/// <summary> /// Broadcast messages to all connected clients. /// </summary> /// <param name="Custom">Custom bytearray to send to the clients.</param> /// <param name="sync">if it is true, will sync players position.</param> public void Broadcast(byte[] Custom, bool sync) { //TODO: FRONTEND TO THE SERVER. for (int i = 0; i < users.Count; i++) { if (users[i].TimeOut >= 10) { remove(users[i].Id, "Timed Out"); } else { try { broadcast = users[i].EndPoint; byte[] msg; if (sync) { msg = PkgMngr.GenerateMessage(PkgInterf.PING, users[i].GetID()); server.Send(msg, msg.Length, broadcast); users[i].TimeOut++; } if (Custom != null) { server.Send(Custom, Custom.Length, broadcast); //Console.WriteLine("Sent:" + PkgMngr.Translate(Custom)); } } catch (SocketException e) { remove(users[i].Address, users[i].Port, "Problem: " + e); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Sync player's position /// </summary> public void Sync() { //HACK: Temporary. for (int j = 0; j < users.Count; j++) { try { broadcast = users[j].EndPoint; for (int i = 0; i < users.Count; i++) { if (i != j && users[i] != null) { byte[] msg = PkgMngr.GenerateMessage(PkgInterf.SYNC, users[i].GetPosition(), users[i].GetID()); //Console.WriteLine("DEBUG — Sending: " + msg.Length + " Bits."); server.Send(msg, msg.Length, broadcast); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Something happened: " + e.Message); continue; } } if (users.Count == 0) { Thread.Sleep(50); } }
/// <summary> /// Send a message directly to an ID /// </summary> /// <param name="signal">Signal token to an server command.</param> /// <param name="message">Byte array to be sent to the server.</param> /// <param name="ID">ID of the user</param> public void sendDirect(byte signal, byte[] message, int ID = -1) { Console.WriteLine("Testing"); IPEndPoint EP = Search(ID).EndPoint; byte[] msg = PkgMngr.GenerateMessage(signal, message); server.Send(msg, msg.Length, EP); }
/// <summary> /// Send a message directly to a address /// </summary> /// <param name="signal">Signal token to an server command.</param> /// <param name="message">Byte array to be sent to the server.</param> /// <param name="Address">IP Address of the client.</param> /// <param name="_port">Port of the server.</param> public void sendDirect(byte signal, byte[] message, IPAddress Address, int _port) { IPEndPoint EP = new IPEndPoint(Address, _port); byte[] msg = PkgMngr.GenerateMessage(signal, message); server.Send(msg, msg.Length, EP); Console.WriteLine("Sending Handshake"); }
public void sendDirect(string message, string Address, int _port) { IPEndPoint EP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(Address), _port); byte[] msg = PkgMngr.GetBytes(message); server.Send(msg, msg.Length, EP); Console.WriteLine("Sending HandShake"); }
/// <summary> /// Insert a new client to the list /// </summary> /// <param name="Address">Client's IP Address.</param> /// <param name="_port">Client's port</param> /// <param name="name">Client's name</param> /// <param name="qt_custom">Extra sync vars</param> /// <returns>Client object</returns> public Client insert(string Address, int _port, string name) { Client obj = new Client(Address, _port, name, IDcont); Console.WriteLine("Welcome! " + name + " with the ID: " + IDcont); byte[] advise = PkgMngr.GenerateMessage(PkgInterf.JOIN, BitConverter.GetBytes(IDcont), PkgMngr.GetBytes(name)); Broadcast(advise, false); users.Add(obj); IDcont++; return(obj); }
public WSServer(UDPnetKode Translator, int port = 8585) { SocketServer = Translator; WSS = new WebSocketServer("ws://" + port); WSS.Start(socket => { socket.OnOpen = () => Console.WriteLine("Open!"); socket.OnClose = () => Console.WriteLine("Close!"); socket.OnMessage = message => Translator.sendDirect(PkgMngr.GetBytes(message[0]), PkgMngr.TrimByteArray(1, message.Length, PkgMngr.GetBytes(message))); }); }
/// <summary> /// removes a client from the list /// </summary> /// <param name="_ID">Client ID</param> /// <param name="Why">Reason why it is going to be removed</param> public void remove(int _ID = -1, string Why = "") { Console.WriteLine("Removing a client by: " + Why); for (int i = 0; i < users.Count; i++) { if (users[i].Id == _ID) { users.RemoveAt(i); Broadcast(PkgMngr.GenerateMessage(PkgInterf.GOODBYE, BitConverter.GetBytes(_ID)), false); } } }
public void SendEverybodyID(IPAddress IP, int Port) { byte[] pkg = new byte[4 * users.Count]; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < users.Count; i++) { byte[] _id = users[i].GetID(); for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { pkg[index] = _id[j]; } } byte[] final_pkg = PkgMngr.Union(BitConverter.GetBytes(users.Count), pkg); sendDirect(PkgInterf.UPDATE, final_pkg, IP, Port); }
/// <summary> /// removes a client from the list /// </summary> /// <param name="ip">Client's IP Address</param> /// <param name="port">Client's port</param> /// <param name="Why">Reason why it is going to be removed</param> public void remove(string ip = "", int port = 8484, string Why = "") { Console.WriteLine("Removing a client by: " + Why); for (int i = 0; i < users.Count; i++) { if (users[i].Address == ip && users[i].Port == port) { int id = users[i].Id; string name = users[i].Name; users.RemoveAt(i); Console.WriteLine("Disconnected: " + name); Broadcast(PkgMngr.GenerateMessage(PkgInterf.GOODBYE, BitConverter.GetBytes(id)), false); break; } } }
private void Wsc_MessageReceived(object sender, MessageReceivedEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("Relay: " + e.Message); byte[] pkg = PkgMngr.GetBytes(e.Message); try { switch (pkg[0]) { case PkgInterf.HELLO: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Trying Communication:" + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Server receives messages from the clients /// </summary> public void RecvMessage() { while (alive) { try { byte[] Pkg = server.Receive(ref clientes); switch (Pkg[0]) { case PkgInterf.HELLO: if (Search(clientes.Address.ToString(), clientes.Port) == null) { byte[] idtosend = new byte[4]; idtosend = BitConverter.GetBytes(IDcont); insert(clientes.Address.ToString(), clientes.Port, PkgMngr.Translate(PkgMngr.TrimByteArray(1, Pkg.Length, Pkg))); Console.WriteLine("Connection incoming [{0}:{1}]", clientes.Address.ToString(), clientes.Port); sendDirect(PkgInterf.HANDSHAKE, idtosend, clientes.Address, clientes.Port); //SendEverybodyID(clientes.Address, clientes.Port); } break; case PkgInterf.GOODBYE: if (Search(clientes.Address.ToString(), clientes.Port) != null) { Client temp = Search(clientes.Address.ToString(), clientes.Port); remove(temp.Id, "Disconnected Safely"); } else { sendDirect(PkgInterf.ERROR, clientes.Address, clientes.Port); } break; case PkgInterf.PING: if (Search(clientes.Address.ToString(), clientes.Port) != null) { Search(clientes.Address.ToString(), clientes.Port).TimeOut = 0; } else { sendDirect(PkgInterf.ERROR, clientes.Address, clientes.Port); } break; case PkgInterf.SYNC: if (Search(clientes.Address.ToString(), clientes.Port) != null) { /*1-XXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ*/ Client temp = Search(clientes.Address.ToString(), clientes.Port); temp.SetPositionByByteArray(PkgMngr.TrimByteArray(1, 13, Pkg)); } else { sendDirect(PkgInterf.ERROR, clientes.Address, clientes.Port); } break; case PkgInterf.INPUT: /*It will send to all players the input to of an player * but syncing his position and rotation before all thing*/ if (Search(clientes.Address.ToString(), clientes.Port) != null) { /*H-I-P-IDID-XXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ-X-Y-Z * HEADER : 3 UNSIGNED CHAR/BYTE * INPUTKEY : 0-255 UNSIGNED CHAR/BYTE BUTTON PRESSED * PWM : 0-255 BOOL/BYTE PWM BUTTON ON-OFF * IDID : 2^32 INT32 PLAYER ID * XXXX : 0.0000 FLOAT X Position. * YYYY : 0.0000 FLOAT Y Position. * ZZZZ : 0.0000 FLOAT Z Position. * X : 0-255 BYTE X Rotation. * Y : 0-255 BYTE Y Rotation. * Z : 0-255 BYTE Z Rotation.*/ Client temp = Search(clientes.Address.ToString(), clientes.Port); temp.NewInput(Pkg); } else { sendDirect(PkgInterf.ERROR, clientes.Address, clientes.Port); } break; case PkgInterf.CHAT: if (Search(clientes.Address.ToString(), clientes.Port) != null) { Client clien = Search(clientes.Address.ToString(), clientes.Port); Console.WriteLine(clien.Name + ": " + PkgMngr.Translate(Pkg)); } else { sendDirect(PkgInterf.ERROR, clientes.Address, clientes.Port); } break; case PkgInterf.INFO: Broadcast(Pkg, false); break; case PkgInterf.REQUEST: Client temp_client = Search(clientes.Address.ToString(), clientes.Port); if (temp_client != null) { byte[] idtosend = new byte[4]; idtosend = temp_client.GetID(); sendDirect(PkgInterf.HANDSHAKE, idtosend, clientes.Address, clientes.Port); } break; default: if (Search(clientes.Address.ToString(), clientes.Port) != null) { Client clien = Search(clientes.Address.ToString(), clientes.Port); Console.WriteLine(clien.Name + ": " + PkgMngr.Translate(Pkg) + " (Using an unkown header)"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid Session!"); sendDirect(PkgInterf.ERROR, clientes.Address, clientes.Port); } break; } } catch (SocketException e) { Console.WriteLine("Trying Communication. error: " + e.Message); } } }