private void FireUsingPortal(object sender, UsingPortalEventArgs eventArgs)


            if (this.UsingPortal != null)
                this.UsingPortal(sender, eventArgs);

            // TODO : Test this out.  Will it be a problem that this sleep will block all other
            // background actions while we are waiting?  Might not be the best behavior for this use case.
            // May have to use  BeginInvoke somewhere (or some other thread pool based async invoke)
            REPlugin.Instance.Dispatch.Background.QueueAction(() =>
                if (!this._usingPortalPending.WaitOne(UsingPortalTimeoutInMilliseconds))
                    // Timed out trying to use the portal.
                    // Need to get back on the game thread
                    REPlugin.Instance.Dispatch.LegacyGameThread.QueueAction(() =>
                        this.FireUsingPortalComplete(sender, new UsingPortalCompleteEventArgs(false));
        internal void WriteObject(UsingPortalEventArgs obj)
            if (ActiveSettings.Instance.DebugLevel == DebugLevel.None)

            lock (this._writeLock)
                using (StreamWriter stream = new StreamWriter(this._currentPath, true))
                    this.LogRawMessage(this.FormatWithPrefix("UsingPortalEventArgs"), stream);
                    this.LogRawMessage(string.Format("  PortalName = {0}", obj.PortalName), stream);
                    this.LogRawMessage(string.Format("  PortalId = {0}", obj.PortalId), stream);

                    //this.WriteCurrentStateStuff(stream, false);

                    this.LogRawMessage("", stream);