Exemple #1
 protected override IEnumerable <RTFBuilderbase> EnumerateCellsInternal(RTFRowDefinition rowDefinition, RTFCellDefinition[] cellDefinitions)
     using (IRTFRow ie = this.CreateRow(rowDefinition, cellDefinitions))
         IEnumerator <IBuilderContent> ie2 = ie.GetEnumerator();
         while (ie2.MoveNext())
             using (IBuilderContent item = ie2.Current)
                 yield return(item.Content);
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the row1.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sb">The sb.</param>
 /// <param name="cellContents">The cell contents.</param>
 private void AddRow1(RTFBuilderbase sb, params string[] cellContents)
     Padding p = new Padding { All = 50 };
     RTFRowDefinition rd = new RTFRowDefinition(88, RTFAlignment.TopLeft, RTFBorderSide.Default, 15, SystemColors.WindowText, p);
     RTFCellDefinition[] cds = new RTFCellDefinition[cellContents.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < cellContents.Length; i++)
         cds[i] = new RTFCellDefinition(88 / cellContents.Length, RTFAlignment.TopLeft, RTFBorderSide.Default, 15, Color.Blue, Padding.Empty);
     int pos = 0;
     foreach (RTFBuilderbase item in sb.EnumerateCells(rd, cds))
         item.ForeColor(KnownColor.Blue).FontStyle(FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Underline);
Exemple #3
            internal GDFRow(GDFBuilder builder, RTFRowDefinition rowDefinition, RTFCellDefinition[] cellDefinitions)
                if (builder == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("builder");
                if (cellDefinitions == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("cellDefinitions");
                if (rowDefinition.RowWidth == 0)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("rowDefinition.RowWidth");
                if (cellDefinitions.Length == 0)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("cellDefinitions.Length");
                this._rowDefinition = rowDefinition;
                this._cellDefinitions = cellDefinitions;
                this.Builder = builder;

                this._location = this.Builder.Manager.CurrentPage.Location;

                // New Line if needed
                if (this._location.X != this.Builder.Manager.CurrentPage.Bounds.X)

                this.Pages = new List <GDFPage>();

                this._initrowBounds = new RectangleF(this.Pages[0].Location,
                                                     new SizeF((this._rowDefinition.RowWidth / 100F) * this.Pages[0].Bounds.Width,
                                                               this.Pages[0].Bounds.Height - this.Pages[0].Location.Y));
Exemple #4
            internal RTFRow(RTFBuilder builder, RTFRowDefinition rowDefinition, RTFCellDefinition[] cellDefinitions)
                if (builder == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("builder");
                if (cellDefinitions == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("cellDefinitions");
                if (rowDefinition.RowWidth == 0)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("rowDefinition.RowWidth");
                if (cellDefinitions.Length == 0)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("cellDefinitions.Length");
                _definitionBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                _rowDefinition = rowDefinition;
                _cellDefinitions = cellDefinitions;
                _builder = builder;

                var sb = _definitionBuilder;

                sb.AppendLine("\\trautofit1"); //AutoFit: ON

                // \trhdr	Table row header. This row should appear at the top of every page on which the current table appears.
                // \trkeep	Keep table row together. This row cannot be split by a page break. This property is assumed to be off unless the control word is present.
                //\trleftN	Position in twips of the leftmost edge of the table with respect to the left edge of its column.
                //\trqc	Centers a table row with respect to its containing column.
                //\trql	Left-justifies a table row with respect to its containing column.
                //\trqr	Right-justifies a table row with respect to its containing column.
                //\trrhN	Height of a table row in twips. When 0, the height is sufficient for all the text in the line; when positive, the height is guaranteed to be at least the specified height; when negative, the absolute value of the height is used, regardless of the height of the text in the line.
                //\trpaddbN	Default bottom cell margin or padding for the row.
                //\trpaddlN	Default left cell margin or padding for the row.
                //\trpaddrN	Default right cell margin or padding for the row.
                //\trpaddtN	Default top cell margin or padding for the row.
                //\trpaddfbN	Units for \trpaddbN:
                //0	Null. Ignore \trpaddbN in favor of \trgaphN (Word 97 style padding).
                //3	Twips.
                //\trpaddflN	Units for \trpaddlN:
                //0	Null. Ignore \trpaddlN in favor of \trgaphN (Word 97 style padding).
                //3	Twips.
                //\trpaddfrN	Units for \trpaddrN:
                //0	Null. Ignore \trpaddrN in favor of \trgaphN (Word 97 style padding).
                //3	Twips.
                //\trpaddftN	Units for \trpaddtN:
                //0	Null. Ignore \trpaddtN in favor of \trgaphN (Word 97 style padding).
                //3	Twips.

                _cells = new List<RTFCellDefinitionBuilder>();
                var x = 0;
                foreach (var item in _cellDefinitions)
                    x += (int) (item.CellWidthRaw*TWIPSA4);
                    _cells.Add(new RTFCellDefinitionBuilder(_builder, _definitionBuilder, item));
 public IEnumerable <RTFBuilderbase> EnumerateCells(RTFRowDefinition rowDefinition, RTFCellDefinition[] cellDefinitions)
     return this.EnumerateCellsInternal(rowDefinition, cellDefinitions);
 protected abstract IEnumerable <RTFBuilderbase> EnumerateCellsInternal(RTFRowDefinition rowDefinition, RTFCellDefinition[] cellDefinitions);
 public IEnumerable <RTFBuilderbase> EnumerateCells(RTFRowDefinition rowDefinition, RTFCellDefinition[] cellDefinitions)
     return(this.EnumerateCellsInternal(rowDefinition, cellDefinitions));
 protected abstract IEnumerable <RTFBuilderbase> EnumerateCellsInternal(RTFRowDefinition rowDefinition, RTFCellDefinition[] cellDefinitions);
 public IRTFRow CreateRow(RTFRowDefinition rowDefinition, RTFCellDefinition[] cellDefinitions)
     return new RTFRow(this, rowDefinition, cellDefinitions);
 protected override IEnumerable <RTFBuilderbase> EnumerateCellsInternal(RTFRowDefinition rowDefinition, RTFCellDefinition[] cellDefinitions)
     using (IRTFRow ie = this.CreateRow(rowDefinition, cellDefinitions))
         IEnumerator <IBuilderContent> ie2 = ie.GetEnumerator();
         while (ie2.MoveNext())
             using (IBuilderContent item = ie2.Current)
                 yield return item.Content;
Exemple #11
 public IRTFRow CreateRow(RTFRowDefinition rowDefinition, RTFCellDefinition[] cellDefinitions)
     return(new RTFRow(this, rowDefinition, cellDefinitions));
Exemple #12
            internal RTFRow(RTFBuilder builder, RTFRowDefinition rowDefinition, RTFCellDefinition[] cellDefinitions)
                if (builder == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("builder");
                if (cellDefinitions == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("cellDefinitions");
                if (rowDefinition.RowWidth == 0)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("rowDefinition.RowWidth");
                if (cellDefinitions.Length == 0)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("cellDefinitions.Length");
                this._definitionBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                this._rowDefinition   = rowDefinition;
                this._cellDefinitions = cellDefinitions;
                this._builder         = builder;

                StringBuilder sb = this._definitionBuilder;

                sb.AppendLine("\\trautofit1"); //AutoFit: ON

                // \trhdr    Table row header. This row should appear at the top of every page on which the current table appears.
                // \trkeep    Keep table row together. This row cannot be split by a page break. This property is assumed to be off unless the control word is present.
                //\trleftN    Position in twips of the leftmost edge of the table with respect to the left edge of its column.
                //\trqc    Centers a table row with respect to its containing column.
                //\trql    Left-justifies a table row with respect to its containing column.
                //\trqr    Right-justifies a table row with respect to its containing column.
                //\trrhN    Height of a table row in twips. When 0, the height is sufficient for all the text in the line; when positive, the height is guaranteed to be at least the specified height; when negative, the absolute value of the height is used, regardless of the height of the text in the line.
                //\trpaddbN    Default bottom cell margin or padding for the row.
                //\trpaddlN    Default left cell margin or padding for the row.
                //\trpaddrN    Default right cell margin or padding for the row.
                //\trpaddtN    Default top cell margin or padding for the row.
                //\trpaddfbN    Units for \trpaddbN:
                //0    Null. Ignore \trpaddbN in favor of \trgaphN (Word 97 style padding).
                //3    Twips.
                //\trpaddflN    Units for \trpaddlN:
                //0    Null. Ignore \trpaddlN in favor of \trgaphN (Word 97 style padding).
                //3    Twips.
                //\trpaddfrN    Units for \trpaddrN:
                //0    Null. Ignore \trpaddrN in favor of \trgaphN (Word 97 style padding).
                //3    Twips.
                //\trpaddftN    Units for \trpaddtN:
                //0    Null. Ignore \trpaddtN in favor of \trgaphN (Word 97 style padding).
                //3    Twips.

                this._cells = new List <RTFCellDefinitionBuilder>();
                int x = 0;

                foreach (RTFCellDefinition item in this._cellDefinitions)
                    x += (int)(item.CellWidthRaw * TWIPSA4);
                    this._cells.Add(new RTFCellDefinitionBuilder(this._builder, this._definitionBuilder, item));
Exemple #13
 protected override IEnumerable <RTFBuilderbase> EnumerateCellsInternal(RTFRowDefinition rowDefinition, RTFCellDefinition[] cellDefinitions)
     using (GDFRow row = new GDFRow(this, rowDefinition, cellDefinitions))
         foreach (GDFCell cell in row)
             using (cell)
                 yield return cell.Content;
Exemple #14
 public IRTFRow CreateRow(RTFRowDefinition rowDefinition, IEnumerable<RTFCellDefinition> cellDefinitions)
     return new RTFRow(this, rowDefinition, cellDefinitions);
Exemple #15
 public IRTFRow CreateRow(RTFRowDefinition rowDefinition, IEnumerable <RTFCellDefinition> cellDefinitions)
     return(new RTFRow(this, rowDefinition, cellDefinitions));
Exemple #16
        public static void GetFormattedData(this SubRecord rec, RTFBuilder s)
            SubrecordStructure ss = rec.Structure;
            if (ss == null || ss.elements == null)
                s.Append("Hex: \t").AppendLine(rec.GetHexData());

            bool addTerminatingParagraph = false;
                var p = rec.GetPlugin();

                dFormIDLookupI formIDLookup = p.LookupFormID;
                dLStringLookup strLookup = p.LookupFormStrings;
                dFormIDLookupR formIDLookupR = p.GetRecordByID;

                // Table of items
                var table = new List<List<RTFCellDefinition>>();

                // set up elements
                float maxWidth = 0;
                int maxFirstCellWidth = 0;

                var elems = rec.EnumerateElements(true).Where(x => x.Structure != null && !x.Structure.notininfo).ToList();
                if (elems.Count == 0)

                foreach (var element in elems)
                    Size sz = s.MeasureText(element.Structure.name);
                    int width = Math.Max(sz.Width / 11, 10);

                    // approximate convert pixels to twips as the rtflib has crap documentation
                    if (width > maxFirstCellWidth)
                        maxFirstCellWidth = width;

                foreach (var element in elems)
                    var row = new List<RTFCellDefinition>();
                    var sselem = element.Structure;
                    bool hasOptions = sselem.options != null && sselem.options.Length > 0;
                    bool hasFlags = sselem.flags != null && sselem.flags.Length > 1;

                    // setup borders for header
                    var value = element.Value;
                    var nameCell = new RTFCellDefinition(maxFirstCellWidth, RTFAlignment.MiddleLeft, RTFBorderSide.Default, 15, Color.DarkGray, Padding.Empty);
                    switch (sselem.type)
                        case ElementValueType.FormID:
                            row.Add(new RTFCellDefinition(12, RTFAlignment.MiddleLeft, RTFBorderSide.Default, 15, Color.DarkGray, Padding.Empty));
                            row.Add(new RTFCellDefinition(30, RTFAlignment.MiddleLeft, RTFBorderSide.Default, 15, Color.DarkGray, Padding.Empty));

                            // Optional Add cell for
                        case ElementValueType.LString:
                            row.Add(new RTFCellDefinition(12, RTFAlignment.MiddleLeft, RTFBorderSide.Default, 15, Color.DarkGray, Padding.Empty));
                            row.Add(new RTFCellDefinition(30, RTFAlignment.MiddleLeft, RTFBorderSide.Default, 15, Color.DarkGray, Padding.Empty));

                        case ElementValueType.BString:
                        case ElementValueType.IString:
                        case ElementValueType.String:
                            row.Add(new RTFCellDefinition(42, RTFAlignment.MiddleLeft, RTFBorderSide.Default, 15, Color.DarkGray, Padding.Empty));
                        case ElementValueType.Int:
                        case ElementValueType.UInt:
                        case ElementValueType.Byte:
                        case ElementValueType.SByte:
                        case ElementValueType.Short:
                        case ElementValueType.UShort:
                        case ElementValueType.Float:
                            row.Add(new RTFCellDefinition(20, RTFAlignment.MiddleLeft, RTFBorderSide.Default, 15, Color.DarkGray, Padding.Empty));
                            row.Add(new RTFCellDefinition(30, RTFAlignment.MiddleLeft, RTFBorderSide.Default, 15, Color.DarkGray, Padding.Empty));
                        case ElementValueType.Blob:
                            row.Add(new RTFCellDefinition(42, RTFAlignment.MiddleLeft, RTFBorderSide.Default, 15, Color.DarkGray, Padding.Empty));
                        case ElementValueType.Str4:
                            row.Add(new RTFCellDefinition(42, RTFAlignment.MiddleLeft, RTFBorderSide.Default, 15, Color.DarkGray, Padding.Empty));
                            row.Add(new RTFCellDefinition(42, RTFAlignment.MiddleLeft, RTFBorderSide.Default, 15, Color.DarkGray, Padding.Empty));

                    maxWidth = Math.Max(maxWidth, row.Sum(x => x.CellWidthRaw));

                var rowWidth = (int)(maxWidth * 100.0f);
                var pd = new Padding { All = 50 };

                var hdrd = new RTFRowDefinition(rowWidth, RTFAlignment.TopLeft, RTFBorderSide.Default, 15, SystemColors.WindowText, pd);
                var hdrcds = new[] { new RTFCellDefinition(rowWidth, RTFAlignment.MiddleLeft, RTFBorderSide.Default, 15, Color.DarkGray, Padding.Empty) };

                addTerminatingParagraph = true;
                using (IRTFRow ie = s.CreateRow(hdrd, hdrcds))
                    foreach (var item in ie)
                        var rb = item.Content;
                        item.Content.FontSize(s.DefaultFontSize + 1).FontStyle(FontStyle.Bold).ForeColor(KnownColor.DarkCyan).AppendFormat("{0} ({1})", ss.name, ss.desc);

                for (int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < elems.Count; ++rowIdx)
                    var rd = new RTFRowDefinition(rowWidth, RTFAlignment.TopLeft, RTFBorderSide.Default, 15, SystemColors.WindowText, pd);
                    var cds = table[rowIdx];
                    var elem = elems[rowIdx];
                    var sselem = elem.Structure;
                    var value = elem.Value;

                    string recprefix = null;
                    Record record = null;
                    string strValue = null; // value to display
                    string strDesc = null; // first description
                    string strDesc2 = null; // second description
                    bool hasOptions = sselem.options != null && sselem.options.Length > 0;
                    bool hasFlags = sselem.flags != null && sselem.flags.Length > 1;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elem.Structure.funcr))
                        if (elem.Type == ElementValueType.Float) value = PyInterpreter.ExecuteFunction<float>(elem, FunctionOperation.ForReading);
                        else if (elem.Type == ElementValueType.Int) value = PyInterpreter.ExecuteFunction<int>(elem, FunctionOperation.ForReading);
                        else if (elem.Type == ElementValueType.Short) value = PyInterpreter.ExecuteFunction<short>(elem, FunctionOperation.ForReading);
                        else if (elem.Type == ElementValueType.UShort) value = PyInterpreter.ExecuteFunction<ushort>(elem, FunctionOperation.ForReading);
                        else if (elem.Type == ElementValueType.UInt) value = PyInterpreter.ExecuteFunction<uint>(elem, FunctionOperation.ForReading);

                    // Pre row write caching to avoid expensive duplicate calls between cells
                    switch (sselem.type)
                        case ElementValueType.FormID:
                                var id = (uint)value;
                                strValue = id.ToString("X8");
                                if (id != 0)
                                    record = formIDLookupR != null ? formIDLookupR(id) : null;

                                if (record != null)
                                    var pref = record.GetPlugin();
                                    recprefix = pref != null ? string.Format("{0}@{1}", pref.Name, record.Name) : record.Name;
                                    strDesc = record.DescriptiveName;
                                    var full = record.SubRecords.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "FULL");
                                    if (full != null)
                                        // split the cell 2 in 2 if full name found
                                        var data = new ArraySegment<byte>(full.GetReadonlyData());
                                        bool isString = TypeConverter.IsLikelyString(data);
                                        string lvalue = isString ? full.GetStrData() : strLookup != null ? strLookup(TypeConverter.h2i(data)) : null;
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lvalue))
                                            var first = cds[cds.Count - 1];
                                            Size sz = s.MeasureText(lvalue);
                                            int width = Math.Min(40, Math.Max(sz.Width / 12, 10));

                                            // approximate convert pixels to twips as the rtflib has crap documentation
                                            var second = new RTFCellDefinition(width, RTFAlignment.MiddleLeft, RTFBorderSide.Default, 0, Color.DarkGray, Padding.Empty);
                                            strDesc2 = lvalue;

                        case ElementValueType.LString:
                                if (elem.Type == ElementValueType.String)
                                    strValue = string.Empty;
                                    strDesc = value.ToString();
                                else if (TypeConverter.IsLikelyString(elem.Data))
                                    strValue = string.Empty;
                                    strDesc = TypeConverter.GetString(elem.Data);
                                    uint id = TypeConverter.h2i(elem.Data);
                                    strValue = id.ToString("X8");
                                    strDesc = strLookup != null ? strLookup(id) : null;

                        case ElementValueType.Blob:
                            strValue = TypeConverter.GetHexData(elem.Data);
                        case ElementValueType.SByte:
                        case ElementValueType.Int:
                        case ElementValueType.Short:
                                if (sselem.hexview || hasFlags)
                                    if (sselem.hexviewwithdec)
                                        strValue = string.Format(string.Format("{{0:X{0}}}", elem.Data.Count * 2), value) + string.Format(" : {0}", value);
                                        strValue = string.Format(string.Format("{{0:X{0}}}", elem.Data.Count * 2), value);
                                    strValue = value == null ? string.Empty : value.ToString();

                                if (hasOptions)
                                    int intVal = Convert.ToInt32(value);
                                    for (int k = 0; k < sselem.options.Length; k += 2)
                                        int intValOption;
                                        if (int.TryParse(sselem.options[k + 1], out intValOption) && intVal == intValOption)
                                            strDesc = sselem.options[k];
                                else if (hasFlags)
                                    int intVal = Convert.ToInt32(value);
                                    var tmp2 = new StringBuilder();
                                    for (int k = 0; k < sselem.flags.Length; k++)
                                        if ((intVal & (1 << k)) != 0)
                                            if (tmp2.Length > 0)
                                                tmp2.Append(", ");


                                    strDesc = tmp2.ToString();


                        case ElementValueType.UInt:
                        case ElementValueType.Byte:
                        case ElementValueType.UShort:
                                if (sselem.hexview || hasFlags)
                                    if (sselem.hexviewwithdec)
                                        strValue = string.Format(string.Format("{{0:X{0}}}", elem.Data.Count * 2), value) + string.Format(" : {0}", value);
                                        strValue = string.Format(string.Format("{{0:X{0}}}", elem.Data.Count * 2), value);
                                    strValue = value == null ? string.Empty : value.ToString();

                                if (hasOptions)
                                    uint intVal = Convert.ToUInt32(value);
                                    for (int k = 0; k < sselem.options.Length; k += 2)
                                        if (intVal == uint.Parse(sselem.options[k + 1]))
                                            strDesc = sselem.options[k];
                                else if (hasFlags)
                                    uint intVal = Convert.ToUInt32(value);
                                    var tmp2 = new StringBuilder();
                                    for (int k = 0; k < sselem.flags.Length; k++)
                                        if ((intVal & (1 << k)) != 0)
                                            if (tmp2.Length > 0)
                                                tmp2.Append(", ");


                                    strDesc = tmp2.ToString();

                        case ElementValueType.Str4:
                            strValue = TypeConverter.GetString(elem.Data);
                        case ElementValueType.BString:
                            strValue = TypeConverter.GetBString(elem.Data);
                        case ElementValueType.IString:
                            strValue = TypeConverter.GetIString(elem.Data);
                            strValue = value == null ? string.Empty : value.ToString();

                    // Now create row and fill in cells
                    using (IRTFRow ie = s.CreateRow(rd, cds))
                        int colIdx = 0;
                        IEnumerator<IBuilderContent> ie2 = ie.GetEnumerator();
                        for (bool ok = ie2.MoveNext(); ok; ok = ie2.MoveNext(), ++colIdx)
                            using (var item = ie2.Current)
                                var rb = item.Content;
                                if (colIdx == 0)
                                    // name
                                else if (colIdx == 1)
                                    // value
                                    switch (sselem.type)
                                        case ElementValueType.FormID:
                                            if (((uint)value) == 0)
                                            else if (record != null)
                                                RTFRenderer.AppendLink(rb, strValue, record.GetLink());
                                            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sselem.FormIDType))
                                                RTFRenderer.AppendLink(rb, strValue, string.Format("{0}:{1}", sselem.FormIDType, strValue));
                                                RTFRenderer.AppendLink(rb, strValue, string.Format("XXXX:{0}", strValue));

                                else if (colIdx == 2)
                                    // desc
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDesc))
                                else if (colIdx == 3)
                                    // desc2
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDesc2))
                s.AppendLine("Warning: Subrecord doesn't seem to match the expected structure");
                if (addTerminatingParagraph)