public DisassemblyFormatter(Program program, MachineInstruction instr, List<TextSpan> line)
     this.program = program;
     this.instr = instr;
     this.line = line;
     this.Platform = program.Platform;
 private string BuildBytes(MachineInstruction instr)
     var sb = new StringBuilder();
     var rdr = program.CreateImageReader(instr.Address);
     for (int i = 0; i < instr.Length; ++i)
         sb.AppendFormat("{0:X2} ", rdr.ReadByte());
     return sb.ToString();
Exemple #3
 public bool DumpAssemblerLine(LoadedImage image, MachineInstruction instr, TextWriter writer)
     Address addrBegin = instr.Address;
     if (ShowAddresses)
         writer.Write("{0} ", addrBegin);
     if (ShowCodeBytes)
         StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
         WriteByteRange(image, instr.Address, instr.Address + instr.Length, sw);
         writer.WriteLine("{0,-16}\t{1}", sw.ToString(), instr);
         writer.WriteLine("\t{0}", instr.ToString());
     return true;
 //$PERF: could benefit from a binary search, but basic blocks
 // are so small it may not make a difference.
 public static int FindIndexOfInstructionAddress(MachineInstruction[] instrs, Address addr)
     return Array.FindIndex(
         i => i.Contains(addr));
 public AsmSpanifyer(Program program, MachineInstruction[] instrs, Address addr)
     this.instrs = instrs;
     this.offset = FindIndexOfInstructionAddress(instrs, addr);
     this.program = program;
 public void Mcdm_FindInstructionIndex()
     var instrs = new MachineInstruction[]
         new FakeInstruction(Operation.Add) { Address = Address.Ptr32(0x1000), Length = 2 },
         new FakeInstruction(Operation.Add) { Address = Address.Ptr32(0x1002), Length = 2 },
     Func<uint, int> Idx = u =>
     Assert.AreEqual(-1, Idx(0x0FFF));
     Assert.AreEqual(0, Idx(0x1000));
     Assert.AreEqual(0, Idx(0x1001));
     Assert.AreEqual(1, Idx(0x1002));
     Assert.AreEqual(1, Idx(0x1003));
     Assert.AreEqual(-1, Idx(0x1004));
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Find the constant destination of a transfer instruction.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="i"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private Address DestinationAddress(MachineInstruction i)
     var op = i.GetOperand(0) as AddressOperand;
     if (op == null)
         // Z80 has JP Z,<dest> instructions...
         op = i.GetOperand(1) as AddressOperand;
     if (op != null)
         return op.Address;
     return null;
Exemple #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if this function might continue to the next instruction.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="i"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private bool MayFallThrough(MachineInstruction i)
     return (i.InstructionClass &
         | InstructionClass.Conditional 
         | InstructionClass.Call)) != 0;        //$REVIEW: what if you call a terminating function?
Exemple #9
 private bool IsInvalid(MemoryArea mem, MachineInstruction instr)
     if (instr.InstructionClass == InstructionClass.Invalid)
         return true;
     // If an instruction straddles a relocation, it can't be 
     // a real instruction.
     if (mem.Relocations.Overlaps(instr.Address, (uint)instr.Length))
         return true;
     return false;
Exemple #10
 public static LineSpan RenderAsmLine(Program program, MachineInstruction instr)
     var line = new List<TextSpan>();
     var addr = instr.Address;
     line.Add(new AddressSpan(addr.ToString() + " ", addr, "link"));
     line.Add(new InstructionTextSpan(instr, BuildBytes(program, instr), "dasm-bytes"));
     var dfmt = new DisassemblyFormatter(program, instr, line);
     return new LineSpan(addr, line.ToArray());
Exemple #11
 public InstructionTextSpan(MachineInstruction instr, string text, string style)
     this.Tag = instr;
     this.text = text;
     this.Style = style;
 public IJumpTableDialog CreateJumpTableDialog(Program program, MachineInstruction instrIndirectJmp, Address addrVector, int stride)
     return new JumpTableDialog()
         Services =,
         Program = program,
         Instruction = instrIndirectJmp,
         VectorAddress = addrVector,
         Stride = stride
        /// <summary>
        /// Implementation of IComparer.Compare. In reality, 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oInstrA"></param>
        /// <param name="oInstrB"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool CompareOperands(MachineInstruction a, MachineInstruction b)
            var instrA = (X86Instruction)a;
            var instrB = (X86Instruction)b;

            if (instrA.code != instrB.code)
                return false;
            if (instrA.Operands != instrB.Operands)
                return false;

            bool retval = true;
            if (instrA.Operands > 0)
                retval = CompareOperands(instrA.op1, instrB.op1);
                if (retval && instrA.Operands > 1)
                    retval = CompareOperands(instrA.op2, instrB.op2);
                    if (retval && instrA.Operands > 2)
                        retval = CompareOperands(instrA.op3, instrB.op3);
            return retval;
 public override int GetOperandsHash(MachineInstruction inst)
     var instr = (X86Instruction)inst;
     int hash = instr.Operands.GetHashCode();
     if (instr.Operands > 0)
         hash = hash * 23 + GetHashCode(instr.op1);
         if (instr.Operands > 1)
             hash = hash * 17 + GetHashCode(instr.op2);
             if (instr.Operands > 2)
                 hash = hash * 13 + GetHashCode(instr.op3);
     return hash;
Exemple #15
 public bool DumpAssemblerLine(MemoryArea mem, MachineInstruction instr, InstrWriter writer)
     Address addrBegin = instr.Address;
     if (ShowAddresses)
         writer.Write("{0} ", addrBegin);
     if (ShowCodeBytes)
         WriteByteRange(mem, instr.Address, instr.Address + instr.Length, writer);
         if (instr.Length * 3 < 16)
             writer.Write(new string(' ', 16 - (instr.Length * 3)));
     return true;