Exemple #1
        internal HiveId(string value, bool alreadyFormatted)
            : this(alreadyFormatted && value != null ? new HiveIdValue(value) : HiveIdValue.Empty)
            if (alreadyFormatted)
            var possibleValue = TryParse(value);

            if (possibleValue.Success)
                this._value             = possibleValue.Result._value;
                this._providerGroupRoot = possibleValue.Result._providerGroupRoot;
                this._providerId        = possibleValue.Result._providerId;
                _value = new HiveIdValue(value);
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Mandates that the specified parameter is not empty
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value"></param>
 /// <param name="paramName"></param>
 public static void ParameterNotEmpty(HiveIdValue value, string paramName)
     That(value != HiveIdValue.Empty, x => new ArgumentNullException(paramName));
Exemple #3
 public HiveId(Uri providerGroupRoot, string providerId, HiveIdValue value)
     : this(value)
     ProviderGroupRoot = providerGroupRoot;
     ProviderId        = providerId;
Exemple #4
 public HiveId(string providerGroupSchemeOnly, string providerId, HiveIdValue value)
     : this(new Uri(providerGroupSchemeOnly + "://"), providerId, value)
Exemple #5
 public HiveId(HiveIdValue value)
     _value             = value;
     _providerGroupRoot = null;
     _providerId        = null;
Exemple #6
        public static AttemptTuple <HiveId> TryParse(string formattedValue)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formattedValue))
                return(new AttemptTuple <HiveId>(false, HiveId.Empty));
            var style = DetectFormatStyleFromString(formattedValue);

            //I have removed the exception.. shouldn't a 'Try' method not throw exceptions? SD. 16/11/2011
            if (!style.Success)
                return(AttemptTuple <HiveId> .False);
            //Mandate.That(style.Success, x => new FormatException("Could not determine format of '{0}' in parameter formattedValue. Things to check: does the input string look like a valid Uri, but it contains invalid path characters?".InvariantFormat(formattedValue)));

            string splitter = " ";

            switch (style.Result)
            case HiveIdFormatStyle.AsUri:
                splitter = UriDelimiter;

            case HiveIdFormatStyle.UriSafe:
                splitter = UriSafeDelimiter;

            case HiveIdFormatStyle.AutoSingleValue:
                if (formattedValue == HiveIdValue.Empty.ToString() || formattedValue == HiveId.Empty.ToString())
                    return(new AttemptTuple <HiveId>(true, HiveId.Empty));

                // Try to parse first as a Guid, then an int, then assume it's a string
                // Then just return from here as we don't need to parse anything else
                Guid guidValue;
                if (Guid.TryParse(formattedValue, out guidValue))
                    return(new AttemptTuple <HiveId>(true, new HiveId(guidValue)));
                Int32 intValue;
                if (Int32.TryParse(formattedValue, out intValue))
                    return(new AttemptTuple <HiveId>(true, new HiveId(intValue)));
                return(new AttemptTuple <HiveId>(true, new HiveId(formattedValue, true)));


                return(AttemptTuple <HiveId> .False);

                // Check for just a root /
                if (style.Result == HiveIdFormatStyle.AsUri && formattedValue == "/")
                    return(new AttemptTuple <HiveId>(true, new HiveId((Uri)null, null, new HiveIdValue("/"))));

                // Check for value-less incoming Uris
                // If the string does not contain any of the HiveIdValueType enums, and it's parseable as a Uri, then
                // assume that it is a root value
                if (style.Result == HiveIdFormatStyle.AsUri &&
                    Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(formattedValue, UriKind.Absolute))
                    var containsValue = false;
                    foreach (var name in Enum.GetNames(typeof(HiveIdValueTypes)))
                        if (formattedValue.IndexOf(name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1)
                            containsValue = true;
                    if (!containsValue)
                        return(new AttemptTuple <HiveId>(true, new HiveId(new Uri(formattedValue), string.Empty, new HiveIdValue("/"))));

                // Let's say the input is this:
                // storage://stylesheets/p__provider-name/v__type/value
                // We need to end up with:
                // storage://stylesheets/
                // provider-name
                // type
                // value
                var splitValue = new List <string>(formattedValue.Split(new[] { splitter }, StringSplitOptions.None));
                var stack      = new Stack <string>(splitValue);

                var valueDetect    = splitValue.Where(x => x.StartsWith(ValuePrefix)).FirstOrDefault() ?? string.Empty;
                var providerDetect = splitValue.Where(x => x.StartsWith(ProviderPrefix)).FirstOrDefault() ?? string.Empty;

                string extractedType       = string.Empty;
                string extractedValue      = string.Empty;
                string extractedProviderId = string.Empty;
                string extractedRemainder  = string.Empty;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueDetect) &&
                    string.IsNullOrEmpty(providerDetect) &&
                    splitValue.Count > 1)
                    // Must be a short-form value with no root or provider id, so re-split clearing out blanks
                    var reSplit = formattedValue.Split(new[] { splitter }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    extractedType  = reSplit[0];
                    extractedValue = FormatFromUriSafePart(reSplit[1]);
                    var valueStartIndex = splitValue.IndexOf(valueDetect);
                    var wholeValueArray = splitValue.Skip(valueStartIndex + 1).ToArray();
                    var wholeValue      = string.Join(splitter.ToString(), wholeValueArray.Select(x => FormatFromUriSafePart((x))));
                    extractedValue = wholeValue;
                    extractedType  = valueDetect.TrimStart(ValuePrefix);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(providerDetect))
                        var providerStartIndex = splitValue.IndexOf(providerDetect);
                        extractedProviderId = providerDetect.TrimStart(ProviderPrefix);
                        var extractedRemainderArray = splitValue.Take(providerStartIndex);
                        extractedRemainder = string.Join(splitter.ToString(), extractedRemainderArray);
                        var extractedRemainderArray = splitValue.Take(valueStartIndex);
                        extractedRemainder = string.Join(splitter.ToString(), extractedRemainderArray);

                switch (style.Result)
                case HiveIdFormatStyle.UriSafe:
                    extractedRemainder = FormatFromUriSafePart(extractedRemainder);

                Uri providerGroupRoot = null;
                extractedRemainder = extractedRemainder.EndsWith(":/") ? extractedRemainder + "/" : extractedRemainder;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extractedRemainder))
                    providerGroupRoot = new Uri(extractedRemainder);

                HiveIdValueTypes parsedType;
                var tryParseType = Enum.TryParse <HiveIdValueTypes>(extractedType, true, out parsedType);
                if (!tryParseType)
                    return(AttemptTuple <HiveId> .False);

                var tryCreateValue = HiveIdValue.TryCreate(extractedValue, parsedType);

                // Ensure provider id is null if it wasn't detected
                extractedProviderId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(extractedProviderId) ? null : extractedProviderId;

                return(new AttemptTuple <HiveId>(true,
                                                 new HiveId(providerGroupRoot, extractedProviderId, tryCreateValue.Result)));
            catch (UriFormatException ex)
                //I have removed the exception.. shouldn't a 'Try' method not throw exceptions? SD. 16/11/2011
                //this one in particular was causing problems with the RoutingEngine trying to parse a 'user' URL
                //that was not part of Rebel.
                return(AttemptTuple <HiveId> .False);
                //throw new FormatException("Could not parse '{0}' as a HiveId; assumed it was {1} but did not parse correctly"
                //    .InvariantFormat(formattedValue, style.Result.ToString()), ex);
Exemple #7
 public static HiveId ConvertIntToGuid(Uri providerGroupRoot, string providerId, int value)
     return(new HiveId(providerGroupRoot, providerId, HiveIdValue.ConvertIntToGuid(value)));
Exemple #8
 public static HiveId ConvertIntToGuid(string providerGroupSchemeOnly, string providerId, int value)
     return(new HiveId(providerGroupSchemeOnly, providerId, HiveIdValue.ConvertIntToGuid(value)));
Exemple #9
 public static HiveId ConvertIntToGuid(int value)
     return(new HiveId(HiveIdValue.ConvertIntToGuid(value)));