Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// If the visit does not have a SocialHistory, then it returns a newly created SocialHistory,
        /// else, it returns an existing one from the visit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="visit">The visit.</param>
        /// <returns>A SocialHistory.</returns>
        public SocialHistory CreateSocialHistory(Visit visit)
            Check.IsNotNull(visit, "visit is required.");

            //NOTE : There can be only one 'Social History' per visit.
            SocialHistory socialHistory;

            var existingSocialHistory = _socialHistoryRepository.GetSocialHistoryInVisit(visit.Key);

            if (existingSocialHistory != null)
                socialHistory = existingSocialHistory;
                var type = _lookupValueRepository.GetLookupByWellKnownName <ActivityType> (WellKnownNames.VisitModule.ActivityType.SocialHistory);
                socialHistory = new SocialHistory(visit, type);

 /// <summary>
 /// Destroys the social history.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="socialHistory">The social history.</param>
 public void DestroySocialHistory( SocialHistory socialHistory )
     _socialHistoryRepository.MakeTransient ( socialHistory );
        /// <summary>
        /// If the visit does not have a SocialHistory, then it returns a newly created SocialHistory,
        /// else, it returns an existing one from the visit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="visit">The visit.</param>
        /// <returns>A SocialHistory.</returns>
        public SocialHistory CreateSocialHistory( Visit visit )
            Check.IsNotNull ( visit, "visit is required." );

            //NOTE : There can be only one 'Social History' per visit.
            SocialHistory socialHistory;

            var existingSocialHistory = _socialHistoryRepository.GetSocialHistoryInVisit(visit.Key);

            if (existingSocialHistory != null)
                socialHistory = existingSocialHistory;
                var type = _lookupValueRepository.GetLookupByWellKnownName<ActivityType> ( WellKnownNames.VisitModule.ActivityType.SocialHistory );
                socialHistory = new SocialHistory ( visit, type );

                _socialHistoryRepository.MakePersistent ( socialHistory );
            return socialHistory;
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Destroys the social history.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="socialHistory">The social history.</param>
 public void DestroySocialHistory(SocialHistory socialHistory)
Exemple #5
        private static void AddSocialHistory(
            C32Dto dto, Visit visit, SocialHistory socialHistory, OriginalTextCodedConceptDto socialHistoryTypeDto )
            var socialHistoryEntryDto = new SocialHistoryEntryDto ();
            socialHistoryEntryDto.SocialHistoryId = new IIDataTransferObject { Root = socialHistory.Key.ToString () };

            socialHistoryEntryDto.SocialHistoryTime = new OperatorDateTimeDto
                    Date = visit.AppointmentDateTimeRange.StartDateTime.ToString ( "yyyyMMdd" )
            socialHistoryEntryDto.SocialHistoryType = socialHistoryTypeDto;

            if ( dto.Body.SocialHistory == null )
                dto.Body.SocialHistory = new C32Gen.DataTransferObject.SocialHistoryDto ();
            if ( dto.Body.SocialHistory.SocialHistoryEntries == null )
                dto.Body.SocialHistory.SocialHistoryEntries = new List<SocialHistoryEntryDto> ();
            dto.Body.SocialHistory.SocialHistoryEntries.Add ( socialHistoryEntryDto );