Exemple #1
 public override void AddAuto(UIComponent comp)
Exemple #2
 protected override void SelfRemove(UIComponent comp)
Exemple #3
 public virtual void AddAuto(UIComponent child)
     // some uicomponents expose an auto ordering system
     // TODO: move that system from uipanel / uiautolist to uicomponent itself??
Exemple #4
 protected virtual void SelfRemove(UIComponent comp)
     // override if needed
Exemple #5
        protected override void SelfInit()
            BackgroundColor  = Style.BackgroundColor;
            BackgroundColor2 = Style.SecondaryBackgroundColor;
            BorderColor      = Style.BackgroundAccent;
            BorderWidth      = Style.BorderWidth;
            OuterBorderColor = Style.BackgroundAccent;
            OuterBorderWidth = Style.BorderWidth;

            if (OldAutoComponents != AutoComponents)
                DoneAuto = false;
                AutoOriginalPositions = new Dictionary <int, Vector2>();

            // handle auto components
            int totalheight = (int)InnerY;
            int totalwidth  = (int)InnerX;
            int ax          = 0; // GetInnerX();
            int ay          = 0; // GetInnerY();

            for (int c = 0; c < AutoComponents.Count; c++)
                UIComponent comp = AutoComponents[c];
                // if auto has already happened, we need to revert the components to their original
                // positions before spacing them again.
                if (!DoneAuto || !AutoOriginalPositions.ContainsKey(c))
                    AutoOriginalPositions.Add(c, new Vector2(comp.x, comp.y));
                    comp.x = AutoOriginalPositions[c].X;
                    comp.y = AutoOriginalPositions[c].Y;
                comp.x += ax + MarginX;
                comp.y += ay + MarginY;
                int wid = FixedWidthPerIndex > 0 ? FixedWidthPerIndex : comp.GetWidth();
                int hei = FixedHeightPerIndex > 0 ? FixedHeightPerIndex : comp.GetHeight();
                if (AutoOrientation == eUIOrientation.HORIZONTAL)
                    if (c > 0) // skip adding extra margin to the first element
                        ax         += wid + MarginX;
                        totalwidth += wid + MarginX * 2;
                        ax         += wid;
                        totalwidth += wid + MarginX;
                    if ((int)InnerY + hei + MarginY * 2 > totalheight)
                        totalheight = (int)InnerY + hei + MarginY * 2;
                else if (AutoOrientation == eUIOrientation.VERTICAL)
                    if (c > 0) // skip adding extra margin to the first element
                        ay          += hei + MarginY;
                        totalheight += hei + MarginY * 2;
                        ay          += hei;
                        totalheight += hei + MarginY;
                    if ((int)InnerX + wid + MarginX * 2 > totalwidth)
                        totalwidth = (int)InnerX + wid + MarginX * 2;
            DoneAuto          = true;
            OldAutoComponents = AutoComponents;

            Width  = totalwidth;
            Height = totalheight;
            if (MaxHeight != 0 && Height > MaxHeight)
                Height = MaxHeight;
            if (MaxWidth != 0 && Width > MaxWidth)
                Width = MaxWidth;

            if (LeftAlign)
                x = MaxWidth - Width;
            if (BottomAlign)
                y = MaxHeight - Height;

            // exceptions occur if list is empty & these are 0, so clamp them at 1
            if (Width == 0)
                Width = 1;
            if (Height == 0)
                Height = 1;
Exemple #6
        public override void Render(float elapsedms, GraphicsDevice g, SpriteBatch sb, InputManager input, float dx, float dy)
            // note: this component overwrites the base render logic
            Rectangle oldrect = RenderTargetScope.Open(sb, (int)Math.Floor(dx + x), (int)Math.Floor(dy + y), Width, Height);

                dx += x;
                dy += y;
                SelfRender(elapsedms, g, sb, input, dx, dy);
                if (ComponentsVisible)
                    int count  = 0;
                    int totalw = 0;
                    int totalh = 0;
                    for (int i = StartingIndex; i < Components.Count &&
                         (MaxIndex == -1 || i <= MaxIndex) &&
                         (MaxCount == -1 || count < MaxCount); i++)
                        UIComponent u = Components[i];
                        if (u.Visible)
                            int uw = 0;
                            int uh = 0;
                            if (AutoOrientation == eUIOrientation.HORIZONTAL)
                                u.y = MarginY;
                                uh  = Height - MarginY * 2;
                                if (FixedWidthPerIndex > 0)
                                    u.x = MarginX + count * (MarginX * 2 + FixedWidthPerIndex);
                                    uw  = FixedWidthPerIndex;
                                    u.x     = MarginX + totalw;
                                    totalw += u.GetWidth() + MarginX * 2;
                                    uw      = u.GetWidth();
                                u.x = MarginX;
                                uw  = Width - MarginX * 2;
                                if (FixedHeightPerIndex > 0)
                                    u.y = MarginY + count * (MarginY * 2 + FixedHeightPerIndex);
                                    uh  = FixedHeightPerIndex;
                                    u.y     = MarginY + totalh;
                                    totalh += u.GetHeight() + MarginY * 2;
                                    uh      = u.GetHeight();
                            if (AlternateBackgrounds && count % 2 == 0)
                                Draw.DrawRectangleHandle(sb, (int)(dx + u.x - MarginX), (int)(dy + u.y - MarginY), uw + MarginX * 2, uh + MarginY * 2, BackgroundColor2);
                            Rectangle inneroldrect = RenderTargetScope.Open(sb, (int)Math.Floor(dx + u.x), (int)Math.Floor(dy + u.y), uw, uh);
                                u.Render(elapsedms, g, sb, input, dx + InnerX, dy + InnerY);
                            RenderTargetScope.Close(sb, inneroldrect);
                            // draw border
                            if (HasBorder)
                                Draw.DrawRectangleHandleOutline(sb, (int)(dx + u.x - MarginX), (int)(dy + u.y - MarginY), uw + MarginX * 2, uh + MarginY * 2,
                                                                BorderColor, BorderWidth);
                if (HasOuterBorder)
                    Draw.DrawRectangleHandleOutline(sb, (int)dx, (int)dy, Width, Height, OuterBorderColor, OuterBorderWidth);
            RenderTargetScope.Close(sb, oldrect);