialized, "ImageURL"); _parent.Log("JRiver: server.Art EQUALS ===========" + serverArt); // var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var extrafanart = false; var filePath = "BAD"; try { filePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(_nowPlaying.FileName); extrafanart = true; //Path Seems to be okay _parent.Log("JRIVER: nowPlaying filePath appears intact "); } catch { _parent.Log("JRIVER: nowPlaying Bad filePath: Caught: "); extrafanart = false; filePath = "BAD"; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)) { filePath = "BAD"; } string[] files = new string[] { }; try { if (extrafanart) { files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(filePath); } else { files = new string[] { "Empty" }; } } catch { _parent.Log("JRIVER: Caught exception with GetFiles/FilePath. "); extrafanart = false; filePath = "BAD"; files = new string[] { "Empty" }; } string extrafanartbackdropfile = ""; if (extrafanart) { var extrafanartpath = Path.Combine(filePath, "extrafanart"); _parent.Log("JRiver: nowPlaying extrafanartPath to check equals:" + extrafanartpath); if (Directory.Exists(extrafanartpath)) { var extrafanartFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(extrafanartpath, "*.jpg"); _parent.Log("JRiver: nowPlaying extrafanartPath Exists:"); _parent.Log("JRiver: extrafanart Files: " + string.Join(", ", extrafanartFiles)); // check files if (extrafanartFiles != null && extrafanartFiles.Length > 0) { extrafanart = true; // get random item var idx = new Random().Next(extrafanartFiles.Length); _parent.Log("JRiver: ExtrafanartFiles Index ==============" + idx); extrafanartbackdropfile = extrafanartFiles[idx]; _parent.Log("JRiver: extrabackdropfile ==============" + extrafanartbackdropfile); } } } if (filePath != "BAD") { var fanartPath = Path.Combine(filePath, "fanart.jpg"); var LogoPath = Path.Combine(filePath, "logo.png"); var ThumbPath = Path.Combine(filePath, "poster.jpg"); var ThumbPath2 = Path.Combine(filePath, "folder.jpg"); string CustomArt = "Default."; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_nowPlaying.FileName)) { CustomArt = _nowPlaying.FileName.Remove(_nowPlaying.FileName.LastIndexOf('.')); // remove characters up to . deals with .ts and .mp4 } CustomArt = CustomArt + ".jpg"; _parent.Log("Jriver: CustomArt: Check: " + CustomArt); _parent.Log("JRiver: ** filePath ** :" + filePath); //_parent.Log("JRiver: Files in path:" + string.Join(", ", files) ); _parent.Log("JRiver: Checking.... ** fanArt.Jpg ** ** Logo.Png ** ** poster.Jpg ** ** folder.jpg ** :"); int pos = Array.IndexOf(files, fanartPath); if (extrafanart == true && extrafanartbackdropfile != "") { _nowPlaying.FanartURL = extrafanartbackdropfile; } else if (pos > -1) { _nowPlaying.FanartURL = files[pos]; //if fanart.jpg exisits in directory with movie use this otherwise default to JRiver Thumb } else { _nowPlaying.FanartURL = @"http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + @"/" + serverArt + "&Type=Full&Token=" + _parent.JRiverAuthToken; } pos = Array.IndexOf(files, LogoPath); if (pos > -1) { _nowPlaying.LogoURL = files[pos]; } else { _nowPlaying.LogoURL = ""; } pos = Array.IndexOf(files, ThumbPath); int pos2 = Array.IndexOf(files, ThumbPath2); int pos3 = Array.IndexOf(files, CustomArt); if (pos > -1) { _nowPlaying.ThumbURL = files[pos]; } else if (pos2 > -1) { _nowPlaying.ThumbURL = files[pos2]; } else if (pos3 > -1) { _nowPlaying.ThumbURL = files[pos3]; } else { // _nowPlaying.FanartURL = @"http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + @"/"+ serverArt + "&Type=Full&Token="+_parent.JRiverAuthToken; _nowPlaying.ThumbURL = @"http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + @"/" + serverArt + "&Type=Full&Token=" + _parent.JRiverAuthToken; } //sw.Stop(); } else // No filePath information. Nothing to get except http file from Jrvier { _nowPlaying.FanartURL = @"http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + @"/" + serverArt + "&Type=Full&Token=" + _parent.JRiverAuthToken; _nowPlaying.ThumbURL = @"http://" + _parent.IP + ":" + _parent.Port + @"/" + serverArt + "&Type=Full&Token=" + _parent.JRiverAuthToken; _nowPlaying.LogoURL = ""; } // _parent.Log("JRIVER: STOPWATCH: Elapsed MS " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); _parent.Log("JRiver: nowPlaying Fanart equals:" + _nowPlaying.FanartURL); _parent.Log("JRiver: nowPlaying Logo equals:" + _nowPlaying.LogoURL); _parent.Log("JRiver: nowPlaying Thumb equals:" + _nowPlaying.ThumbURL); _nowPlaying.Studio = String.IsNullOrEmpty(getFieldValue(fileFields, "Studios")) ? "" : getFieldValue(fileFields, "Studios"); _parent.Log("JRiver:NP NowPlaying.Studio:" + _nowPlaying.Studio); _nowPlaying.Genre = String.IsNullOrEmpty(getFieldValue(fileFields, "Genre")) ? "" : getFieldValue(fileFields, "Genre"); _parent.Log("JRiver:NP NowPlaying.Genre:" + _nowPlaying.Genre); if (_nowPlaying.MediaType == "TvShow" || _nowPlaying.MediaType == "Movie") { List <string> MovieIcons = new List <string>(); MovieIcons = GetMovieIcons(fileFields); _nowPlaying.MovieIcons = String.Join(",", MovieIcons); _parent.Log("JRiver:NP NowPlaying.MovieIcons:" + _nowPlaying.MovieIcons); } } var Volume = getItemName(deserialized, "VolumeDisplay"); //Volume if (Volume == "Muted") { _nowPlaying.IsMuted = true; } else { _nowPlaying.IsMuted = false; int VolumeInt = 0; int.TryParse(Volume.Remove(Volume.Length - 1), out VolumeInt); try { _parent.Log("JRiver:Volume: VolumeDisplay Equals:" + Volume); _nowPlaying.Volume = VolumeInt; } catch (Exception ex) { _parent.Log("Exception in Volume Conversion:" + ex); } } _parent.Log("JRiver:NP NowPlaying.title:" + _nowPlaying.Title); if (Convert.ToUInt64(getItemName(deserialized, "DurationMS")) > 0) { // duration for Plex given in millseconds - convert to seconds and round // Convert Duration to Timespan with seconds only var RoundSeconds = Math.Round(Convert.ToInt64(getItemName(deserialized, "DurationMS")) / 1000.00, 1); _nowPlaying.Duration = new TimeSpan(0, Convert.ToInt32("0"), Convert.ToInt32("0"), Convert.ToInt32(RoundSeconds)); } _parent.Log("JRiver:NP server.Media.Duration:" + getItemName(deserialized, "DurationMS") + ": _nowPlaying.Duration (calculated) :" + _nowPlaying.Duration); var RoundOffset = Math.Round(Convert.ToInt64(getItemName(deserialized, "PositionMS")) / 1000.00, 1); _nowPlaying.Time = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, Convert.ToInt32(RoundOffset)); _parent.Log("JRiver:NP NowPlaying.Time:" + _nowPlaying.Time + "Calcuated on server.viewOffset:" + getItemName(deserialized, "PositionMS")); var percent = Math.Floor(100.0 * Convert.ToInt32("0" + getItemName(deserialized, "PositionMS"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / Convert.ToInt32("0" + getItemName(deserialized, "DurationMS"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (Double.IsNaN(percent)) { percent = 0; } _nowPlaying.Progress = (int)percent; _parent.Log("JRiver:NP NowPlaying.Progress:" + _nowPlaying.Progress); // if (server.type == "episode") // { // _nowPlaying.EpisodeNumber = Convert.ToInt32(server.index); // _nowPlaying.SeasonNumber = Convert.ToInt32(server.parentIndex); // } if (_nowPlaying.MediaType == "Audio") { _nowPlaying.Artist = String.IsNullOrEmpty(getItemName(deserialized, "Artist")) ? "Unknown" : getItemName(deserialized, "Artist"); _nowPlaying.Album = String.IsNullOrEmpty(getItemName(deserialized, "Album")) ? "Unknown" : getItemName(deserialized, "Album"); _nowPlaying.Track = String.IsNullOrEmpty(getItemName(deserialized, "PlayingNowTracks")) ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(getItemName(deserialized, "PlayingNowTracks")); } // _nowPlaying.LogoURL = ""; // _nowPlaying.MovieIcons = ""; _parent.Log("JRiver Remote: Filename" + _nowPlaying.FileName + " IsPlaying :" + _nowPlaying.IsPlaying + " IsPaused :" + _nowPlaying.IsPaused + " MediaType :" + _nowPlaying.MediaType); // // check for endwith ts filename // // actually check for mpegts // // may be recorded movies in mpegts format as well..... // // check for regex s00e00 contents - and when both present swap // // Change of plans - run for all files regardless of type and regardless of mediacontainer // if (1==1) //(server.Media.container == "mpegts" && server.type == "movie") // { // _parent.Log("Plex Remote: New changing recorded TV to TV Shows and extracting season/episode data"); // Regex regex = new Regex(@"[Ss](?<season>\d{1,2})[Ee](?<episode>\d{1,2})"); // _parent.Log("Plex Remote: Server Title Equals:" + server.title); // if (server.title != null) // { // Match match = regex.Match(server.title); // if (match.Success) // { // _nowPlaying.MediaType = "TvShow"; // _nowPlaying.SeasonNumber = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["season"].Value); // _nowPlaying.EpisodeNumber = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["episode"].Value); // _parent.Log("Plex Remote: Regex TV Conversion: From :" + server.title); // //string replacement = "`$``"; // //string newtitle = replacement; // // string newtitle = regex.Replace(server.title, replacement); // string[] lines = Regex.Split(server.title, @"[Ss](?<season>\d{1,2})[Ee](?<episode>\d{1,2})"); // string title1 = lines[0]; // string newtitle = title1.Replace(".", " "); // _parent.Log("Plex Remote: New title equals :" + newtitle); // //_nowPlaying.ShowTitle = newtitle; // _nowPlaying.Title = newtitle; // } // } // } // return; // } //} // // if no local Client Playback then nothing Playing // _nowPlaying.FileName = ""; // _nowPlaying.Title = ""; // _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false; // _nowPlaying.IsPaused = false; // _nowPlaying.IsPlaying = false; // _nowPlaying.IsNewMedia = false; // _parent.Log("Plex Log 2nd: Nothing is Playing"); // return; //} } } catch (Exception ex) { _parent.Log("Exception in NowPlaying Jriver System" + ex); } } } }
public void StopAsync() { _parent.Log("Cancelling downloads"); _workerDownloads.CancelAsync(); }