public static void PostBallot(Ballot ballot) { var motion = ballot.Motion; if (motion.PostUrl == "") { return; } var reddit = new RedditSharp.Reddit(Config.RedditUser, Config.RedditPass, true); var post = reddit.GetPost(new Uri(motion.PostUrl)); post.Comment("###" + ballot.Moderator.Name + "###" + Environment.NewLine + "*****" + Environment.NewLine + DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + @" \(UTC\) : *" + ballot.Choice.ToString() + "*" + Environment.NewLine ); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.BufferWidth = 100;//Make console wider for better reading Console.SetWindowSize(Console.LargestWindowWidth / 2, Console.LargestWindowHeight / 2); Reddit reddit = new Reddit(); while (reddit.User == null)//Keep trying to login until it works { Console.Write("Username: "******"Password: "******"Logging in..."); reddit.LogIn(username, password); } catch (AuthenticationException) { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect login."); } } Console.WriteLine("Logged in."); Post p = reddit.GetPost("");//Put your post url (with http://) here Comment[] comments = p.GetComments(); Console.WriteLine("Got post comments"); string output = string.Empty; int i = 0; foreach (Comment c in comments) { try { string text = c.Body;//Take the text of the string from the comment if (!ContainsBlackListedWords(text))//Make sure the comment isn't a witty one liner (rudimentary) { string[] sentences = text.Split('.');//Split the comment into each setence string sentence = sentences[i.MaxAt(sentences.Length-1)] + ".";//Take a sentence out of the sentence array if (sentence.Length > 2 )//Check if it is a good sentence { sentence.Trim();//Trim spaces from both sides of the sentence. Regex whitespaceremoval = new Regex(@"\s\s+"); sentence = whitespaceremoval.Replace(sentence, "");//Apply regex to remove excess spacing inside the sentence (readability) //Regex alphanum = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9. ,-]"); //sentence = alphanum.Replace(sentence, "");//Remove crazy symbol using regex (readability) output += sentence;//Add the sentence to the output string i++;//Increment i to continue the paragraph Console.WriteLine("Parsed comment:" + i);//Log success } } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to parse comment : Comment contained blacklisted word"); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to parse comment :" + e.Message);//Error catching for that damn null comment at the end of every post } } Console.WriteLine();//Add spacing Console.WriteLine();//"" Console.Write(output); File.WriteAllText("out" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".txt", output); Console.ReadKey(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DisplayTextbox displayTextBox = new DisplayTextbox(textBox2); displayTextBox.Clear(); var reddit = new Reddit(); Post giveawayPost = null; int? randomNumber = null; Regex numberPost = new Regex(@"(\d{1,6})"); try { displayTextBox.Write("Getting giveaway post..."); giveawayPost = reddit.GetPost(new Uri(textBox1.Text)); } catch (Exception ex) { displayTextBox.Write("Failed getting giveaway post", "You sure that's the right URI (alsomake sure to get the full uri from the address bar)"); return; } displayTextBox.Write("Post title: ", giveawayPost.Title, "Comment count: ", giveawayPost.CommentCount); try { displayTextBox.Write("Getting random number from"); WebRequest randomDotOrgRequest = WebRequest.Create(string.Format(RANDOM_ORG_URI, decimal.Round(randomMin.Value, 0), decimal.Round(randomMax.Value, 0))); using (WebResponse resp = randomDotOrgRequest.GetResponse()) { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream())) { randomNumber = int.Parse(sr.ReadToEnd()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { displayTextBox.Write("Failed getting giveaway post", ex); return; } displayTextBox.Write("Random Number: ", randomNumber, "Getting winning comment...", "This might take a while..."); Dictionary<string, int> nums = giveawayPost.Comments.Where(c => c.Body != null && numberPost.IsMatch(c.Body)).ToDictionary(k => k.Shortlink, elementSelector: x => int.Parse(numberPost.Match(x.Body).Captures[0].Value)); string winningNumKey = null; int? winningNumVal = null; int? diff = null; for (int i = 0; (winningNumKey == null && winningNumVal == null) && (randomNumber + i < decimal.Round(randomMax.Value, 0) || randomNumber - i > 0); i++) { foreach (var x in nums) { if ((x.Value == randomNumber + i && randomNumber + i < decimal.Round(randomMax.Value, 0)) || (x.Value == randomNumber - i && randomNumber - i > decimal.Round(randomMin.Value, 0))) { winningNumKey = x.Key; winningNumVal = x.Value; diff = i; break; } //stop if we're out of range if (randomNumber + i > decimal.Round(randomMax.Value, 0) && randomNumber - i < decimal.Round(randomMin.Value, 0)) break; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(winningNumKey) && winningNumVal.HasValue) { Comment winningComment = giveawayPost.Comments.FirstOrDefault(w => w.Shortlink == winningNumKey); displayTextBox.Write("Winning comment (link): ", winningNumKey, "Winning comment (body): ", winningComment.Body, "Winning comment (commenter): ", winningComment.Author, "Diff: ", diff ); } else { displayTextBox.Write("What the heck?? not one post in the range? you sure you have that range right?"); } }