public override void Update(HostConfig HC, IPAddress ipAddress) { if (HC == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("HC"); if (ipAddress == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("ipAddress"); using (RMWebClient WC = new RMWebClient()) { WC.ContentType = "application/xml"; WC.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Authorization] = "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(HC.Username + ":" + HC.Password.GetPlainText())); WC.Headers["Accept"] = "application/xml"; WC.UseDefaultCredentials = false; try { string Url = ""; Url += "/zones/" + HC.ProviderSpecificSettings[HostConfig.POINT_ZONE_ID]; Url += "/records/" + HC.ProviderSpecificSettings[HostConfig.POINT_RECORD_ID]; string ResponseText = WC.UploadString(Url, "PUT", "<zone-record><data>" + ipAddress.ToString() + "</data><ttl type=\"integer\">60</ttl></zone-record>").Trim(); if (!ResponseText.Contains(ipAddress.ToString())) { HC.Disabled = true; HC.DisabledReason = "Reason not known."; HC.Save(); Logging.instance.LogError("Unable to update host \"" + HC.Hostname + "\" (" + HC.Provider.ToString() + "): " + HC.DisabledReason); } } catch (WebException wex) { HC.Disabled = true; switch (((HttpWebResponse)wex.Response).StatusCode) { case HttpStatusCode.Forbidden: HC.DisabledReason = "Current user does not have access to requested resource."; break; case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: HC.DisabledReason = "Record not found."; break; default: HC.DisabledReason = "An unknown response code was received: \"" + ((HttpWebResponse)wex.Response).StatusCode + "\""; break; } HC.Save(); Logging.instance.LogError("Unable to update host \"" + HC.Hostname + "\" (" + HC.Provider.ToString() + "): " + HC.DisabledReason); } catch (Exception ex) { HC.Disabled = true; HC.DisabledReason = "Unhandled exception (" + ex.Message + ")"; HC.Save(); Logging.instance.LogException("Unable to update host \"" + HC.Hostname + "\"", ex); } } }
public override void Update(HostConfig HC, IPAddress ipAddress) { if (HC == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("HC"); } if (ipAddress == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("ipAddress"); } using (RMWebClient WC = new RMWebClient()) { WC.ContentType = "application/xml"; WC.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Authorization] = "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(HC.Username + ":" + HC.Password.GetPlainText())); WC.Headers["Accept"] = "application/xml"; WC.UseDefaultCredentials = false; try { string Url = ""; Url += "/zones/" + HC.ProviderSpecificSettings[HostConfig.POINT_ZONE_ID]; Url += "/records/" + HC.ProviderSpecificSettings[HostConfig.POINT_RECORD_ID]; string ResponseText = WC.UploadString(Url, "PUT", "<zone-record><data>" + ipAddress.ToString() + "</data><ttl type=\"integer\">60</ttl></zone-record>").Trim(); if (!ResponseText.Contains(ipAddress.ToString())) { HC.Disabled = true; HC.DisabledReason = "Reason not known."; HC.Save(); Logging.instance.LogError("Unable to update host \"" + HC.Hostname + "\" (" + HC.Provider.ToString() + "): " + HC.DisabledReason); } } catch (WebException wex) { HC.Disabled = true; switch (((HttpWebResponse)wex.Response).StatusCode) { case HttpStatusCode.Forbidden: HC.DisabledReason = "Current user does not have access to requested resource."; break; case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: HC.DisabledReason = "Record not found."; break; default: HC.DisabledReason = "An unknown response code was received: \"" + ((HttpWebResponse)wex.Response).StatusCode + "\""; break; } HC.Save(); Logging.instance.LogError("Unable to update host \"" + HC.Hostname + "\" (" + HC.Provider.ToString() + "): " + HC.DisabledReason); } catch (Exception ex) { HC.Disabled = true; HC.DisabledReason = "Unhandled exception (" + ex.Message + ")"; HC.Save(); Logging.instance.LogException("Unable to update host \"" + HC.Hostname + "\"", ex); } } }
void cmdSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Dialog.ValidateIsEmailAddress(txtEmailAddress)) { return; } if (!Dialog.ValidateIsNotEmpty(txtAPIKey)) { return; } HostConfig HC = new HostConfig(txtHostname.Text.Trim()); HC.LastUpdateDate = DateTime.MinValue; HC.Password = txtAPIKey.SecureText.GetSecureText(); HC.Username = txtEmailAddress.Text.Trim(); if (HC.Disabled) { // Saving changes should reset the disabled state and last update date, so a new update can be attempted right away HC.Disabled = false; } HC.Save(); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
public override void Update(HostConfig HC, IPAddress ipAddress) { if (HC == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("HC"); } if (ipAddress == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("ipAddress"); } using (RMWebClient WC = new RMWebClient()) { string Url = ""; Url += "?id=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(HC.Hostname); Url += "&pw=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(HC.Password.GetPlainText()); Url += "&ip=" + ipAddress.ToString(); Url += "&client=PDDNS"; string ResponseText = WC.DownloadString(Url).Trim(); if (!ResponseText.Contains(ipAddress.ToString())) { HC.Disabled = true; HC.DisabledReason = ResponseText; HC.Save(); Logging.instance.LogError("Unable to update host \"" + HC.Hostname + "\" (" + HC.Provider.ToString() + "): " + HC.DisabledReason); } } }
void cmdSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lvZoneRecords.CheckedItems.Count == 0) { Dialog.Error("Please select one or more hostnames you want to keep updated", "Error"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < lvZoneRecords.CheckedItems.Count; i++) { HostConfig HC = new HostConfig(lvZoneRecords.CheckedItems[i].SubItems[0].Text.Trim()); HC.Password = txtAPIKey.Text.Trim(); HC.Provider = ProviderName.CloudFlare; HC.ProviderSpecificSettings[HostConfig.CLOUDFLARE_ZONE_NAME] = lvZoneRecords.CheckedItems[i].SubItems[1].Text.Trim(); HC.ProviderSpecificSettings[HostConfig.CLOUDFLARE_REC_ID] = lvZoneRecords.CheckedItems[i].SubItems[2].Text.Trim(); HC.Username = txtEmailAddress.Text.Trim(); HC.Save(); } if (chkSaveEmailAddressAndAPIKey.Checked) { Config.Default.CloudFlareAPIKey = txtAPIKey.Text; Config.Default.CloudFlareEmailAddress = txtEmailAddress.Text; } else { Config.Default.CloudFlareAPIKey = ""; Config.Default.CloudFlareEmailAddress = ""; } Config.Default.Save(); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
void cmdSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Dialog.ValidateIsNotEmpty(txtHostname)) { return; } if (!Dialog.ValidateIsNotEmpty(txtPassword)) { return; } if (txtHostname.Text.Trim().ToUpper() != _OriginalHostname) { using (IniFile Ini = new IniFile(Config.Default.FileName)) { Ini.EraseSection(_OriginalHostname); Ini.Save(); } } HostConfig HC = new HostConfig(txtHostname.Text.Trim()); HC.LastUpdateDate = DateTime.MinValue; HC.Password = txtPassword.SecureText.GetSecureText(); HC.Provider = ProviderName.DtDNS; HC.Username = HC.Hostname; if (HC.Disabled) { // Saving changes should reset the disabled state and last update date, so a new update can be attempted right away HC.Disabled = false; } HC.Save(); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
public override void Update(HostConfig HC, IPAddress ipAddress) { if (HC == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("HC"); } if (ipAddress == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("ipAddress"); } using (RMWebClient WC = new RMWebClient()) { WC.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Authorization] = "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(HC.Username + ":" + HC.Password.GetPlainText())); WC.UseDefaultCredentials = false; WC.UserAgent = ProcessUtils.CompanyName + " " + ProcessUtils.ProductName + "/" + ProcessUtils.ProductVersion + " [email protected]"; string Url = ""; Url += "?hostname=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(HC.Hostname); Url += "&myip=" + ipAddress.ToString(); string ResponseText = WC.DownloadString(Url).Trim().ToLower(); if (ResponseText.Contains(ipAddress.ToString())) { if (ResponseText.Contains("nochg")) { Logging.instance.LogWarning("Host \"" + HC.Hostname + "\" (" + HC.Provider.ToString() + ") successfully updated, but returned NOCHG response. Too many of these could cause your account to be banned by the provider."); } } else { HC.Disabled = true; switch (ResponseText) { case "nohost": HC.DisabledReason = "Hostname supplied does not exist under specified account"; break; case "badauth": HC.DisabledReason = "Invalid username password combination"; break; case "badagent": HC.DisabledReason = "Client disabled."; break; case "!donator": HC.DisabledReason = "An update request was sent including a feature that is not available to that particular user such as offline options."; break; case "abuse": HC.DisabledReason = "Username is blocked due to abuse. Either for not following our update specifications or disabled due to violation of the No-IP terms of service."; break; case "911": Logging.instance.LogWarning("Unable to update host \"" + HC.Hostname + "\" (" + HC.Provider.ToString() + "): A fatal error on the provider's side such as a database outage. Will retry in 1 hour."); return; default: HC.DisabledReason = "An unknown response code was received: \"" + ResponseText + "\""; break; } HC.Save(); Logging.instance.LogError("Unable to update host \"" + HC.Hostname + "\" (" + HC.Provider.ToString() + "): " + HC.DisabledReason); } } }
void cmdSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Dialog.ValidateIsEmailAddress(txtEmailAddress)) return; if (!Dialog.ValidateIsNotEmpty(txtAPIKey)) return; HostConfig HC = new HostConfig(txtHostname.Text.Trim()); HC.LastUpdateDate = DateTime.MinValue; HC.Password = txtAPIKey.SecureText.GetSecureText(); HC.Username = txtEmailAddress.Text.Trim(); if (HC.Disabled) { // Saving changes should reset the disabled state and last update date, so a new update can be attempted right away HC.Disabled = false; } HC.Save(); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
public override void Update(HostConfig HC, IPAddress ipAddress) { if (HC == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("HC"); if (ipAddress == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("ipAddress"); using (RMWebClient WC = new RMWebClient()) { string Url = ""; Url += "?id=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(HC.Hostname); Url += "&pw=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(HC.Password.GetPlainText()); Url += "&ip=" + ipAddress.ToString(); Url += "&client=PDDNS"; string ResponseText = WC.DownloadString(Url).Trim(); if (!ResponseText.Contains(ipAddress.ToString())) { HC.Disabled = true; HC.DisabledReason = ResponseText; HC.Save(); Logging.instance.LogError("Unable to update host \"" + HC.Hostname + "\" (" + HC.Provider.ToString() + "): " + HC.DisabledReason); } } }
private bool CheckHosts(IPAddress localIPAddress) { bool Result = true; List <string> Hostnames = new List <string>(); foreach (ListViewItem LVI in lvHosts.Items) { Hostnames.Add(LVI.SubItems[0].Text); } foreach (string Hostname in Hostnames) { try { HostConfig HC = new HostConfig(Hostname); if (HC.Loaded) { bool HostNeedsUpdate = true; // Get current IP for host (to see if it differs from detected IP) try { foreach (IPAddress RemoteIPAddress in HC.GetRemoteIPs().Reverse()) { SetCurrentIP(HC.Hostname, RemoteIPAddress.ToString()); if (RemoteIPAddress.ToString() == localIPAddress.ToString()) { HostNeedsUpdate = false; break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { SetCurrentIP(HC.Hostname, "Unable to resolve"); Logging.instance.LogException("Unable to resolve \"" + HC.Hostname + "\"", ex); } // Also check if it has been > 7 days since we updated, and if so, force an update to ensure our host doesn't expire if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(HC.LastUpdateDate).TotalDays >= 7.0) { HostNeedsUpdate = true; } if (HostNeedsUpdate && !HC.Disabled) { // If we get here it means the IP retrieved from DNS doesn't match our detected external IP, so // in theory we need to send an update to the provider. The problem is if the provider has a // large TTL value then we may have already sent an update and just got a cached IP from the DNS // lookup -- and in that case we don't want to send another update. So we'll check if the last // IP we updated with matches the current IP. If it does, then we won't send another update // unless one hour has passed since the last update if ((localIPAddress.ToString() != HC.LastUpdateIP) || (DateTime.Now.Subtract(HC.LastUpdateDate).TotalHours > 1)) { if (!Debugger.IsAttached || (Dialog.YesNo("Do you want to update " + HC.Hostname + "?", "Confirm Update") == DialogResult.Yes)) { Logging.instance.LogMessage("Updating \"" + HC.Hostname + "\" (" + HC.Provider.ToString() + ") to " + localIPAddress); HC.LastUpdateIP = localIPAddress.ToString(); HC.LastUpdateDate = DateTime.Now; HC.Save(); Provider P = Providers.GetProvider(HC.Provider); P.Update(HC, localIPAddress); SetStatus(HC.Hostname, HC.Status); } } } if (HC.Disabled) { Result = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { // Don't let a single host fail the whole update process Logging.instance.LogException("Error checking \"" + Hostname + "\"", ex); if (Debugger.IsAttached) { Dialog.Error("Error checking " + Hostname + ":\r\n\r\n" + ex.Message, "Error"); } Result = false; } } return(Result); }
void cmdSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Dialog.ValidateIsNotEmpty(txtHostname)) return; if (!Dialog.ValidateIsNotEmpty(txtPassword)) return; if (txtHostname.Text.Trim().ToUpper() != _OriginalHostname) { using (IniFile Ini = new IniFile(Config.Default.FileName)) { Ini.EraseSection(_OriginalHostname); Ini.Save(); } } HostConfig HC = new HostConfig(txtHostname.Text.Trim()); HC.LastUpdateDate = DateTime.MinValue; HC.Password = txtPassword.SecureText.GetSecureText(); HC.Provider = ProviderName.DtDNS; HC.Username = HC.Hostname; if (HC.Disabled) { // Saving changes should reset the disabled state and last update date, so a new update can be attempted right away HC.Disabled = false; } HC.Save(); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
private bool CheckHosts(IPAddress localIPAddress) { bool Result = true; List<string> Hostnames = new List<string>(); foreach (ListViewItem LVI in lvHosts.Items) { Hostnames.Add(LVI.SubItems[0].Text); } foreach (string Hostname in Hostnames) { try { HostConfig HC = new HostConfig(Hostname); if (HC.Loaded) { bool HostNeedsUpdate = true; // Get current IP for host (to see if it differs from detected IP) try { foreach (IPAddress RemoteIPAddress in HC.GetRemoteIPs().Reverse()) { SetCurrentIP(HC.Hostname, RemoteIPAddress.ToString()); if (RemoteIPAddress.ToString() == localIPAddress.ToString()) { HostNeedsUpdate = false; break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { SetCurrentIP(HC.Hostname, "Unable to resolve"); Logging.instance.LogException("Unable to resolve \"" + HC.Hostname + "\"", ex); } // Also check if it has been > 7 days since we updated, and if so, force an update to ensure our host doesn't expire if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(HC.LastUpdateDate).TotalDays >= 7.0) { HostNeedsUpdate = true; } if (HostNeedsUpdate && !HC.Disabled) { // If we get here it means the IP retrieved from DNS doesn't match our detected external IP, so // in theory we need to send an update to the provider. The problem is if the provider has a // large TTL value then we may have already sent an update and just got a cached IP from the DNS // lookup -- and in that case we don't want to send another update. So we'll check if the last // IP we updated with matches the current IP. If it does, then we won't send another update // unless one hour has passed since the last update if ((localIPAddress.ToString() != HC.LastUpdateIP) || (DateTime.Now.Subtract(HC.LastUpdateDate).TotalHours > 1)) { if (!Debugger.IsAttached || (Dialog.YesNo("Do you want to update " + HC.Hostname + "?", "Confirm Update") == DialogResult.Yes)) { Logging.instance.LogMessage("Updating \"" + HC.Hostname + "\" (" + HC.Provider.ToString() + ") to " + localIPAddress); HC.LastUpdateIP = localIPAddress.ToString(); HC.LastUpdateDate = DateTime.Now; HC.Save(); Provider P = Providers.GetProvider(HC.Provider); P.Update(HC, localIPAddress); SetStatus(HC.Hostname, HC.Status); } } } if (HC.Disabled) Result = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { // Don't let a single host fail the whole update process Logging.instance.LogException("Error checking \"" + Hostname + "\"", ex); if (Debugger.IsAttached) Dialog.Error("Error checking " + Hostname + ":\r\n\r\n" + ex.Message, "Error"); Result = false; } } return Result; }
public override void Update(HostConfig HC, IPAddress ipAddress) { if (HC == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("HC"); } if (ipAddress == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("ipAddress"); } using (RMWebClient WC = new RMWebClient()) { try { NameValueCollection Params = new NameValueCollection(); Params.Add("a", "rec_edit"); Params.Add("content", ipAddress.ToString()); Params.Add("email", HC.Username); Params.Add("id", HC.ProviderSpecificSettings[HostConfig.CLOUDFLARE_REC_ID]); int HostnamePeriodCount = HC.Hostname.Count(x => x == '.'); // TODO Do this for other providers too switch (HostnamePeriodCount) { case 0: throw new Exception("Hostname has 0 periods?"); case 1: Params.Add("name", HC.Hostname); break; // One period == full domain name (ie default: Params.Add("name", string.Join(".", HC.Hostname.Split('.'), 0, HostnamePeriodCount - 1)); break; // More than one period == all but last element (ie or } Params.Add("tkn", HC.Password.GetPlainText()); Params.Add("ttl", "1"); Params.Add("type", "A"); Params.Add("z", HC.ProviderSpecificSettings[HostConfig.CLOUDFLARE_ZONE_NAME]); Hashtable rec_edit_response = (Hashtable)JSON.JsonDecode(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(WC.UploadValues("", "POST", Params))); if (rec_edit_response["result"].ToString() == "success") { Hashtable Response = (Hashtable)rec_edit_response["response"]; Hashtable Rec = (Hashtable)Response["rec"]; Hashtable Obj = (Hashtable)Rec["obj"]; if (!Obj["content"].ToString().Contains(ipAddress.ToString())) { HC.Disabled = true; HC.DisabledReason = rec_edit_response["msg"].ToString(); HC.Save(); Logging.instance.LogError("Unable to update host \"" + HC.Hostname + "\" (" + HC.Provider.ToString() + "): " + HC.DisabledReason); } } else { HC.Disabled = true; HC.DisabledReason = (rec_edit_response["msg"] == null) ? "Unknown reason" : rec_edit_response["msg"].ToString(); HC.Save(); Logging.instance.LogError("Unable to update host \"" + HC.Hostname + "\" (" + HC.Provider.ToString() + "): " + HC.DisabledReason); } } catch (Exception ex) { HC.Disabled = true; HC.DisabledReason = "Unhandled exception (" + ex.Message + ")"; HC.Save(); Logging.instance.LogException("Unable to update host \"" + HC.Hostname + "\"", ex); } } }
public override void Update(HostConfig HC, IPAddress ipAddress) { if (HC == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("HC"); if (ipAddress == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("ipAddress"); using (RMWebClient WC = new RMWebClient()) { WC.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Authorization] = "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(HC.Username + ":" + HC.Password.GetPlainText())); WC.UseDefaultCredentials = false; WC.UserAgent = ProcessUtils.CompanyName + " " + ProcessUtils.ProductName + "/" + ProcessUtils.ProductVersion + " [email protected]"; string Url = ""; Url += "?hostname=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(HC.Hostname); Url += "&myip=" + ipAddress.ToString(); string ResponseText = WC.DownloadString(Url).Trim().ToLower(); if (ResponseText.Contains(ipAddress.ToString())) { if (ResponseText.Contains("nochg")) { Logging.instance.LogWarning("Host \"" + HC.Hostname + "\" (" + HC.Provider.ToString() + ") successfully updated, but returned NOCHG response. Too many of these could cause your account to be banned by the provider."); } } else { HC.Disabled = true; switch (ResponseText) { case "nohost": HC.DisabledReason = "Hostname supplied does not exist under specified account"; break; case "badauth": HC.DisabledReason = "Invalid username password combination"; break; case "badagent": HC.DisabledReason = "Client disabled."; break; case "!donator": HC.DisabledReason = "An update request was sent including a feature that is not available to that particular user such as offline options."; break; case "abuse": HC.DisabledReason = "Username is blocked due to abuse. Either for not following our update specifications or disabled due to violation of the No-IP terms of service."; break; case "911": Logging.instance.LogWarning("Unable to update host \"" + HC.Hostname + "\" (" + HC.Provider.ToString() + "): A fatal error on the provider's side such as a database outage. Will retry in 1 hour."); return; default: HC.DisabledReason = "An unknown response code was received: \"" + ResponseText + "\""; break; } HC.Save(); Logging.instance.LogError("Unable to update host \"" + HC.Hostname + "\" (" + HC.Provider.ToString() + "): " + HC.DisabledReason); } } }
public override void Update(HostConfig HC, IPAddress ipAddress) { if (HC == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("HC"); if (ipAddress == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("ipAddress"); using (RMWebClient WC = new RMWebClient()) { try { NameValueCollection Params = new NameValueCollection(); Params.Add("a", "rec_edit"); Params.Add("content", ipAddress.ToString()); Params.Add("email", HC.Username); Params.Add("id", HC.ProviderSpecificSettings[HostConfig.CLOUDFLARE_REC_ID]); int HostnamePeriodCount = HC.Hostname.Count(x => x == '.'); // TODO Do this for other providers too switch (HostnamePeriodCount) { case 0: throw new Exception("Hostname has 0 periods?"); case 1: Params.Add("name", HC.Hostname); break; // One period == full domain name (ie default: Params.Add("name", string.Join(".", HC.Hostname.Split('.'), 0, HostnamePeriodCount - 1)); break; // More than one period == all but last element (ie or } Params.Add("tkn", HC.Password.GetPlainText()); Params.Add("ttl", "1"); Params.Add("type", "A"); Params.Add("z", HC.ProviderSpecificSettings[HostConfig.CLOUDFLARE_ZONE_NAME]); Hashtable rec_edit_response = (Hashtable)JSON.JsonDecode(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(WC.UploadValues("", "POST", Params))); if (rec_edit_response["result"].ToString() == "success") { Hashtable Response = (Hashtable)rec_edit_response["response"]; Hashtable Rec = (Hashtable)Response["rec"]; Hashtable Obj = (Hashtable)Rec["obj"]; if (!Obj["content"].ToString().Contains(ipAddress.ToString())) { HC.Disabled = true; HC.DisabledReason = rec_edit_response["msg"].ToString(); HC.Save(); Logging.instance.LogError("Unable to update host \"" + HC.Hostname + "\" (" + HC.Provider.ToString() + "): " + HC.DisabledReason); } } else { HC.Disabled = true; HC.DisabledReason = (rec_edit_response["msg"] == null) ? "Unknown reason" : rec_edit_response["msg"].ToString(); HC.Save(); Logging.instance.LogError("Unable to update host \"" + HC.Hostname + "\" (" + HC.Provider.ToString() + "): " + HC.DisabledReason); } } catch (Exception ex) { HC.Disabled = true; HC.DisabledReason = "Unhandled exception (" + ex.Message + ")"; HC.Save(); Logging.instance.LogException("Unable to update host \"" + HC.Hostname + "\"", ex); } } }