protected void SetupCscBinDir(string sdkDirPath, string runtimeVersion, string intermediateOutputDir, bool useExistingSetup, ITestOutputHelper output) { // copy the SDK version of csc into a private directory so we can safely retarget it string cscBinaryDirPath = Path.Combine(sdkDirPath, "Roslyn", "bincore"); string localCscDir = Path.Combine(intermediateOutputDir, "csc"); ExePath = Path.Combine(localCscDir, "csc.dll"); if (useExistingSetup) { return; } FileTasks.DirectoryCopy(cscBinaryDirPath, localCscDir, output); //overwrite csc.runtimeconfig.json to point at the runtime version we want to use string runtimeConfigPath = Path.Combine(localCscDir, "csc.runtimeconfig.json"); File.Delete(runtimeConfigPath); File.WriteAllLines(runtimeConfigPath, new string[] { "{", " \"runtimeOptions\": {", " \"tfm\": \"netcoreapp2.0\",", " \"framework\": {", " \"name\": \"Microsoft.NETCore.App\",", " \"version\": \"" + runtimeVersion + "\"", " }", " }", "}" }); }
#pragma warning disable CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously protected override async Task SetupSourceToCompile(string intermediateOutputDir, string runtimeDirPath, bool useExistingSetup, ITestOutputHelper output) #pragma warning restore CS1998 { string helloWorldDir = Path.Combine(intermediateOutputDir, "helloWorldSource"); string helloWorldPath = Path.Combine(helloWorldDir, "hello.cs"); string systemPrivateCoreLibPath = Path.Combine(runtimeDirPath, "System.Private.CoreLib.dll"); string systemRuntimePath = Path.Combine(runtimeDirPath, "System.Runtime.dll"); string systemConsolePath = Path.Combine(runtimeDirPath, "System.Console.dll"); CommandLineArguments = "hello.cs /nostdlib /r:" + systemPrivateCoreLibPath + " /r:" + systemRuntimePath + " /r:" + systemConsolePath; WorkingDirPath = helloWorldDir; if (useExistingSetup) { return; } FileTasks.DeleteDirectory(helloWorldDir, output); FileTasks.CreateDirectory(helloWorldDir, output); File.WriteAllLines(helloWorldPath, new string[] { "using System;", "public static class Program", "{", " public static void Main(string[] args)", " {", " Console.WriteLine(\"Hello World!\");", " }", "}" }); }
protected async Task SetupHelloWorldProject(string dotNetExePath, string intermediateOutputDir, bool useExistingSetup, ITestOutputHelper output) { string helloWorldProjectDir = Path.Combine(intermediateOutputDir, "helloworld"); //the 'exePath' gets passed as an argument to dotnet.exe //in this case it isn't an executable at all, its a CLI command //a little cheap, but it works ExePath = "build"; WorkingDirPath = helloWorldProjectDir; // This disables using the shared build server. I was told using it interferes with the ability to delete folders after the // test is complete though I haven't encountered that particular issue myself. I imagine this meaningfully changes the // performance of this benchmark, so if we ever want to do real perf testing on the shared scenario we have to resolve this // issue another way. EnvironmentVariables["UseSharedCompilation"] = "false"; if (!useExistingSetup) { FileTasks.DeleteDirectory(helloWorldProjectDir, output); FileTasks.CreateDirectory(helloWorldProjectDir, output); await new ProcessRunner(dotNetExePath, "new console") .WithWorkingDirectory(helloWorldProjectDir) .WithLog(output) .Run(); } }
private async Task <string> Publish(DotNetInstallation dotNetInstall, string outputDir, ITestOutputHelper output) { string tfm = DotNetSetup.GetTargetFrameworkMonikerForFrameworkVersion(dotNetInstall.FrameworkVersion); string publishDir = GetWord2VecNetPublishDirectory(dotNetInstall, outputDir, tfm); if (publishDir != null) { FileTasks.DeleteDirectory(publishDir, output); } string dotNetExePath = dotNetInstall.DotNetExe; await new ProcessRunner(dotNetExePath, $"publish -c Release -f {tfm}") .WithWorkingDirectory(GetWord2VecNetSrcDirectory(outputDir)) .WithEnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_MULTILEVEL_LOOKUP", "0") .WithEnvironmentVariable("WORD2VEC_FRAMEWORK_VERSION", dotNetInstall.FrameworkVersion) .WithEnvironmentVariable("UseSharedCompilation", "false") .WithLog(output) .Run(); publishDir = GetWord2VecNetPublishDirectory(dotNetInstall, outputDir, tfm); if (publishDir == null) { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("Could not find 'publish' directory"); } return(publishDir); }
async Task CloneWord2VecNetRepo(string outputDir, ITestOutputHelper output) { // If the repo already exists, we delete it and extract it again. string word2VecNetRepoRootDir = GetWord2VecNetRepoRootDir(outputDir); FileTasks.DeleteDirectory(word2VecNetRepoRootDir, output); await GitTasks.Clone(Word2VecNetRepoUrl, word2VecNetRepoRootDir, output); await GitTasks.Checkout(Word2VecNetCommitSha1Id, output, word2VecNetRepoRootDir); }
async Task DownloadAndExtractTextCorpus(DotNetInstallation dotNetInstall, string outputDir, ITestOutputHelper output) { // If the file already exists, exit string word2VecNetRepoRootDir = GetWord2VecNetRepoRootDir(outputDir); string tfm = DotNetSetup.GetTargetFrameworkMonikerForFrameworkVersion(dotNetInstall.FrameworkVersion); string word2VecNetPublishDir = GetWord2VecNetPublishDirectory(dotNetInstall, outputDir, tfm); // Download the corpus of text. This is a zip file that contains a text file of 100M of text from Wikipedia var url = ""; await FileTasks.DownloadAndUnzip(url, word2VecNetRepoRootDir + "_temp", output); FileTasks.MoveFile(Path.Combine(word2VecNetRepoRootDir + "_temp", "Corpus.txt"), Path.Combine(word2VecNetPublishDir, "Corpus.txt"), output); }
protected override async Task SetupSourceToCompile(string intermediateOutputDir, string runtimeDirPath, bool useExistingSetup, ITestOutputHelper output) { string cscSourceDownloadLink = "" + (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows) ? ".zip" : ".tar.gz"); string sourceDownloadDir = Path.Combine(intermediateOutputDir, "roslynSource"); string sourceDir = Path.Combine(sourceDownloadDir, "CodeAnalysisRepro"); CommandLineArguments = "@repro.rsp"; WorkingDirPath = sourceDir; if (useExistingSetup) { return; } await FileTasks.DownloadAndUnzip(cscSourceDownloadLink, sourceDownloadDir, output); }
public static async Task Unzip(string zipPath, string expandedDirPath, ITestOutputHelper output, bool deleteZippedFiles = true, string tempTarPath = null) { if (zipPath.EndsWith(".zip")) { await FileTasks.UnWinZip(zipPath, expandedDirPath, output); if (deleteZippedFiles) { File.Delete(zipPath); } } else if (zipPath.EndsWith(".tar.gz")) { bool deleteTar = deleteZippedFiles; if (tempTarPath == null) { string tempFileNameBase = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); tempTarPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), tempFileNameBase + ".tar"); deleteTar = true; } await UnGZip(zipPath, tempTarPath, output); await UnTar(tempTarPath, expandedDirPath, output); if (deleteZippedFiles) { File.Delete(zipPath); } if (deleteTar) { File.Delete(tempTarPath); } } else { output.WriteLine("Unsupported compression format: " + zipPath); throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported compression format: " + zipPath); } }
async public Task <DotNetInstallation> Run(ITestOutputHelper output) { using (var acquireOutput = new IndentedTestOutputHelper("Acquiring DotNet", output)) { string remoteSdkPath = GetSDKDownloadLink(); if (remoteSdkPath != null) { await FileTasks.DownloadAndUnzip(remoteSdkPath, DotNetDirPath, acquireOutput); } string remoteRuntimePath = GetFrameworkDownloadLink(); if (remoteRuntimePath != null) { await FileTasks.DownloadAndUnzip(remoteRuntimePath, DotNetDirPath, acquireOutput); // the SDK may have included another runtime version, but to help prevent mistakes // where a test might run against a different version than we intended all other // versions will be deleted. string mnappDirPath = Path.Combine(DotNetDirPath, "shared", "Microsoft.NETCore.App"); foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(mnappDirPath)) { string versionDir = Path.GetFileName(dir); if (versionDir != FrameworkVersion) { FileTasks.DeleteDirectory(dir, acquireOutput); } } } string actualFrameworkVersion = FrameworkVersion; if (actualFrameworkVersion == null) { //if Framework version is being infered from an SDK then snoop the filesystem to see what got installed foreach (string dirPath in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(Path.Combine(DotNetDirPath, "shared", "Microsoft.NETCore.App"))) { actualFrameworkVersion = Path.GetFileName(dirPath); break; } } DotNetInstallation result = new DotNetInstallation(DotNetDirPath, actualFrameworkVersion, SdkVersion, Architecture); acquireOutput.WriteLine("Dotnet path: " + result.DotNetExe); if (!File.Exists(result.DotNetExe)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(result.DotNetExe + " not found"); } if (result.SdkVersion != null) { if (!Directory.Exists(result.SdkDir)) { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("Sdk directory " + result.SdkDir + " not found"); } } if (result.FrameworkVersion != null) { if (!Directory.Exists(result.FrameworkDir)) { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("Framework directory " + result.FrameworkDir + " not found"); } //overlay private binaries if needed if (PrivateRuntimeBinaryDirPath != null) { foreach (string fileName in GetPrivateRuntimeOverlayBinaryNames(OS)) { string backupPath = Path.Combine(result.FrameworkDir, fileName + ".original"); string overwritePath = Path.Combine(result.FrameworkDir, fileName); string privateBinPath = Path.Combine(PrivateRuntimeBinaryDirPath, fileName); if (!File.Exists(backupPath)) { File.Copy(overwritePath, backupPath); } if (!File.Exists(privateBinPath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Private binary " + privateBinPath + " not found"); } File.Copy(privateBinPath, overwritePath, true); } } } return(result); } }