private void show_expenses() { Expensess expensess = new Expensess(); expensess.Day = comboBox_dayno_borrows.SelectedItem.ToString(); string day = expensess.Day; expensess.Month = date_month.SelectedItem.ToString(); String month = expensess.Month; expensess.Year = date_year.SelectedItem.ToString(); String year = expensess.Year; string query = "SELECT price FROM expenses WHERE day='" + day + "' AND month ='" + month + "' AND year='" + year + "'"; MySqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, databaseConnection); DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); mySqlDataAdapter.Fill(dataTable); dataGridView3.Rows.Clear(); foreach (DataRow datarow in dataTable.Rows) { int n = dataGridView3.Rows.Add(); dataGridView3.Rows[n].Cells[0].Value = datarow[0].ToString(); sum_day_expenses += double.Parse(datarow[0].ToString()); label7.Text = sum_day_expenses + " JD"; } // MessageBox.Show("sum_Month_borrowing : " + sum_day_borrowing); }
private void insert_data_exp() { MySqlCommand commandDatabase = new MySqlCommand("", databaseConnection); commandDatabase.CommandTimeout = 60; try { int select = comboBox_type.SelectedIndex; string id_expens = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { if (select == i) { id_expens = id_exp[i]; } } Expensess expensess = new Expensess(); expensess.Name_exp = textBox_consum.Text; String price = expensess.Name_exp; expensess.Date_exp = dateTimePicker1.Text; String date = expensess.Date_exp; // MessageBox.Show("Month" + dateTimePicker1.Value.Month + ""); //MessageBox.Show("Year" + dateTimePicker1.Value.Year + ""); int month = dateTimePicker1.Value.Month; int year = dateTimePicker1.Value.Year; int day = dateTimePicker1.Value.Day; commandDatabase.CommandText = "INSERT INTO expenses(id,id_exp, date,price,consumer,month,year,day)VALUES(NULL,'" + id_expens + "','" + date + "','" + price + "','" + consumer + "','" + month + "','" + year + "','" + day + "')"; commandDatabase.ExecuteNonQuery(); commandDatabase.Dispose(); txt_name_consumer.Text = ""; dateTimePicker1.Text = ""; textBox_consum.Text = ""; comboBox_type.Text = ""; } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Query Error :" + e.Message); } }
private void add_new_type() { if (comboBox_type.Items.Contains(textBox_new_type.Text)) { int index = comboBox_type.FindString(textBox_new_type.Text); comboBox_type.SelectedIndex = index; MessageBox.Show("المصروف " + textBox_new_type.Text + " موجود بالفعل"); } else { comboBox_type.Items.Clear(); MySqlCommand commandDatabase = new MySqlCommand("", databaseConnection); commandDatabase.CommandTimeout = 60; try { Expensess expensess = new Expensess(); expensess.New_type_exp = textBox_new_type.Text; String new_type_exp = expensess.New_type_exp; commandDatabase.CommandText = "INSERT INTO exp(id,name)VALUES(NULL,'" + new_type_exp + "')"; commandDatabase.ExecuteNonQuery(); commandDatabase.Dispose(); load_type_exp(); comboBox_type.SelectedIndex = comboBox_type.Items.Count - 1; MessageBox.Show("Query successfully excuted"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Query Error :" + ex.Message); } } }