public void PreviewBudgetFormEntry(int budID, string wbs) { FPreviewAR pv = new FPreviewAR(); rprtBudgetAccounting rprt = new rprtBudgetAccounting(); DataSet ds; CBBudget bud = new CBBudget(); CBProject proj = new CBProject(); CBCustomer cust = new CBCustomer(); CBLocation loc = new CBLocation(); CBState state = new CBState(); bud.Load(budID); proj.Load(bud.ProjectID); cust.Load(proj.CustomerID); loc.Load(proj.LocationID); state.Load(loc.StateID); ds = CBBudget.GetBudgetAccountingEntryForReport(budID, wbs); rprt.SetTitles(cust.Name + " / " + loc.City + "," + state.Abbrev, proj.Description, proj.Number, bud.GetNumber(), wbs); rprt.DataSource = ds; rprt.DataMember = "Table"; pv.projNumber = proj.Number; //*************************Added 6/29/15 pv.ViewReport(rprt); pv.ShowDialog(); }
private GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Document.Section.PagesCollection CreatePagesBudgetFormEntry(int budID, string wbs) { rprtBudgetAccounting rprt = new rprtBudgetAccounting(); DataSet ds; CBBudget bud = new CBBudget(); CBProject proj = new CBProject(); CBCustomer cust = new CBCustomer(); CBLocation loc = new CBLocation(); CBState state = new CBState(); bud.Load(budID); proj.Load(bud.ProjectID); cust.Load(proj.CustomerID); loc.Load(proj.LocationID); state.Load(loc.StateID); ds = CBBudget.GetBudgetAccountingEntryForReport(budID, wbs); rprt.SetTitles(cust.Name + " / " + loc.City + "," + state.Abbrev, proj.Description, proj.Number, bud.GetNumber(), wbs); rprt.DataSource = ds; rprt.DataMember = "Table"; rprt.Run(false); return(rprt.Document.Pages); }
private void cboProjects_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int projID; CBBudget bud = new CBBudget(); lstBudgets.Items.Clear(); projID = ((RevSol.RSListItem)cboProjects.SelectedItem).ID; SqlDataReader dr = CBBudget.GetListByProject(projID); RevSol.RSListItem li; while (dr.Read()) { bud.Load(Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"])); li = new RevSol.RSListItem(); li.ID = bud.ID; li.Description = bud.GetNumber(); lstBudgets.Items.Add(li); } dr.Close(); IsReadyForCopy(); }
public void InsertWBS1Outline(int budID) { CDbVisionExport db = new CDbVisionExport(); CBBudget bud = new CBBudget(); CBProject proj = new CBProject(); bud.Load(budID); proj.Load(bud.ProjectID); db.InsertWBS1Outline(proj.Number, proj.Description, proj.Number, proj.DateStart, proj.DateEnd); }
public void SetBudget(int budgetID) { CBBudget bud = new CBBudget(); bud.Load(budgetID); miBudgetID = budgetID; txtBudget.Text = bud.GetNumber(); txtDescription.Text = bud.Description; txtPreparedBy.Text = bud.PreparedBy; txtContingency.Text = bud.Contingency.ToString("#,##0.00"); }
public void PreviewBudgetDetails(int budID, string wbs) { FPreviewAR pv = new FPreviewAR(); rprtBudgetDetail rprt = new rprtBudgetDetail(); DataSet ds; CBBudget bud = new CBBudget(); CBProject proj = new CBProject(); CBCustomer cust = new CBCustomer(); CBLocation loc = new CBLocation(); CBState state = new CBState(); bud.Load(budID); proj.Load(bud.ProjectID); cust.Load(proj.CustomerID); loc.Load(proj.LocationID); state.Load(loc.StateID); ds = CBBudget.GetBudgetDetailsForReport(budID, wbs); if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 1) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Staffing Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 2) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Engineering Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 3) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Pipeline Services Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 4) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Program Management Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 5) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "EPC Estimate Loaded Details"; } pv.projNumber = proj.Number; //***************************Added 6/25/15 // MessageBox.Show(pv.projNumber); rprt.SetTitles(cust.Name + " / " + loc.City + "," + state.Abbrev, proj.Description, proj.Number, bud.GetNumber(), wbs); rprt.DataSource = ds; rprt.DataMember = "Table"; pv.Title = rprt.MainReportTitle; //************************Added 10/1/2015 pv.ViewReport(rprt); pv.ShowDialog(); }
public void InsertWBS2Outline(int budID, string OutlineNumber, string Name, string WBS2, string ParentOutlineNumber, DateTime DateStart, DateTime DateEnd, int ChildrenCount) { CDbVisionExport db = new CDbVisionExport(); CBBudget bud = new CBBudget(); CBProject proj = new CBProject(); bud.Load(budID); proj.Load(bud.ProjectID); db.InsertWBS2Outline(proj.Number, OutlineNumber, Name, proj.Number, WBS2, ParentOutlineNumber, DateStart, DateEnd, ChildrenCount); }
private GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Document.Section.PagesCollection CreatePagesBudgetDetails(int budID, string wbs) { rprtBudgetDetail rprt = new rprtBudgetDetail(); DataSet ds; CBBudget bud = new CBBudget(); CBProject proj = new CBProject(); CBCustomer cust = new CBCustomer(); CBLocation loc = new CBLocation(); CBState state = new CBState(); bud.Load(budID); proj.Load(bud.ProjectID); cust.Load(proj.CustomerID); loc.Load(proj.LocationID); state.Load(loc.StateID); ds = CBBudget.GetBudgetDetailsForReport(budID, wbs); if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 1) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Staffing Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 2) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Engineering Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 3) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Pipeline Services Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 4) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Program Management Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 5) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "EPC Estimate Loaded Details"; } rprt.SetTitles(cust.Name + " / " + loc.City + "," + state.Abbrev, proj.Description, proj.Number, bud.GetNumber(), wbs); rprt.DataSource = ds; rprt.DataMember = "Table"; rprt.Run(false); return(rprt.Document.Pages); }
public void SetDataValues(dsWorkSheet ds, int budgetID) { mdsWSData = (dsWorkSheet)ds.Copy(); miBudgetID = budgetID; CBBudget b = new CBBudget(); b.Load(budgetID); if (b.IsLocked == true) { groupBox1.Enabled = false; groupBox2.Enabled = false; bttOK.Visible = false; } }
private void bttOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CBBudget bud = new CBBudget(); bud.Load(miBudgetID); bud.Description = txtDescription.Text; bud.PreparedBy = txtPreparedBy.Text; bud.Contingency = Convert.ToDecimal(txtContingency.Text); bud.Save(); if (OnBudgetPropertiesChanged != null) { string[] vals = new string[2]; vals[0] = txtDescription.Text; vals[1] = txtContingency.Text; OnBudgetPropertiesChanged(vals, 2); } this.Close(); }
private void LoadBudget(int projID) { ListViewItem lvi; SqlDataReader dr; CBBudget b = new CBBudget(); int budID; dr = CBBudget.GetListByProject(projID); lvwBudgets.Items.Clear(); while (dr.Read()) { budID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]); b.Load(budID); lvi = new ListViewItem(); lvi.Text = b.ID.ToString(); lvi.SubItems.Add(b.GetCleanNumber()); lvwBudgets.Items.Add(lvi); } }
private void bttProcess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string msg = "Export the selected budget " + (lvwBudgets.SelectedItems[0]).SubItems[1].Text; string projNumber = lvwProjects.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text; if (MessageBox.Show(msg, "Export", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { CBVisionExport ve = new CBVisionExport(); CBBudget bud = new CBBudget(); CBProject proj = new CBProject(); SqlDataReader dr; int budID; ListViewItem l = lvwBudgets.SelectedItems[0]; budID = Convert.ToInt32(l.Text); bud.Load(budID); proj.Load(bud.ProjectID); // prepare teh data tables lblStatus.Visible = true; UpdateStatus("Preparing data tables for export"); ve.ResetStagingTables(); UpdateStatus("Retrieving budget information"); dr = ve.GetBudgetLinesForStaging(budID); UpdateStatus("Loading budget info into staging table"); while (dr.Read()) { ve.InsertLineForStaging( bud.ID, proj.Number, Convert.ToInt32(dr["DeptGroup"]), Convert.ToInt32(dr["Task"]), Convert.ToInt32(dr["Category"]), Convert.ToInt32(dr["Activity"]), dr["WBS"].ToString(), dr["Description"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(dr["Quantity"]), Convert.ToInt32(dr["HoursEach"]), Convert.ToInt32(dr["TotalHours"]), Convert.ToDecimal(dr["LoadedRate"]), Convert.ToDecimal(dr["TotalDollars"]), 0, 0, dr["LineGUID"].ToString(), false, "", proj.DateStart, proj.DateEnd, dr["BudgetType"].ToString()); } dr.Close(); UpdateStatus("Loading plan information"); ve.InsertPlanInformation(budID); UpdateStatus("Loading WBS1 outline"); ve.InsertWBS1Outline(budID); UpdateStatus("Loading WBS2 outline"); // load wbs2 with outline numbers int outLvl = 1; int chldCnt = 0; string outlineNumber, deptName, deptNumber; dr = ve.GetWBS2Levels(); while (dr.Read()) { outlineNumber = "001." + outLvl.ToString("000"); deptName = dr["Description"].ToString(); deptNumber = dr["DeptGroup"].ToString(); chldCnt = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Cnt"]); ve.InsertWBS2Outline(budID, outlineNumber, deptName, deptNumber, "001", proj.DateStart, proj.DateEnd, chldCnt); outLvl++; } dr.Close(); UpdateStatus("Loading WBS3 outline"); // load wbs3 with outline numbers outLvl = 0; chldCnt = 0; string currLvl = ""; string activity = ""; int stageID; dr = ve.GetWBS3Levels(); while (dr.Read()) { if (dr["OutlineNumber"].ToString() != currLvl) { currLvl = dr["OutlineNumber"].ToString(); outLvl = 1; } stageID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]); outlineNumber = currLvl + "." + outLvl.ToString("000"); deptName = dr["Description"].ToString(); deptNumber = dr["DeptGroup"].ToString(); activity = dr["ACtivity"].ToString(); ve.InsertWBS3Outline(budID, outlineNumber, deptName, deptNumber, activity, currLvl, proj.DateStart, proj.DateEnd, chldCnt, stageID); outLvl++; } dr.Close(); UpdateStatus("Update staging with outline"); ve.UpdateStagingWithOutline(); if (CheckForExistingImport(projNumber) == true) { UpdateStatus("Processing as previous Export"); LoadAsPreviousExport(projNumber); } ve.RecordExportedBudgetLInes(); UpdateStatus("Finished Export"); MessageBox.Show("Finished building export tables"); this.Close(); } }
public void PreviewBudgetSummary(int budID, string wbs, bool rate) //***********************Added 7/22/2015 { FPreviewAR pv = new FPreviewAR(); rprtBudgetSummary1 rprt = new rprtBudgetSummary1(); DataSet ds; int totalHours; decimal totalHourDollars; decimal totalExpenses; decimal contingency; CBBudget bud = new CBBudget(); CBProject proj = new CBProject(); CBCustomer cust = new CBCustomer(); CBLocation loc = new CBLocation(); CBState state = new CBState(); bud.Load(budID); proj.Load(bud.ProjectID); cust.Load(proj.CustomerID); loc.Load(proj.LocationID); state.Load(loc.StateID); totalHours = CBBudget.GetTotalBudgetHours(budID, wbs); totalHourDollars = CBBudget.GetTotalBudgetHourDollars(budID, wbs); totalExpenses = CBBudget.GetTotalBudgetExpenses(budID); contingency = CBBudget.GetContingencyForBudget(budID); ds = CBBudget.GetBudgetSummaryForReport(budID, wbs); //ds = CBBudget.GetBudgetSummaryForReport(budID, wbs); if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 1) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Staffing Estimate Loaded Summary"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 2) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Engineering Estimate Loaded Summary"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 3) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Pipeline Services Estimate Loaded Summary"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 4) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Program Management Estimate Loaded Summary"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 5) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "EPC Estimate Loaded Summary"; } rprt.SetTitles(proj.Number, proj.Description, bud.GetNumber(), cust.Name, loc.City + "," + state.Abbrev, wbs); rprt.TotalHours = totalHours; rprt.TotalHourDollars = totalHourDollars; rprt.TotalExpenses = totalExpenses; rprt.Contingency = contingency; rprt.Rate = rate; rprt.DataSource = ds; rprt.DataMember = "Table"; pv.projNumber = proj.Number; // **************************Added 6/29/2015 ************************** if (rate == false) //************************Added 10/1/2015 { pv.Title = rprt.MainReportTitle + "WO Rate"; } else { pv.Title = rprt.MainReportTitle; } pv.ViewReport(rprt); pv.ShowDialog(); }
private GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Document.Section.PagesCollection CreatePagesBudgetSummary(int budID, string wbs) { rprtBudgetSummary1 rprt = new rprtBudgetSummary1(); DataSet ds; int totalHours; decimal totalHourDollars; decimal totalExpenses; decimal contingency; CBBudget bud = new CBBudget(); CBProject proj = new CBProject(); CBCustomer cust = new CBCustomer(); CBLocation loc = new CBLocation(); CBState state = new CBState(); bud.Load(budID); proj.Load(bud.ProjectID); cust.Load(proj.CustomerID); loc.Load(proj.LocationID); state.Load(loc.StateID); totalHours = CBBudget.GetTotalBudgetHours(budID, wbs); totalHourDollars = CBBudget.GetTotalBudgetHourDollars(budID, wbs); totalExpenses = CBBudget.GetTotalBudgetExpenses(budID); contingency = CBBudget.GetContingencyForBudget(budID); ds = CBBudget.GetBudgetSummaryForReport(budID, wbs); if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 1) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Staffing Estimate Loaded Summary"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 2) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Engineering Estimate Loaded Summary"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 3) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Pipeline Services Estimate Loaded Summary"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 4) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Program Management Estimate Loaded Summary"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 5) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "EPC Estimate Loaded Summary"; } rprt.SetTitles(proj.Number, proj.Description, bud.GetNumber(), cust.Name, loc.City + "," + state.Abbrev, wbs); rprt.TotalHours = totalHours; rprt.TotalHourDollars = totalHourDollars; rprt.TotalExpenses = totalExpenses; rprt.Contingency = contingency; rprt.DataSource = ds; rprt.DataMember = "Table"; rprt.Run(false); return(rprt.Document.Pages); }
public void Show_BudgetDetails(int budID, string wbs) //**************************Added 6/22/15 { FPreviewAR pv = new FPreviewAR(); rprtBudgetDetail rprt = new rprtBudgetDetail(); DataSet ds; CBBudget bud = new CBBudget(); CBProject proj = new CBProject(); CBCustomer cust = new CBCustomer(); CBLocation loc = new CBLocation(); CBState state = new CBState(); bud.Load(budID); proj.Load(bud.ProjectID); cust.Load(proj.CustomerID); loc.Load(proj.LocationID); state.Load(loc.StateID); ds = CBBudget.GetBudgetDetailsForReport(budID, wbs); if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 1) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Staffing Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 2) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Engineering Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 3) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Pipeline Services Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 4) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Program Management Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 5) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "EPC Estimate Loaded Details"; } rprt.SetTitles(cust.Name + " / " + loc.City + "," + state.Abbrev, proj.Description, proj.Number, bud.GetNumber(), wbs); rprt.DataSource = ds; rprt.DataMember = "Table"; //pv.ViewReport(rprt); //pv.ShowDialog(); GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Pdf.Section.PdfExport PDFEx = new GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Pdf.Section.PdfExport(); pv.Title = rprt.MainReportTitle; //************************Added 10/1/2015 rprt.Run(); SaveFileDialog sv1 = new SaveFileDialog(); sv1.Filter = "PDF Files | *.pdf"; sv1.DefaultExt = "pdf"; //PDFEx.FileFormat = GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Pdf.Section.FileFormat.Xlsx; if (sv1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { // ee.ExportBudgetForPrimavera(saveFileDialog1.FileName, moPCN.ID); PDFEx.Export(rprt.Document, sv1.FileName); } }