//The constructor initialises the component, then
        //sets the data context to itself and sets the FeedItem
        //property accordingly.

        private void MenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            bool ratingValid = false;

            //This variable sets up a loop in order to allow
            //for a while loop to be used

            while (ratingValid == false)
                //The while loop allows for the rating input to be retried
                //by the user, or cancelled if they change their mind

                ratingStr = Interaction.InputBox("Please enter an importance rating from 0.0 to 10.0 to 1 decimal place" +
                                                 " (Entering nothing will cancel this operation, as will pressing the cancel button) ", "Assign rating", "");
                //A VisualBasic InputBox is created and displays the following message, with a suitable title and blank
                //default response. The input response is stored in a suitable variable, ratingStr, defined at the start of
                //the code for this object.

                if (ratingStr == "")
                //Pressing the cancel button on the InputBox will always return an empty string, so this if statement
                //is used to detect the cancellation event and break the while loop

                    ratingDbl = Double.Parse(ratingStr);
                //A try-catch block is used, and an attempt is made to parse the input string to a Double

                catch (Exception)
                    MessageBox.Show("Entered rating is not a valid number, please try again or cancel", "Invalid Format", MessageBoxButton.OK);
                //Any exception is caught here. This would be from an invalid parse, due to input of non-numeric characters.
                //As such, the following dialog box alerts the user of this, and continues the while loop to allow for
                //input to be retried.

                ratingDbl = Math.Round(ratingDbl, 1);
                //If the parsing is a success, the Double value is rounded to one decimal place

                if (ratingDbl >= 0.0 && ratingDbl <= 10.0)
                    newsItem currentItem = FeedItem;
                    currentItem.Rating = ratingDbl;
                    FeedItem           = currentItem;
                    ratingValid        = true;
                //If the rating input is between the boundaries of 0 and 10 inclusive, then the rating of the
                //newsItem object contained in the TickerItemEelement object is set to this input rating value
                //by first retrieving the stored newsItem, setting the rating value, and then storing the altered
                //ratingValid is thereafter set to true, breaking the while loop.

                    MessageBox.Show("Entered rating is not between 0.0 and 10.0, please try again", "Invalid Range", MessageBoxButton.OK);
                //If the rating value is outside of these boundaries, the following is displayed, and the
                //while loop continues to allow the user to retry inputting the rating

            if (ratingStr == "")
            //If the input was cancelled then the while loop breaks, and so to stop
            //the addition of an unwanted item to the watchLater database, this if statement
            //detects that eventuality and ensures that no action is taken

            //If the if statement above is not triggered, then the TickerItemElement object
            //is added to the database using the DataRoutines function addItem.