internal static void SaveDataToCsvFile(string response, string fileName) { Console.WriteLine($"Attempting to save {fileName} report data to archive file."); var division = ""; var date = ""; var getDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss.fff"); var directoryName = fileName.Contains("Types") ? "Types" : fileName; if (directoryName != "Types") { division = $"{HttpRestClient.AuthenticationInfo.Division}_"; } date = $"_{getDate}"; var filePathName = $"\\\\tb-sql-reports\\Archive\\Archive\\{directoryName}"; var fullFileName = $"api_{division}{fileName}{date}.csv"; var fullPath = Path.GetFullPath($"{filePathName}\\{fullFileName}"); try { File.AppendAllText(fullPath, response); Console.WriteLine($"Successfully saved {fileName} report data to archive file."); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Unable to save {fileName} report data to CSV. \n\n" + e); SmtpHandler.SendMessage($"RQ API import error: Unable to save {HttpRestClient.AuthenticationInfo.Division} {fileName} data to archive file", $"Unable to save {HttpRestClient.AuthenticationInfo.Division} {fileName} report data to archive CSV. \n\n{e}\n\n{e.InnerException}"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"{fileName} report data archival complete."); }
internal static void XmlToCsvFile(XmlDocument doc, string fileName, int division, DateTime date) { Console.WriteLine($"Preparing {fileName} archive file."); string csvOut; try { if (fileName == "") { Console.WriteLine($"Cannot save data for {division} to undetermined archive file."); return; } var xml = XDocument.Parse(doc.InnerXml); var sb = new StringBuilder(); var record = new Dictionary <string, string>(); // Add record level node names here if there is a change. var nodes = new List <string>() { "Record", "Table1", "Records" }; var nodeName = ""; foreach (var node in nodes) { if (xml.Descendants(node).Count() <= 1) { continue; } nodeName = node; foreach (var element in xml.Descendants(nodeName).Elements()) { if (!record.ContainsKey(element.Name.ToString())) { record.Add(element.Name.ToString(), ""); } } record.Add("DivisionID", ""); record.Add("AccessedDate", ""); } if (record.Count == 0) { SmtpHandler.SendMessage("RQ API import error: Unknown XML element", $"Unknown XML element. Unable to parse {HttpRestClient.AuthenticationInfo.Division} {fileName} data for saving to file."); return; } foreach (var key in record.Keys) { sb.Append($"{key},"); } sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1); sb.AppendLine(); foreach (var node in xml.Descendants(nodeName)) { foreach (var key in record.Keys.ToList()) { record[key] = ""; } foreach (var element in node.Elements()) { record[element.Name.ToString()] = element.Value; } record["DivisionID"] = division.ToString(); record["AccessedDate"] = date.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); foreach (var value in record.Values) { sb.Append($"\"{value}\","); } sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1); sb.AppendLine(); } if (sb.Length == 0) { SmtpHandler.SendMessage("RQ API import error: There were no records in xml data", $"There were no records in {HttpRestClient.AuthenticationInfo.Division} {fileName} xml data to save to csv. Please check that xml is being generated properly."); return; } csvOut = sb.ToString(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"A problem was encountered when preparing {fileName} archive file. \n\n" + e); SmtpHandler.SendMessage($"RQ API import error: Unable to prepare {HttpRestClient.AuthenticationInfo.Division} {fileName} data for archive file", $"Unable to prepare {HttpRestClient.AuthenticationInfo.Division} {fileName} report data for archive CSV. \n\n{e}\n\n{e.InnerException}"); return; } SaveDataToCsvFile(csvOut, fileName); }
internal static void ReadDataToDatabase(DataTable data, string tableName) { var division = HttpRestClient.AuthenticationInfo.Division; try { var connection = Connect(); var columns = TableColumns(tableName); foreach (var column in data.Columns) { if (!columns.Contains(column.ToString())) { AddColumnToTable(tableName, column.ToString()); SmtpHandler.SendMessage($"RQ API import added column {tableName}.", $"Column {column} added to {tableName} because it did not exist in the staging table and came through for {division}."); } } using (var bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(connection)) { Console.WriteLine($"Attempting to save data to {tableName} SQL table for {division}."); connection.Open(); foreach (DataColumn column in data.Columns) { if (column.ColumnName != "Table_Id") { bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(column.ColumnName, column.ColumnName); } } bulkCopy.BulkCopyTimeout = 600; bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = tableName; bulkCopy.BatchSize = 10000; try { bulkCopy.WriteToServer(data); } catch (SqlException e) { if (e.Message.Contains("Received an invalid column length from the bcp client for colid")) { var colNum = Regex.Match(e.Message, @"\d+").Value; var colName = columns[Convert.ToInt32(colNum) - 1]; UpdateColumnLength(tableName, colName); bulkCopy.WriteToServer(data); } else { throw; } } connection.Close(); Console.WriteLine($"Successfully saved data to {tableName} SQL table for {division} :D"); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Unable to save {division} data to {tableName} table."); SmtpHandler.SendMessage($"RQ API import error: Unable to save {division} data to {tableName} table", $"Unable to save {division} data to {tableName} table. \n\n{e}\n\n{e.InnerException}"); } }
internal static void JsonToCsvFile(DataTable data, string fileName) { Console.WriteLine($"Preparing {fileName} archive file."); string csvOut; try { if (fileName == "") { Console.WriteLine($"Cannot save data for {HttpRestClient.AuthenticationInfo.Division} to undetermined archive file."); return; } var sb = new StringBuilder(); var columnNames = new List <string>(); foreach (var columnName in data.Columns.Cast <DataColumn>().Select(column => column.ColumnName)) { columnNames.Add(columnName); } sb.Append("\""); sb.AppendLine(string.Join("\",\"", columnNames)); foreach (DataRow row in data.Rows) { IEnumerable <string> fields = row.ItemArray.Select(field => field.ToString().Replace("\"", "\"\"")); sb.Length--; sb.Length--; sb.Append("\"\n\""); sb.AppendLine(string.Join("\",\"", fields)); sb.Length--; sb.Append("\""); } sb.Length--; sb.Length--; sb.Append("\""); if (data.Rows.Count == 0) { SmtpHandler.SendMessage("RQ API import error: Unknown XML element", $"Unknown XML element. Unable to parse {HttpRestClient.AuthenticationInfo.Division} {fileName} data for saving to file."); return; } if (sb.Length == 0) { SmtpHandler.SendMessage("RQ API import error: There were no records in xml data", $"There were no records in {HttpRestClient.AuthenticationInfo.Division} {fileName} xml data to save to csv. Please check that xml is being generated properly."); return; } csvOut = sb.ToString(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"A problem was encountered when preparing {fileName} archive file. \n\n" + e); SmtpHandler.SendMessage($"RQ API import error: Unable to prepare {HttpRestClient.AuthenticationInfo.Division} {fileName} data for archive file", $"Unable to prepare {HttpRestClient.AuthenticationInfo.Division} {fileName} report data for archive CSV. \n\n{e}\n\n{e.InnerException}"); return; } SaveDataToCsvFile(csvOut, fileName); }
internal static String RequestReport(string reportName, string databaseTableName, string fileName, string startDate = "", string stopDate = "") // reportName = [report or list]/reportOrListName { var count = 1; var division = AuthenticationInfo.Division; var data = new DataTable(); var json = ""; var dateParams = ""; ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls; if (reportName.Contains("?")) { reportName += "&"; } else { reportName += "?"; } if (startDate != "") { dateParams = $"StartDate={startDate}&StopDate={stopDate}&"; } var preferredEnpoint = AuthenticationInfo.PreferredEndpoint ?? ""; var companyPartial = ""; if (AuthenticationInfo.CompanyId != 0) { companyPartial = $"&CompanyID={AuthenticationInfo.CompanyId}"; } var httpRequest = $"{preferredEnpoint}/{reportName}{dateParams}Response=json&Auth={AuthenticationInfo.AuthenticationToken}{companyPartial}"; // todo: use jsondatatables var client = new RestClient(httpRequest); var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET); client.Timeout = 10800000; // 3 hour IRestResponse response = new RestResponse(); var index = reportName.IndexOf("/", StringComparison.Ordinal); reportName = reportName.Substring(index + 1, reportName.IndexOf(@"?", StringComparison.Ordinal) - index - 1); Console.WriteLine($"Attempting to retrieve {reportName} data for {division}."); try { response = (RestResponse)client.Execute(request); Console.WriteLine($"Successfully received {reportName} response for {division}."); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Unable to retrieve {reportName} data for {division}."); SmtpHandler.SendMessage($"RQ API import error: Unable to retrieve {reportName}", $"Unable to retrieve {reportName} data for {division}.\n\n{e}"); } if (response.StatusDescription != "OK" || response.Content == "" || response.Content == "<Table />") { while (count < 3 && (response.StatusDescription != "OK" || response.Content == "" || response.Content == "<Table />")) { count++; Console.WriteLine($"{response.StatusDescription}. Attempt {count} to pull {reportName} data for {division}."); response = client.Execute(request); } } if (count == 3 && (response.StatusDescription != "OK" || response.Content == "" || response.Content == "<Table />")) { Console.WriteLine($"Could not pull {division} {reportName} data for the following reason: {response.ErrorMessage}. {response.StatusDescription}. {response.Content}."); SmtpHandler.SendMessage($"RQ API import could not pull {reportName}", $"Could not pull {division} {reportName} data for the following reason: {response.ErrorMessage}. {response.StatusDescription}. {response.Content}."); return(json); } Console.WriteLine($"Successfully pulled {reportName} data for {division} :D"); json = response.Content; if (databaseTableName != "" || fileName != "") { data = DataHandler.JsonToDataTable(json, startDate); } if (databaseTableName != "") { DatabaseConnection.ReadDataToDatabase(data, databaseTableName); } if (fileName != "") { DataHandler.JsonToCsvFile(data, fileName); } Console.WriteLine($"Data processing for {division} {reportName} complete.\n"); return(json); }