// Creates the creature at startPos on the Map
        public Creature(Map currentMap, SpriteBatchCreature myBitmap, Coords startPos, UInt32 ID, UInt16 sightRange, Brain mind)
            this._myInventory = new Inventory(this);
            this._myBitmap    = myBitmap;
            this._radiusX     = Constants.StandardUnitRadiusX;
            this._radiusY     = Constants.StandardUnitRadiusY;

            this._statSightRange      = sightRange;
            this._inhabitedMap        = currentMap;
            this._myCollider          = _inhabitedMap.MyCollider;
            this._myVisibilityTracker = _inhabitedMap.MyVisibilityTracker;
            this._myPathfinder        = _inhabitedMap.MyPathfinder;

            this._uniqueID = ID;
            this._inhabitedMap.MenagerieAddCreatureTo(ID, this);

            this._creatureBrain = mind;
            mind.MyCreature     = this;

            this._fieldOfView = new BitArray[currentMap.BoundX];
            for (int i = 0; i < currentMap.BoundX; ++i)
                _fieldOfView[i] = new BitArray(currentMap.BoundY);

            Tile temp = this.InhabitedMap.GetTile(startPos);

            this.PositionDouble = new Vector(temp.PixelTopLeft() + new Coords(CoordsType.Pixel, _radiusX, _radiusY));

             * this.MyBody = new UInt16[] {Constants.StatsMax, Constants.StatsMax, Constants.StatsMax, Constants.StatsMax,
             *  Constants.StatsMax, Constants.StatsMax};


            this._moveSpeedCurrent = 0;
        // Creates the creature at startPos on the Map
        public Creature(Map currentMap, SpriteBatchCreature myBitmap, Coords startPos, UInt32 ID, UInt16 sightRange, Brain mind)
            this._myInventory = new Inventory(this);
            this._myBitmap = myBitmap;
            this._radiusX = Constants.StandardUnitRadiusX;
            this._radiusY = Constants.StandardUnitRadiusY;

            this._statSightRange = sightRange;
            this._inhabitedMap = currentMap;
            this._myCollider = _inhabitedMap.MyCollider;
            this._myVisibilityTracker = _inhabitedMap.MyVisibilityTracker;
            this._myPathfinder = _inhabitedMap.MyPathfinder;

            this._uniqueID = ID;
            this._inhabitedMap.MenagerieAddCreatureTo(ID, this);

            this._creatureBrain = mind;
            mind.MyCreature = this;

            this._fieldOfView = new BitArray[currentMap.BoundX];
            for (int i = 0; i < currentMap.BoundX; ++i)
                _fieldOfView[i] = new BitArray(currentMap.BoundY);

            Tile temp = this.InhabitedMap.GetTile(startPos);
            this.PositionDouble = new Vector(temp.PixelTopLeft() + new Coords(CoordsType.Pixel, _radiusX, _radiusY));

            this.MyBody = new UInt16[] {Constants.StatsMax, Constants.StatsMax, Constants.StatsMax, Constants.StatsMax,
                Constants.StatsMax, Constants.StatsMax};


            this._moveSpeedCurrent = 0;
        public Creature(Map currentMap, Coords startPos, UInt16 ID, Team team, CreatureGenerator generator)
            this._name = generator.name;
            this._myTeam = team;

            this._myInventory = new Inventory(this);
            this._myBitmap = generator.creatureBitmaps;
            this._radiusX = Constants.StandardUnitRadiusX;
            this._radiusY = Constants.StandardUnitRadiusY;

            this._inhabitedMap = currentMap;
            this._uniqueID = ID;
            this._inhabitedMap.MenagerieAddCreatureTo(ID, this);

            this._myCollider = _inhabitedMap.MyCollider;
            this._myVisibilityTracker = _inhabitedMap.MyVisibilityTracker;
            this._myPathfinder = _inhabitedMap.MyPathfinder;

            this._creatureBrain = new BrainRandomWalk();
            _creatureBrain.MyCreature = this;

            this._fieldOfView = new BitArray[currentMap.BoundX];
            for (int i = 0; i < currentMap.BoundX; ++i)
                _fieldOfView[i] = new BitArray(currentMap.BoundY);

            _statHPMax = generator.StatHPMax;
            _statHP = _statHPMax;
            _statDamage = generator.StatDamage;
            _statArmor = generator.StatArmor;
            _statSightRange = generator.StatSight;
            _statAttackTime = generator.StatAttackTime;
            _statAttackRange = generator.StatAttackRange;

            _moveSpeedMax = generator.StatMoveSpeed;
            this._moveSpeedCurrent = 0;
            _moveAcceleration = _moveSpeedMax / 10;

            Tile temp = this._inhabitedMap.GetTile(startPos);
            this.PositionDouble = new Vector(temp.PixelTopLeft() + new Coords(CoordsType.Pixel, _radiusX, _radiusY));

        //bool deregistered = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creature death clean-up.
        /// </summary>
        public void Death()
            //deregistered = true;

            // remove self from current tile and menagerie
            // clear brain/ memory
            this._creatureBrain = null;