public bool contains(Move move, Percept percept) { if (perception_data[move] == percept) { return(true); } return(false); }
public PerceptionState() { perception_data = new SortedDictionary <Move, Percept>(); foreach (var i in Move.get_moves()) { perception_data.Add(i, Percept.initialized()); } set_name(); }
private readonly static List <Percept> list; //for counting //This might not be necessary static Percept() { wall_percept = new Percept("Wall"); empty_percept = new Percept("Empty"); can_percept = new Percept("Can"); list = new List <Percept>(); list.Add(wall_percept); list.Add(empty_percept); list.Add(can_percept); initialized_percept = new Percept("initialized"); }
static public void small_dropdown_changed(ComboBox changed_dropdown) { if (changed_dropdown.SelectedText != "None.") { PerceptionState to_set = new PerceptionState(); Move percept_move = null; foreach (var i in Move.list) { if (changed_dropdown == list_qmatrix_comboboxes[i]) { percept_move = i; } } //get the percept of the dropdown Percept keep_for_best_fit = (Percept)changed_dropdown.SelectedItem; //Build a perception state that matches the dropdowns foreach (var i in Move.list) { to_set.perception_data[i] = (Percept)list_qmatrix_comboboxes[i].SelectedItem; } to_set.set_name(); to_set = PerceptionState.list_of_states[to_set]; //Convert to static instance //This state may not exist in our q-matrix states, because we only changed one of the dropdowns. //The best solution i think is to make the other dropdowns find the most accurate state. //Compare all the states in the q-matrix, and display any that is tied for best matched. //Also, the matching state must have the same item as the dropdown we just changed. int compare_value = 0; int temp = 0; PerceptionState best_perceptionstate = null; foreach (PerceptionState i in qmatrix_state_combobox_large.Items) { temp =; if (temp > compare_value && i.contains(percept_move, keep_for_best_fit)) { best_perceptionstate = i; compare_value = temp; } } ViewQmatrixConfiguration(best_perceptionstate); } }
static PerceptionState() { //Create all 243 possible configurations list_of_states = new Dictionary <PerceptionState, PerceptionState>(); PerceptionState to_build; foreach (var i in Percept.get_list()) { foreach (var j in Percept.get_list()) { foreach (var k in Percept.get_list()) { foreach (var l in Percept.get_list()) { foreach (var m in Percept.get_list()) { to_build = new PerceptionState(); to_build.perception_data[Move.left()] = i; to_build.perception_data[Move.right()] = j; to_build.perception_data[Move.down()] = k; to_build.perception_data[Move.up()] = l; to_build.perception_data[Move.grab()] = m; to_build.set_id(list_of_states.Count); to_build.set_name(); list_of_states.Add(to_build, to_build); //list_of_states[to_build] = to_build; //Add the perception state to our dictionary at a location reachable if we can build a similar dictionary. } } } } } }
//Used when the robot moves *only*, otherwise, the perception will be checked from the state of the unit. //Generates percepts, and not MoveResults. public Percept percieve(Move move_to_check) { BaseSquare bender_location = board_data[bender.x_coordinate][bender.y_coordinate]; if (move_to_check != Move.grab() && ((BoardSquare)bender_location).check_if_walls_prevent_move(move_to_check)) { return(Percept.wall()); //Wall percieved } else { int percieve_x = bender.x_coordinate + move_to_check.grid_adjustment[0]; int percieve_y = bender.y_coordinate + move_to_check.grid_adjustment[1]; BaseSquare percieve_location = board_data[percieve_x][percieve_y]; if (percieve_location.beer_can_present) { return(Percept.can()); } else { return(Percept.empty()); } } }