//attack the assigned target.
        void AttackTarget()
            //making sure that the NPC faction in an attack in progress and that there's a valid target:
            if (currentTarget == null || isAttacking == false)

            MovementManager.AttackModes attackMode = MovementManager.AttackModes.none;

            Building targetBuilding = currentTarget.Type == EntityTypes.building ? (Building)currentTarget : null; //is this target a building?

            //if the current target is a building and it is being constructed:
            if (targetBuilding != null && targetBuilding.WorkerMgr.currWorkers > 0)
                Unit[] workersList = targetBuilding.WorkerMgr.GetAll(); //get all workers in the worker manager
                //attack the workers first: go through the workers positions
                for (int i = 0; i < workersList.Length; i++)
                    //find worker:
                    if (workersList[i] != null && workersList[i].BuilderComp.IsInProgress() == true)
                        //assign it as target.
                        currentTarget = workersList[i];
                        //force attack units to attack it:
                        attackMode = MovementManager.AttackModes.change;

            //launch the actual attack:
            gameMgr.MvtMgr.LaunchAttack(currentAttackUnits, currentTarget, currentTarget.GetSelection().transform.position, attackMode, false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Launches an attack on the NPC faction's current target faction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if the attack has been successfully launched, otherwise false.</returns>
        public bool LaunchAttack()
            //making sure there's a valid target faction or we're in the peace time
            if (targetFaction == null || gameMgr.InPeaceTime())

            //mark as attacking:
            IsAttacking = true;


            //we'll be searching for the next building to attack starting from the last attack pos, initially set it as the capital building
            lastAttackPos = gameMgr.GetFaction(factionMgr.FactionID).CapitalPosition;

            currentTarget = null;
            //pick a target building:
            SetTargetEntity(targetFaction.GetBuildings().Cast <FactionEntity>(), true);

            //start the attack order timer:
            attackOrderTimer = attackOrderReloadRange.getRandomValue();

        //a method that picks a target entity to attack:
        private bool SetTargetEntity(IEnumerable <FactionEntity> factionEntities)
            //search the target faction's entities and see if there's a match:
            float lastDistance = 0; //we wanna get the closest entity to the last attack position:

            foreach (FactionEntity entity in factionEntities)
                //if the building is valid and not destroyed yet
                if (entity != null && entity.EntityHealthComp.IsDestroyed == false)
                    //and the building's code matches or this is an eliminate all game:
                    if (gameMgr.GetDefeatCondition() == DefeatConditions.eliminateAll || targetBuildingCodes.Contains(entity.GetCode()))
                        //get the closest building:
                        if (currentTarget == null || Vector3.Distance(currentTarget.transform.position, lastAttackPos) < lastDistance)
                            currentTarget = entity;
                            lastDistance  = Vector3.Distance(entity.transform.position, lastAttackPos);

            return(currentTarget != null);
        //method to launch the attack:
        void LaunchAttack()
            //making sure there's a valid target faction:
            if (targetFaction == null)

            //mark as attacking:
            isAttacking = true;

            //clear the current attack units list:
            currentAttackUnits.AddRange(factionMgr.GetAttackUnits(1 - npcMgr.defenseManager_NPC.defenseRatioRange.getRandomValue())); //get the required units for this attack.

            //we'll be searching for the next building to attack starting from the last attack pos, initially set it as the capital building
            lastAttackPos = gameMgr.GetFaction(factionMgr.FactionID).CapitalPosition;

            currentTarget = null;
            //pick a target building:
            SetTargetEntity(targetFaction.GetBuildings().Cast <FactionEntity>());

            //start the attack order timer:
            attackOrderTimer = attackOrderReloadRange.getRandomValue();
Exemple #5
        //a method called when the faction entity's health hits null:
        public virtual void OnZeroHealth(int value, FactionEntity source)
            //set it back to 0.0f as we don't allow negative health values.
            CurrHealth = 0;

            //if the faction entity isn't already dead:
            if (isDead == false)
                isDead   = true;   //mark as dead
                KilledBy = source; //assign the source that caused the death of this faction entity

                //is there a valid source that caused the death of this faction entity?
                if (source != null)
                    //award the destroy award to the source if the source is not the same faction ID:
                    if (destroyAward.Length > 0 && source.FactionID != factionEntity.FactionID)
                        for (int i = 0; i < destroyAward.Length; i++)
                            //award destroy resources to source:
                            gameMgr.ResourceMgr.UpdateResource(source.FactionID, destroyAward[i].Name, destroyAward[i].Amount);

                //destroy the faction entity
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the current target of the NPC faction to the closest from an enumerable of FactionEntity instances.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="factionEntities">The enumerable of FactionEntity instances to pick a target from.</param>
        /// <param name="clearCurrentTarget">False if you want to keep the current target if no valid target is found.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the target has been successfully set, otherwise false.</returns>
        public bool SetTargetEntity(IEnumerable <FactionEntity> factionEntities, bool clearCurrentTarget)
            if (clearCurrentTarget)

            //search the target faction's entities and see if there's a match:
            float lastDistance = 0; //we wanna get the closest entity to the last attack position:

            foreach (FactionEntity entity in factionEntities)
                if (!IsValidTarget(entity)) //can't be a valid target?
                    continue;               //move to next one
                //get the closest possible entity
                if (currentTarget == null || Vector3.Distance(currentTarget.transform.position, lastAttackPos) < lastDistance)
                    currentTarget = entity;
                    lastDistance  = Vector3.Distance(entity.transform.position, lastAttackPos);

            return(currentTarget != null);
Exemple #7
        public override void Init(GameManager gameMgr, FactionEntity source)
            base.Init(gameMgr, source);

            unit       = (Unit)source;
            CurrHealth = MaxHealth; //unit has maximum health by default
Exemple #8
        public void UpdateTaskLauncherTasks(FactionEntity sourceEntity, TaskLauncher taskLauncher)
            if (taskLauncher == null || taskLauncher.Initiated == false || taskLauncher.GetTasksCount() == 0) //if the task launcher is invalid or the source can't manage a task

            for (int taskID = 0; taskID < taskLauncher.GetTasksCount(); taskID++) //go through all tasks
                FactionEntityTask task = taskLauncher.GetTask(taskID);
                if (task.IsEnabled() == true)
                    TaskUI taskUI = Add(new TaskUIAttributes
                        ID           = taskID,
                        type         = task.GetTaskType(),
                        icon         = task.GetIcon(),
                        source       = sourceEntity,
                        taskLauncher = taskLauncher
                    }, task.GetTaskPanelCategory());

                    if (task.GetTaskType() == TaskTypes.createUnit) //if this is a unit creation task, check if it has reached its limit and change task ui image color accordinly
                        taskUI.GetComponent <Image>().color = sourceEntity.FactionMgr.HasReachedLimit(task.UnitCode, task.UnitCategory) == true ? Color.red : Color.white;

            UpdateInProgressTasks(taskLauncher); //show the in progress tasks
Exemple #9
 //trigger unit/building upgrades locally:
 private void LaunchTriggerUpgrades(IEnumerable <Upgrade> upgrades, FactionEntity upgradeLauncher)
     foreach (Upgrade u in upgrades)
         LaunchUpgrade(u, 0, upgradeLauncher, false); //will trigger the upgrade for the first target only!
Exemple #10
        //when the building's health is updated
        public override void OnHealthUpdated(int value, FactionEntity source)
            base.OnHealthUpdated(value, source);
            CustomEvents.OnBuildingHealthUpdated(building, value, source);

            CheckState(value > 0); //check the building's state
Exemple #11
        //a method that launches the attack movement of a list of units
        public void LaunchAttack(List <Unit> units, FactionEntity targetEntity, Vector3 targetPosition, AttackModes attackMode, bool playerCommand)
            if (units.Count == 1) //one unit only?
                //use the one-unit attack movement
                LaunchAttack(units[0], targetEntity, targetPosition, attackMode, playerCommand);

            if (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false) //single player game, directly prepare the unit's attack movement
                PrepareMove(units, targetPosition, targetEntity ? targetEntity.GetRadius() : 0.0f, targetEntity,
                            InputMode.attack, playerCommand, true, attackMode, targetEntity);
            else if (RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(units[0]) == true) //multiplayer game and this is the local player
                //send input action to the input manager
                NetworkInput newInput = new NetworkInput()
                    sourceMode     = (byte)InputMode.unitGroup,
                    targetMode     = (byte)InputMode.attack,
                    targetPosition = targetPosition,
                    value          = (int)attackMode,
                    groupSourceID  = InputManager.UnitListToString(units)

                //sent input
                InputManager.SendInput(newInput, null, targetEntity);
Exemple #12
        public void Init(FactionEntity factionEntity)
            this.factionEntity = factionEntity;

            AttackEntities = GetComponents <AttackEntity>(); //get all attack entity components attached to the faction entity
            if (AttackEntities.Length < 1)                   //if there's no more than one attack entity component
                Destroy(this);                               //no need to have this component

            activeAttack = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < AttackEntities.Length; i++) //go through the attack components
                AttackEntities[i].ID = i;                   //set the attack entity ID for each attack component (will be used by UI task buttons to refer to the attack components).
                if (AttackEntities[i].IsBasic() == true)    //if this is the basic attack
                    BasicAttackID = i;
Exemple #13
        //check if the attacker can engage target:
        public ErrorMessage CanEngageTarget(FactionEntity potentialTarget)
            if (gameMgr.InPeaceTime() == true)
            else if (potentialTarget == null)                                                   //if there's no target assigned
                return(!requireTarget ? ErrorMessage.none : ErrorMessage.attackTargetRequired); //see if the attack entity can attack without target
            else if (potentialTarget.FactionID == FactionEntity.FactionID && engageFriendly == false)
            else if (potentialTarget.EntityHealthComp.CanBeAttacked == false) //peace time, same faction ID or target can't be attacked? -> nope

            if (engageAllTypes) //attack all types then yes!

            //if the target can't attack units/buildings and this is the case then nope
            if ((potentialTarget.Type == EntityTypes.building && engageBuildings == false) ||
                (potentialTarget.Type == EntityTypes.unit && engageUnits == false))

            return(codesList.Contains(potentialTarget.GetCode(), potentialTarget.GetCategory()) == engageInList ? ErrorMessage.none : ErrorMessage.entityNotAllowed);
Exemple #14
        //search for a target to attack
        private void SearchTarget()
            //first pick the search center and size/range (if this is an AI unit defending a range center, the search range and size are that of the building center).
            float   searchSize   = (SearchRangeCenter == null) ? searchRange : SearchRangeCenter.Size;
            Vector3 searchCenter = (SearchRangeCenter == null) ? transform.position : SearchRangeCenter.transform.position;

            FactionEntity potentialTarget = null; //this will hold the potential target faction entity
            float         currDistance    = 0.0f;

            //go through the enemy faction entities of the attack entity's faction
            foreach (FactionEntity enemyEntity in (FactionEntity.IsFree() == true || engageFriendly) ? gameMgr.UnitMgr.GetAllUnits() : FactionEntity.FactionMgr.GetEnemyFactionEntities())
                if (enemyEntity == null || enemyEntity.enabled == false || enemyEntity.EntityHealthComp.IsDead() == true || enemyEntity == FactionEntity as Unit)
                    continue; //move to the next enemy faction entity in case the Unit's component is not enabled or the entity isn't alive
                //if the enemy faction entity is inside the current search size and it can be attacked
                if ((currDistance = Vector3.Distance(enemyEntity.transform.position, searchCenter)) < searchSize && CanEngageTarget(enemyEntity) == ErrorMessage.none)
                    searchSize      = currDistance; //this will always decrease the search size to the closest enemy entity
                    potentialTarget = enemyEntity;

            if (potentialTarget != null)
                SetTarget(potentialTarget, potentialTarget.GetSelection().transform.position); //if there's a potential target found, set it as next target
Exemple #15
        //called each time a unit/building is dead, only called when the mission type is set to "eliminate" or "produce"
        private void OnFactionEntityEvent (FactionEntity factionEntity)
            //if the faction entity is dead and there are entities that the player is supposed to defend
            if(factionEntity.FactionID == GameManager.PlayerFactionID //only if the dead faction entity belongs to the player faction
                && defendFactionEntities.Length > 0 && factionEntity.EntityHealthComp.IsDead()) 
                foreach(CodeCategoryField codeCategory in defendFactionEntities) //go through the entities that shouldn't be dead
                    if (codeCategory.Contains(factionEntity.GetCode(), factionEntity.GetCategory())) //if the code/category matches
                        Forfeit(); //mission failed

            if((factionEntity.EntityHealthComp.IsDead() && type == Type.eliminate && factionEntity.FactionID != GameManager.PlayerFactionID) //if this is an elimination mission and the entity doesn't belong to the player's faction
                || (!factionEntity.EntityHealthComp.IsDead() && type == Type.produce && factionEntity.FactionID == GameManager.PlayerFactionID)) //produce mission type and the entity belongs to the player faction
            foreach (CodeCategoryField codeCategory in targetCode) //go through all assigned codes
                if (codeCategory.Contains(factionEntity.GetCode(), factionEntity.GetCategory())) //if the code/category matches
                    OnProgress(1); //positive mission progress
Exemple #16
        //a method called when the unit's health has been updated:
        public override void OnHealthUpdated(int value, FactionEntity source)
            base.OnHealthUpdated(value, source);
            CustomEvents.OnUnitHealthUpdated(unit, value, source);

            if (value < 0)                                     //if the unit's health has been decreased
                unit.SetAnimState(UnitAnimState.takingDamage); //set the animator state to taking damage.

                if (stopMovingOnDamage == true)                //stop player movement on damage if this is set to true
                if (enableDamageAnimation == true)                   //if the damage animation is enabled
                    damageAnimationTimer  = damageAnimationDuration; //start the timer.
                    damageAnimationActive = true;                    //mark as active

                if (source != null && (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false || RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(unit) == true)) //if the attack source is known and this is either a single player game or the local player's unit
                    //if the unit has an attack component and it can attack back and it is idle
                    if (unit.AttackComp != null && unit.AttackComp.IsActive() && unit.AttackComp.CanEngageWhenAttacked() == true && unit.IsIdle() == true)
                        gameMgr.MvtMgr.LaunchAttack(unit, source, source.GetSelection().transform.position, MovementManager.AttackModes.none, false); //launch attack at the source
                    TriggerEscapeOnAttack();                                                                                                          //attempt to trigger the escape on attack behavior if it is enabled
Exemple #17
        public void UpdateMultipleAttackTasks(FactionEntity sourceEntity, MultipleAttackManager multipleAttackComp)
            if (multipleAttackComp == null)

            for (int attackID = 0; attackID < multipleAttackComp.AttackEntities.Length; attackID++) //go through all the attack entities
                AttackEntity attackComp = multipleAttackComp.AttackEntities[attackID];
                if (!attackComp.IsLocked && !attackComp.IsActive()) //as long as the attack entity is not active and not locked, show a task to activate it:
                    TaskUI taskUI = Add(new TaskUIAttributes
                        ID     = attackID,
                        type   = TaskTypes.attackTypeSelection,
                        icon   = attackComp.GetIcon(),
                        source = sourceEntity
                    }, multipleAttackComp.GetTaskPanelCategory());

                    if (attackComp.CoolDownActive == true) //if the attack type is in cool down mode
                        Color nextColor = taskUI.GetComponent <Image>().color;
                        nextColor.a = 0.5f; //make it semi-transparent to indicate cooldown to player
                        taskUI.GetComponent <Image>().color = nextColor;
Exemple #18
        private bool triggerAnimationInDelay = false;                           //true => the attack animation is triggered when the delay starts. if false, it will only be triggered when the attack is triggered

        public override void Init(GameManager gameMgr, FactionEntity factionEntity, MultipleAttackManager multipleAttackMgr)
            base.Init(gameMgr, factionEntity, multipleAttackMgr);
            this.unit = (Unit)factionEntity;

            RangeType = gameMgr.AttackMgr.GetRangeType(rangeTypeCode);
Exemple #19
 //called each time a faction entity switches its attack:
 private void OnAttackSwitch(AttackEntity attackEntity, FactionEntity target, Vector3 targetPosition)
     //only if the source faction entity is the only player entity selected
     if (SelectionManager.IsSelected(attackEntity.FactionEntity.GetSelection(), true, true))
Exemple #20
 public bool IsFree() //is the entity managed by this selection component a faction entity or a free one?
     if (FactionEntity != null)
 /// <summary>
 /// Tests whether a FactionEntity can be a potential target for the NPC faction.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="potentialTarget">The FactionEntity instance to test.</param>
 /// <returns>True if the potential target can be assigned as a target, otherwise false.</returns>
 public bool IsValidTarget(FactionEntity potentialTarget)
     return(potentialTarget != null && //must be valid
            !potentialTarget.EntityHealthComp.IsDead() && //must be still alive
            targetFaction != null && //there must be a target faction
            potentialTarget.FactionID == targetFaction.FactionID //factionID must match the target faction's ID
                                                                 //if the entity can be targeted by the NPC faction or this is an eliminate all game:
            && (gameMgr.GetDefeatCondition() == DefeatConditions.eliminateAll || targetPicker.IsValidTarget(potentialTarget)));
Exemple #22
        //health related events:
        private void OnFactionEntityHealthUpdated(FactionEntity factionEntity, int value, FactionEntity source)
            hoverHealthBar.Update(factionEntity);                           //update the hover health bar in case this unit is selected

            if (factionEntity.GetSelection().IsSelectedOnly)                //if this is the only selected entity
                singleSelection.UpdateFactionEntityHealthUI(factionEntity); //update the health UI.
Exemple #23
        //the method that updates the health bar of the unit/building that the player has their mouse on.
        public void Update(FactionEntity source)
            if (enabled == false || source != currSource) //if the hover health bar is disabled

            healthBar.Update(source.EntityHealthComp.CurrHealth / (float)source.EntityHealthComp.MaxHealth);
Exemple #24
        public virtual void Init(GameManager gameMgr, FactionEntity source)
            this.gameMgr  = gameMgr;
            factionEntity = source; //get the Faction Entity component.
            //initial settings:
            isDead = false;         //faction entity is not dead by default.

            DotComps = new List <DamageOverTime>();
Exemple #25
        //a method that upgrades a faction entity instance locally
        public void UpgradeInstance(FactionEntity instance, FactionEntity target, int factionID, EffectObj upgradeEffect)
            switch (instance.Type)
            case EntityTypes.building:

                Building currBuilding = instance as Building;
                Unit[]   currBuilders = currBuilding.WorkerMgr.GetAll(); //get the current builders of this building if there are any
                foreach (Unit unit in currBuilders)                      //and make them stop building the instance of the building since it will be destroyed.

                //create upgraded instance of the building
                Building upgradedBuilding = gameMgr.BuildingMgr.CreatePlacedInstanceLocal(
                    currBuilding.IsBuilt,     //depends on the current state of the instance to destroy

                foreach (Unit unit in currBuilders)

                CustomEvents.OnBuildingInstanceUpgraded((Building)instance);     //trigger custom event

            case EntityTypes.unit:

                //create upgraded instance of the unit

                CustomEvents.OnUnitInstanceUpgraded((Unit)instance);     //trigger custom event

            //if there's a valid upgrade effect assigned:
            if (upgradeEffect != null)
                //show the upgrade effect for the player:
                gameMgr.EffectPool.SpawnEffectObj(upgradeEffect, instance.transform.position, upgradeEffect.transform.rotation);

            instance.EntityHealthComp.DestroyFactionEntity(true); //destroy the instance
Exemple #26
        public void Init(GameManager gameMgr, FactionEntity source)
            this.gameMgr  = gameMgr;
            FactionEntity = source;

            if (interactionPosition == null)     //no interaction position is assigned
                interactionPosition = transform; //assign the interaction position to the faction entity's position
            currCapacity = 0;
Exemple #27
        //a method called by the Selection Manager to attempt to select the object associated with this selection entity
        public virtual void OnSelected()
            if (FactionEntity)                                                                     //if this is a faction entity
                FactionEntity.OnMouseClick();                                                      //trigger a mouse click in the faction entity's main component
            AudioManager.Play(gameMgr.GetGeneralAudioSource(), Source.GetSelectionAudio(), false); //play the selection audio
            Source.EnableSelectionPlane();                                                         //enable the selection plane of the source

            IsSelected = true;
Exemple #28
        //when the building reaches its max health:
        public override void OnMaxHealthReached(int value, FactionEntity source)
            base.OnMaxHealthReached(value, source);

            Unit[] workersList = building.WorkerMgr.GetAll(); //get all workers in the worker manager

            for (int i = 0; i < workersList.Length; i++)
                workersList[i].BuilderComp.Stop(); //stop constructing
Exemple #29
        //a method called when the faction entity's health has been updated:
        public virtual void OnHealthUpdated(int value, FactionEntity source)
            if (value < 0.0)
                //if this is the local player's faction ID and the attack warning manager is active:
                if (factionEntity.FactionID == GameManager.PlayerFactionID)
                    gameMgr.AttackWarningMgr?.Add(transform.position); //show attack warning on minimap

            CustomEvents.OnFactionEntityHealthUpdated(factionEntity, value, source); //trigger custom event
Exemple #30
        //a method that returns the damage that is supposed to be dealt to a target.
        public int GetDamage(FactionEntity target)
            foreach (CustomDamage cd in customDamages)                        //see if the target's code is in the custom damages list
                if (cd.code.Contains(target.GetCode(), target.GetCategory())) //if the target is found then pick the custom damage

            //no custom damage? pick either the damage for units or for buildings
            return(target.Type == EntityTypes.unit ? unitDamage : buildingDamage);