/// <summary>
        /// Converts a BlittableJsonReaderObject to an entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityType"></param>
        /// <param name="id">The id.</param>
        /// <param name="document">The document found.</param>
        /// <returns>The converted entity</returns>
        public object ConvertToEntity(Type entityType, string id, BlittableJsonReaderObject document)
                if (entityType == typeof(BlittableJsonReaderObject))

                var defaultValue = InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations.GetDefaultValue(entityType);
                var entity       = defaultValue;

                using (DefaultRavenContractResolver.RegisterExtensionDataSetter(RegisterMissingProperties))
                    var documentType = _session.Conventions.GetClrType(id, document);
                    if (documentType != null)
                        var type = Type.GetType(documentType);
                        if (type != null && entityType.IsAssignableFrom(type))
                            entity = _session.Conventions.DeserializeEntityFromBlittable(type, document);

                    if (Equals(entity, defaultValue))
                        entity = _session.Conventions.DeserializeEntityFromBlittable(entityType, document);

                if (id != null)
                    _session.GenerateEntityIdOnTheClient.TrySetIdentity(entity, id);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not convert document {id} to entity of type {entityType}",
        protected SessionTimeSeriesBase(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session, object entity, string name)
            if (entity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entity));

            if (session.DocumentsByEntity.TryGetValue(entity, out DocumentInfo document) == false || document == null)

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));

            DocId   = document.Id;
            Name    = name;
            Session = session;
 public DocumentSessionRevisionsAsync(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session) : base(session)
 public SessionDocumentCounters(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session, object entity)
     _asyncSessionCounters = new AsyncSessionDocumentCounters(session, entity);
Exemple #5
 public BeforeQueryEventArgs(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session, IDocumentQueryCustomization queryCustomization)
     Session            = session;
     QueryCustomization = queryCustomization;
Exemple #6
 public AfterSaveChangesEventArgs(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session, string documentId, object entity)
     Session    = session;
     DocumentId = documentId;
     Entity     = entity;
Exemple #7
 public BeforeConversionToDocumentEventArgs(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session, string id, object entity)
     Session = session;
     Id      = id;
     Entity  = entity;
Exemple #8
 public ClusterTransactionOperations(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session) : base(session)
 protected DocumentSessionRevisionsBase(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session)
     : base(session)
Exemple #10
 public AsyncSessionDocumentCounters(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session, object entity) : base(session, entity)
            DateTime from,
            DateTime to,
            int start,
            int pageSize,
            Action <ITimeSeriesIncludeBuilder> includes,
            CancellationToken token)
            var cache  = Session.TimeSeriesByDocId[DocId];
            var ranges = cache[Name];

            // try to find a range in cache that contains [from, to]
            // if found, chop just the relevant part from it and return to the user.

            // otherwise, try to find two ranges (fromRange, toRange),
            // such that 'fromRange' is the last occurence for which range.From <= from
            // and 'toRange' is the first occurence for which range.To >= to.
            // At the same time, figure out the missing partial ranges that we need to get from the server.

            int toRangeIndex;
            var fromRangeIndex = -1;

            List <TimeSeriesRange> rangesToGetFromServer = default;

            for (toRangeIndex = 0; toRangeIndex < ranges.Count; toRangeIndex++)
                if (ranges[toRangeIndex].From <= from)
                    if ((ranges[toRangeIndex].To >= to) || (ranges[toRangeIndex].Entries.Length - start >= pageSize))
                        // we have the entire range in cache
                        // we have all the range we need
                        // or that we have all the results we need in smaller range

                        return(ChopRelevantRange(ranges[toRangeIndex], from, to, start, pageSize));

                    fromRangeIndex = toRangeIndex;

                // can't get the entire range from cache

                rangesToGetFromServer ??= new List <TimeSeriesRange>();

                // add the missing part [f, t] between current range start (or 'from')
                // and previous range end (or 'to') to the list of ranges we need to get from server

                rangesToGetFromServer.Add(new TimeSeriesRange
                    Name = Name,
                    From = toRangeIndex == 0 || ranges[toRangeIndex - 1].To < from
                        ? from
                        : ranges[toRangeIndex - 1].To,
                    To = ranges[toRangeIndex].From <= to
                        ? ranges[toRangeIndex].From
                        : to

                if (ranges[toRangeIndex].To >= to)

            if (toRangeIndex == ranges.Count)
                // requested range [from, to] ends after all ranges in cache
                // add the missing part between the last range end and 'to'
                // to the list of ranges we need to get from server

                rangesToGetFromServer ??= new List <TimeSeriesRange>();
                rangesToGetFromServer.Add(new TimeSeriesRange
                    Name = Name,
                    From = ranges[ranges.Count - 1].To,
                    To   = to

            // get all the missing parts from server


            var details = await Session.Operations.SendAsync(
                new GetMultipleTimeSeriesOperation(DocId, rangesToGetFromServer, start, pageSize, includes), Session._sessionInfo, token : token)

            if (includes != null)

            // merge all the missing parts we got from server
            // with all the ranges in cache that are between 'fromRange' and 'toRange'

            var mergedValues = MergeRangesWithResults(from, to, ranges, fromRangeIndex, toRangeIndex,
                                                      resultFromServer: details.Values[Name], out var resultToUser);

            if (Session.NoTracking == false)
                from = details.Values[Name].Min(ts => ts.From);
                to   = details.Values[Name].Max(ts => ts.To);
                InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations.AddToCache(Name, from, to, fromRangeIndex, toRangeIndex, ranges, cache, mergedValues);

Exemple #12
 public AsyncSessionDocumentCounters(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session, string documentId) : base(session, documentId)
            internal void UpdateValue(CompareExchangeValue <BlittableJsonReaderObject> value, InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session)
                _index = value.Index;
                _state = value.Index >= 0 ? CompareExchangeValueState.None : CompareExchangeValueState.Missing;

                _originalValue = value;

                if (_value != null)
                    _value.Index = _index;

                    if (_value.Value != null)
                        session.JsonConverter.PopulateEntity(_value.Value, value.Value, session.JsonSerializer);
Exemple #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AsyncDocumentQuery{T}"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public AsyncDocumentQuery(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session, string indexName, string collectionName, bool isGroupBy)
     : base(session, indexName, collectionName, isGroupBy)
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AsyncDocumentQuery{T}"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public AsyncDocumentQuery(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session, string indexName, string collectionName, bool isGroupBy, IEnumerable <DeclareToken> declareTokens = null, List <LoadToken> loadTokens = null, string fromAlias = null, bool?isProjectInfo = false)
     : base(session, indexName, collectionName, isGroupBy, declareTokens, loadTokens, fromAlias, isProjectInfo)
 public AsyncSessionDocumentTimeSeries(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session, string documentId, string name) : base(session, documentId, name)
 public DocumentSessionAttachmentsAsync(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session) : base(session)
 public AsyncSessionDocumentTimeSeries(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session, object entity, string name) : base(session, entity, name)
Exemple #19
 public SessionCreatedEventArgs(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session)
     Session = session;
        public async Task <TTValues[]> GetAsyncInternal <TTValues>(DateTime?from = null, DateTime?to = null, int start = 0, int pageSize = int.MaxValue, CancellationToken token = default) where TTValues : TimeSeriesEntry
            TimeSeriesRangeResult <TTValues> rangeResult;

            from = from?.EnsureUtc();
            to   = to?.EnsureUtc();

            if (pageSize == 0)
                return(Array.Empty <TTValues>());

            if (Session.TimeSeriesByDocId.TryGetValue(DocId, out var cache) &&
                cache.TryGetValue(Name, out var ranges) &&
                ranges.Count > 0)
                if (ranges[0].From > to || ranges[ranges.Count - 1].To < from)
                    // the entire range [from, to] is out of cache bounds

                    // e.g. if cache is : [[2,3], [4,6], [8,9]]
                    // and requested range is : [12, 15]
                    // then ranges[ranges.Count - 1].To < from
                    // so we need to get [12,15] from server and place it
                    // at the end of the cache list


                    rangeResult = await Session.Operations.SendAsync(
                        new GetTimeSeriesOperation <TTValues>(DocId, Name, from, to, start, pageSize), Session._sessionInfo, token : token)

                    if (rangeResult == null)

                    if (Session.NoTracking == false)
                        var index = ranges[0].From > to ? 0 : ranges.Count;
                        ranges.Insert(index, rangeResult);


                var(servedFromCache, resultToUser, mergedValues, fromRangeIndex, toRangeIndex) =
                    await ServeFromCacheOrGetMissingPartsFromServerAndMerge(from ?? DateTime.MinValue, to ?? DateTime.MaxValue, ranges, start, pageSize, token)

                if (servedFromCache == false && Session.NoTracking == false)
                    InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations.AddToCache(Name, from ?? DateTime.MinValue, to ?? DateTime.MaxValue, fromRangeIndex, toRangeIndex, ranges, cache, mergedValues);

                return(resultToUser?.Take(pageSize).Cast <TTValues>().ToArray());

            if (Session.DocumentsById.TryGetValue(DocId, out var document) &&
                document.Metadata.TryGet(Constants.Documents.Metadata.TimeSeries, out BlittableJsonReaderArray metadataTimeSeries) &&
                metadataTimeSeries.BinarySearch(Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) < 0)
                // the document is loaded in the session, but the metadata says that there is no such timeseries
                return(Array.Empty <TTValues>());


            rangeResult = await Session.Operations.SendAsync(
                new GetTimeSeriesOperation <TTValues>(DocId, Name, from, to, start, pageSize), Session._sessionInfo, token : token)

            if (rangeResult == null)

            if (Session.NoTracking == false)
                if (Session.TimeSeriesByDocId.TryGetValue(DocId, out cache) == false)
                    Session.TimeSeriesByDocId[DocId] = cache = new Dictionary <string, List <TimeSeriesRangeResult> >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                cache[Name] = new List <TimeSeriesRangeResult>

Exemple #21
 internal SessionDisposingEventArgs(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session)
     Session = session;
 public SessionDocumentTimeSeries(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session, string documentId, string name)
     _asyncSessionTimeSeries = new AsyncSessionDocumentTimeSeries <TimeSeriesEntry>(session, documentId, name);
Exemple #23
 public BeforeDeleteEventArgs(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session, string documentId, object entity)
     Session    = session;
     DocumentId = documentId;
     Entity     = entity;
 public SessionDocumentTimeSeries(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session, object entity, string name)
     _asyncSessionTimeSeries = new AsyncSessionDocumentTimeSeries <TimeSeriesEntry>(session, entity, name);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AsyncDocumentQuery{T}"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public AsyncDocumentQuery(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session, string indexName, string collectionName, bool isGroupBy, DeclareToken declareToken = null, List <LoadToken> loadTokens = null, string fromAlias = null)
     : base(session, indexName, collectionName, isGroupBy, declareToken, loadTokens, fromAlias)
 protected DocumentSessionAttachmentsBase(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session) : base(session)
 /// <summary>
 /// All the listeners for this session
 /// </summary>
 public EntityToBlittable(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session)
     _session = session;
 public SessionDocumentCounters(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations session, string documentId)
     _asyncSessionCounters = new AsyncSessionDocumentCounters(session, documentId);