static string RecognizePreferencesResultPage(HttpListenerRequest request, HttpListenerResponse result, SessionInfo session) { var getArgs = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request.Url.Query); string requestId = getArgs["requestId"]; if (requestId == null) { return("{ \"response\" : {\n \"error\" : \"requestId not specified\"\n} }"); } PreferenceInfo recognized = preferences_[requestId]; if (recognized == null) { return("{ \"response\" : {\n \"status\" : \"requestId not found\",\n \"requestId\" : \"" + requestId + "\"\n} }"); } if (recognized.IngredientPreferences == null) { return("{ \"response\" : {\n \"status\" : \"pending\",\n \"requestId\" : \"" + requestId + "\"\n} }"); } StringBuilder prefs = new StringBuilder(); prefs.Append("{ \"preferences\" = {\n"); foreach (Preference p in recognized.IngredientPreferences) { prefs.AppendFormat(" \"{0}\" : \"{1}\",\n", p.Ingredient, p.Score); } prefs.Append("} }\n"); return("{ \"response\" : {\n \"status\" : \"completed\",\n \"requestId\" : \"" + requestId + "\",\n \"result\" : " + prefs.ToString() + "\n} }"); }
static string PreferenceImage(HttpListenerRequest request, HttpListenerResponse result, SessionInfo session) { var getArgs = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request.Url.Query); string requestId = getArgs["requestId"]; if (null == requestId) { return("{ response : {\n error : \"requestId is not specified\"\n} }"); } PreferenceInfo p = preferences_[requestId]; if (null == p) { return("{ response : {\n error : \"requestId " + requestId + " is not found\"\n} }"); } if (null == p.HaveImage) { return("{ response : {\n error : \"requestId " + requestId + " does not have an uploaded image\"\n} }"); } if (!System.IO.File.Exists(p.HaveImage)) { return("{ response : {\n error : \"requestId " + requestId + " does not have a file with uploaded image\"\n} }"); } byte[] content = File.ReadAllBytes(p.HaveImage); result.ContentType = "image/jpeg"; result.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; result.ContentLength64 = content.Length; result.OutputStream.Write(content, 0, content.Length); return(null); }
static string PreferencePage(HttpListenerRequest request, HttpListenerResponse result, SessionInfo session) { PreferenceInfo preferences = preferences_[session.User.Username]; if (null == preferences) { preferences = new PreferenceInfo(); } return(PreferencePage(request, result, session.User.Username, preferences)); }
/// <summary> /// When constructed, will read the information from all the user files /// </summary> public PreferenceRepo(DirectoryInfo location) { location_ = location; if (!location_.Exists) { location_.Create(); } List <string> images = new List <string>(); foreach (FileInfo i in location_.GetFiles()) { if (i.FullName.EndsWith(".jpg")) { images.Add(i.FullName.Substring(0, i.FullName.Length - 4)); continue; // TODO: handle this separately } try { using (FileStream f = i.OpenRead()) { PreferenceInfo p = serializer_.Deserialize(f) as PreferenceInfo; if (null != p) { preferences_[i.Name] = p; } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Cannot read user information from {0}: {1}", i.FullName, e.ToString()); } } foreach (var i in images) { if (preferences_.ContainsKey(i)) { continue; } PreferenceInfo p = new PreferenceInfo(); p.IngredientPreferences = null; p.HaveImage = i + ".jpg"; FileInfo f = new FileInfo(p.HaveImage); string requestId = f.Name.Substring(0, f.Name.Length - 4); preferences_[requestId] = p; } }
private static string TrySavePreferences(HttpListenerRequest request, string username, PreferenceInfo preferences) { var args = GetPostArgs(request); try { var savingPreferences = args["savePreferences"]; Dictionary <string, int> preferenceLookup = new Dictionary <string, int>(); if (preferences.IngredientPreferences != null) { foreach (var p in preferences.IngredientPreferences) { preferenceLookup[p.Ingredient] = p.Score; } } foreach (string key in args.Keys) { if (!key.StartsWith("pref_")) { continue; } string ingredientName = key.Substring(5); preferenceLookup[ingredientName] = int.Parse(args[key]); } preferences.IngredientPreferences = new List <Preference>(); foreach (var p in preferenceLookup) { preferences.IngredientPreferences.Add(new Preference { Ingredient = p.Key, Score = p.Value }); } preferences_[username] = preferences; return("<html><head><meta http-equiv=refresh content='0'/></head></html>"); } catch (Exception e) { return("<html><body><script>alert('" + e.ToString() + "');</script></body></html>"); } }
static string PreferencePage(HttpListenerRequest request, HttpListenerResponse result, string username, PreferenceInfo preferences) { // saving preferences? if (request.HttpMethod.ToUpper() == "POST") { return(TrySavePreferences(request, username, preferences)); } // if logged in, discuss preferences StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.Append( @" <html> <title>Preferences</title> <body style='font-family:tahoma,arial,sans-serif;'> "); buffer.AppendLine( @" <form method=post> <fieldset>"); if (preferences.IngredientPreferences != null) { AddLegend(username, buffer); } else { buffer.Append("<legend>[ requestId : " + username + " ]</legend>\n"); } buffer.Append(@" <input type=hidden id='username' value='" + username.Replace("'", "\'") + @"'> <input type=submit id='savePreferences' name='savePreferences' value='Save Preferences' disabled/> <script> var nChanges = 0 function onPrefModified(which,label) { ++nChanges; document.getElementById('savePreferences').disabled = false; document.getElementById('savePreferences').value = 'Save Preferences (' + nChanges + ' changes)'; var label = document.getElementById(label); if (label != null) = 'yellow'; } </script> <p> "); { Dictionary <string, int> preferenceLookup = new Dictionary <string, int>(); if (preferences.IngredientPreferences != null) { foreach (var p in preferences.IngredientPreferences) { preferenceLookup[p.Ingredient] = p.Score; } } buffer.AppendLine("<table cellpadding=2 border=0><tr>"); foreach (var column in ingredientsAsColumns_) { if (0 == column.Count) { continue; } buffer.AppendLine("<td valign=top align=left><table cellpadding=2>"); foreach (var ingredientGroup in column) { buffer.AppendLine("<tr><td colspan=4 aligh=left><u>").AppendLine(ingredientGroup.Key).AppendLine("</u></td></tr>"); foreach (var ingredient in ingredientGroup.Value) { int score; if (!preferenceLookup.TryGetValue(ingredient, out score)) { score = 0; } buffer.AppendFormat( @" <tr> <td bgcolor=limegreen title='like'><input type=radio name='pref_{0}' value='+1'{1} onchange='onPrefModified(this,{4});'/></td> <td bgcolor=moccasin title='ok'><input type=radio name='pref_{0}' value='0'{2} onchange='onPrefModified(this,{4});'/></td> <td bgcolor=salmon title='avoid!'><input type=radio name='pref_{0}' value='-1'{3} onchange='onPrefModified(this,{4});'/></td> <td id={4}>{0}</td> </tr> ", ingredient, score == +1 ? "checked=checked" : " ", score == 0 ? "checked=checked" : " ", score == -1 ? "checked=checked" : " ", '"' + "lbl_" + ingredient + '"'); buffer.AppendLine(); } buffer.AppendLine(" <tr><td colspan=4 aligh=left> </td></tr>"); } buffer.AppendLine("</table></td>"); } buffer.AppendLine("</td></table>"); } buffer.Append(@" </fieldset> </form> "); if (preferences.HaveImage != null) { buffer.Append("<img onclick='\"/preference_image?requestId=" + username + "\", \"_blank\", \"toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,top=10,left=10\");' src=\"/preference_image?requestId=" + username + "\">\n"); } buffer.Append(@" </body> </html> "); return(buffer.ToString()); }
static string RecipePage(HttpListenerRequest request, HttpListenerResponse result, SessionInfo session) { PreferenceInfo preferences = preferences_[session.User.Username]; if (null == preferences) { preferences = new PreferenceInfo(); } Dictionary <string, int> preferenceLookup = new Dictionary <string, int>(); foreach (var p in preferences.IngredientPreferences) { preferenceLookup[p.Ingredient] = p.Score; } var getArgs = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request.Url.Query); double strictness = Math.Max(1e-4, double.Parse(getArgs["strictness"])); var rankedRecipes = new List <PreferenceScore>(); foreach (var recipe in recipes_) { rankedRecipes.Add(GetPreferenceScore(recipe, preferenceLookup, strictness)); } rankedRecipes.Sort(); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.Append( @" <html> <title>") .Append(session.User.Username) .Append( @"'s personalized recipes</title> <body style='font-family:tahoma,arial,sans-serif;'> <fieldset> "); AddLegend(session.User.Username, buffer); foreach (var recipe in rankedRecipes) { var owp = recipe.Recipe.Recipe.OriginalWebPage; buffer.AppendFormat("<br><a href='{2}' target='_blank' title='score: {0:0%}'>{1}</a><br>\n", recipe.Score, RecipeDownloader.RemoveSpecialCharacters(owp.Name), owp.UrlRoot + owp.Url); if (recipe.Positives != null) { buffer.Append("<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td bgcolor='lightcyan'>"); foreach (string entry in recipe.Positives) { buffer.Append("<li>").Append(entry).Append("</li>\n"); } buffer.Append("</table>"); } if (recipe.Neutrals != null) { buffer.Append("<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td bgcolor='ivory'>"); foreach (string entry in recipe.Neutrals) { buffer.Append("<li>").Append(entry).Append("</li>\n"); } buffer.Append("</table>"); } if (recipe.Negatives != null) { buffer.Append("<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td bgcolor='peachpuff'>"); foreach (string entry in recipe.Negatives) { buffer.Append("<li>").Append(entry).Append("</li>\n"); } buffer.Append("</table>"); } } buffer.AppendLine( @" </fieldset> </body> </html> "); return(buffer.ToString()); }
static string RecipeJsonPage(HttpListenerRequest request, HttpListenerResponse result, SessionInfo session) { var args = GetPostArgs(request); try { var preferences = args["preferences"]; if (null == preferences) { throw new ArgumentException("request does not contain post argument 'preferences'"); } var strictnessStr = args["strictness"]; if (null == strictnessStr) { throw new ArgumentException("request does not contain post argument 'strictness'"); } var limitStr = args["limit"]; if (null == limitStr) { throw new ArgumentException("request does not contain post argument 'limit'"); } int limit; if (!int.TryParse(limitStr, out limit) || !(0 < limit)) { throw new ArgumentException("limit " + limitStr + " is not a positive integer"); } double strictness; if (!double.TryParse(strictnessStr, out strictness)) { throw new ArgumentException("strictness " + strictnessStr + " is not a floating-point number"); } strictness = Math.Max(1e-4, strictness); var prefs = JsonConvert.DeserializeXNode(preferences); Dictionary <string, int> preferenceLookup = new Dictionary <string, int>(); foreach (var element in prefs.Root.Elements()) { if (element.HasAttributes) { throw new ArgumentException("preferences:" + element.Name + " has some kind of attributes inside"); } if (element.HasElements) { throw new ArgumentException("preferences:" + element.Name + " has some kind of elements inside"); } if (element.IsEmpty) { throw new ArgumentException("preferences:" + element.Name + " is empty"); } int score; if (!int.TryParse(element.Value, out score)) { throw new ArgumentException("preferences:" + element.Name + " has a score of " + element.Value + ", which is not an integer"); } preferenceLookup[element.Name.ToString()] = score; } var rankedRecipes = new List <PreferenceScore>(); foreach (var recipe in recipes_) { rankedRecipes.Add(GetPreferenceScore(recipe, preferenceLookup, strictness)); } rankedRecipes.Sort(); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); int nResults = 0; foreach (var recipe in rankedRecipes) { ++nResults; if (nResults > limit) { break; } buffer.AppendLine("{"); buffer.AppendLine(" \"title\" : \"" + RecipeDownloader.RemoveSpecialCharacters(recipe.Recipe.Recipe.OriginalWebPage.Name) + "\","); buffer.AppendLine(" \"url\" : \"" + recipe.Recipe.Recipe.OriginalWebPage.UrlRoot + recipe.Recipe.Recipe.OriginalWebPage.Url + "\","); buffer.AppendLine(" \"positives\" : ["); if (recipe.Positives != null) { foreach (string entry in recipe.Positives) { buffer.Append(" \"").Append(entry).Append("\",").AppendLine(); } } buffer.AppendLine(" ],"); buffer.AppendLine(" \"neutrals\" : ["); if (recipe.Neutrals != null) { foreach (string entry in recipe.Neutrals) { buffer.Append(" \"").Append(entry).Append("\",").AppendLine(); } } buffer.AppendLine(" ],"); buffer.AppendLine(" \"negatives\" : ["); if (recipe.Negatives != null) { foreach (string entry in recipe.Negatives) { buffer.AppendLine(" \"").Append(entry).Append("\",").AppendLine(); } } buffer.AppendLine(" ],"); buffer.AppendLine("},"); } return("{ \"recipes\" : [\n" + buffer.ToString() + "]\n }\n"); } catch (Exception e) { StringBuilder preferenceBlob = new StringBuilder(); if (session.User != null) { PreferenceInfo preferences = preferences_[session.User.Username]; if (null != preferences) { preferenceBlob.AppendLine("{ \"preferences\" : {"); foreach (var p in preferences.IngredientPreferences) { preferenceBlob.AppendLine(" \"" + p.Ingredient + "\" : \"" + p.Score.ToString() + "\","); } preferenceBlob.AppendLine("} }"); } } return ("<html><body>" + e.ToString() + "<br>\n" + "<form method=post>\n" + "strictness:<input type='text' name='strictness' value='1'><br>\n" + "limit:<input type='text' name='limit' value='15'><br>\n" + "preferences:<br><textarea name=preferences rows=20 cols=80>" + preferenceBlob.ToString() + "</textarea><br>\n" + "<input type=submit>\n" + "</form>\n" + "</body></html>"); } }
public string SaveImageFile(Encoding enc, String boundary, Stream input) { string username = null; string filename = null; do { username = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); filename = location_.FullName + "\\" + username + ".jpg"; }while (System.IO.File.Exists(filename)); Byte[] boundaryBytes = enc.GetBytes(boundary); Int32 boundaryLen = boundaryBytes.Length; using (FileStream output = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { Byte[] buffer = new Byte[1024]; Int32 len = input.Read(buffer, 0, 1024); Int32 startPos = -1; // Find start boundary while (true) { if (len == 0) { throw new Exception("Start Boundaray Not Found"); } startPos = IndexOf(buffer, len, boundaryBytes); if (startPos >= 0) { break; } else { Array.Copy(buffer, len - boundaryLen, buffer, 0, boundaryLen); len = input.Read(buffer, boundaryLen, 1024 - boundaryLen); } } // Skip four lines (Boundary, Content-Disposition, Content-Type, and a blank) for (Int32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) { while (true) { if (len == 0) { throw new Exception("Preamble not Found."); } startPos = Array.IndexOf(buffer, enc.GetBytes("\n")[0], startPos); if (startPos >= 0) { startPos++; break; } else { len = input.Read(buffer, 0, 1024); } } } Array.Copy(buffer, startPos, buffer, 0, len - startPos); len = len - startPos; while (true) { Int32 endPos = IndexOf(buffer, len, boundaryBytes); if (endPos >= 0) { if (endPos > 0) { output.Write(buffer, 0, endPos - 2); } break; } else if (len <= boundaryLen) { throw new Exception("End Boundaray Not Found"); } else { output.Write(buffer, 0, len - boundaryLen); Array.Copy(buffer, len - boundaryLen, buffer, 0, boundaryLen); len = input.Read(buffer, boundaryLen, 1024 - boundaryLen) + boundaryLen; } } } lock (preferences_) { PreferenceInfo i = new PreferenceInfo(); i.IngredientPreferences = null; i.HaveImage = filename; preferences_[username] = i; } return(username); }