/// <summary>
        /// The GetThreadMessages method is used to obtain the list
        /// of messages contained within a sub-topic of the
        /// a top-level discussion message thread.  This method is
        /// used to populate the "DetailList" asp:datalist server control
        /// in the SelectedItemTemplate of "TopLevelList".
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>returns a SqlDataReader object</returns>
        protected SqlDataReader GetThreadMessages()
            DiscussionDB  discuss = new DiscussionDB();
            int           itemID  = Int32.Parse(TopLevelList.DataKeys[TopLevelList.SelectedIndex].ToString());
            SqlDataReader dr      = discuss.GetThreadMessages(itemID, 'N');

Exemple #2
        /// <summary> Binds the threads from the database to the list control </summary>
        /// <param name="ItemID"> itemID of ANY of the topics in the thread </param>
        /// <returns>returns nothing</returns>
        private void BindList(int ItemID)
            // Obtain a list of discussion messages for the module and bind to datalist
            DiscussionDB discuss = new DiscussionDB();

            ThreadList.DataSource = discuss.GetThreadMessages(ItemID, 'Y');             // 'Y' means include rootmessage