private void LoadItemList() { SqlDataReader dr; ListViewItem lvi; this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; dr = CBDepartment.GetList(); lvwItems.Items.Clear(); while (dr.Read()) { lvi = new ListViewItem(); lvi.Text = dr["ID"].ToString(); lvi.SubItems.Add(dr["Name"].ToString()); lvi.SubItems.Add(dr["Description"].ToString()); lvi.SubItems.Add(dr["AcctGroup"].ToString()); lvwItems.Items.Add(lvi); } //lvwItems.ColumnClick += new ColumnClickEventHandler(lvwItems_ColumnClick); lvwItems.ColumnClick += new ColumnClickEventHandler(lvwItems_ColumnClick); // this line was added toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dr.Close(); dr = null; sbPanStatus.Text = lvwItems.Items.Count.ToString() + " department(s)"; this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
private void LoadDepartments() { RSLib.COListItem li; SqlDataReader dr; dr = CBDepartment.GetList(); clstDepartments.Items.Clear(); li = new RSLib.COListItem(); li.ID = 0; li.Description = "All"; clstDepartments.Items.Add(li); while (dr.Read()) { li = new RSLib.COListItem(); li.ID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]); li.Description = dr["Name"].ToString(); clstDepartments.Items.Add(li); } clstDepartments.SetItemChecked(0, true); dr.Close(); }
public void SetDefaultDepartment(int deptID) { CBDepartment d = new CBDepartment(); miDeptID = deptID; d.Load(deptID); txtDepartment.Text = d.Name; }
private void ClearForm() { miDeptID = 0; miProjID = 0; miIssueID = 0; txtTranNumSuffix.Text = ""; txtTranNumPrefix.Text = ""; pictureBox1.Image = imageList1.Images[5]; ddtpTranDate.Value = DateTime.Now; txtSentBy.Text = ""; txtTranCC.Text = ""; txtSubCategory.Text = ""; txtTranTo.Text = ""; txtProjectLine.Text = ""; txtProject.Text = ""; rtbRemarks.Text = ""; chkWeTransmit.Checked = false; chkUnderSepCover.Checked = false; chkDrawings.Checked = false; chkSpecifications.Checked = false; chkCommentOrApporval.Checked = false; chkReleaseForConst.Checked = false; chkCorrespondence.Checked = false; chkBrochures.Checked = false; chkSentByEmail.Checked = false; chkSentByMail.Checked = false; chkApprovalAsNoted.Checked = false; chkReturnFor.Checked = false; chkSentByMessenger.Checked = false; chkSentByOvernight.Checked = false; txtDepartment.Text = ""; lvwDocList.Items.Clear(); bttRemove.Enabled = false; tssStatus1.Text = "Transmittal No.:"; tssStatus2.Text = "0 Document(s)"; tabPage1.Select(); tlbbSave.Enabled = false; tlbbPrint.Enabled = false; COAppState aps = new COAppState(); CBDepartment d = new CBDepartment(); aps.InitAppSettings(); miDeptID = aps.Sch_LastDeptID; d.Load(miDeptID); txtDepartment.Text = d.Name; timer1.Enabled = true; }
private void ClearForm() { moDept = new CBDepartment(); txtName.Text = ""; txtDescription.Text = ""; mbItemChanged = false; LoadEmployeeBox(); }
void DepartmentSelected(int itmID) { CBDepartment d = new CBDepartment(); d.Load(itmID); miDeptID = itmID; txtDepartment.Text = d.Name; LoadDrawingList(); }
void dl_OnItemSelected(int itmID) { CBDepartment d = new CBDepartment(); d.Load(itmID); txtDepartment.Text = d.Description; miCurrDept = itmID; ClearLog(); LoadDrawingList(); SetAccessForSecurityLevel(miCurrDept); }
void dl_OnDeptSelected(int itmID) { CBDepartment dept = new CBDepartment(); dept.Load(itmID); //txtDiscipline.Text = dept.Number.ToString(); txtDiscipline.Text = dept.Name; txtDiscipline.Tag = dept.ID; moPci.DepartmentID = itmID; EnablePCISave(); }
public static string GetNextPCINumber(int deptID, int projID) { CDbPCIInfo dbDt = new CDbPCIInfo(); CBDepartment dept = new CBDepartment(); string nextNum = ""; int pciCnt; dept.Load(deptID); pciCnt = dbDt.GetCountByProjectID(projID) + 1; //nextNum = dept.Name.Substring(0,1).ToUpper() + pciCnt.ToString("00"); nextNum = pciCnt.ToString("00"); // only use number per Mike 061608 return(nextNum); }
protected override void bttDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.bttDelete_Click(sender, e); int tmpID = Convert.ToInt32(lvwItems.SelectedItems[0].Text); string val = lvwItems.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text; DialogResult retVal = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure that you wish to remove \"" + val + "\"", "Remove Item", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (retVal == DialogResult.Yes) { CBDepartment.Delete(tmpID); LoadItemList(); } }
private void ClearForm() { COAppState aps = new COAppState(); CBDepartment d = new CBDepartment(); aps.InitAppSettings(); miCurrDept = aps.Sch_LastDeptID; miCurrLead = aps.Sch_EmplyID; d.Load(miCurrDept); txtDepartment.Text = d.Name; timer1.Enabled = true; CellStyle s = fgQuikUpdate.Styles.Add("ActualValues"); s.ForeColor = Color.Transparent; }
void dl_OnItemSelected(int itmID) { CBDepartment d = new CBDepartment(); d.Load(itmID); txtDepartment.Text = d.Description; miCurrDept = itmID; miCurrLead = 0; txtProjectLead.Text = ""; LoadDrawingList(); if (mbUseGroup == false) { LoadGridWithDrawings(); } SetAccessForSecurityLevel(miCurrDept); }
private void ClearForm() { COAppState aps = new COAppState(); CBDepartment d = new CBDepartment(); aps.InitAppSettings(); miCurrDept = aps.Sch_LastDeptID; d.Load(miCurrDept); miCurrLead = 0; txtDepartment.Text = d.Name; ClearLog(); LoadActivityCodes(); LoadDrawingSizes(); LoadIssuedAs(); }
void dl_OnDeptSelected(int itmID) { CBDepartment d = new CBDepartment(); if (itmID < 0) { txtDepartment.Text = "All"; miDeptID = 0; bttNew.Enabled = false; } else { d.Load(itmID); txtDepartment.Text = d.Name; miDeptID = itmID; bttNew.Enabled = true; } tmrLoadPCIList.Enabled = true; }
private void ClearForm() { COAppState aps = new COAppState(); CBDepartment d = new CBDepartment(); aps.InitAppSettings(); miDeptID = aps.Sch_LastDeptID; d.Load(miDeptID); txtDepartment.Text = d.Name; mdtPick = new DateTimePicker(); mdsRelDocs = new dsReleaseDocs(); mdsRelDeletes = new dsReleaseDocs(); tdbgDocList.Columns["Date"].Editor = mdtPick; tdbgDocList.SetDataBinding(mdsRelDocs, "ReleaseDocs", true); timer1.Enabled = true; }
private void LoadDepartmentBox() { SqlDataReader dr; RSLib.COListItem li; dr = CBDepartment.GetList(); lstDept.Items.Clear(); while (dr.Read()) { li = new RSLib.COListItem(); li.ID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]); li.Description = dr["Name"].ToString(); lstDept.Items.Add(li); } dr.Close(); }
public void SetProject(int deptID, int projID, int weekID, decimal totPlan, decimal totFor, decimal totAct) { CBProject p = new CBProject(); CBWeekList w = new CBWeekList(); CBCustomer c = new CBCustomer(); CBProjectBudget pb = new CBProjectBudget(); CBDepartment d = new CBDepartment(); p.Load(projID); miProjID = projID; w.Load(weekID); c.Load(p.CustomerID); pb.Load(deptID, projID); d.Load(deptID); txtNumber.Text = p.Number; txtWeek.Text = w.StartOfWeek.ToShortDateString(); txtStartDate.Text = p.DateStart.ToShortDateString(); txtEndDate.Text = p.DateEnd.ToShortDateString(); txtDescription.Text = p.Description; txtCustomer.Text = c.Name; if (d.Name.Length > 5) { lblBudget.Text = d.Name.Substring(0, 5) + " Bugt.:"; } else { lblBudget.Text = d.Name + " Bugt.:"; } txtTotBudget.Text = pb.BudgetHrs.ToString(DISPFORMAT); txtTotPlanned.Text = totPlan.ToString(DISPFORMAT); txtTotForecast.Text = totFor.ToString(DISPFORMAT); txtTotActual.Text = totAct.ToString(DISPFORMAT); txtRemaining.Text = ((decimal)(totFor + totAct)).ToString(DISPFORMAT); }
public void ClearForm(bool forceClear) { if (moPci != null && forceClear == false) { return; } moPci = new CBPCIInfo(); txtDiscipline.Text = ""; lblPCINumber.Text = CBPCIInfo.GetNextPCINumber(miDiscipline, miProject); txtInitiatedBy.Text = ""; lblProjectNumber.Text = ""; lblProjectTitle.Text = ""; txtPCITitle.Text = ""; dtpDateInitiated.Value = DateTime.Now; txtRequestedBy.Text = ""; dtpDateRequested.Value = DateTime.Now; txtDescription.Text = ""; rdoDesignError.Checked = false; rdoVendorError.Checked = false; rdoEstimatingError.Checked = false; rdoContractorError.Checked = false; rdoScheduleDelay.Checked = false; rdoScopeAddition.Checked = false; rdoScopeDeletion.Checked = false; rdoDesignChange.Checked = false; rdoOther.Checked = false; txtOtherReason.Text = ""; txtOtherReason.Enabled = false; chkMechPiping.Checked = false; chkCSA.Checked = false; chkProjAdmin.Checked = false; chkProcess.Checked = false; chkElectInst.Checked = false; txtEstimatedHrs.Text = ""; txtEstimatedCost.Text = ""; txtEstimatedTIC.Text = ""; txtEstimatedAccuracy.Text = ""; txtScheduleImpact.Text = ""; chkAppvProceed.Checked = false; chkAppvTrack.Checked = false; chkNotAppvDNP.Checked = false; txtProjMngr.Text = ""; lblDateApproved.Text = ""; if (miDiscipline != 0) { CBDepartment dept = new CBDepartment(); dept.Load(miDiscipline); txtDiscipline.Text = dept.Name; moPci.DepartmentID = miDiscipline; } if (miProject != 0) { CBProject proj = new CBProject(); CBEmployee emp = new CBEmployee(); proj.Load(miProject); emp.Load(proj.ProjMngrID); emp.Load(proj.LeadProjMngrID); lblProjectNumber.Text = proj.Number; lblProjectTitle.Text = proj.Description; txtProjMngr.Text = emp.Name; moPci.ProjectID = miProject; moPci.ProjectManagerID = proj.ProjMngrID; } mbNewPCNNeeded = false; }
private void LoadObjectToScreen() { CBDepartment dept = new CBDepartment(); CBEmployee emp = new CBEmployee(); CBProject proj = new CBProject(); dept.Load(moPci.DepartmentID); emp.Load(moPci.InitiatedByID); proj.Load(moPci.ProjectID); projectNumber = proj.Number; //////*************************************************6/25/15 // MessageBox.Show("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"); // MessageBox.Show(projectNumber); txtDiscipline.Text = dept.Name; lblPCINumber.Text = moPci.PCINumber; txtPCITitle.Text = moPci.PCITitle; txtInitiatedBy.Text = emp.Name; dtpDateInitiated.Value = moPci.DateInitiated; lblProjectNumber.Text = proj.Number; lblProjectTitle.Text = proj.Description; txtRequestedBy.Text = moPci.RequestedBy; dtpDateRequested.Value = moPci.DateRequested; txtDescription.Text = moPci.DescOfChange; rdoDesignError.Checked = moPci.ReasonDesignError; rdoVendorError.Checked = moPci.ReasonVendorError; rdoEstimatingError.Checked = moPci.ReasonEstimatingError; rdoContractorError.Checked = moPci.ReasonContractorError; rdoScheduleDelay.Checked = moPci.ReasonSchedule; rdoScopeAddition.Checked = moPci.ReasonScopeAdd; rdoScopeDeletion.Checked = moPci.ReasonScopeDel; rdoDesignChange.Checked = moPci.ReasonDesignChange; rdoOther.Checked = moPci.ReasonOther; txtOtherReason.Text = moPci.OtherReasonDesc; chkMechPiping.Checked = moPci.AffectedMechPipe; chkCSA.Checked = moPci.AffectedCSA; chkProjAdmin.Checked = moPci.AffectedProjAdmin; chkProcess.Checked = moPci.AffectedProcess; chkElectInst.Checked = moPci.AffectedEandI; txtEstimatedHrs.Text = moPci.EstimatedEngrHrs.ToString(); txtEstimatedCost.Text = moPci.EstimatedEngrDlrs.ToString("#,##0"); txtEstimatedTIC.Text = moPci.EstimatedEngrTIC.ToString("#,##0"); txtEstimatedAccuracy.Text = moPci.EstimatedAccuracy; txtScheduleImpact.Text = moPci.ScheduleImpact; chkAppvProceed.Checked = moPci.ApprovedProceed; chkAppvTrack.Checked = moPci.ApprovedTrack; chkNotAppvDNP.Checked = moPci.ApprovedNot; emp.Load(moPci.ProjectManagerID); txtProjMngr.Text = emp.Name; if (moPci.DateApproved == RevSol.RSUtility.DefaultDate()) { lblDateApproved.Text = ""; } else { lblDateApproved.Text = moPci.DateApproved.ToShortDateString(); } mbNewPCNNeeded = false; }