Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 ///		Write year and animal data to the data source.  All existing data in the
 ///		data source is overwritten.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Years">
 ///		The list of years to write.  An ArgumentNullException exception is raised
 ///		if Years is null.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="Animals">
 ///		The list of animals to write.  An ArgumentNullException exception is raised
 ///		if Animals is null.
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="BG">
 ///		The background that these animals occupy.  An ArgumentNullException
 ///		exception is raised if BG is null.
 ///	</param>
 public void WriteYearAndAnimalData(cYearList Years, cAnimalList Animals,
                                    cBackground BG)
     // make sure Years is not null
     if (Years == null)
     // make sure Animals is not null
     if (Animals == null)
     // make sure BG is not null
     if (BG == null)
     // write the animal data
     this.WriteAnimalData(Animals, BG);
     // write the name of the cell list
     // write the years
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        ///		Updates an existing animal data source.  Animals in the passed animal list but
        ///		not in the datasource are added to the data source.  Animal in the list and in
        ///		the data source are updated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Animals">
        ///		The animal list containing the animals to be added and updated.
        ///	</param>
        ///	<param name="BG">The background that the animals occupy.</param>
        public void UpdateAnimalData(cAnimalList Animals, cBackground BG)
            if (Animals == null)
            if (BG == null)
            // throw an exception if data source is read only
            if (this.ReadOnly)
            // create a cAnimalAttributes object
            cAnimalAttributes Attributes = new cAnimalAttributes();

            // write the time stamp
            this.WriteTime(BG.Years.CurrentYearNum, BG.Years.CurrentYear.CurrentWeek,
            // loop through all foxes, writing each one to the datasource
            for (int i = 0; i < Animals.Count; i++)
                Attributes.ListIndex = i;
                this.WriteAnimalRecord(Attributes, true);
                // write markers if the version is correct
                if (GetVersion() > 1)
                    this.WriteMarkers(Attributes, true);
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 ///		Initialize a cCombinedStrategy.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="BG">
 ///		The background object against which this strategy shall be applied. An
 ///		ArgumentNullException exception is raised if BG is null.
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="Cells">
 ///		The list of cells to which this strategy will apply.  An ArgumentNullException
 ///		exception is raised if Cells is null.  An ArgumentException exception is raised
 ///		if Cells is an empty list or if it contains cell IDs not found in the passed
 ///		Background object (BG).
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="Level">
 ///		The level at with this strategy shall be applied.  An ArgumentOutOfRangeException
 ///		exception is raised if Level is not in the range of 0-100.
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="Year">
 ///		The year in which this strategy will be applied.  An ArgumentOutOfRangeException
 ///		exception is raised if Year is less then zero.
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="Week">
 ///		The week in which this strategy will be applied.  An ArgumentOutOfRangeException
 ///		exception is raised if Week is not in the range of 1-52.
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="DiseaseName">
 ///		The name of the disease to protect against.  An ArgumentException exception is
 ///		raised if DiseaseName is zero length.
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="VaccineEffectivePeriod">
 ///		The effective period (in weeks) of the vaccine being used.  An
 ///		ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception is raise if VaccineEffectivePeriod
 ///		is less than zero.
 ///	</param>
 ///	<param name="FertilityEffectivePeriod">
 ///		The effective period(in weeks) of the fertility control.  An ArgumentOutOfRangeException
 ///		exception is raised if FertilityEffectivePeriod is less than zero.
 ///	</param>
 public cCombinedStrategy(cBackground BG, cCellList Cells, double Level,
                          int Year, int Week, string DiseaseName, int VaccineEffectivePeriod,
                          int FertilityEffectivePeriod)
     : base(BG, Cells, Level, Year, Week)
     // DiseaseName should not be zero length
     if (DiseaseName.Length == 0)
         throw new ArgumentException("DiseaseName cannot be zero length.", "DiseaseName");
     // Effective Periods must be greater than zero
     if (VaccineEffectivePeriod < 1)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("VaccineEffectivePeriod",
                                               "VaccineEffectivePeriod must be greater than zero.");
     if (FertilityEffectivePeriod < 1)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("FertilityEffectivePeriod",
                                               "FertilityEffectivePeriod must be greater than zero.");
     // set values
     mvarDiseaseName              = DiseaseName;
     mvarVaccineEffectivePeriod   = VaccineEffectivePeriod;
     mvarFertilityEffectivePeriod = FertilityEffectivePeriod;
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 ///		Loads the animal and year data.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Years">
 ///		The list of years to be filled.  An ArgumentNullException exception is raised
 ///		if Years is null.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="Animals">
 ///		The list of animals to be filled.  An ArgumentNullException exception is raised
 ///		if Animals is null.
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="BG">
 ///		The background that these animals will occupy.  An ArgumentNullException
 ///		exception is raised if BG is null.  An InvalidOperationException exception is
 ///		raised if name of the cell list in the datasource does not match the name of
 ///		the cell list in the passed background.
 ///	</param>
 public void LoadYearAndAnimalData(cYearList Years, cAnimalList Animals,
                                   cBackground BG)
     //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cAnimalsDataSource.cs: LoadYearAndAnimalData");
     // make sure Years is not null
     if (Years == null)
     // make sure Animals is not null
     if (Animals == null)
     // make sure BG is not null
     if (BG == null)
     // make sure the cell list name of the data source matches the cell list
     // name of the cells belonging to the background.
     if (!this.CheckCellsName(BG.Cells))
         throw new InvalidOperationException("The cell list name associated with this animal data source does not match the cell list name associated with the background.");
     // load the years
     // load the animals
     this.GetAnimalData(Animals, BG);
     //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cAnimalsDataSource.cs: LoadYearAndAnimalData END");
 /// <summary>
 ///		Initialize a cFertility strategy.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="BG">
 ///		The background object against which this strategy shall be applied. An
 ///		ArgumentNullException exception is raised if BG is null.
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="Cells">
 ///		The list of cells to which this strategy will apply.  An ArgumentNullException
 ///		exception is raised if Cells is null.  An ArgumentException exception is raised
 ///		if Cells is an empty list or if it contains cell IDs not found in the passed
 ///		Background object (BG).
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="Level">
 ///		The level at with this strategy shall be applied.  An ArgumentOutOfRangeException
 ///		exception is raised if Level is not in the range of 0-100.
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="Year">
 ///		The year in which this strategy will be applied.  An ArgumentOutOfRangeException
 ///		exception is raised if Year is less then zero.
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="Week">
 ///		The week in which this strategy will be applied.  An ArgumentOutOfRangeException
 ///		exception is raised if Week is not in the range of 1-52.
 ///	</param>
 ///	<param name="EffectivePeriod">
 ///		The length of time (in weeks) that the fertility control is effective.  An ArgumentOutOfRangeException
 ///		exception is raised if Effective Period is not greater than 0.
 ///	</param>
 public cFertilityStrategy(cBackground BG, cCellList Cells, double Level, int Year, int Week, int EffectivePeriod)
     : base(BG, Cells, Level, Year, Week)
     if (EffectivePeriod < 1)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("EffectivePeriod",
                                               "EffectivePeriod must be greater than zero.");
     mvarEffectivePeriod = EffectivePeriod;
 // ************************** Constructors *************************************
 /// <summary>
 ///		Initialize the master cell list.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Background">
 ///		The background object that owns this master cell list.  An ArgumentNullEception
 ///		exception is raised if Background is null.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="ScrambleRandom">A random number generator to use if the list is to be scrambled</param>
 public cMasterCellList(cBackground Background, cUniformRandom ScrambleRandom)
     : base(ScrambleRandom)
     // make sure background is valid
     if (Background == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("Background",
                                         "Background must reference a valid background object.");
     // set the background
     mvarBackground = Background;
 // ********************** Constructor **************************************
 /// <summary>
 ///		Initialize.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Background">
 ///		The background against which this event is being raised.  An ArgumentNullException
 ///		exception is raised in Background is null.
 /// </param>
 public cWeeklyUpdateEventArgs(cBackground Background)
     if (Background == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("Background", "Background must not be null.");
     // set the parameters
     mvarYear       = Background.Years.CurrentYearNum;
     mvarWeek       = Background.Years.CurrentYear.CurrentWeek;
     mvarBackground = Background;
     mvarAbort      = false;
 // initialize the class
 private void InitClass(cBackground BG, cCellList Cells, double Level, int Year, int Week)
     // make sure Background is not a null reference
     if (BG == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("BG", "BG must not be null.");
     // make sure Cells is not null
     if (Cells == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("Cells", "Cells must not be null.");
     // make sure Cells contains at least one cell
     if (Cells.Count == 0)
         throw new ArgumentException("Cells must not be an empty list", "Cells");
     // make sure all passed cells are in the background
     foreach (cCell Cell in Cells)
         if (!BG.Cells.ContainsKey(Cell.ID))
             throw new ArgumentException("All passed cells must be part of the passed background.", "Cells");
     // make sure Level is correct
     if (Level < 0 || Level > 100)
     // check the year and the week
     if (Year < 0)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Year", "Year must be greater than zero.");
     if (Week < 1 || Week > 52)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Week", "Week must be in the range of 1-52.");
     // create the internal hashtable, applying the passed Value to each cell
     Values = new Dictionary <string, double>(Cells.Count);
     // loop through all passed cells, creating an entry for each
     foreach (cCell Cell in Cells)
         Values.Add(Cell.ID, Level);
     // store the reference to the background
     mvarBackground = BG;
     // set the year and week that the strategy is applied
     mvarYear = Year;
     mvarWeek = Week;
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        ///		Writes the animals in the passed animal list into the data source.  This
        ///		method overwrites any data that is already in the data source.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Animals">
        ///		The list of animals to be written into the datasource.
        /// </param>
        ///	<param name="BG">The background that the animals occupy.</param>
        public void WriteAnimalData(cAnimalList Animals, cBackground BG)
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cAnimalDataSource.cs: WriteAnimalData()");
            if (Animals == null)
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cAnimalDataSource.cs: WriteAnimalData() HERE 01");
            if (BG == null)
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cAnimalDataSource.cs: WriteAnimalData() HERE 02");
            // throw an exception if data source is read only
            if (this.ReadOnly)
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cAnimalDataSource.cs: WriteAnimalData() HERE 03");
            // erase the existing contents of this datasource
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cAnimalDataSource.cs: WriteAnimalData() HERE 04");
            // write the time stamp
            this.WriteTime(BG.Years.CurrentYearNum, BG.Years.CurrentYear.CurrentWeek, BG.HaveRunWeeklyEvents);
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cAnimalDataSource.cs: WriteAnimalData() HERE 05");
            // create a cAnimalAttributes object
            cAnimalAttributes Attributes = new cAnimalAttributes();

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cAnimalDataSource.cs: WriteAnimalData() HERE 06");
            // loop through all foxes, writing each one to the datasource
            for (int i = 0; i < Animals.Count; i++)
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cAnimalDataSource.cs: WriteAnimalData() i = " + i);
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cAnimalDataSource.cs: WriteAnimalData() HERE 06 i = " + i);
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cAnimalDataSource.cs: WriteAnimalData() HERE 06 b");
                Attributes.ListIndex = i;
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cAnimalDataSource.cs: WriteAnimalData() HERE 06 c");
                this.WriteAnimalRecord(Attributes, false);
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cAnimalDataSource.cs: WriteAnimalData() HERE 06 d");
                // write markers if the version is correct
                if (GetVersion() > 1)
                    this.WriteMarkers(Attributes, false);
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cAnimalDataSource.cs: WriteAnimalData() HERE 07");
            // lastly, reset the datasource so that subsequent reads are correct
Exemple #10
        // common initialization code
        private void InitClass(cBackground Background, string DiseaseName, int Year, int Week)
            // check parameters
            // background cannot be null
            if (Background == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Background",
                                                "Background must reference a valid background object.");
            // the disease must be found in the background
            if (!Background.Diseases.ContainsKey(DiseaseName))
                throw new ArgumentException("Disease name passed is not contained in the background object.",
            // year must not be < 0 and week must be 1-52.
            if (Year < 0)
            if (Week < 1 || Week > 52)
            // set parameters
            mvarBackground = Background;
            mvarDisease    = Background.Diseases[DiseaseName];
            mvarYear       = Year;
            mvarWeek       = Week;
            mvarIsFatal    = mvarDisease.GetAnimalDies();
            // EER: set the infection history
            if (mvarIsFatal)
                mvarNaturalImmunity = "Infected_died";
                mvarNaturalImmunity = "Infected_recovered";

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cInfection.cs: InitClass(): mvarIsFatal = " + mvarIsFatal + "; mvarNaturalImmunity = " + mvarNaturalImmunity);
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cInfection.cs: InitClass(): mvarNaturalImmunity = " + mvarNaturalImmunity);
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        ///		Read animal data from the data source and fill the passed animal list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Animals">
        ///		The animal list to fill.  The animals are added to any that are already in
        ///		the list.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="BG">The background that these animals will occupy.</param>
        public void GetAnimalData(cAnimalList Animals, cBackground BG)
            cAnimal AnimalObj;

            if (Animals == null)
            if (BG == null)
            // go to the beginning of the list
            // get subtraction factor for year of birth
            // this.ReadTimeRecord(ref DataYear, ref DataWeek);
            cAnimalAttributes NewAnimal = new cAnimalAttributes();

            // loop through all animals in the list
            while (this.GetNextAnimalRecord(NewAnimal, BG))
                // create the new animal
                AnimalObj           = GetNewAnimal(NewAnimal, BG);
                AnimalObj.ListIndex = NewAnimal.ListIndex;
                // read markers for this animal if datasource is of appropriate version
                // number
                if (GetVersion() > 1)
                    AnimalObj.AutoMarker = NewAnimal.AutoMarker;
                    AnimalObj.Marker     = NewAnimal.Marker;
                // add the animal to the list
                // create a new animal attributes object so that we don't load the
                // same data into all animals
                NewAnimal = new cAnimalAttributes();
                // advance to the next record in the dataset
            // now reorder the list based on current list index
Exemple #12
 // private constructor for cloning
 private cInfection(int IncubationPeriod, int InfectiousPeriod, int Year, int Week, cDisease Disease,
                    cBackground Background, string InfectingAnimalID)
     mvarIncubationPeriod  = IncubationPeriod;
     mvarInfectiousPeriod  = InfectiousPeriod;
     mvarYear              = Year;
     mvarWeek              = Week;
     mvarDisease           = Disease;
     mvarBackground        = Background;
     mvarInfectingAnimalID = InfectingAnimalID;
     mvarIsFatal           = mvarDisease.GetAnimalDies();
     // EER: set the infection history
     if (mvarIsFatal)
         mvarNaturalImmunity = "Infected_died";
         mvarNaturalImmunity = "Infected_recovered";
Exemple #13
        // *********************** Constructor *******************************************
        /// <summary>
        ///		Initialize an Infection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Background">
        ///		The background object of the animal being infected.  An ArgumentNullException
        ///		exception is raised if Background is null.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="DiseaseName">
        ///		The disease causing this infection.  An ArgumentException exception is raised
        ///		if DiseaseName is not the name of a disease in the Background object.
        ///	</param>
        /// <param name="Year">
        ///		The year the infection occured.  An ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception is
        ///		raised if Year is less than zero.
        ///	</param>
        /// <param name="Week">
        ///		The week the infection occured.  An ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception is
        ///		raised if Week is not in the range of 1-52.
        ///	</param>
        ///	<param name="InfectingAnimalID">
        ///		The ID of the animal causing the infection
        ///	</param>
        ///	<param name="NoIncubation">
        ///		If set to true, the infection will have no incubation period.  The infected animal will be
        ///		immediately infectious
        ///	</param>
        ///	<param name="NaturalImmunity">
        ///		EER: The infection history of the animal: Never_infected, Infected_died, Infected_recovered
        ///	</param>
        public cInfection(cBackground Background, string DiseaseName, int Year, int Week, string InfectingAnimalID,
                          bool NoIncubation)
            // common initialization
            InitClass(Background, DiseaseName, Year, Week);
            // calculate the incubation and infectious period for this instance of the
            // disease
            if (NoIncubation)
                mvarIncubationPeriod = 1;
                mvarIncubationPeriod = mvarDisease.GetIncubationPeriod();
            mvarInfectiousPeriod = mvarDisease.GetInfectiousPeriod();
            // set the InfectingAnimal
            mvarInfectingAnimalID = InfectingAnimalID;

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cInfection.cs: cInfection() 1: NaturalImmunity = " + NaturalImmunity);
Exemple #14
 /// <summary>
 ///		Initialize an Infection directly passing an incubation and infection period.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Background">
 ///		The background object of the animal being infected.  An ArgumentNullException
 ///		exception is raised if Background is null.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="DiseaseName">
 ///		The disease causing this infection.  An ArgumentException exception is raised
 ///		if DiseaseName is not the name of a disease in the Background object.
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="Year">
 ///		The year the infection occured.  An ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception is
 ///		raised if Year is less than zero.
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="Week">
 ///		The week the infection occured.  An ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception is
 ///		raised if Week is not in the range of 1-52.
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="IncubationPeriod">
 ///		The incubation period of the infection in weeks.  An ArgumantOutOfRangeException
 ///		exception is raised if IncubationPeriod is less than zero.
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="InfectiousPeriod">
 ///		The infectious period of the infectiion in weeks.  An ArgumantOutOfRangeException
 ///		exception is raised if IncubationPeriod is less than one.
 ///	</param>
 ///	<param name="NaturalImmunity">
 ///		EER: The infection history of the animal: Never_infected, Infected_died, Infected_recovered
 ///	</param>
 public cInfection(cBackground Background, string DiseaseName, int Year, int Week,
                   int IncubationPeriod, int InfectiousPeriod, string InfectingAnimalID)
     // common initialization
     InitClass(Background, DiseaseName, Year, Week);
     // make sure that the incubation and infectious period are in range
     if (IncubationPeriod < 0)
     if (InfectiousPeriod < 1)
     // set the Incubation and Infectious period
     mvarIncubationPeriod = IncubationPeriod;
     mvarInfectiousPeriod = InfectiousPeriod;
     // set the InfectingAnimal
     mvarInfectingAnimalID = InfectingAnimalID;
     // EER: set the infection history
     //mvarNaturalImmunity = NaturalImmunity;
     //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cInfection.cs: cInfection() 2: NaturalImmunity = " + NaturalImmunity);
 /// <summary>
 ///		Initialize a cCull strategy.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="BG">
 ///		The background object against which this strategy shall be applied. An
 ///		ArgumentNullException exception is raised if BG is null.
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="Cells">
 ///		The list of cells to which this strategy will apply.  An ArgumentNullException
 ///		exception is raised if Cells is null.  An ArgumentException exception is raised
 ///		if Cells is an empty list or if it contains cell IDs not found in the passed
 ///		Background object (BG).
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="Level">
 ///		The level at with this strategy shall be applied.  An ArgumentOutOfRangeException
 ///		exception is raised if Level is not in the range of 0-100.
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="Year">
 ///		The year in which this strategy will be applied.  An ArgumentOutOfRangeException
 ///		exception is raised if Year is less then zero.
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="Week">
 ///		The week in which this strategy will be applied.  An ArgumentOutOfRangeException
 ///		exception is raised if Week is not in the range of 1-52.
 ///	</param>
 public cCullStrategy(cBackground BG, cCellList Cells, double Level, int Year, int Week)
     : base(BG, Cells, Level, Year, Week)
Exemple #16
 /// <summary>
 ///		Retrieves a single Animal record from the data source and places it in the
 ///		passed Animal data object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Data">
 ///		The Animal data object that will contain the Animal data.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 ///		True if the retrieval was successful, False if there are no more records to
 ///		retrieve.
 ///	</returns>
 protected abstract bool GetNextAnimalRecord(cAnimalAttributes Data,
                                             cBackground Background);
Exemple #17
 /// <summary>
 ///		Create a new specific animal type
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Animal">The animal attributes used to define the animal.</param>
 /// <param name="BG">The background in which the animal will live.</param>
 /// <returns>The new animal as a cAnimal type.</returns>
 protected abstract cAnimal GetNewAnimal(cAnimalAttributes NewAnimal, cBackground BG);
 // ************************ Protected Members ***************************************
 /// <summary>
 ///		Create a new animal in the passed background.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ID">The ID of the new animal.</param>
 /// <param name="CellID">
 ///		The ID of the cell containing the new animal.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="Background">
 ///		The background object that the animal will live in.
 ///	</param>
 ///	<param name="Gender">The gender of the new animal.</param>
 /// <returns>A reference to the newly created animal.</returns>
 protected abstract cAnimal GetNewAnimal(string ID, string CellID, cBackground Background, enumGender Gender);
 // ************************ Constructors ****************************************
 /// <summary>
 ///		Construct a cStrategy object by applying a strategy at the same level
 ///		across the entire set of cells.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="BG">
 ///		The background object against which this strategy shall be applied. An
 ///		ArgumentNullException exception is raised if BG is null.
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="Cells">
 ///		The list of cells to which this strategy will apply.  An ArgumentNullException
 ///		exception is raised if Cells is null.  An ArgumentException exception is raised
 ///		if Cells is an empty list or if it contains cell IDs not found in the passed
 ///		Background object (BG).
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="Level">
 ///		The level at with this strategy shall be applied.  An ArgumentOutOfRangeException
 ///		exception is raised if Level is not in the range of 0-100.
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="Year">
 ///		The year in which this strategy will be applied.  An ArgumentOutOfRangeException
 ///		exception is raised if Year is less then zero.
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="Week">
 ///		The week in which this strategy will be applied.  An ArgumentOutOfRangeException
 ///		exception is raised if Week is not in the range of 1-52.
 ///	</param>
 public cStrategy(cBackground BG, cCellList Cells, double Level, int Year, int Week)
     InitClass(BG, Cells, Level, Year, Week);
 /// <summary>
 ///		Construct a cStrategy object.  Each cell in the strategy is given a 0%
 ///		level value by default.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="BG">
 ///		The background object against which this strategy shall be applied. An
 ///		ArgumentNullException exception is raised if BG is null.
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="Cells">
 ///		The list of cells to which this strategy will apply.  An ArgumentNullException
 ///		exception is raised if Cells is null.  An ArgumentException exception is raised
 ///		if Cells is an empty list or if it contains cell IDs not found in the passed
 ///		Background object (BG).
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="Year">
 ///		The year in which this strategy will be applied.  An ArgumentOutOfRangeException
 ///		exception is raised if Year is less then zero.
 ///	</param>
 /// <param name="Week">
 ///		The week in which this strategy will be applied.  An ArgumentOutOfRangeException
 ///		exception is raised if Week is not in the range of 1-52.
 ///	</param>
 public cStrategy(cBackground BG, cCellList Cells, int Year, int Week)
     InitClass(BG, Cells, 0, Year, Week);