Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when a task is either canceled or completed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="taskLauncher">TaskLauncher instance where the task is canceled or completed.</param>
 /// <param name="taskID">Index of the task.</param>
 /// <param name="taskQueueID">Index of the task on pending queue.</param>
 private void OnTaskStopped(TaskLauncher taskLauncher, int taskID, int taskQueueID)
     if (taskLauncher.FactionEntity.FactionID == factionMgr.FactionID && //only if task launcher belongs to NPC faction
         taskLauncher.GetTask(taskID).GetTaskType() == TaskTypes.upgrade)    //if this is an upgrade task, then add the upgrade source code to the pending upgrades list
         pendingUpgrades.RemoveAll(code => code == taskLauncher.GetTask(taskID).GetUpgradeSourceCode());
 //called whenever a task is cancelled
 void OnTaskCanceled(TaskLauncher taskLauncher, int taskID, int taskQueueID)
     //if this task is supposed to create a unit and the task launcher belongs to this faction:
     if (taskLauncher.GetTask(taskID).GetTaskType() == TaskTypes.createUnit && taskLauncher.FactionEntity.FactionID == factionMgr.FactionID)
         if (taskLauncher.GetTask(taskID).GetCode() == code)
Exemple #3
        public void UpdateTaskLauncherTasks(FactionEntity sourceEntity, TaskLauncher taskLauncher)
            if (taskLauncher == null || taskLauncher.Initiated == false || taskLauncher.GetTasksCount() == 0) //if the task launcher is invalid or the source can't manage a task

            for (int taskID = 0; taskID < taskLauncher.GetTasksCount(); taskID++) //go through all tasks
                FactionEntityTask task = taskLauncher.GetTask(taskID);
                if (task.IsEnabled() == true)
                    TaskUI taskUI = Add(new TaskUIAttributes
                        ID           = taskID,
                        type         = task.GetTaskType(),
                        icon         = task.GetIcon(),
                        source       = sourceEntity,
                        taskLauncher = taskLauncher
                    }, task.GetTaskPanelCategory());

                    if (task.GetTaskType() == TaskTypes.createUnit) //if this is a unit creation task, check if it has reached its limit and change task ui image color accordinly
                        taskUI.GetComponent <Image>().color = sourceEntity.FactionMgr.HasReachedLimit(task.UnitCode, task.UnitCategory) == true ? Color.red : Color.white;

            UpdateInProgressTasks(taskLauncher); //show the in progress tasks
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a TaskLauncher instance to be tracked by the NPCUnitRegulator if it includes tasks that allow the regulated unit type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="taskLauncher">TaskLauncher instance to add.</param>
        public void AddTaskLauncher(TaskLauncher taskLauncher)
            if (unitCreators.ContainsKey(taskLauncher) || //if the task launcher is already registered
                taskLauncher.FactionEntity.FactionID != factionMgr.FactionID)    //or the task launcher doesn't belong to the same NPC faction.

            for (int taskID = 0; taskID < taskLauncher.GetTasksCount(); taskID++)
                FactionEntityTask nextTask = taskLauncher.GetTask(taskID);
                //if the task's type is unit creation and it the unit to create code matches the code of unit type that is regulated by this component
                if (nextTask.GetTaskType() == TaskTypes.createUnit && nextTask.UnitCode == Code)
                    if (unitCreators.TryGetValue(taskLauncher, out List <int> taskIDList)) //task launcher already is registered as key, just append value list
                    else //register task launcher as new key and task ID as the only element in the value list.
                        unitCreators.Add(taskLauncher, new List <int>(new int[] { taskID }));
Exemple #5
 //update an upgraded unit creation task's info:
 private void UpdateUnitCreationTask(TaskLauncher taskLauncher, string upgradedUnitCode, Unit targetUnitPrefab, Upgrade.NewTaskInfo newTaskInfo)
     //go through the tasks:
     for (int i = 0; i < taskLauncher.GetTasksCount(); i++)
         taskLauncher.GetTask(i).Update(upgradedUnitCode, targetUnitPrefab, newTaskInfo);
        //a method that is given a task in a task launcher and an upgrade component and that decides if the task handles that upgrade
        private bool IsUpgradeMatch(TaskLauncher taskLauncher, int taskID, Upgrade upgrade)
            if (upgrade == null || taskLauncher == null)

            //true only if the source unit/building code match
            return(taskLauncher.GetTask(taskID).GetUpgradeSourceCode() == upgrade.Source.GetCode());
Exemple #7
        //called each time a task launcher status is updated (task added, cancelled or completed)
        private void OnTaskLauncherStatusUpdated(TaskLauncher taskLauncher, int taskID, int taskQueueID)
            //only show the task launcher tasks if the task launcher is the only player entity selected
            if (SelectionManager.IsSelected(taskLauncher.FactionEntity.GetSelection(), true, true))

                if (taskLauncher.GetTask(taskID).IsAvailable == false) //if the task is no longer available
                    gameMgr.UIMgr.HideTooltip();                       //hide the tooltip
        //whenever a task launcher is added or removed, this method will be called to add/remove it to/from the upgrade tasks list:
        public void UpdateUpgradeTasks(TaskLauncher taskLauncher, bool add, Upgrade upgrade = null)
            //if taskID is set to -1 and add = false, then all the tasks with the assigned task launcher will be removed
            //if taskID >= 0 is valid, then only the upgrade task with taskID in the task launcher will be removed.

            if (add == false) //if this task launcher is getting removed.
                int i = 0;
                //go through all registerd task launchers in this component
                while (i < upgradeTasks.Count)
                    if (upgradeTasks[i].taskLauncher == taskLauncher || (upgrade != null && IsUpgradeMatch(upgradeTasks[i].taskLauncher, upgradeTasks[i].taskID, upgrade) == true)) //if the task launcher matches:
                                                                                                                                                                                    //remove it:
                        i++; //move on
            else if (taskLauncher.GetTasksCount() > 0) //if we're adding tasks and this task launcher has tasks.
                //loop through the task launcher's task
                for (int taskID = 0; taskID < taskLauncher.GetTasksCount(); taskID++)
                    //if this is the upgrade task that we're looking for.
                    if (taskLauncher.GetTask(taskID).GetTaskType() == TaskTypes.upgrade)
                        //go ahead and add it:
                        UpgradeTask newUpgradeTask = new UpgradeTask
                            taskLauncher = taskLauncher,
                            taskID       = taskID
                        //add it to the list:

                        //and activate the upgrade manager:
 //whenever a building is added or removed, this method will be called to add/remove it to the lists in the spawn units:
 public void UpdateUnitCreatorList(TaskLauncher taskLauncher, bool add)
     if (add == false) //if this task launcher is getting removed.
         int i = 0;
         //go through all registerd task launchers in this component
         while (i < unitCreatorList.Count)
             if (unitCreatorList[i].taskLauncher == taskLauncher) //if the task launcher matches:
             //remove it:
                 i++; //move on
     //Make sure that this task launcher can actually create units and that there units to spawn
     else if (taskLauncher.GetTasksCount() > 0) //if we're adding tasks and this task launcher has tasks.
         //loop through the task launcher's tasks
         for (int taskID = 0; taskID < taskLauncher.GetTasksCount(); taskID++)
             //if this is a unit creation task:
             if (taskLauncher.GetTask(taskID).GetTaskType() == TaskTypes.createUnit && taskLauncher.GetTask(taskID).UnitCode == code)
                 //if the unit code is included in the list => that unit is managed by this regulator
                 //go ahead and add it:
                 UnitCreatorInfo newUnitCreator = new UnitCreatorInfo
                     //set the unit creator info:
                     taskLauncher = taskLauncher,
                     taskID       = taskID
                 //add it to the list:
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Launches upgrade tasks if all requirements are met.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="taskLauncher">The TaskLauncher instance that has the upgrade task.</param>
        /// <param name="taskID">The upgrade's task ID.</param>
        /// <param name="auto">True if this has been called from the NPCUpgradeManager instance, otherwise false</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool OnUpgradeLaunchRequest(TaskLauncher taskLauncher, int taskID, bool auto)
            if (taskLauncher == null || //if the task launcher is invalid
                auto && !autoUpgrade || //or NPCUpgradeManager instance called this but auto upgrading is disabled
                !auto && !upgradeOnDemand || //or this was called by another NPC component but upgrading on demand is disabled
                pendingUpgrades.Contains(taskLauncher.GetTask(taskID).GetUpgradeSourceCode()) || //or the source upgrade faction entity already has an ongoing upgrade
                Random.value > acceptanceRange.getRandomValue() //or this is not accepted due to generated random value
                )                                               //do not proceed

            //finally attempt to launch the task
            ErrorMessage addTaskMsg = gameMgr.TaskMgr.AddTask(new TaskUIAttributes {
                taskLauncher = taskLauncher,
                ID           = taskID,
                type         = TaskTypes.upgrade

            //TO BE ADDED: Handling insufficient resources.

            //if adding the upgrade task was successful, this would return true, if not then false.
            return(addTaskMsg == ErrorMessage.none);