// Mengecek apakah dua vektor bertipe sama
 public static bool IsSameType(Vector a, Vector b)
     return (a.Type == b.Type);
        // Melakukan perkalian matriks terhadap dua vektor
        public static Matrix MatrixMultiply(Vector a, Vector b)
            Matrix result = new Matrix(a.Tuples, b.Tuples);

            if (CanMatrixMultiply(a, b))
                for (int i = 0; i < a.Tuples; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < b.Tuples; j++)
                        result[i, j] = a[i] * b[j];
                throw new WrongVectorSizeOrTypeException("Vector can't be matrix Multiplied");

            return result;
        // Operator overloading. Operasi perkalian skalar
        public static Vector operator *(double constant, Vector a)
            Vector result = new Vector(a.Tuples, a.Type);

            for (int i = 0; i < a.Tuples; i++)
                result[i] = constant * a[i];

            return result;
 // Mengecek apakah dua vektor berukuran dan bertipe sama
 public static bool IsSameSizeType(Vector a, Vector b)
     return IsSameSize(a, b) && IsSameType(a, b);
        /// <summary>
        /// Memecahkan persamaan A * X = B
        /// dimana A adalah matriks ini (this)
        /// B adalah vektor input
        /// X adalah vektor yang dicari.
        /// Dilakukan dengan mendekomposisi A menjadi LU terlebih dahulu
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="B">Vector. Vektor input</param>
        /// <returns>Vector. Vektor hasil</returns>
        public Vector Solve(Vector B)
            Matrix inp = new Matrix(B.Tuples, 1);
            Matrix outp = new Matrix(B.Tuples, 1);
            Vector result = new Vector(B.Tuples, Vector.VectorType.ColumnVector);

            if (B.Type == Vector.VectorType.RowVector)
                throw new WrongVectorTypeException("Only ColumnVector valid");

            for (int i = 0; i < B.Tuples; i++)
                inp[i, 0] = B[i];

            outp = this.Solve(inp);

            for (int i = 0; i < outp.Rows; i++)
                result[i] = outp[i, 0];

            return result;
 //Menghitung Nilai uji parameter secara Parsial
 private Vector ParsialTest(Vector a, Matrix b)
     Vector result = new Vector(a.Tuples);
        for (int i = 0; i < result.Tuples; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < b.Cols; j++)
        if (i == j)
            result[i] = a[i] / Math.Sqrt(b[i, j]);
        return result;
 // Mengecek apakah sebuah matriks dapat dikalikan dengan sebuah vektor
 public static bool CanMultiply(Matrix a, Vector b)
     return (a.Cols == b.Tuples) && (b.Type == VectorType.ColumnVector);
 // Mendapatkan vector data kuadrat vektor
 public Vector GetDataSquare()
     Vector result = new Vector(this.tuples);
     for (int i = 0; i < this.tuples; i++)
         result[i] = this.data[i] * this.data[i]; ;
     return result;
        // Mendapatkan sudut (dalam radian) antara dua vektor
        public static double Angle(Vector a, Vector b)
            double result;

            if (a.Type == VectorType.ColumnVector && b.Type == VectorType.ColumnVector)
                Vector aT = a.GetTranspose();
                result = Vector.DoubleMultiply(aT, b);
                result /= a.Length * b.Length;
                result = Math.Acos(result);
                throw new WrongVectorTypeException("Only Column Vector valid");

            return result;
Exemple #10
 // Mengecek apakah dua vektor dapat dilakukan perkalian matriks.
 // Perkalian matriks adalah perkalian vektor kolom dengan vektor baris
 // dimana menghasilkan sebuah matriks persegi.
 public static bool CanMatrixMultiply(Vector a, Vector b)
     return IsSameSize(a, b) && (a.Type == VectorType.ColumnVector)
         && (b.Type == VectorType.RowVector);
Exemple #11
        // Operator overloading. Operasi pengurangan vektor
        public static Vector operator -(Vector a, Vector b)
            Vector result = new Vector(a.Tuples, a.Type);

            if (IsSameSizeType(a, b))
                for (int i = 0; i < a.Tuples; i++)
                    result[i] = a[i] - b[i];
                throw new NotSameSizeVectorException();

            return result;
Exemple #12
        // Operator overloading. Operasi perkalian vektor dengan matriks
        public static Vector operator *(Vector a, Matrix b)
            Vector result = new Vector(b.Cols, VectorType.RowVector);

            if (CanMultiply(a, b))
                for (int i = 0; i < b.Cols; i++)
                    result[i] = 0.0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < b.Rows; j++)
                        result[i] += a[j] * b[j, i];
                throw new WrongVectorSizeOrTypeException("Can't be multiplied");

            return result;
Exemple #13
        // Operator overloading. Operasi perkalian matriks dengan vektor
        public static Vector operator *(Matrix a, Vector b)
            Vector result = new Vector(a.Rows, VectorType.ColumnVector);

            if (CanMultiply(a, b))
                for (int i = 0; i < a.Rows; i++)
                    result[i] = 0.0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < a.Cols; j++)
                        result[i] += a[i, j] * b[j];
                throw new WrongVectorSizeOrTypeException("Can't be multiplied");

            return result;
Exemple #14
        // Mendapatkan vektor proyeksi antara Vektor X dan Vektor Y
        public static Vector ProjectionXonY(Vector X, Vector Y)
            Vector result;

            if (X.Type == VectorType.ColumnVector && Y.Type == VectorType.ColumnVector)
                Vector XT = X.GetTranspose();
                double proj = Vector.DoubleMultiply(XT, Y) / (Math.Pow(Y.Length, 2));

                result = proj * Y;
                throw new WrongVectorTypeException("Only Column Vector valid");

            return result;
Exemple #15
 // Mengecek apakah sebuah vektor dapat dikalikan dengan sebuah matriks
 public static bool CanMultiply(Vector a, Matrix b)
     return (a.Tuples == b.Rows) && (a.Type == VectorType.RowVector);
Exemple #16
        // Mendapatkan copy dari vektor
        public Vector Copy()
            Vector result = new Vector(this.tuples, this.type);

            for (int i = 0; i < this.tuples; i++)
                result[i] = this.data[i];

            return result;
Exemple #17
        // Melakukan perkalian double terhadap dua vektor
        public static double DoubleMultiply(Vector a, Vector b)
            double result = 0.0;

            if (CanDoubleMultiply(a, b))
                for (int i = 0; i < a.Tuples; i++)
                    result += a[i] * b[i];
                throw new WrongVectorSizeOrTypeException("Vector can't be double Multiplied");

            return result;
Exemple #18
        // Mendapatkan vektor transpose
        public Vector GetTranspose()
            VectorType newType;

            if (this.type == VectorType.ColumnVector)
                newType = VectorType.RowVector;
                newType = VectorType.ColumnVector;

            Vector result = new Vector(this.tuples, newType);

            for (int i = 0; i < this.tuples; i++)
                result[i] = this.data[i];

            return result;
Exemple #19
        // Mengecek apakah dua buah vektor perpendicular.
        // Dua buah vektor perpendicular jika hasil perkalian doublenya 0
        public static bool IsPerpendicular(Vector a, Vector b)
            bool result;

            if (a.Type == VectorType.ColumnVector && b.Type == VectorType.ColumnVector)
                Vector aT = a.GetTranspose();
                result = Vector.DoubleMultiply(aT, b) == 0.0;
                throw new WrongVectorTypeException("Only Column Vector valid");

            return result;
        //Menghitung estimator spatial regresi dengan OLS
        public LeastSquareEstimator(Matrix X, Matrix W, Vector Y)
            //this.x = X;
               this.w = W;
               this.y = Y;
               int n = X.Rows;
               // this.p = X.Cols;

               Matrix vector1 = new Matrix(n, 1);

               x = new Matrix(X.Rows, vector1.Cols + X.Cols);
               x = x.GroupingCols(vector1, X);
               //this.p = x.Cols;

               wStandard = new Matrix(w.Rows, w.Cols);
               Matrix wTemp = new Matrix(w.Rows, w.Cols);
               wStandard = wTemp.Standardized(w);

               xstar = wStandard * X;

               //Penggabungan matriks x dan x* sebagai matrik x observasi
               xObs = new Matrix(x.Rows, x.Cols + xstar.Cols);
               xObs = xObs.GroupingCols(x, xstar);
               this.p = xObs.Cols;

               xObsTx = xObs.GetTranspose() * xObs;

               xObsTy = xObs.GetTranspose() * y;

               xObsTxInverse = xObsTx.GetInverse();

               estimator = xObsTxInverse * xObsTy;

               ycap = xObs * estimator;
               e = y - ycap;
               eSquare = e.GetDataSquare();

               eVariance = Vector.DoubleMultiply(e.GetTranspose(), e) / (n - p);
               double seReg = Math.Sqrt(eVariance);
               covEstimator = eVariance * xObsTxInverse;

               Matrix J = new Matrix(n, n);

               double yty = Vector.DoubleMultiply(Y.GetTranspose(), Y);
               Vector jy = J * y;
               ssto = yty - Vector.DoubleMultiply(Y.GetTranspose(), jy) / n;
               //sse = yty - Vector.DoubleMultiply(estimator.GetTranspose(), xty);
               sse = Vector.DoubleMultiply(e.GetTranspose(), e);
               ssr = ssto - sse;

               msr = ssr / (p - 1);
               mse = sse / (n - p);
               rSquare = ssr / ssto;
               r = Math.Sqrt(rSquare);

               // Mendapatkan Nilai F pada uji Simultan
               fValue = msr / mse;

               // Mendapatkan Nilai PValue pada uji F Simultan
               Distribution.F fDist = new Distribution.F();
               fProb = fDist.PValue(fValue, p - 1, n - p);

               // Mendapatkan Nilai t untuk uji Parsial
               tTest = new Vector(estimator.Tuples);
               tTest = ParsialTest(estimator, covEstimator);

               //Mendapatkan Nilai pValue pada uji t Parsial
               tProb = new Vector(tTest.Tuples);
               tProb = PValueParsialTest(tTest, p);
Exemple #21
 // Mengecek apakah dua vektor berukuran sama
 public static bool IsSameSize(Vector a, Vector b)
     return (a.Tuples == b.Tuples);
 private Vector PValueParsialTest(Vector a, double k)
     Vector result = new Vector(a.Tuples);
        Distribution.t pValue = new Distribution.t();
        for (int i = 0; i < result.Tuples; i++)
        //for (int j = 0; j < result.Cols; j++)
        result[i] = pValue.FullPValue(a[i], k);
        return result;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Out.Write("Jumlah Variabel Bebas : ");
            int p = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.Out.Write("Jumlah Observasi : ");
            int n  = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Masukkan Nilai Observasi Variabel Bebas X");

            Matrix X = new Matrix(n,p);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < p; j++)
                    Console.Out.Write("X[" + i +","+ j+"]:");
                    X[i,j] = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());


            Console.Out.WriteLine("Masukkan Nilai Observasi Variabel Terikat Y");
            Vector Y = new Vector(n,Vector.VectorType.ColumnVector);
             for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                 Console.Write("Y[" + i + "]: ");
                 Y[i] = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());


             Console.Out.WriteLine("Masukkan Nilai Pembobot W");
            // Console.Out.WriteLine("\n");

             Matrix W = new Matrix(n, n);
             int rows = n;
             int cols = n;
             for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                 for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
                     Console.Out.Write("W[" + i + "," + j + "]: ");
                     W[i, j] = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
                // Console.Out.WriteLine();


            // Estimasi Nilai parameter
               LeastSquareEstimator estim = new LeastSquareEstimator(X, W, Y);

               Console.Out.WriteLine("Nilai X Bintang adalah :");

              // int xBintangCol = estim.Xstar.Cols;
              // int xBintangRows = estim.Xstar.Rows;
               Matrix xBintang = new Matrix(n,p);
               xBintang = estim.Xstar;
               for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
               for (int j = 0; j < p; j++)
                   Console.Out.WriteLine("Xstar [" + i + "," + j + "]: {0}", xBintang[i,j]);
                   //xBintang[i, j] = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
               // Console.Out.WriteLine();

               Console.Out.WriteLine("Nilai X Observasi  adalah :");

               int xObsCols = estim.Xobs.Cols;
               int xObsROws = estim.Xobs.Rows;
               Matrix xObservasi = new Matrix(xObsROws, xObsCols);
               xObservasi = estim.Xobs;
               for (int i = 0; i < xObsROws; i++)
               for (int j = 0; j < xObsCols; j++)
                   Console.Out.WriteLine("X Observasi [" + i + "," + j + "]: {0}", xObservasi[i, j]);
            // Console.ReadLine();

              // Console.Out.WriteLine("------------------------------------------");

               Console.Out.WriteLine("Nilai X Tranpose X  adalah :");

               int xObsTxCols = estim.XobsTx .Cols;
               int xObsTxROws = estim.XobsTx.Rows;
               Matrix xObsTx = new Matrix(xObsTxROws, xObsTxCols);
               xObsTx = estim.XobsTx;
               for (int i = 0; i < xObsTxROws; i++)
               for (int j = 0; j < xObsTxCols; j++)
                   Console.Out.WriteLine("XTranposeX [" + i + "," + j + "]: {0:#,0.####}", xObsTx[i, j]);
             //  Console.ReadLine();

              // Console.Out.WriteLine("------------------------------------------");

               Console.Out.WriteLine("Nilai X Tranpose Y  adalah :");

               int xObsTyTuple = estim.XobsTy.Tuples;
               Vector xObsTy = new Vector(xObsTyTuple);
               xObsTy = estim.XobsTy;
               for (int i = 0; i < xObsTxROws; i++)
               Console.Out.WriteLine("XTranposeY [" + i + "]: {0:#,0.####}", xObsTy[i]);
            //  Console.ReadLine();

               Console.Out.WriteLine("Nilai Inverse X Tranpose X  adalah :");

               int inversXtxRows = estim.XObsTxInverse.Rows;
               int inversXtxCols = estim.XObsTxInverse.Cols;
               Matrix inversXobsTx = new Matrix(inversXtxRows, inversXtxCols);
               inversXobsTx = estim.XObsTxInverse;
               for (int i = 0; i < inversXtxRows; i++)
               for (int j = 0; j < inversXtxCols; j++)
                   Console.Out.WriteLine("Inverse X Tranpose X [" + i + "," + j + "]: {0:#,0.####}", inversXobsTx[i, j]);
            // Console.ReadLine();

               int parameterCount = estim.Estimator.Tuples;
               Vector param = new Vector(parameterCount,Vector.VectorType.ColumnVector);
               param = estim.Estimator;
               double r = estim.R;
               double r2 = estim.RSquare;

              Console.Out.WriteLine(" Estimasi nilai parameter adalah sebagai berikut:");
               Console.Out.WriteLine("parameter \tNilai parameter");
               for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++)
               Console.WriteLine("parameter [{0}] \t {1:#,0.####} ", i, param[i]);
               Console.Out.WriteLine("Koefisien Korelasi = {0}", r);
               Console.Out.WriteLine("Koefisien Determinasi = {0}\n\n", r2);
               double eVar;
               eVar = estim.Evariance;
               Console.Out.WriteLine("Variance dari error = {0}", eVar);
              // Console.ReadLine();

               Console.Out.WriteLine("Nilai Matrix Variance - Covariance adalah sebagai berikut:");
               Matrix varCov = new Matrix(inversXtxRows, inversXtxCols);
               varCov = estim.SbSquare;

               for (int i = 0; i < inversXtxRows; i++)
               for (int j = 0; j < inversXtxCols; j++)
                   Console.Out.WriteLine("Variance [" + i + "," + j + "]: {0:#,0.####}", varCov[i, j]);

             Console.Out.WriteLine("==============PENGUJIAN PARAMETER===============\n");
               Console.Out.WriteLine("--Uji Parsial--(uji t)---");

               Vector ycap = new Vector(n);
               Vector error = new Vector(n);
               //  Vector param = new Vector(parameterCount);
               ycap = estim.YCap;
               error = estim.E;
               Vector t, peluangT;
               t = estim.Ttest;
               peluangT = estim.Tprob;
               Console.Out.WriteLine("estimasi parameter \t Nilai T \t pValue");
               for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++)
               Console.WriteLine("\t{0:#,0.###} \t\t {1:#,0.###} \t\t {2:#,0.###} ", param[i], t[i], peluangT[i]);
               //1Y[i] = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());


               Console.Out.WriteLine("--Uji Simultan--(uji F)---");
               double fValue,peluangF, SSR, SSE, SST, MSR, MSE;
               int k;
               fValue = estim.FValue;
               peluangF = estim.FProb;
               SSR = estim.SSR;
               SSE = estim.SSE;
               SST = estim.SSTO;
               MSR = estim.MSR;
               MSE = estim.MSE;
               k = estim.Xobs.Cols;

               Console.Out.WriteLine("Source of Var \t Sum Square \t dof \t Mean Square \t F");
               Console.Out.WriteLine("Regression \t {0:#,0.####} \t {1} \t {2:#,0.####} \t {3:#,0.####}", SSR, k - 1, MSR, fValue);
               Console.Out.WriteLine("Residual   \t {0:#,0.####} \t {1} \t {2:#,0.####}", SSE, n - k, MSE);
               Console.Out.WriteLine("Total \t   \t {0:#,0.####} \t\t {1}", SST, n - 1);
               Console.Out.WriteLine("Nilai PValue pada uji F ini adalah = {0:#,0.####}", peluangF);

               Console.Out.WriteLine (" Perbandingan Y dan Ycap adalah sebagai berikut:");
               Console.Out.WriteLine("\t Y \t\t Ycap \t\t error");
               for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
               Console.WriteLine("\t {0} \t\t {1:#,0.####} \t {2:#,0.####}", Y[i], ycap[i], error[i]);
               //1Y[i] = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
