//a method that sets the target building to construct locally
        public override void SetTargetLocal(Building newTarget)
            if (newTarget == null || target == newTarget || newTarget.WorkerMgr.currWorkers >= newTarget.WorkerMgr.GetAvailableSlots()) //if the new target is invalid or it's already the builder's target
                return;                                                                                                                 //do not proceed
            Stop();                                                                                                                     //stop constructing the current building

            //set new target
            inProgress = false;
            target     = newTarget;

            gameMgr.MvtMgr.PrepareMove(unit, target.WorkerMgr.Add(unit), target.GetRadius(), target, InputMode.building, false); //move the unit towards the target building

            CustomEvents.OnUnitBuildingOrder(unit, target);                                                                      //trigger custom event