Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

            System.Console.WriteLine("Kørsel starter " + start.ToShortTimeString());
            var logRepository = LogManager.GetRepository(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly());

            XmlConfigurator.Configure(logRepository, new FileInfo("log4net.config"));

            _log.Info("### Regnskabsindlæsning startet. ###");
            RegnskabConfig config = new RegnskabConfig();

            if (!config.InitializeProgram(args))

            DateTime s**t = DateTime.Now;

            _log.Info("### Kørsel varede " + s**t.Subtract(start).TotalSeconds + " sekunder ###");
            System.Console.WriteLine("Kørsel slutter " + s**t.ToShortTimeString() + " ialt: " + s**t.Subtract(start).TotalSeconds + " sekunder");
Exemple #2
        public static List <InfoLine> FetchAndTreatDocuments(RegnskabConfig config, DirectoryInfo koerselskatalog)
            List <Indberetning> docs       = GetAllDocumentsInIndex(config.StartDato, config.SlutDato, config.UseIndexDate);
            List <InfoLine>     resultList = new List <InfoLine>();

            _log.Info("Modtaget fra ES: " + docs.Count + " dokumenter, for datoer: " + config.StartDato + "/" + config.SlutDato);
            if (config.UseMax && docs.Count > config.Max)
                dontStop = false;
                System.Console.WriteLine("For mange dokumenter modtaget, stopper kørsel, sæt use_max=false for at køre alligevel");
                _log.Info("For mange dokumenter modtaget, stopper kørsel, sæt use_max=false for at køre alligevel");

            for (int i = 0; i < docs.Count; i += config.Chunks)
                int chunk = i + config.Chunks <= docs.Count ? config.Chunks : docs.Count % config.Chunks;
                _log.Info("Downloader næste " + chunk + "/" + i);
                IEnumerable <Task <InfoLine> > downloadTasks =
                    from virksomhed in docs.GetRange(i, chunk) select FetchDocument(virksomhed, koerselskatalog);

                Task <InfoLine>[] downloads = downloadTasks.ToArray();

                // Await the completion of all the running tasks.
                List <InfoLine> list = Task.WhenAll(downloads).Result.ToList();
Exemple #3
        private static void RunSimpleExtraction(RegnskabConfig config)
            HttpClientHandler handler = new HttpClientHandler()
                AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate

            client             = new HttpClient(handler);
            client.BaseAddress = config.RegnskabsUri;
            ConnectionSettings con_settings = new ConnectionSettings(config.ErstDistUri)

            es_client = new ElasticClient(con_settings);
            Guid koerselsId = Guid.NewGuid();

            DateTime startDay = config.StartDato;
            DateTime endDay   = config.SlutDato;

            dontStop = true;
            while (endDay.Subtract(startDay).TotalDays > 0 && dontStop)
                System.Console.Write(string.Format("Dag: {0} ", startDay.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")));
                var koerselskatalog = Directory.CreateDirectory(config.TempDirectory + "/" + startDay.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "-" + config.RunName + "-" + config.TypeName + "-" + koerselsId);
                _log.Info("Dannet temp-katalog: " + koerselskatalog.Name);
                StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(path: koerselskatalog.FullName + "/index.csv");
                using (var csv = new CsvWriter(writer))
                    config.StartDato = startDay;
                    config.SlutDato  = startDay.AddDays(1);
                    List <InfoLine> lines = FetchAndTreatDocuments(config, koerselskatalog);
                    System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Modtaget: {0} regnskaber", lines.Count));

                _log.Info("Zipper: " + koerselskatalog.FullName);
                ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(koerselskatalog.FullName, koerselskatalog.FullName + ".zip");
                _log.Info("Flytter til: " + config.TargetDirectory);
                File.Copy(koerselskatalog.FullName + ".zip", config.TargetDirectory + koerselskatalog.Name + ".zip");
                File.SetAttributes(koerselskatalog.FullName, FileAttributes.Normal);
                Directory.Delete(koerselskatalog.FullName, true);
                File.Delete(koerselskatalog.FullName + ".zip");
                _log.Info(string.Format("### Slettet temp-filer og afslutter for {0} ###", startDay.ToShortDateString()));

                startDay = startDay.AddDays(1);