Exemple #1
		public void MaxNumberOfItemsToProcessInSingleBatchShouldBeRespectedByDataDumper()
			var path = Path.Combine(NewDataPath(forceCreateDir: true), "raven.dump");

			using (var server = GetNewServer(configureConfig: configuration => configuration.MaxNumberOfItemsToProcessInSingleBatch = 1234))
				var dumper = new DataDumper(server.SystemDatabase, options: new SmugglerOptions { BatchSize = 4321 });
				Assert.Equal(4321, dumper.SmugglerOptions.BatchSize);

				dumper.ExportData(new SmugglerExportOptions { ToFile = path }).ResultUnwrap();

				Assert.Equal(1234, dumper.SmugglerOptions.BatchSize);

				dumper = new DataDumper(server.SystemDatabase, options: new SmugglerOptions { BatchSize = 4321 });
				Assert.Equal(4321, dumper.SmugglerOptions.BatchSize);

				dumper.ImportData(new SmugglerImportOptions { FromFile = path }).Wait();

				Assert.Equal(1234, dumper.SmugglerOptions.BatchSize);

				dumper = new DataDumper(server.SystemDatabase, options: new SmugglerOptions { BatchSize = 1000 });
				Assert.Equal(1000, dumper.SmugglerOptions.BatchSize);

				dumper.ExportData(new SmugglerExportOptions { ToFile = path }).ResultUnwrap();

				Assert.Equal(1000, dumper.SmugglerOptions.BatchSize);
        public async Task CanPerformDump_Dumper()
            var backupPath = NewDataPath("BackupFolder");
            using (var store = NewDocumentStore())
                InsertUsers(store, 0, 2000);

                var dumper = new DataDumper(store.DocumentDatabase);
                await dumper.ExportData(new SmugglerExportOptions
                    ToFile = backupPath,
                }, new SmugglerOptions
                    Incremental = true

            VerifyDump(backupPath, store =>
                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    Assert.Equal(2000, session.Query<User>().Customize(x => x.WaitForNonStaleResultsAsOfNow()).Count());
		private void TimerCallback(object state)
			if (currentTask != null)

			lock (this)
				if (currentTask != null)
				currentTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
					var documentDatabase = Database;
					if (documentDatabase == null)
					using (LogContext.WithDatabase(documentDatabase.Name))
							var localBackupConfigs = backupConfigs;
							var localBackupStatus = backupStatus;
							if (localBackupConfigs == null)

							var databaseStatistics = documentDatabase.Statistics;
							// No-op if nothing has changed
							if (databaseStatistics.LastDocEtag == localBackupStatus.LastDocsEtag &&
								databaseStatistics.LastAttachmentEtag == localBackupStatus.LastAttachmentsEtag)

							var backupPath = localBackupConfigs.LocalFolderName ??
											 Path.Combine(documentDatabase.Configuration.DataDirectory, "PeriodicBackup-Temp");
							var options = new SmugglerOptions
								BackupPath = backupPath,
								LastDocsEtag = localBackupStatus.LastDocsEtag,
								LastAttachmentEtag = localBackupStatus.LastAttachmentsEtag
							var dd = new DataDumper(documentDatabase, options);
							var filePath = dd.ExportData(null, true);

							// No-op if nothing has changed
							if (options.LastDocsEtag == localBackupStatus.LastDocsEtag &&
								options.LastAttachmentEtag == localBackupStatus.LastAttachmentsEtag)
								logger.Info("Periodic backup returned prematurely, nothing has changed since last backup");

							UploadToServer(filePath, localBackupConfigs);

							localBackupStatus.LastAttachmentsEtag = options.LastAttachmentEtag;
							localBackupStatus.LastDocsEtag = options.LastDocsEtag;

							var ravenJObject = RavenJObject.FromObject(localBackupStatus);
							var putResult = documentDatabase.Put(PeriodicBackupStatus.RavenDocumentKey, null, ravenJObject,
														 new RavenJObject(), null);

							// this result in backupStatus being refreshed
							localBackupStatus = backupStatus;
							if (localBackupStatus != null)
								if (Etag.Increment(localBackupStatus.LastDocsEtag, 1) == putResult.ETag) // the last etag is with just us
									localBackupStatus.LastDocsEtag = putResult.ETag; // so we can skip it for the next time
						catch (ObjectDisposedException)
							// shutting down, probably
						catch (Exception e)
							logger.ErrorException("Error when performing periodic backup", e);
							Database.AddAlert(new Alert
								AlertLevel = AlertLevel.Error,
								CreatedAt = SystemTime.UtcNow,
								Message = e.Message,
								Title = "Error in Periodic Backup",
								Exception = e.ToString(),
								UniqueKey = "Periodic Backup Error",
				.ContinueWith(_ =>
					currentTask = null;
		private void TimerCallback(bool fullBackup)
			if (currentTask != null)

			// we have shared lock for both incremental and full backup.
			lock (this)
				if (currentTask != null)
				currentTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
					var documentDatabase = Database;
					if (documentDatabase == null)
					using (LogContext.WithDatabase(documentDatabase.Name))
							var dataDumper = new DataDumper(documentDatabase);
							var localBackupConfigs = exportConfigs;
							var localBackupStatus = exportStatus;
							if (localBackupConfigs == null)

							if (fullBackup == false)
								var currentEtags = dataDumper.Operations.FetchCurrentMaxEtags();
								// No-op if nothing has changed
								if (currentEtags.LastDocsEtag == localBackupStatus.LastDocsEtag &&
									currentEtags.LastAttachmentsEtag == localBackupStatus.LastAttachmentsEtag &&
									currentEtags.LastDocDeleteEtag == localBackupStatus.LastDocsDeletionEtag &&
									currentEtags.LastAttachmentsDeleteEtag == localBackupStatus.LastAttachmentDeletionEtag)

							var backupPath = localBackupConfigs.LocalFolderName ??
											 Path.Combine(documentDatabase.Configuration.DataDirectory, "PeriodicExport-Temp");
							if (fullBackup)
								// create filename for full dump
								backupPath = Path.Combine(backupPath, SystemTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ".ravendb-full-dump");
								if (File.Exists(backupPath))
									var counter = 1;
									while (true)
										backupPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(backupPath), SystemTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " - " + counter + ".ravendb-full-dump");

										if (File.Exists(backupPath) == false)

							var smugglerOptions = dataDumper.SmugglerOptions;
							if (fullBackup == false)
								smugglerOptions.StartDocsEtag = localBackupStatus.LastDocsEtag;
								smugglerOptions.StartAttachmentsEtag = localBackupStatus.LastAttachmentsEtag;
								smugglerOptions.StartDocsDeletionEtag = localBackupStatus.LastDocsDeletionEtag;
								smugglerOptions.StartAttachmentsDeletionEtag = localBackupStatus.LastAttachmentDeletionEtag;
								smugglerOptions.Incremental = true;
								smugglerOptions.ExportDeletions = true;
							var exportResult = await dataDumper.ExportData(new SmugglerExportOptions { ToFile = backupPath });

							if (fullBackup == false)
								// No-op if nothing has changed
								if (exportResult.LastDocsEtag == localBackupStatus.LastDocsEtag &&
									exportResult.LastAttachmentsEtag == localBackupStatus.LastAttachmentsEtag &&
									exportResult.LastDocDeleteEtag == localBackupStatus.LastDocsDeletionEtag &&
									exportResult.LastAttachmentsDeleteEtag == localBackupStatus.LastAttachmentDeletionEtag)
									logger.Info("Periodic export returned prematurely, nothing has changed since last export");

								if (!localBackupConfigs.Disabled)
									UploadToServer(exportResult.FilePath, localBackupConfigs, fullBackup);
								// if user did not specify local folder we delete temporary file.
								if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(localBackupConfigs.LocalFolderName))

							if (fullBackup)
								localBackupStatus.LastFullBackup = SystemTime.UtcNow;
								localBackupStatus.LastAttachmentsEtag = exportResult.LastAttachmentsEtag;
								localBackupStatus.LastDocsEtag = exportResult.LastDocsEtag;
								localBackupStatus.LastDocsDeletionEtag = exportResult.LastDocDeleteEtag;
								localBackupStatus.LastAttachmentDeletionEtag = exportResult.LastAttachmentsDeleteEtag;
								localBackupStatus.LastBackup = SystemTime.UtcNow;

							var ravenJObject = JsonExtensions.ToJObject(localBackupStatus);
							var putResult = documentDatabase.Documents.Put(PeriodicExportStatus.RavenDocumentKey, null, ravenJObject,
								new RavenJObject(), null);

							// this result in exportStatus being refreshed
							localBackupStatus = exportStatus;
							if (localBackupStatus != null)
								if (localBackupStatus.LastDocsEtag.IncrementBy(1) == putResult.ETag) // the last etag is with just us
									localBackupStatus.LastDocsEtag = putResult.ETag; // so we can skip it for the next time
						catch (ObjectDisposedException)
							// shutting down, probably
						catch (Exception e)
							logger.ErrorException("Error when performing periodic export", e);
							Database.AddAlert(new Alert
								AlertLevel = AlertLevel.Error,
								CreatedAt = SystemTime.UtcNow,
								Message = e.Message,
								Title = "Error in Periodic Export",
								Exception = e.ToString(),
								UniqueKey = "Periodic Export Error",

				currentTask.ContinueWith(_ =>
					currentTask = null;
		private void TimerCallback(object state)
			if (executing)
			executing = true;

			PeriodicBackupSetup backupConfigs;
				// Setup doc might be deleted or changed by the user
				var document = Database.Get(PeriodicBackupSetup.RavenDocumentKey, null);
				if (document == null)
					timer = null;

				backupConfigs = document.DataAsJson.JsonDeserialization<PeriodicBackupSetup>();
				if (backupConfigs.Interval <= 0)
					timer = null;
			catch (Exception ex)
				logger.WarnException(ex.Message, ex);
				executing = false;

				var options = new SmugglerOptions
					BackupPath = Path.GetTempPath(), //TODO temp path in data folder instead
					LastDocsEtag = backupConfigs.LastDocsEtag,
					LastAttachmentEtag = backupConfigs.LastAttachmentsEtag
				var dd = new DataDumper(Database, options);
				var filePath = dd.ExportData(null, true);
				// No-op if nothing has changed
				if (options.LastDocsEtag == backupConfigs.LastDocsEtag && options.LastAttachmentEtag == backupConfigs.LastAttachmentsEtag)
					logger.Info("Periodic backup returned prematurely, nothing has changed since last backup");

				DoUpload(filePath, backupConfigs);

				// Remember the current position only once we are successful, this allows for compensatory backups
				// in case of failures. We reload the setup document to make sure we don't override changes made by
				// the user.
				// Setup doc might be deleted or changed by the user
				var document = Database.Get(PeriodicBackupSetup.RavenDocumentKey, null);
				if (document == null)
					timer = null;

				backupConfigs = document.DataAsJson.JsonDeserialization<PeriodicBackupSetup>();
				backupConfigs.LastAttachmentsEtag = options.LastAttachmentEtag;
				backupConfigs.LastDocsEtag = options.LastDocsEtag;
				Database.Put(PeriodicBackupSetup.RavenDocumentKey, null, RavenJObject.FromObject(backupConfigs),
				             new RavenJObject(), null);

				if (backupConfigs.Interval != interval)
					if (backupConfigs.Interval <= 0)
						timer = null;
						interval = backupConfigs.Interval;
						timer.Change(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(backupConfigs.Interval), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(backupConfigs.Interval));
			catch (Exception e)
				logger.ErrorException("Error when performing periodic backup", e);
				executing = false;
Exemple #6
		private void TimerCallback(object state)
			if (currentTask != null)

			lock (this)
				if (currentTask != null)
				currentTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
					using (LogManager.OpenMappedContext("database", Database.Name ?? Constants.SystemDatabase))
					using (new DisposableAction(() => LogContext.DatabaseName.Value = null))
						LogContext.DatabaseName.Value = Database.Name;

							var localBackupConfigs = backupConfigs;
							if (localBackupConfigs == null)

							var backupPath = localBackupConfigs.LocalFolderName ??
											 Path.Combine(Database.Configuration.DataDirectory, "PeriodicBackup-Temp");
							var options = new SmugglerOptions
								BackupPath = backupPath,
								LastDocsEtag = localBackupConfigs.LastDocsEtag,
								LastAttachmentEtag = localBackupConfigs.LastAttachmentsEtag
							var dd = new DataDumper(Database, options);
							var filePath = dd.ExportData(null, true);

							// No-op if nothing has changed
							if (options.LastDocsEtag == backupConfigs.LastDocsEtag &&
								options.LastAttachmentEtag == backupConfigs.LastAttachmentsEtag)
								logger.Info("Periodic backup returned prematurely, nothing has changed since last backup");

							UploadToServer(filePath, localBackupConfigs);

							localBackupConfigs.LastAttachmentsEtag = options.LastAttachmentEtag;
							localBackupConfigs.LastDocsEtag = options.LastDocsEtag;
							if (backupConfigs == null) // it was removed by the user?
								localBackupConfigs.IntervalMilliseconds = -1; // this disable the periodic backup
							var ravenJObject = RavenJObject.FromObject(localBackupConfigs);
							var putResult = Database.Put(PeriodicBackupSetup.RavenDocumentKey, null, ravenJObject,
														 new RavenJObject(), null);
							if (Etag.Increment(localBackupConfigs.LastDocsEtag, 1) == putResult.ETag) // the last etag is with just us
								localBackupConfigs.LastDocsEtag = putResult.ETag; // so we can skip it for the next time
						catch (ObjectDisposedException)
							// shutting down, probably
						catch (Exception e)
							Database.AddAlert(new Alert
								AlertLevel = AlertLevel.Error,
								CreatedAt = SystemTime.UtcNow,
								Message = e.Message,
								Title = "Error in Periodic Backup",
								Exception = e
							logger.ErrorException("Error when performing periodic backup", e);
				.ContinueWith(_ =>
					currentTask = null;
        public async Task CanDumpAttachmentsEmpty_Dumper()
            var backupPath = NewDataPath("BackupFolder");
            using (var store = NewDocumentStore())
                var options = new SmugglerOptions
                    BackupPath = backupPath,
                    BatchSize = 100,
                    Limit = 206
                var dumper = new DataDumper(store.DocumentDatabase, options);
                var backupStatus = new PeriodicBackupStatus();
                await dumper.ExportData(null, null, true, backupStatus);

            VerifyDump(backupPath, store =>
                Assert.Equal(0, store.DatabaseCommands.GetAttachmentHeadersStartingWith("user", 0, 500).Count());
        public async Task CanDumpWhenHiddenDocsWithLimit_Dumper()
            var backupPath = NewDataPath("BackupFolder");
            using (var server = GetNewServer())
                using (var store = new DocumentStore { Url = "http://localhost:8079" }.Initialize())
                    InsertHidenUsers(store, 2000);

                    var user1 = store.DatabaseCommands.Get("users/1");

                    InsertUsers(store, 1, 25);

                    // now perform full backup
                    var options = new SmugglerOptions
                        BackupPath = backupPath,
                    var dumper = new DataDumper(server.Database, options);
                    var backupStatus = new PeriodicBackupStatus();
                    await dumper.ExportData(null, null, true, backupStatus);

            VerifyDump(backupPath, store =>
                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    Assert.Equal(25, session.Query<User>().Customize(x => x.WaitForNonStaleResultsAsOfNow()).Count());

        public async Task CanDumpEmptyDatabase_Dumper()
            var backupPath = NewDataPath("BackupFolder");
            using (var server = GetNewServer())
                using (new DocumentStore { Url = "http://localhost:8079" }.Initialize())
                    // now perform full backup
                    var options = new SmugglerOptions
                        BackupPath = backupPath,
                    var dumper = new DataDumper(server.Database, options);
                    var backupStatus = new PeriodicBackupStatus();
                    await dumper.ExportData(null, null, true, backupStatus);

            VerifyDump(backupPath, store => Assert.Equal(0, store.DocumentDatabase.GetDocuments(0, int.MaxValue, null, CancellationToken.None).Count()));

        public async Task CanPerformDumpWithLimitAndFilter_Dumper()
            var backupPath = NewDataPath("BackupFolder");
            using (var store = NewDocumentStore())
                var counter = 0;
                counter = InsertUsers(store, counter, 1000);
                counter = InsertDevelopers(store, counter, 2);
                counter = InsertUsers(store, counter, 1000);
                InsertDevelopers(store, counter, 2);


                var options = new SmugglerOptions
                    Limit = 5,
                    BackupPath = backupPath,
                    Filters =
                    new FilterSetting
                        Path = "@metadata.Raven-Entity-Name",
                        Values = {"Developers"},
                        ShouldMatch = true,
                var dumper = new DataDumper(store.DocumentDatabase, options);
                var backupStatus = new PeriodicBackupStatus();
                await dumper.ExportData(null, null, true, backupStatus);


            VerifyDump(backupPath, store =>
                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    Assert.Equal(4, session.Query<Developer>().Customize(x => x.WaitForNonStaleResultsAsOfNow()).Count());

        public Task<HttpResponseMessage> ExportDatabase(ExportData smugglerOptionsJson)
            var requestString = smugglerOptionsJson.SmugglerOptions;
	        SmugglerOptions smugglerOptions;
            using (var jsonReader = new RavenJsonTextReader(new StringReader(requestString)))
				var serializer = JsonExtensions.CreateDefaultJsonSerializer();
                smugglerOptions = (SmugglerOptions)serializer.Deserialize(jsonReader, typeof(SmugglerOptions));

            var result = GetEmptyMessage();
            // create PushStreamContent object that will be called when the output stream will be ready.
			result.Content = new PushStreamContent(async (outputStream, content, arg3) =>
				    var dataDumper = new DataDumper(Database, smugglerOptions);
				    await dataDumper.ExportData(
					    new SmugglerExportOptions
						    ToStream = outputStream


            result.Content.Headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("attachment")
                FileName = string.Format("Dump of {0}, {1}.ravendump", this.DatabaseName, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
			return new CompletedTask<HttpResponseMessage>(result);
Exemple #12
        public async Task CanDumpAttachmentsEmpty_Dumper()
            var backupPath = NewDataPath("BackupFolder");
            using (var store = NewDocumentStore())
	            var dumper = new DataDumper(store.SystemDatabase) {SmugglerOptions = {Incremental = true, BatchSize = 100, Limit = 206}};
                await dumper.ExportData(new SmugglerExportOptions { ToFile = backupPath } );

            VerifyDump(backupPath, store =>
                Assert.Equal(0, store.DatabaseCommands.GetAttachmentHeadersStartingWith("user", 0, 500).Count());
Exemple #13
        public async Task CanDumpEmptyDatabase_Dumper()
            var backupPath = NewDataPath("BackupFolder");
            using (var server = GetNewServer(databaseName: Constants.SystemDatabase))
                using (new DocumentStore { Url = "http://localhost:8079" }.Initialize())
                    // now perform full backup
                    var dumper = new DataDumper(server.SystemDatabase) {SmugglerOptions = {Incremental = true}};
	                await dumper.ExportData(new SmugglerExportOptions { ToFile = backupPath });

            VerifyDump(backupPath, store => Assert.Equal(0, store.SystemDatabase.Documents.GetDocuments(0, int.MaxValue, null, CancellationToken.None).Count()));

Exemple #14
        public async Task CanPerformDumpWithLimit_Dumper()
            var backupPath = NewDataPath("BackupFolder");
            using (var store = NewDocumentStore())
                InsertUsers(store, 0, 2000);

                var dumper = new DataDumper(store.SystemDatabase) {SmugglerOptions = {Limit = 1500, Incremental = true}};
		            new FilterSetting
			            Path = "@metadata.Raven-Entity-Name",
			            Values = {"Users"},
			            ShouldMatch = true,
	            await dumper.ExportData(new SmugglerExportOptions {ToFile = backupPath});

            VerifyDump(backupPath, store =>
                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    Assert.Equal(1500, session.Query<User>().Customize(x => x.WaitForNonStaleResultsAsOfNow()).Count());
Exemple #15
        public async Task CanDumpAttachments_Dumper()
            var backupPath = NewDataPath("BackupFolder");
            using (var store = NewDocumentStore())
                InsertAttachments(store, 328);

                var dumper = new DataDumper(store.DocumentDatabase);
                await dumper.ExportData(new SmugglerExportOptions { ToFile = backupPath }, new SmugglerOptions { Incremental = true, BatchSize = 100 });

            VerifyDump(backupPath, store => Assert.Equal(328, store.DatabaseCommands.GetAttachmentHeadersStartingWith("user", 0, 500).Count()));