protected virtual void OnEventData(EventDataEventArgs e) { EventHandler <EventDataEventArgs> handler = EventData; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } }
// Thanks to for the majority of this class public void ParsePacket(byte[] photonPacket) { Protocol16 protocol16 = new Protocol16(); Stream stream = new MemoryStream(photonPacket); BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream); var peerId = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(reader.ReadUInt16()); var crcEnabled = reader.ReadByte(); var commandCount = reader.ReadByte(); var timestamp = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(reader.ReadInt32()); var challenge = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(reader.ReadInt32()); var commandHeaderLength = 12; var signifierByteLength = 1; for (int commandIdx = 0; commandIdx < commandCount; commandIdx++) { byte commandType = reader.ReadByte(); byte channelId = reader.ReadByte(); byte commandFlags = reader.ReadByte(); byte unkBytes = reader.ReadByte(); int commandLength = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(reader.ReadInt32()); int sequenceNumber = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(reader.ReadInt32()); switch (commandType) { case 4: //Disconnect break; case 7: //Send unreliable reader.BaseStream.Position += 4; commandLength -= 4; goto case 6; case 6: //Send reliable reader.BaseStream.Position += signifierByteLength; byte messageType = reader.ReadByte(); int operationLength = commandLength - commandHeaderLength - 2; StreamBuffer payload = new StreamBuffer(reader.ReadBytes(operationLength)); switch (messageType) { case 2: // OperationRequest var requestData = protocol16.DeserializeOperationRequest(payload); OperationRequestEventArgs requestArgs = new OperationRequestEventArgs(); requestArgs.OperationCode = requestData.OperationCode; requestArgs.Parameters = requestData.Parameters; OnOperationRequest(requestArgs); break; case 3: // OperationResponse var responseData = protocol16.DeserializeOperationResponse(payload); OperationResponseEventArgs responseArgs = new OperationResponseEventArgs(); responseArgs.OperationCode = responseData.OperationCode; responseArgs.ReturnCode = responseData.ReturnCode; responseArgs.Parameters = responseData.Parameters; OnOperationResponse(responseArgs); break; case 4: // EventData var eventData = protocol16.DeserializeEventData(payload); EventDataEventArgs dataArgs = new EventDataEventArgs(); dataArgs.Code = eventData.Code; dataArgs.Parameters = eventData.Parameters; OnEventData(dataArgs); break; default: reader.BaseStream.Position += operationLength; break; } break; default: reader.BaseStream.Position += commandLength - commandHeaderLength; break; } } }